So the new competitive wargames reputation has a new beam call Omni Tetryon suport beam array. Unfortunally it seems its tagged as a crafted one since you cant equip it alongside a crafted one, of any kind. Tried tetryon, antiproton, disruptor and phaser.
The general rule so far seems to be 1 crafted omni beam + one special omni beam (episode reward, lobi store and I am assuming reputation too). But the tetryon suport omni beam from the competitive wargames reputation cant be equiped alongside a crafted omni beam.
I know a crafted Omni Phaser won't stack with a Omni Pulse Phaser. Will a Omni Pulse Phaser stack with the Omni Competitive Rep Tetryon? Or should/will it?
I feel like they should all just be labeled Primary or Secondary Omni or something...
Yes it is fixed, but I can only speak for PC. Sry have no clue what is happening on consoles side.
I belive so, those two phaser beams should stack becouse they are from different categories.