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Okay hear me out Cryptic.......



  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    PS (Because I fear the Edit) I wasn't trying to suggest that non-supporting grind players be kicked out of the game or prevented from playing, I was just pointing out that they aren't actually paying to keep the lights on, those of us who purchase direct, who subscribe, we're the ones actually paying to keep the lights on. And that if the concern is that allowing ship upgrade tokens to go from T2 up to T3, T3 to T4, T4 to T5, T5 to T5U, T5U to T6, that's five tokens. 600 Zen per piece, and that's the same as a T6 outright, and a ship which may not have a T6 counterpart. And the player might still buy another T6 anyway (especially if they're a collector) It wouldn't actually be costing Cryptic anything, but would definitely open another revenue stream.
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Why give players the ability to customize their ships when they can just make variants of ships with different specialization seating?
    Customizing BOff seating is about the same as upgrading lower tier ships to higher tiers. People would only fly certain things and not buy new shiny.

    "I'm gonna upgrade my T2 Cruiser all the way to T6!"
    New cruiser comes out.
    "Not my Cruiser. Not gonna buy it. I'm content with my upgraded ship."

    Basically the same idea.
    "I love my Guardian, but I don't want Intel seating."
    Changes to Command Seating.
    New cruiser comes out that has Command seating.
    "Don't need it. I got my Command Guardian."
    New cruiser is NOT bought.

    Making new variants = more $$$ for Cryptic which in turn = more content for players in the long run.
    If someone has to buy an upgrade token each time they level up, that alone, could (depending on the price-point) add up to more than outright buying a T6 ship.

    There are players, I'm not going to name and shame, but one of the most active posters on Online's facebook page, who posts Cryptic-defending stuff on almost every comment made which is critical of Cryptic, has openly admitted that he has never spent a penny of cash-money on the game, but grinds absolutely Everything. Someone like that isn't supporting the game financially at all or paying for T6 ships, but they're still making use of the game like everyone else. Every ship someone like that grinds for, is a ship not paid for. Not a case of 'don't need it, got my Command Cruiser', but a case of 'I'll get me some of that, but I'm not paying for it,' That's not paying to keep the lights on.

    So to use your line, with players like that, new cruiser is NOT bought ;)

    You're also forgetting ship collectors. Those who buy ships because they WANT One, not because they Need one ;) Players like that, will buy anything which is put out, because that's what they do. Even someone who has uplifted a T2 Centaur to T6, might still want to have other ships in their stable, just to have a bit of variety, or to round out a collection set.

    Collectors like that, would balance against those who might grind, or uplift (and uplifters would still pay to do so) so I don't see that an upgrade option as leading to a fall in sales.

    one flaw in your reasoning, to get anything from the cstore you have to play zen, to get "free" zen the easiest most common way is the dil ex. which needs somebody to pay for zen to trade. so someone did in fact pay for it, just not the person using it.
    True, it is trading on 'floating' zen which Someone paid for and converted to dil or keys, but that doesn't lessen the fact that a player who does that, is still making use of the game, and only contributing their time, rather than putting their hand in their pocket and paying their way like others. They're using 'second-hand money', not putting their own money direct into Cryptic's pocket. To be fair, it is a very Ferengi mindset :D

    you are vastly underestimating how useful just their time is. look at the queues, take away a large number of player then even ISA or CCA will stop running. and what about fleets? cut out players adding to that everything takes longer makes it harder to get gear. free player help the game paying people play the game. which keeps paying players paying. a dead game makes nothing.

    *looks at the queues* Look pretty dead to me, guy, I hear, because people don't like the content or the interface to load them up ;)

    What if ISA or CCA stopped running? Serious question, no joke, what would happen? What difference would it actually make? Plenty of missions available to grind for the farming, I hear 'Tour the Federation' getting mentioned, but never looked into it myself.

    I'm not a smoker, but consider this analogy: A group of people sitting in a circle taking a smoke then passing, eventually, that cigarette's going to burn out. Eventually, someone's going to have to kick in more tobacco and more papers, or even just produce matches or lighter to re-light the existing butt if it goes out.

    Yes, grinder players are utilizing the zen Someone else has paid for, but that's a finite quantity, and Cryptic's needs are ongoing: They need injections of cash to keep the lights on, they can't keep 'sucking the ashes'.

    except thats not even close to how the dil exchange works, it closer to someone doing some chores(the thing thats give dil) for that cigarette. or actual employment you give your time(in this case dil) for pay(zen). I don't even know where your getting the idea zen is that limited. and if you don't know what happen when the thing everyone does all the time dies then we're wasting our time here.

    PS (Because I fear the Edit) I wasn't trying to suggest that non-supporting grind players be kicked out of the game or prevented from playing, I was just pointing out that they aren't actually paying to keep the lights on, those of us who purchase direct, who subscribe, we're the ones actually paying to keep the lights on. And that if the concern is that allowing ship upgrade tokens to go from T2 up to T3, T3 to T4, T4 to T5, T5 to T5U, T5U to T6, that's five tokens. 600 Zen per piece, and that's the same as a T6 outright, and a ship which may not have a T6 counterpart. And the player might still buy another T6 anyway (especially if they're a collector) It wouldn't actually be costing Cryptic anything, but would definitely open another revenue stream.

    look at the price for the tier 5 galaxy then the price for the tier 6 version. you should see the flaw in your logic.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Why give players the ability to customize their ships when they can just make variants of ships with different specialization seating?
    Customizing BOff seating is about the same as upgrading lower tier ships to higher tiers. People would only fly certain things and not buy new shiny.

    "I'm gonna upgrade my T2 Cruiser all the way to T6!"
    New cruiser comes out.
    "Not my Cruiser. Not gonna buy it. I'm content with my upgraded ship."

    Basically the same idea.
    "I love my Guardian, but I don't want Intel seating."
    Changes to Command Seating.
    New cruiser comes out that has Command seating.
    "Don't need it. I got my Command Guardian."
    New cruiser is NOT bought.

    Making new variants = more $$$ for Cryptic which in turn = more content for players in the long run.
    If someone has to buy an upgrade token each time they level up, that alone, could (depending on the price-point) add up to more than outright buying a T6 ship.

    There are players, I'm not going to name and shame, but one of the most active posters on Online's facebook page, who posts Cryptic-defending stuff on almost every comment made which is critical of Cryptic, has openly admitted that he has never spent a penny of cash-money on the game, but grinds absolutely Everything. Someone like that isn't supporting the game financially at all or paying for T6 ships, but they're still making use of the game like everyone else. Every ship someone like that grinds for, is a ship not paid for. Not a case of 'don't need it, got my Command Cruiser', but a case of 'I'll get me some of that, but I'm not paying for it,' That's not paying to keep the lights on.

    So to use your line, with players like that, new cruiser is NOT bought ;)

    You're also forgetting ship collectors. Those who buy ships because they WANT One, not because they Need one ;) Players like that, will buy anything which is put out, because that's what they do. Even someone who has uplifted a T2 Centaur to T6, might still want to have other ships in their stable, just to have a bit of variety, or to round out a collection set.

    Collectors like that, would balance against those who might grind, or uplift (and uplifters would still pay to do so) so I don't see that an upgrade option as leading to a fall in sales.

    one flaw in your reasoning, to get anything from the cstore you have to play zen, to get "free" zen the easiest most common way is the dil ex. which needs somebody to pay for zen to trade. so someone did in fact pay for it, just not the person using it.
    True, it is trading on 'floating' zen which Someone paid for and converted to dil or keys, but that doesn't lessen the fact that a player who does that, is still making use of the game, and only contributing their time, rather than putting their hand in their pocket and paying their way like others. They're using 'second-hand money', not putting their own money direct into Cryptic's pocket. To be fair, it is a very Ferengi mindset :D

    you are vastly underestimating how useful just their time is. look at the queues, take away a large number of player then even ISA or CCA will stop running. and what about fleets? cut out players adding to that everything takes longer makes it harder to get gear. free player help the game paying people play the game. which keeps paying players paying. a dead game makes nothing.

    *looks at the queues* Look pretty dead to me, guy, I hear, because people don't like the content or the interface to load them up ;)

    What if ISA or CCA stopped running? Serious question, no joke, what would happen? What difference would it actually make? Plenty of missions available to grind for the farming, I hear 'Tour the Federation' getting mentioned, but never looked into it myself.

    I'm not a smoker, but consider this analogy: A group of people sitting in a circle taking a smoke then passing, eventually, that cigarette's going to burn out. Eventually, someone's going to have to kick in more tobacco and more papers, or even just produce matches or lighter to re-light the existing butt if it goes out.

    Yes, grinder players are utilizing the zen Someone else has paid for, but that's a finite quantity, and Cryptic's needs are ongoing: They need injections of cash to keep the lights on, they can't keep 'sucking the ashes'.

    except thats not even close to how the dil exchange works, it closer to someone doing some chores(the thing thats give dil) for that cigarette. or actual employment you give your time(in this case dil) for pay(zen). I don't even know where your getting the idea zen is that limited. and if you don't know what happen when the thing everyone does all the time dies then we're wasting our time here.
    The dil and the zen is just changing hands and going from one to another (until the zen goes back to Cryptic) I'm not saying that it's That limited, just that it is finite, and Cryptic have ongoing needs and costs which they can't cover with dil or zen, but need $$s to take care of. So new cash injections are always going to be needed to keep things going, or pay for unexpected or additional expenditures outside of their plan.

    Another example, it's quite possible to live on a fixed income: Welfare, inheritance stipend, whatever. Let's say $150 a week. Most weeks, that might be enough to cover everything (just) but say you rip the TRIBBLE out of your pants, or your cat has to go to the vet, or someone puts a brick through your windshield for the lols. The fixed income isn't going to be able to cover all the existing expences, and the unexpected eventuality. More money would be needed to take care of things.
    look at the price for the tier 5 galaxy then the price for the tier 6 version. you should see the flaw in your logic.
    I have no PC access at the moment, so I can't log on to check. Could you remind me of the prices? Last I checked, new T6 ships were 3000Z. What logical flaw are you refering to?
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    Or were they 3500z? I forget...
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    PS And what would happen if CCA and ISA stopped running? You never answered the question.
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Why give players the ability to customize their ships when they can just make variants of ships with different specialization seating?
    Customizing BOff seating is about the same as upgrading lower tier ships to higher tiers. People would only fly certain things and not buy new shiny.

    "I'm gonna upgrade my T2 Cruiser all the way to T6!"
    New cruiser comes out.
    "Not my Cruiser. Not gonna buy it. I'm content with my upgraded ship."

    Basically the same idea.
    "I love my Guardian, but I don't want Intel seating."
    Changes to Command Seating.
    New cruiser comes out that has Command seating.
    "Don't need it. I got my Command Guardian."
    New cruiser is NOT bought.

    Making new variants = more $$$ for Cryptic which in turn = more content for players in the long run.
    If someone has to buy an upgrade token each time they level up, that alone, could (depending on the price-point) add up to more than outright buying a T6 ship.

    There are players, I'm not going to name and shame, but one of the most active posters on Online's facebook page, who posts Cryptic-defending stuff on almost every comment made which is critical of Cryptic, has openly admitted that he has never spent a penny of cash-money on the game, but grinds absolutely Everything. Someone like that isn't supporting the game financially at all or paying for T6 ships, but they're still making use of the game like everyone else. Every ship someone like that grinds for, is a ship not paid for. Not a case of 'don't need it, got my Command Cruiser', but a case of 'I'll get me some of that, but I'm not paying for it,' That's not paying to keep the lights on.

    So to use your line, with players like that, new cruiser is NOT bought ;)

    You're also forgetting ship collectors. Those who buy ships because they WANT One, not because they Need one ;) Players like that, will buy anything which is put out, because that's what they do. Even someone who has uplifted a T2 Centaur to T6, might still want to have other ships in their stable, just to have a bit of variety, or to round out a collection set.

    Collectors like that, would balance against those who might grind, or uplift (and uplifters would still pay to do so) so I don't see that an upgrade option as leading to a fall in sales.

    one flaw in your reasoning, to get anything from the cstore you have to play zen, to get "free" zen the easiest most common way is the dil ex. which needs somebody to pay for zen to trade. so someone did in fact pay for it, just not the person using it.
    True, it is trading on 'floating' zen which Someone paid for and converted to dil or keys, but that doesn't lessen the fact that a player who does that, is still making use of the game, and only contributing their time, rather than putting their hand in their pocket and paying their way like others. They're using 'second-hand money', not putting their own money direct into Cryptic's pocket. To be fair, it is a very Ferengi mindset :D

    you are vastly underestimating how useful just their time is. look at the queues, take away a large number of player then even ISA or CCA will stop running. and what about fleets? cut out players adding to that everything takes longer makes it harder to get gear. free player help the game paying people play the game. which keeps paying players paying. a dead game makes nothing.

    *looks at the queues* Look pretty dead to me, guy, I hear, because people don't like the content or the interface to load them up ;)

    What if ISA or CCA stopped running? Serious question, no joke, what would happen? What difference would it actually make? Plenty of missions available to grind for the farming, I hear 'Tour the Federation' getting mentioned, but never looked into it myself.

    I'm not a smoker, but consider this analogy: A group of people sitting in a circle taking a smoke then passing, eventually, that cigarette's going to burn out. Eventually, someone's going to have to kick in more tobacco and more papers, or even just produce matches or lighter to re-light the existing butt if it goes out.

    Yes, grinder players are utilizing the zen Someone else has paid for, but that's a finite quantity, and Cryptic's needs are ongoing: They need injections of cash to keep the lights on, they can't keep 'sucking the ashes'.

    except thats not even close to how the dil exchange works, it closer to someone doing some chores(the thing thats give dil) for that cigarette. or actual employment you give your time(in this case dil) for pay(zen). I don't even know where your getting the idea zen is that limited. and if you don't know what happen when the thing everyone does all the time dies then we're wasting our time here.
    The dil and the zen is just changing hands and going from one to another (until the zen goes back to Cryptic) I'm not saying that it's That limited, just that it is finite, and Cryptic have ongoing needs and costs which they can't cover with dil or zen, but need $$s to take care of. So new cash injections are always going to be needed to keep things going, or pay for unexpected or additional expenditures outside of their plan.

    Another example, it's quite possible to live on a fixed income: Welfare, inheritance stipend, whatever. Let's say $150 a week. Most weeks, that might be enough to cover everything (just) but say you rip the **** out of your pants, or your cat has to go to the vet, or someone puts a brick through your windshield for the lols. The fixed income isn't going to be able to cover all the existing expences, and the unexpected eventuality. More money would be needed to take care of things.
    look at the price for the tier 5 galaxy then the price for the tier 6 version. you should see the flaw in your logic.
    I have no PC access at the moment, so I can't log on to check. Could you remind me of the prices? Last I checked, new T6 ships were 3000Z. What logical flaw are you refering to?

    on the first part. we are going in circles and I get the feeling thats not going to change so I'm gonna drop it.

    a tier 6 is 3000z a tier 5 2000, tier 4 1500, tier 3 1000. see the pattern not only do they cost, not counting the very limited free ships, each level costs more. that idea while fine if a game was designed that way doesn't fit with sto.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • frankocasio2frankocasio2 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Yep, this would be neat but it would stop people from purchasing and trying out more ships on their quest to find an ideal mix.

    Sorry to say it but your "lots of zen" are probably zippo compared to the amount that currently bankrolls this game and which would stop if peeps could mix and match the ship of thier dreams and then leave it at that.


    It should also be noted that STO suffers a chronic case of power keep after 7 years. Fixed ship/boff layouts keep it at least a bit in line. A tier 6 scim with an lt. commander Intel seat instead of command would have some sex appeal tho.
    Yep, this would be neat but it would stop people from purchasing and trying out more ships on their quest to find an ideal mix.

    Sorry to say it but your "lots of zen" are probably zippo compared to the amount that currently bankrolls this game and which would stop if peeps could mix and match the ship of thier dreams and then leave it at that.


    It should also be noted that STO suffers a chronic case of power keep after 7 years. Fixed ship/boff layouts keep it at least a bit in line. A tier 6 scim with an lt. commander Intel seat instead of command would have some sex appeal tho.

    How many of you work for Cryptic? Your opinions are just that yours. Ideas and suggestions from paying customers need not be subjected to such scrutiny from the peanut gallery of free to play members.
  • frankocasio2frankocasio2 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    So define 'lots of Zen'. Probably not what I'm thinking it is. I spend about US $100.00 per month on this game. I know people who spend far more per week than I do per month. So my idea of 'lots of Zen' may be just a little different from yours, lol.
    So define 'lots of Zen'. Probably not what I'm thinking it is. I spend about US $100.00 per month on this game. I know people who spend far more per week than I do per month. So my idea of 'lots of Zen' may be just a little different from yours, lol.

    The point please...
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Why give players the ability to customize their ships when they can just make variants of ships with different specialization seating?
    Customizing BOff seating is about the same as upgrading lower tier ships to higher tiers. People would only fly certain things and not buy new shiny.

    "I'm gonna upgrade my T2 Cruiser all the way to T6!"
    New cruiser comes out.
    "Not my Cruiser. Not gonna buy it. I'm content with my upgraded ship."

    Basically the same idea.
    "I love my Guardian, but I don't want Intel seating."
    Changes to Command Seating.
    New cruiser comes out that has Command seating.
    "Don't need it. I got my Command Guardian."
    New cruiser is NOT bought.

    Making new variants = more $$$ for Cryptic which in turn = more content for players in the long run.
    If someone has to buy an upgrade token each time they level up, that alone, could (depending on the price-point) add up to more than outright buying a T6 ship.

    There are players, I'm not going to name and shame, but one of the most active posters on Online's facebook page, who posts Cryptic-defending stuff on almost every comment made which is critical of Cryptic, has openly admitted that he has never spent a penny of cash-money on the game, but grinds absolutely Everything. Someone like that isn't supporting the game financially at all or paying for T6 ships, but they're still making use of the game like everyone else. Every ship someone like that grinds for, is a ship not paid for. Not a case of 'don't need it, got my Command Cruiser', but a case of 'I'll get me some of that, but I'm not paying for it,' That's not paying to keep the lights on.

    So to use your line, with players like that, new cruiser is NOT bought ;)

    You're also forgetting ship collectors. Those who buy ships because they WANT One, not because they Need one ;) Players like that, will buy anything which is put out, because that's what they do. Even someone who has uplifted a T2 Centaur to T6, might still want to have other ships in their stable, just to have a bit of variety, or to round out a collection set.

    Collectors like that, would balance against those who might grind, or uplift (and uplifters would still pay to do so) so I don't see that an upgrade option as leading to a fall in sales.

    one flaw in your reasoning, to get anything from the cstore you have to play zen, to get "free" zen the easiest most common way is the dil ex. which needs somebody to pay for zen to trade. so someone did in fact pay for it, just not the person using it.
    True, it is trading on 'floating' zen which Someone paid for and converted to dil or keys, but that doesn't lessen the fact that a player who does that, is still making use of the game, and only contributing their time, rather than putting their hand in their pocket and paying their way like others. They're using 'second-hand money', not putting their own money direct into Cryptic's pocket. To be fair, it is a very Ferengi mindset :D

    you are vastly underestimating how useful just their time is. look at the queues, take away a large number of player then even ISA or CCA will stop running. and what about fleets? cut out players adding to that everything takes longer makes it harder to get gear. free player help the game paying people play the game. which keeps paying players paying. a dead game makes nothing.

    *looks at the queues* Look pretty dead to me, guy, I hear, because people don't like the content or the interface to load them up ;)

    What if ISA or CCA stopped running? Serious question, no joke, what would happen? What difference would it actually make? Plenty of missions available to grind for the farming, I hear 'Tour the Federation' getting mentioned, but never looked into it myself.

    I'm not a smoker, but consider this analogy: A group of people sitting in a circle taking a smoke then passing, eventually, that cigarette's going to burn out. Eventually, someone's going to have to kick in more tobacco and more papers, or even just produce matches or lighter to re-light the existing butt if it goes out.

    Yes, grinder players are utilizing the zen Someone else has paid for, but that's a finite quantity, and Cryptic's needs are ongoing: They need injections of cash to keep the lights on, they can't keep 'sucking the ashes'.

    except thats not even close to how the dil exchange works, it closer to someone doing some chores(the thing thats give dil) for that cigarette. or actual employment you give your time(in this case dil) for pay(zen). I don't even know where your getting the idea zen is that limited. and if you don't know what happen when the thing everyone does all the time dies then we're wasting our time here.
    The dil and the zen is just changing hands and going from one to another (until the zen goes back to Cryptic) I'm not saying that it's That limited, just that it is finite, and Cryptic have ongoing needs and costs which they can't cover with dil or zen, but need $$s to take care of. So new cash injections are always going to be needed to keep things going, or pay for unexpected or additional expenditures outside of their plan.

    Another example, it's quite possible to live on a fixed income: Welfare, inheritance stipend, whatever. Let's say $150 a week. Most weeks, that might be enough to cover everything (just) but say you rip the **** out of your pants, or your cat has to go to the vet, or someone puts a brick through your windshield for the lols. The fixed income isn't going to be able to cover all the existing expences, and the unexpected eventuality. More money would be needed to take care of things.
    look at the price for the tier 5 galaxy then the price for the tier 6 version. you should see the flaw in your logic.
    I have no PC access at the moment, so I can't log on to check. Could you remind me of the prices? Last I checked, new T6 ships were 3000Z. What logical flaw are you refering to?

    on the first part. we are going in circles and I get the feeling thats not going to change so I'm gonna drop it.

    a tier 6 is 3000z a tier 5 2000, tier 4 1500, tier 3 1000. see the pattern not only do they cost, not counting the very limited free ships, each level costs more. that idea while fine if a game was designed that way doesn't fit with sto.
    No worries, I can agree to disagree to save circles ^_^

    If the cost of an upgrade token was also scaled across the tier jumps, the overal price spent on a ship could easily exceed the 3000Z cost of a new T6. It would depend on the pricepoint.

    And with regards the free ships, there've been a few instances where I've stuck with a particular tier ship, and upgrading the weapons and consoles, to progress through the next rank, when I didn't like that particular rank's freebie. Being able to pay 600Z for an upgrate token makes that T3 Nova fly a little further (and they really are a good little ship) and would certainly be a more user-friendly option for players who aren't down with the exchange, to keep that favorite ship going for a little longer. And it's STILL money in Cryptic's pocket. It's not taking anything from them, it's only adding a new revenue stream. By the time someone boosts their Nova to T6 and reached level 60, they may well want to try something else, and that's going to mean either T6 or a Fleet T5U to stay competitive with the leveled NPCs. I've tried some of the early mission at L60, with the original NX, and getting absolutely pasted. Back in a T6, problem solved. So anyone wanting new ships, is still going to have to pay for them. Again, it would only bring Cryptic more money, not reduce the income.

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    So define 'lots of Zen'. Probably not what I'm thinking it is. I spend about US $100.00 per month on this game. I know people who spend far more per week than I do per month. So my idea of 'lots of Zen' may be just a little different from yours, lol.

    The point please...

    @frankocasio2 - Okay, time for the ELY5 technique. I'll use small words, okay?

    I wanted to get some idea of how much money the OP thought was "a lot of Zen". I used what I spend per month as an example. Then, I thought of somebody I know who thinks nothing at all of spending US $1,000.00 per week on STO. So, by presenting the two examples I know of, I was hoping the OP could then offer a number which had a little more objective value than 'a lot of Zen'. That's all. Are you less confused now? Good. Glad to help.

    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    See Below.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    Why would they do that when they could just sell you a command version for 3000zen? And another intel version for 3000 zen.

    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    See Below.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    Why would they do that when they could just sell you a command version for 3000zen? And another intel version for 3000 zen.


    Okay I guess I'll spell this out as simply as possible, take my Fleet T6 Manta it has two(2) universal Bridge officer spots one is Ensign the other Lt. Commander, one(1) Commander Tac, one(1) SCI Lieutenant, and one Lt. Commander/Command spot. All I want is to change my Lt. Universal into a Lt. Universal/Pilot Spot. why you ask so I can use Pilot abilities with my Universal Bridge Officer Spot. And no It will not Stop me from ever buying another Ship. why you ask, because If i see a ship I like I buy it that's why I keep around 8,000 to 10,000 Zen on my main toon at all times. and lastly when T7 ships come out, (at the rate things ave been going) all they would be is the same ship but with one(1) extra console slot, WOW when can I buy that... PASS. Now if you naysaying Trolls still want to shoot this down than so be it. but I will pay good money to have that option and one day it will come to fruition. remember the Nebula was asked for and people said it would never happen, it did, the T6 miranda was asked for and people said It would NEVER happen, It did, people asked for Borg ships, according to STO Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/perfectworld) the Devs are working on it off and on but don't like the way it works... to them I say look how Starfleet Command 3 did it. The fact is you bug them enough it will happen. So remember variatie is the spice of life, nothing stays the same forever.
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    I guess STO twitch page cant be posted.... that what was in between the "( )" they should fix that... unless that would cause some one to never buy a ship again.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Yep, this would be neat but it would stop people from purchasing and trying out more ships on their quest to find an ideal mix.

    Sorry to say it but your "lots of zen" are probably zippo compared to the amount that currently bankrolls this game and which would stop if peeps could mix and match the ship of thier dreams and then leave it at that.


    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    See Below.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    Well from what i can tell my idea is the next T6U because at the end of the day it is not that hard to change a Lt. commander universal into a Lt. commander Universal/Command. Just like how an Upgrade Token GIVES an extra console to a T5, so I don't see how hard or impossible it may be. I only see people that don't want the game to change. this is now my mission to get this to happen.

    Trolls need not reply.......

    Why would they do that when they could just sell you a command version for 3000zen? And another intel version for 3000 zen.


    ^^ This.
  • frankocasio2frankocasio2 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    The argument that this would hurt ships sales is both false and misleading. I have passed on buying many a ships because they lacked the proper console slot. If the argument is I will not buy a ship because there are more options evaluable to me then your motives for making the argument are in question.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    Are we going to pretend it was an accident they let the KT Connie have a nice clear selling period before announcing the TOS Connie? People ABSOLUTELY buy 'close enough' when perfect isn't available. Thenthey buy perfect too.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    nikeix is right. People bought the Konnie, and then they bought the Connie when it came out.

    I have neither. And I'm happy with that.

    I don't need 'tokens' to change bridge officer slots. I purchase ships with the seating arrangement I like. Yes, many times it's 'close enough'. I don't have to have 'perfect', because 'closer' will always come along soon enough

    I doubt you ever get them, too.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Keeping it alive
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    There are certain ships like the Guardian Cruiser where its specialization slot makes no sense since there is nothing stealthy about a Guardian Cruiser. It would make more sense to change the Guardian Cruiser's Lieutenant Engineering/Intelligence slot to a Lieutenant Engineering/Universal slot.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    There are certain ships like the Guardian Cruiser where its specialization slot makes no sense since there is nothing stealthy about a Guardian Cruiser. It would make more sense to change the Guardian Cruiser's Lieutenant Engineering/Intelligence slot to a Lieutenant Engineering/Universal slot.
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.

    this is what I am talking about, non Trolls giving great feed back to an idea now spread the word we can make Cryptic do this.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Someone disagreeing with you does not automatically make them a troll.
    Yeah, it's a given that Cryptic thought of the idea of universal spec slots. they've chosen not to use the idea though, and probably won't.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
    That would be pretty cool. My main's main ship has command seating, and I have several command-qualified boffs. I also have several intel-qualified, and temporal-qualified boffs. Boff skills I've never used, because I've never had intel or temporal seating. I'm not a fan of the look of the temporal-capable ships, so I'm not going to shell out on the cost of a T6 ship I don't even like the look of, Just So I can let a boff unleash their space magic. Not going to happen. But if I could buy a token for say, 2000Z or maybe even 3000zZ, which allowed me to re-spec the universal seat, like my man Philip J. Fry said, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!

    Or, how about, a series of T6 universal ships. Let me lay it out:

    One for each class, such as carrier, science, escort, battleship, dreadnought. Each has standard or average T6 stats, and a suitable console/weapon slot arrangement/boff seating for that class. For example, lets say a cruiser could have 1xCmdr 2xLt.Cmdr 2xLt and 1xEns.

    But EVERYTHING on the ship (except for weapons/consoles slots) is universal. It can use any hull skin for that class of ship. Every seat is universal for any ability or spec. Weapons and consoles would have to be class appropriate, as there needs to be something to tie each ship to its specific class. But the other stuff, all universal. Proposed cost?


    Not cheap compared to other T6 ships, but considering the flexibility which would be afforded, I think that would sell very well, and to both PvE and PvP crowds :)

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • vinny#6447 vinny Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
    That would be pretty cool. My main's main ship has command seating, and I have several command-qualified boffs. I also have several intel-qualified, and temporal-qualified boffs. Boff skills I've never used, because I've never had intel or temporal seating. I'm not a fan of the look of the temporal-capable ships, so I'm not going to shell out on the cost of a T6 ship I don't even like the look of, Just So I can let a boff unleash their space magic. Not going to happen. But if I could buy a token for say, 2000Z or maybe even 3000zZ, which allowed me to re-spec the universal seat, like my man Philip J. Fry said, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!

    Or, how about, a series of T6 universal ships. Let me lay it out:

    One for each class, such as carrier, science, escort, battleship, dreadnought. Each has standard or average T6 stats, and a suitable console/weapon slot arrangement/boff seating for that class. For example, lets say a cruiser could have 1xCmdr 2xLt.Cmdr 2xLt and 1xEns.

    But EVERYTHING on the ship (except for weapons/consoles slots) is universal. It can use any hull skin for that class of ship. Every seat is universal for any ability or spec. Weapons and consoles would have to be class appropriate, as there needs to be something to tie each ship to its specific class. But the other stuff, all universal. Proposed cost?


    Not cheap compared to other T6 ships, but considering the flexibility which would be afforded, I think that would sell very well, and to both PvE and PvP crowds :)

    KEEP it coming my friend. :)
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    vinny#6447 wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
    That would be pretty cool. My main's main ship has command seating, and I have several command-qualified boffs. I also have several intel-qualified, and temporal-qualified boffs. Boff skills I've never used, because I've never had intel or temporal seating. I'm not a fan of the look of the temporal-capable ships, so I'm not going to shell out on the cost of a T6 ship I don't even like the look of, Just So I can let a boff unleash their space magic. Not going to happen. But if I could buy a token for say, 2000Z or maybe even 3000zZ, which allowed me to re-spec the universal seat, like my man Philip J. Fry said, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!

    Or, how about, a series of T6 universal ships. Let me lay it out:

    One for each class, such as carrier, science, escort, battleship, dreadnought. Each has standard or average T6 stats, and a suitable console/weapon slot arrangement/boff seating for that class. For example, lets say a cruiser could have 1xCmdr 2xLt.Cmdr 2xLt and 1xEns.

    But EVERYTHING on the ship (except for weapons/consoles slots) is universal. It can use any hull skin for that class of ship. Every seat is universal for any ability or spec. Weapons and consoles would have to be class appropriate, as there needs to be something to tie each ship to its specific class. But the other stuff, all universal. Proposed cost?


    Not cheap compared to other T6 ships, but considering the flexibility which would be afforded, I think that would sell very well, and to both PvE and PvP crowds :)

    KEEP it coming my friend. :)

    That was the limit of my creativity :D
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
    That would be pretty cool. My main's main ship has command seating, and I have several command-qualified boffs. I also have several intel-qualified, and temporal-qualified boffs. Boff skills I've never used, because I've never had intel or temporal seating. I'm not a fan of the look of the temporal-capable ships, so I'm not going to shell out on the cost of a T6 ship I don't even like the look of, Just So I can let a boff unleash their space magic. Not going to happen. But if I could buy a token for say, 2000Z or maybe even 3000zZ, which allowed me to re-spec the universal seat, like my man Philip J. Fry said, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!

    Or, how about, a series of T6 universal ships. Let me lay it out:

    One for each class, such as carrier, science, escort, battleship, dreadnought. Each has standard or average T6 stats, and a suitable console/weapon slot arrangement/boff seating for that class. For example, lets say a cruiser could have 1xCmdr 2xLt.Cmdr 2xLt and 1xEns.

    But EVERYTHING on the ship (except for weapons/consoles slots) is universal. It can use any hull skin for that class of ship. Every seat is universal for any ability or spec. Weapons and consoles would have to be class appropriate, as there needs to be something to tie each ship to its specific class. But the other stuff, all universal. Proposed cost?


    Not cheap compared to other T6 ships, but considering the flexibility which would be afforded, I think that would sell very well, and to both PvE and PvP crowds :)

    The only problem being, that would be the last ship most players would ever buy, myself included.

    LTS and loving it.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    arionisa wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I could see them, making a universal spec version of the universal boff seat. Where you could either choose what spec into that slot like one might with the universal seat, or maybe even more interesting mix an match boff abilities from the different specs. Maybe have some limitations on it, as I honestly could see having a dedicated spec seat able to use up to the stated seat rank, while a universal spec seat could use up to one seat under the stated seat ranking.
    That would be pretty cool. My main's main ship has command seating, and I have several command-qualified boffs. I also have several intel-qualified, and temporal-qualified boffs. Boff skills I've never used, because I've never had intel or temporal seating. I'm not a fan of the look of the temporal-capable ships, so I'm not going to shell out on the cost of a T6 ship I don't even like the look of, Just So I can let a boff unleash their space magic. Not going to happen. But if I could buy a token for say, 2000Z or maybe even 3000zZ, which allowed me to re-spec the universal seat, like my man Philip J. Fry said, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!

    Or, how about, a series of T6 universal ships. Let me lay it out:

    One for each class, such as carrier, science, escort, battleship, dreadnought. Each has standard or average T6 stats, and a suitable console/weapon slot arrangement/boff seating for that class. For example, lets say a cruiser could have 1xCmdr 2xLt.Cmdr 2xLt and 1xEns.

    But EVERYTHING on the ship (except for weapons/consoles slots) is universal. It can use any hull skin for that class of ship. Every seat is universal for any ability or spec. Weapons and consoles would have to be class appropriate, as there needs to be something to tie each ship to its specific class. But the other stuff, all universal. Proposed cost?


    Not cheap compared to other T6 ships, but considering the flexibility which would be afforded, I think that would sell very well, and to both PvE and PvP crowds :)

    The only problem being, that would be the last ship most players would ever buy, myself included.
    Maybe, but there would always be more new players to keep buying them ;)

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    because there are reasons to like playing it? People typically pick games based on how fun they are, not based on how old they are.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    I see noobs every day...
    My character Tsin'xing
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