I swear you guys must have my computer bugged or something. Every time I've said I'm going to save cash in the last while I'm convinced someone at Cryptic that makes these decisions sits back and is like "hold my beer." tis epicness
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
"Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing."
Or, more to the point, now is the time to buy some keys, sell them on the exchange, and then take that money and actually get the ship they want. Or they can play the lock box lottery and hope for the best.
RIP (2022) : Officer Wilbert Mota, Corporal Charles Galloway, Detective Jason Rivera, Officer Fernando
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
"Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing."
Or, more to the point, now is the time to buy some keys, sell them on the exchange, and then take that money and actually get the ship they want. Or they can play the lock box lottery and hope for the best.
A word of advice from someone who's opened his fair share of boxes, go in with the expectation you're doing it for the lobi. if you get luck and drop a ship that's even better.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
i bought 16 keys a couple of hours before the the anounsmint of the sale. so in the future can we get it at least 2 or 3 days before the sale.
The result will be people buying keys when the sale is announced, missing the actual starting date, and then complaining.
And as you should know - someone has to perform the ritual sacrifice of buying Master Keys outside a sale, so that the Sales gods are appeased and launch a sale shortly after.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
Now I know why.
A: %100, but only the day after you already spent your money.
But seriously though is there gonna be another layered sale here or is this it?
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Or, more to the point, now is the time to buy some keys, sell them on the exchange, and then take that money and actually get the ship they want. Or they can play the lock box lottery and hope for the best.
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
A word of advice from someone who's opened his fair share of boxes, go in with the expectation you're doing it for the lobi. if you get luck and drop a ship that's even better.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
The result will be people buying keys when the sale is announced, missing the actual starting date, and then complaining.
And as you should know - someone has to perform the ritual sacrifice of buying Master Keys outside a sale, so that the Sales gods are appeased and launch a sale shortly after.