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Broadside weapons.

kabutotokugawakabutotokugawa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
While playing in the "Battle of Procyon 5" map last night with my T-5U Dreadnought cruiser a though occurred to me. The 70-degree "broadside" effect that is supposed to work in this game, does not work very well. In fact, ships with a slow turn-rate that mount the maximum of eight-weapons (four-forward, four aft) seem less powerful now with the addition of the new heavy weapons on escorts. With the addition of the new "heavy weapon" slot for escorts (which I am enjoying on my escorts) I was thinking that cruisers (especially the slow turn-rate types) really could use some broadside slots (maybe one port and one starboard).
However, those slots should probably have limited types of weapons allowed (only weapons with a tight firing arc of 90-degrees or less, maybe even allow dual- and dual-heavy cannons on the broadsides) so as not to unbalance things any further than the game already is (escorts are now the most powerful ships in the game).
In classic Star Trek lore (and in the new Star Trek) most of the capitol-ships do have broadside weapons (on the saucers for federation ships, on the main hull for Klingon and Romulan).
Here is a good example:


As you can see the galaxy class has two broadside banks and one ventral bank that fires port and starboard (so three arrays).
So it makes sense for ships with horrid turn rates (less than 8) to have some kind of broadside weapons.
The power drain from two additional weapon slots will help balance the cruisers against escorts and science vessels, while still giving these ships a much needed boost in terms of DPS.


Perhaps a secondary weapon slot that uses a console to modify the ship's weapon arc coverage (meaning that existing weapons would be modified to cover more percentage in their firing arc. Say in increments of 10% up to 90% more so a beam-array could cover 360-degrees like an omni-weapon or turret, but would require a suitable, weapon-type specific (meaning bank, cannon, or array), console (in a new slot) that modifies the firing-arcs.

A third option would be to have an auxiliary or secondary maneuvering engine (like the secondary deflector array on some ships) that allows for a higher turn rate (though that would not solve the lack of the broadside effect working as it is supposed to). Current "inertia" or other turn-rate modifiers are far too low to be effective (when they actually work, which I imagine is a bug in the game). I've had "combat" impulse engines with a +10 to inertia not give the modifier to my Dreadnought cruiser T-6 consistently. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and if I'm in a PVE-map I can't log out and log back in to reset it. The modifier to turn rate is also too low to have any appreciable effect. Instead of the +10, maybe it should be modified to a +10% for the inertia bonus on impulse engines.

These are just suggestions to help put some balance back into the game now that we have escorts with heavy weapons, and new damage types (radiation, electrical, etc.) If cruisers, dreadnoughts, and battlecruisers are supposed to be capitol ships, then I shouldn't be able to blast them into dust in a few seconds in my Akira-type heavy escort. As someone that uses both types of ships for different missions and PVE-maps, that just doesn't seem right. The advantage of an escort should be its maneuverability and its speed. When escorts have equal hit-points, carry fighters, and have more powerful weapons than cruisers in addition to their speed an agility, the cruisers are no longer useful and thus lose their appeal to players.
Cruisers need some work to bring the game mechanics back into balance.
Science vessels need work also, but that's another discussion entirely. :smile:
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  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    STO has a very basic design flaw, since the beginning: The concept that you can balance a B'Rel BOP against a Galaxy Class Explorer. This causes every concern for "realistic" approaches on starship classes to go right out the airlock.

    That aside, I agree that the large cruisers need something unique to make playing them more interesting, and it should not be yet another passive bonus. Science ships habe Sensor analysis as ability and secondary deflectors as item. Escorts habe a "heavy" weapon as item, they need a ability. Cruisers have comnands as ability, they need an item. However, broadside weapons is not the thing I would choose, simply because it is so unfitting for the setting (if that is of any meaning at this point). A secondary warp core came up in the past, yet that would mean just more passive boni. Cruisers should have gotten the "heavy" weapon and escorts something else, really.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
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  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Look, the thing is this: the 6, 7, or 8 weapons you have on ships in STO is not meant to actually represent the guns on a ship directly. It's merely a way to quantify how many weapons a ship of x type and x class should be able to fit.
    Being able to slot 8 BA's just means your ship has access to firing a certain number of beam shots from any array Shard-points on the model. Just the same as you don't actually need 8 torp tubes on a model to slot 8 different torpedoes.

    Cryptic decided a sci ship would be least well armed, because it gets magic to play with, so it gets 6 guns. Just because Voyager actually has more than 6 guns don't mean a dang thing here. It's a science ship so it get stuck like that.

    Cruisers are the biggest ships, so they have more room for guns, more room for batteries and ammunition store. Therefore they get 8, the max number. Even though some cruisers in canon have way more that that.

    Escorts are in the middle of these two extremes. They are faster than a cruiser bu they can't hold the same number of guns or they'd be overpowered and make both cruisers and sci ships obsolete.

    What you see in game on your ship's stat tab is a very rough idea of what the devs think the ship would equate to onscreen, but not an exact copy with matching hard-points, weapon numbers etc. You have to sacrifice some realism when you make a game of the mechanics get too complex.
  • williamonealwilliamoneal Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I like this https://youtube.com/watch?v=0XdD2-c_KlM
    rapid torpedo launch, rapid shots from a single 300+ degree main bank, and from 2 pylon mounts.
  • bruccybruccy Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    i allways agrued from day one of the game that large cruisers should have 360 degree weapons firing from the saucer =p . even in voyager the intrepid fired directly backwards from its saucer , but people have allways been scared there beloved excorts would get out dp'sed
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    Right now, the scimitar (eng version with beam arrays) is one of the, maybe the most powerfull ship in the game. This ship is using 8 weapons, like a cruiser. The potential damage this ship could offer is so much higher than needed for the game. This referese to DPS => its for PvE. For PvP its different since you need spike dmg there so other faster ships are better.

    But hey, yes i want a scimitar with ~50 disruptor cannons and ~30 torpedo launcher (exact numbers might differ^^).. would just instant kill everything in the game available right now ;)
  • andykirkhamandykirkham Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    [quote="angrytarg;c-13228190"]STO has a very basic design flaw, since the beginning: The concept that you can balance a B'Rel BOP against a Galaxy Class Explorer. This causes every concern for "realistic" approaches on starship classes to go right out the airlock.

    That aside, I agree that the large cruisers need something unique to make playing them more interesting, and it should not be yet another passive bonus. Science ships habe Sensor analysis as ability and secondary deflectors as item. Escorts habe a "heavy" weapon as item, they need a ability. Cruisers have comnands as ability, they need an item. However, broadside weapons is not the thing I would choose, simply because it is so unfitting for the setting (if that is of any meaning at this point). A secondary warp core came up in the past, yet that would mean just more passive boni. Cruisers should have gotten the "heavy" weapon and escorts something else, really.[/quote]

    I like the idea of escorts needing another ability and cruisers needing another item. Cruisers should get a new dedicated torpedo(s) slot that can fire fore and aft. All cruisers in the shows used torpedos as their heavy hitting weapon. In STO people use beams for firing arc and since torpedos are underpowered anyway it would add a better weapon dynamic to the game allowing them to fire more frequently. Since most enemies redistribute shields, it would be OP but would help take advantage of drops in shields with more chances to fire torpedos, esp. if it had its own cool-down.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    I'm trying to understand the need for this since this:
    in terms of DPS, escorts are ridiculously powerful compared to cruisers.

    Isn't necessarily true in terms of PVE (where DPS is more prevalent). The new heavy weapons aren't that all powerful given that their damage isn't modified by much (by Cryptic's intention). Escorts were given heavy weapons because in PVE, they are lagging behind Beam Array (FAW) cruisers in terms of DPS. Given that their role is supposedly to DPS, this change was welcome. However in all honesty, the Heavy Weapons aren't enough to close the gap. Many of the heavy weapons are pretty weak (just slightly ahead of a single turret in most cases) and in some builds, actually result to a DPS loss when slotted due to the power drain they create.

    In terms of PVE at least, the DPS boards are mostly dominated by Cruisers (or variants of Cruisers) running Beam Arrays and therefore likely broadsiding. In fact, of the top 10, only 1 is using a cannon build (which I suspect is a Scimitar) and he is only at #7. Broadsiding in PVE with (single) Beam Arrays isn't a problem at all.

    In terms of PVP, where spike (not sustained DPS) reigns supreme, then fast cannon escorts do have the advantage over slow Cruisers. But slow cruisers have the advantage of long term survivability due to it's better Engineering seating and higher hull HP.

    So is this a PVP issue or a PVE one?
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    The new heavy weapons (at Level XII) do 1074.5 points of damage every 4 seconds and have a 360-degree arc. That damage is electrical damage and thus only Neutronium (or similar "all damage") modifiers will help protect a ship. In addition, the new heavy weapons hit up to 5-targets in a line with a 10% bonus to each target.
    Even the phaser-lance of the dreadnought cannot do that, so yes, it is ridiculously powerful in terms of DPS, coverage, and effects.

    Ok, I'm going by publicly available parses from the SCM tables.

    To compare that to a single Terran Taskforce Beam Array, the TTFA did 11.2k DPS on its own in the top ISA parse. That's 11.2k DPS on normal firing mode. In addition to that, it did an additional 16.9k DPS under FAW3.

    To compare that further, that player's normal Disruptor Arrays did 27.2k. Since he is running 1 TTFA and 1 Kinetic Cutting Beam, that would mean he had only 6 of these on his ship. That would amount to 4.5k DPS each under normal firing. On top of that, it did an additional 55.6k DPS from FAW3 or about 9.3k DPS each on FAW. That would mean each beam was doing about 14k DPS each.

    So yeah, Cruisers, and Beam Arrays do not have a shortage of DPS in PVE.
    In terms of firepower and coverage, escorts should not be as powerful as cruisers at medium to long range. Close range, yes, they should actually be more powerful.

    Escorts IMO are not as powerful as Cruisers in PVE. They can have the theoretical higher damage output, but they lack the survivability Cruisers will give in sustained firefights commonly found in PVE. Since they cannot stay in the fight longer, they'll be beaten by Cruisers in most PVE DPS races. IMO the edge goes to Battlecruisers and Dreadnoughts even. If the escort is running Cannons or DBB, they won't even have the coverage a standard BA FAW Cruiser would give (hence why tanks generally run single BAs with FAW).
    That has caused an imbalance in a game that has a lot of combat. If escorts can do the job of cruisers in a game that is combat-oriented, then why bother having cruisers in the game at all.

    Yeah I was following the discussion (since you opened it actually) but what I do not agree on, is that Cruisers are behind Escorts in PVE. I'll agree that in PVP Escorts are better due to their defense (from speed) and ability to go in and out of combat really quickly give them the edge.

    But in high end PVE, cruisers give the best balance in firepower and survivability in both my experience playing in the mid to high end of all 3 ship classes and what the DPS tables show. If there is a jack-of-all-trades ship in STO, they are the Cruisers. Try doing an all Escort HSE or an all Escort Fez for example. That would be so much harder than doing an all Cruiser or all Science Vessel HSE or Fez. In fact, I'd say Escorts are behind even Science Vessels.
  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Tooltip values can be extremely misleading, so no matter if it shows 1000 DPS on a heavy weapon, your *actual* DPS (that is done to an enemy and read by parser) is going to be TRIBBLE to mediocre (depends on player and type of heavy weapon used).

    And as other expert players have told you here, no, escorts are not too powerful.
    For fed players, the strongest ship in game is most probably Science T6 Odyssey, the Yorktown. For roms, it's T6 Scimitar. For klinks, I'm not sure, but I doubt it's something other than 8-weapon (battle) cruiser style ship.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    For Klingons it was the D7 Temporal Battlecruiser prior to S13. It probably still is.

    Also honorable mention to the Krenim Imperium Warship for feds.
  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Currently, escorts do far more damage than cruisers do and bring their weapons to bear faster at equal ranges.

    Already this sentence proves how clueless you are about what's actually going on in the game. But then again, why did I expect anything else from forums?
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Overall cruisers do have a disadvantage over escorts because some escorts have the same number of weapons as Cruisers do with equal or better firing arcs, and the higher-end cruisers have hull-points equal to many escorts of the same level (or close enough).

    Again, I think this is a flawed assumption because both ship types have their own strengths and weaknesses in PVP and PVE scenarios.

    The TTFA example needs the Kinetic Cutting Beam

    It does not.

    Looking at the basic DPS and firing arcs of weapons it becomes very clear who holds the advantage in combat: escorts.
    At level-x, common-grade the basic DPS of STO weapons are as follows:

    Beam Array/250°/200 (160)
    Dual Beam Bank/90°/266 (213)
    Cannon/180°/144 (192)
    Dual Cannon/45°/200 (267)
    Dual Heavy Cannon/45°/401 (267)
    Turret/360°/90 (120)

    Again, this is not a good indication of balance between the ship classes (based on the weapons they can carry). You cannot ignore the skills used to modify these weapons' output. For example, a 4/4 beam array build with FAW will essentially have a 360° coverage for the duration of that FAW, with each beam hitting 2 targets each. A Cannon setup using CSV will only hit 3 targets within a cone around your primary target.

    Just there alone, Beam Arrays are ahead in the DPS front (hence why many Escorts run beams as well for PVE). If cannon-escorts are truly that much superior in DPS compared to cruisers, you'll be sure to see all those DPS'ers jumping into the bandwagon... but they are not. The guys who dive deeply into spreadsheets are running FAW cruisers.

    Also, Cryptic devs have stated on several podcasts that the reason why they've added Heavy Weapons to Escorts is because Escorts are behind all the other ship types in terms of DPS. The Heavy Weapon was their way of equalizing Escorts with Cruisers and Science Vessels. Their own metrics say that Escorts are behind Cruisers. The DPS charts say that Escorts are behind Cruisers. Those are 2 (3 if you count the other DPS league) independent sources with empirical proof that Escorts were behind Cruisers.
    I've a basic Andorian build (Khyzon type) with three forward firing Dual-Heavy Cannons, one Photon Torpedo, and the Phaser Wing Cannons (DMGx4), plus a turret aft, one photon torpedo aft, and the heavy weapon.
    That means I can bring 4000-DPS (base) with level-x weapons, common-grade.
    A cruiser with 4 fwd, 4 aft using three beam arrays fwd, one photon fwd, 3 beam arrays aft, one photon can only bring 960=DPS broadside 70-degree arc, and only about 1500-DPS in either aft or forward. That could be increased using cannons, turrets, omni-beams etc, but not to the point of the escort.

    Again, this is a flawed conclusion because nobody runs around any map just firing normal shots. You have to put the powers that affect the weapons into account.
    Take out the photon torpedo weapon and the DPS of both ship types drops giving the escort a major advantage in terms of DPS.

    You do know that for the very basic DPS builds, adding a torpedo will result to a DPS loss right? You are splitting your consoles, your BOff and DOff abilities as well as your traits to make the most of either. There are certain builds where a torpedo is beneficial (like using the Nausicaan Disruptor torpedo with the array for the set bonus) but for general energy weapon DPS setups, you do not want to slot a torp.
    Now, that is okay so long as that advantage has some other drawback to balance things off.
    That's why we were discussing other options here.
    Giving cruisers more weapon slots is NOT an option.
    Giving cruiser weapons (like dual-bean banks) better coverage is a decent option.
    Most cruisers already cannot use dual cannons. The ones that can have turn rates that make those weapons inefficient for use against fast and maneuverable targets.

    Again, buffing cruisers at this point would make them above the other ships as of the current setting. Right now, cruisers are in a good middle ground.
    PVE is not the only consideration here.
    The overall use of cruisers in combat is.

    This opens another can of worms (PVE vs PVP balance). PVE and PVP in this game are so far apart right now. IMO the main advantage Escorts have over Cruisers in PVP is speed (and the associated defense boost). Also, PVP is more of a spike race. A cruiser excells at sustained DPS, while an Escort does spike damage really well.

    Generally, a BFAW/CSV build works great in PVE, while a BO/CRF/SS build works better in PVP. The raw DPS of each weapon type has little to do with the final balance of these ships IMO. It's how powers, traits and captain abilities interact with the environment the weapon is used that matters.

    For example, say you do add arc for DBBs when used in Cruisers, then while you'll end up a bit more competitive in fighting escorts in PVP, you'd be making Cruisers so much more OP in PVE. Likewise, if you nerf Cannons for PVP, you'll knock Cannons back to where they were last year in PVE (lackluster) and bring us all back squarely into BFAW Online.
    Again, PVE is not the primary focus here, nor is PVP, or 5x5, or episodes.

    See above.
    Science vessels get the short end of the stick, I admit that and that is another issue entirely.

    No, not really. A properly built Sci ship will do well in both PVE and PVP. I'd say Sci ships are actually ahead of both Cruisers and Escorts in terms of adaptability to different scenarios.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    angrytarg wrote: »
    That aside, I agree that the large cruisers need something unique to make playing them more interesting, and it should not be yet another passive bonus. Science ships habe Sensor analysis as ability and secondary deflectors as item. Escorts habe a "heavy" weapon as item, they need a ability. Cruisers have comnands as ability, they need an item. However, broadside weapons is not the thing I would choose, simply because it is so unfitting for the setting (if that is of any meaning at this point). A secondary warp core came up in the past, yet that would mean just more passive boni. Cruisers should have gotten the "heavy" weapon and escorts something else, really.

    The answer is Heavy Beam Arrays for cruisers.
    Make em like you see in TNG. Shoots 1 beam, not pew-pew-pew-pew. Longer animation duration that standard and hits 4 times as hard, maybe a 'freebie' buff like DHCs have for their hitting harder-ness. I could see being hit by 8 quadruple strength beams being a broadside you'd prefer not to take.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Overall, the escort has the advantage and that is clear.
    The DPS numbers are not hidden. They do not require extensive calculations.
    They are set numbers and thus it is very easy to see.
    I already gave you the base numbers and YES those are what matter since it is literally how much damage per second these weapons can do.

    That is the problem with your argument though... The weapon base numbers do not tell the entire story of the performance between these ships.

    Oh but it does for the 360-degree coverage. The standard beam array does not have that. It also does kinetic damage, not beam.

    It does not. The TTFA does not (in your words) "need" the kinetic cutting beam. Besides, the reason for slotting the Kinetic Cutting beam for today's builds have nothing to do with 360 coverage. The fact that it is a kinetic weapon and unable to be upgraded with any of the firing modes is actually a DPS loss for that slot.

    Again, you are talking about specialized builds when I am not.
    I'm talking about bare-bones/normal cruisers and have consistently said that from the beginning.
    However, anything you use to upgrade a cruiser can be made even better on an escort and that's the problem. If you can't bring your weapons to bear, then you aren't going to inflict heavy DPS.
    If you throw special builds and skills into the mix, then escorts can be built to offer greater firepower than a typical cruiser. Hell, I can take a T-3 Akira class and trick it out to able to blow stock T-6 Concorde Battlecruisers away easily. I've done that in the Core Assault 5x5 map. Granted, you need heavy shields (Hyper-Capacitor Capx4 are what I use) or the T-3 will get chewed to pieces, but the damage it can inflict on the Concorde is crazy.
    One wide-arc dual heavy antiproton cannon maxed out to Level-XIV (very rare/purple), two standard dual heavy antiproton cannons (maxed out to Level-XIV (very rare/purple), and two omni-directional antiproton beam arrays (one ancient, one standard both maxed out to Level-XIV, very rare/purple).
    However, if we stick to stock (since we can argue "ad inifinitum" with skills, consoles, and other modifiers) and stick to equivalency we see quickly that equal level cruisers and escorts are not balanced. Escorts have the advantage.
    Take a T-3 Heavy Escort (stock) armed with common Level-X dual heavy cannons and it will defeat a T-3 Heavy Cruiser armed with four Level-X beam arrays and two Level-X photons almost every time.

    Highlight in the above quote is mine since you talk about ignoring "specialized builds" then proceed to talk about your own "specialized build". Core Assault runs are generally not a good indication of ship performance because a vast majority of players playing in Core Assault do not know how to fight other players. The basic player does not even know how to leverage the main advantage of cruisers, which is their ability to tank out damage.
    I'm getting my information from the DPS charts, so no, you are not correct here.
    Wish Nagorak would update his calculator.
    That thing was helpful when he first made it.
    But even then, using the old STO game mechanics of 2010-2012, the DPS of escorts were higher in forward arcs, but lower in aft, so there was actually more parity/balance than there is now.


    Keep in mind that that calculator is obsolete at this point due to all the changes made since then.

    This is funny... since I almost made a joke last night on whether or not you are in 2017 with me, because much of your arguments sound like they were from the era when STO was called "Escorts Online".
    Please, show me the pod cast(s) where Cryptic says what you are alluding to. I'd like to watch it to see their reasoning and determine if it is marketing to get people to buy escorts or if it is a serious analysis of their game mechanics. I am honestly interested.

    Here you go. It is here (at just after 1:12)


    If you add powers into the equation then the escorts become EVEN MORE powerful with their tactical slots. Being able to fire cannons "rapid-fire", or in a "scatter-volley", increases their DPS considerably and/or the number of targets hit.

    It increases your DPS output yes, but not to the extent BFAW will simply due to the map coverage BFAW gives. Remember, CSV limits you to 3 targets. Your primary target, and 2 more in a cone around it. Whereas FAW will simply hit everything in range of your ship.

    This is why FAW has been popular for years now and the tool of choice for the top end of the DPS'ers. It's only with the S13 rebalance that Cannons have come back to close the gap (if not still a bit behind).

    However, a cruiser has a tough time against the Diamond if you don't have it tricked out with high-end weapons. Just try using a T-6 Dreadnought or T-6 Guardian Cruiser against it with level-XII common weapons: it's not fun.

    So you're comparing your MkXIV cannon builds with MarkXII common weapons?
    Yes, but we're talking about base ships, not custom builds.
    We're also talking about general purpose here, not anything built specifically for PvE, or PvP, or missions individually.
    So JOT ships are in this discussion only because otherwise this discussion will get bogged down into a long winded monologue about which builds are best.

    Even for basic builds (or one may argue that especially for basic builds), a torpedo on a primarily energy-based build will be a DPS loss. Torpedoes require very specific builds to work well.
    Having parity (which is all I'm asking for here) is not even close to being what Star Trek has portrayed in its various media over the years. Cruisers are portrayed as being far superior to other ships as can be seen in some of the video I posted in this thread. Dominion ships were cutting through Mirandas like a hot knife through butter while Galaxy and even Nebula class ships were taking multiple hits.

    Except that in cannon, the Defiant (and the basis of STO's Escort class) is the first Federation warship. It was built in response to the huge losses the Federation took in the Battle of Wolf 359. It was built with firepower in mind.
    PvE vs PvP balance really is not an issue. PvE is a team effort, whereas PvP is player(s) vs player(s) and they are not really comparable. You can built ships for each, but when considering the overall game mechanics we have to look at escort performance overall compared to cruiser and when you do that, you find that escorts can be built to do monstrous amounts of damage.
    I know, I've done it.
    Another thing I've experimented with to test this theory is arming a cruiser (Fleet Avenger class Battlecruiser T-5U) with all cannons (four single forward, and three turrets aft, two photon torps 1 Fwd/1 Aft). The DPS is horrendous with them, and when I switch out with dual heavy cannons in place of the singles, it is even higher, however, when I switch to beam weapons (these are Level-XII phasers) the DPS drops considerably. I don't bother with dual-beam banks because they lack the arc coverage. Single cannons do better damage and have better arc coverage.
    Now, compare the Fleet Avenger class Battlecuiser to the Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier (both T-5U ships) and it is obvious which ship is superior (stock, not with modifiers/skills, or the like). The Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier is. Why? Because it has almost the same ship hit points (it is a little less), double the turn rate, and a hangar bay. The Fleet Battlecruiser does have better shield bonus (by .2%), and slightly better BoFF stations, but that's it. The Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier now has the heavy weapon slot, so the Fleet Battlecruiser does not have more weapons. Why should a Heavy Escort Carrier be equal to a battlecruiser? That does not make any sense.

    This all boils down to the parameters of the test. Against a single target, sure! Cannons and potentially escorts will mow that down faster than a Cruiser using BFAW. But when you move to more NPC-dense maps (which is a majority of the PVE maps in the game), you'll start to see Cruisers edge out Escorts.

    Remember how DPS is calculated. It's not on a per target basis, but a total amount of damage per second. To simplify an example:
    1. A cannon build for example hitting 3 targets for 10k DPS each will deal 30k DPS
    2. A BFAW build hitting 10 targets for 5k each would amount to 50k DPS

    See how coverage multiplies DPS now?
    I disagree. The science vessels should have a range modifier to allow them to fire beyond 10-km. We saw that in Star Trek The Next Generation episode "The Wounded" when we see a Nebula class ship "The Phoenix" attack Cardassian ships outside the range of their weapons, allowing the science vessel to destroy the Cardassian ships from a distance.
    I'd like to see STO science ships be able to do the same thing in game.


    I do not think you know exactly how powerful Science Vessels are in relation to other ship classes now in S13. They were only partially behind Cruisers in S12. With S13's changes, Sci ships are some of the deadliest ships in the game for both PVE and PVP. As a player whose played mostly high-end sci ship builds for the last 3 years or so, I can tell you that they do not need further buffs.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Yes, I know, but the DPS for multiple targets becomes meaningless unless all 10 targets take 50K a piece, which they do not.
    If an escort is dishing out 10K at one target, and a cruiser is dishing out 5K to 10 targets, the cruiser has dealt LESS damage per target and that is my POINT.
    That's why I started this whole discussion talking about only ship-to-ship DPS without any of the modifiers, skills, etc. Once you add that into the discussion, it muddies the water and moves the goal posts away from the original subject matter.

    Ok, this is good. We are now on the same page regarding this which is IMO, the root of all misunderstanding in this post.

    Now to address that...

    True, in a 1 vs 1 scenario, a Cannon-equipped escort will out perform a broadsiding Cruiser (but not by much really especially with the buff to BO, which is another story). But in a map of multiple enemies, a team of FAW-broadsiding cruisers will outdo a team of CSV escorts primarily due to coverage. In the example above, a team of 5 Cruisers with identical piloting and gear would theoretically drop a collective 25k DPS on each target, in a 360-arc.

    Escorts, to bring their 10k DPS damage to each target will have to maneuver and aim. In the time it would take do do that, the cruisers would have already vaped everything around them (hence the number of threads complaining about DPS FAW builds vaping targets all over this forum). The more target rich the environment gets, the more BFAW gets ahead. So in this instance, there is a pro and con to both. Escorts would excel at picking off small groups of targets, while BFAW builds would be better for clearing maps.

    That right there indicates to me there is an inherent balance between the 2 ship types. You've got one set of ships capable of dealing better concentrated damage, and another set better suited for dealing damage spread-out.
    I've never had a problem with that at all. Granted I only use one or two torpedoes on a ship with enough weapon slots to make it worth it (six minimum)

    For basic gameplay (normals and advanced) this is fine, since the damage requirements for such maps are generally low. It's when you get to Elites that mixed builds start to suffer, unless the build is specifically specialized to utilized that mixed setup through various synergies.
    I usually check out Ezri Ryan's vidoes on this subject as he explains them well (for me at least), but he hasn't updated STO vids in years.

    Yes I am familiar with Ryan's work and they have been very useful as a guide in the past. While some of the things he covered before are still relevant today (mostly on the piloting side), a lot has changed since the skill revamp and the subsequent space balance passes were made.
    Like I said above, I agree that allowing Dual-Banks to use BFAW is not a good idea, however, allowing Dual-Beam Banks to fire in greater arcs than just 90-degrees, by using a cruiser-specific console/slot, would help improve their DPS against ONE other ship in combat.

    Which brings up the question, what would they use then? BO works very differently now. An 8-DBB broadside BO would be devastating (and unbalanced) in PVP I would think.
    but at least Dual-Beam banks would have more of a purpose than they do now (something your commentary has moved this conversation towards).

    The main problem with DBB in my experience is the loss of damage for having to run omni-beams. Omni-beams not only have a lower innate damage, they also come with less favorable mods and even less slot-able flavors. For most cruisers, it is better to run 8 arrays and broadside.
    I was an escort guy from 2010 to 2015, went cruiser/escort (use different ones for different maps) in 2015 and have yet to use science vessels outside of the multi-mission ships or Lukari ship.
    I will have to check out the new changes and see how powerful they've become.
    Thanks for the heads up on them.

    No problem. Science vessels and associated builds got a huge buff with the skill revamp, temporal rep/spec trees and while S13 did nerf some Science abilities, it also buffed others so it was more of a "sideways-adjustment". If you are interested in them, you might (hopefully) find my rather lengthy discussion on flying sci-torp builds useful:


    If you just want to see them in action, @tunebreaker did a nice video of one of our runs at The Battle of Korfez (which is one of the most difficult PvE maps right now post S13).

  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    The problem here is that escorts can also mount beam arrays, and with better turn rates they can bring them to bear in better arcs of fire (forward and aft). Escorts also usually have greater weapon power generation, so it certainly would be interesting to see how much damage they could do.

    That's what they are meant to do though, deal damage. This is even mentioned in the podcast link I sent earlier.

    There should also be a consideration made for survivability between ship classes. The cruiser with its innately higher hull, better engineering seating and shield modifiers get better survivability for its damage output (hence the ship class of choice for tanks).

    Escorts do get speed and defense but that comes with the trade-off of possibly getting their weapons out of arc, or they themselves can end up out of position.
    In ship-to-ship, the escort wins most of the time as it can mount heavy weapons

    Are you talking about the new Heavy Weapons slots or Dual Heavy Cannons? If yo uare talking about the Heavy Weapons, they are not as good as you might think. On my best run for example, my 2 rear Mk XII Fleet turrets did about 10k DPS (combined CSV and normal fire) on my best run for my Mercury Pilot Escort, compared to the 2.1k DPS total from my Heavy Weapon.

    This coincides with what most other Escorts pilot tell me, the Heavy Weapons are generally weaker than a single Turret. You also have to consider, Turrets are the weakest energy weapon type to begin with.
    A problem solved by arming escorts with beam arrays and using FAW themselves.

    True. Hence why most escorts also run beam arrays.
    I also said a few weeks back that there should be only one of these consoles on a ship, and that no more than one bank-enhancement should be allowed (the bank slot could even be specific to a ship type based on the official materials).

    This will be contradictory to Cryptic's design intent though, and the reason they gave Escorts heavy weapons to start with.
    With specialty torpedoes (like the Crystalline Energy Torp) ships with projectile weapons do okay in elite maps, but not as well as beam builds, I will admit that.

    Yeah the energy torps do help in energy builds. I'm curious though, when was the last time you've tried an Elite Space STF? They are quite a bit harder than the single player "mission" or "patrol" maps.
    But one Dual-Beam Bank would not, and that's all I've been saying here.

    I understand that now, thanks. But I am still not convinced Cruisers would need them, and neither does Cryptic it seems.
    That still leaves Dual-beam banks as being worthless. :smiley:

    Not really worthless. Suboptimal maybe. But still very much a viable build choice.
    Thank you again for your input, it is very helpful and constructive to this discussion.

    I hope you enjoy them. It was fun making them. :smile:
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