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Risa login bug

cylon797cylon797 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
Logged off on Risa now I can't log back in I sat in the loading screen for 20 minutes and nothing happened. Any tips on how to get past this are welcome.


  • cmnkb8#4413 cmnkb8 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Same here. I hope the devs can fix this quickly.

    UPDATE: I brought another toon that was not originally on Risa and beamed down to the resort, then swapped back to my first toon that was trapped and that fixed the load-in problem for me. Hope that works for everyone else.
    Post edited by cmnkb8#4413 on
  • doctorwho9999999#0598 doctorwho9999999 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    same too this sucks stargatefan2@doctorwho i log off on risa the other day no problems before game was patch
    Post edited by doctorwho9999999#0598 on
  • bluesteel#1606 bluesteel Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I am trapped in Risa Limbo as well. Everyday that we cannot login is one less day to earn Vouchers! :s And I really want that ship!
  • doctorwho9999999#0598 doctorwho9999999 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    FIX FOR THIS make a second account logout then login to other account this sure should work i wish i did this hours ago
  • cry4dawn#4898 cry4dawn Member Posts: 2 New User
    I had to contact a GM via this webpage. Go under support and open a ticket. You can use the live chat to have someone move your character. I logged out last night on Risa and that character will never complete the load on PS4. My buddy had the same issue I did.
  • eric5014#7761 eric5014 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    UPDATE: I brought another toon that was not originally on Risa and beamed down to the resort, then swapped back to my first toon that was trapped and that fixed the load-in problem for me. Hope that works for everyone else.

    Thank you, this solution worked for me too.

  • nehmis#9272 nehmis Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Same problem here, stuck at login. Just to confirm, creating a second character, beaming down to Risa and then switching to the stuck character enables it to load in?

    Never having a second character I don't know the character switching mechanics but it can be selected in game?(to swap character)

    Or do you have to exit to the main menu?
  • randalmarrs#3720 randalmarrs Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Just switching toons allowed me to log in to my character stuck on Risa. Yes, just above the logout command is one to change characters.
    Post edited by randalmarrs#3720 on
  • misterlogic#8721 misterlogic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Same problem here, except all 5 of my characters are on Risa. Can't load any of them, so there goes my Summer Event ship and my Mirrors and Smoke weekly reward. Bummer.
  • tmghost7729#8985 tmghost7729 Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    > @misterlogic#8721 said:
    > Same problem here, except all 5 of my characters are on Risa. Can't load any of them, so there goes my Summer Event ship and my Mirrors and Smoke weekly reward. Bummer.

    Contact support, they should be able to move you
  • theawesomeran#6208 theawesomeran Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Sweet thanks I've almost redone my whole internet setup thinking the problem was on my end. Silly me.

    Edit: Tried this and can only play as my Romulan alt. Cant switch characters as it starts the whole thing over again.

    Sorry edit again: Now I cannot play as my Romulan alt who was no where near Risa. Now downloading Skyforge and DC Online.
    Post edited by theawesomeran#6208 on
  • picard99picard99 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    Three characters stuck at loading screen on RISA !
  • tmghost7729#8985 tmghost7729 Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Contact support to move you.
  • theawesomeran#6208 theawesomeran Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Just for giggles tried playing again today. Nothing. Whom can I contact?
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,677 Community Manager
    We're looking into this, guys. I'll update you as we know more.
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