From what i noticed STO eat tons of band while playing, even browser games pale in comparison, today in about 7 hours or so it used 800 mb+.
That got to do with the game downloading stuff/patching every time you change map or enter something.
Wouldnt be a problem if not for the fact i am forced to use a mobile connection and it cost me 1,5 euro's a GB.
So there's a way to reduce this? like, dunno, a real client (and not like this half installed/half browser game i got now) or some files?
I would like way more a client of 25 gb size (like FO4 for example) to dl just once more than this costant eating my whole "allowed band".
Isnt unreasonable?
I play FW and could use 3 clients at once with a connection nerfed to 6kb/s, same apply to PWI, for a mmorpg that's supposed to be installed with a real client is totally unreasonable imo.
Hell, i played League of Angels 2 too and isnt anywhere near using that much despite being a full browser game.
Isnt that prepatching you talk about, can see clearly on loading scrren of every lvl on top of the screen, it come written how many files it dl and the speed (seen up to 15 files, and 1,5mb/sec).
Not sure what you're babling about the "1,5 gb bla bla", read better and you see i said i PAY 1,5 euros a gb, not that i can use 1.5 gb a day/week/whatever.
Seem you also missed/ignored the "forced" , not that's funny paying so much lol (like FO4 that costed me like 120 euro's from buying and downloading lol), maybe why you dont go "advise" as solution to someone on a wheelchair to get a new spine and legs?
Real solution is instead at worst, stop bothering with such and old game i am trying, defo not worth pay 3 euro's a day + the csing (that i was planning but putted on hold for now), simple as that (anyway also today, once i gone to sector Delta, i noticed this start to look like Forsaken World on space, really nice and fun at start until you reach the "milestone" and all of sudden cant do TRIBBLE).
I agree with most of what you say, with the exception of "The level of skilled required in this game is pathetically low." Yes, the game is quite easy up to a point, but the highers levels do require a bit more skill than just pew, pew, space bar mashing, especially new players using only all the free stuff, free ships, drop/mission reward equipment etc. Although someone could do some research on what skills to place where in the skillbar and how to set up the keybinds to go with it in which case you would be correct. No game skills required, just the ability to google search and follow directions.