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  • binkleyboy#3920 binkleyboy Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Dont play those awful games have some self-respect.

    Games are all about self respect. If you can't respect yourself, you can't respect others, and you can't be a productive member of the gaming community. Druk gets it.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Star Trek Online
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    seriously play DCUO guys... youll love SWTOR afterwards

    You realize that is like saying seriously guys, try getting kicked in the nads 100 times...you'll love getting punched in the face afterwards.

    more like kicked in the nads 100 times and shat upon versus lightly pimp slapped once.... DCUO is that punitive to people that give it money but dont sub

    I play DCUO...and yeah...I know. Still think SWTOR is more like a punch to the face.

    I suppose I could see it, after they made most endgame content 'sub or gtfo' it DID get more 'punch to the face'ish
    Haven't played much since KotET so I tend to forget that part
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    starkaos wrote: »
    dragnridr wrote: »
    I voted none since Warframe has the Best free to play model. EVERYTHING in the market can be farmed for in game, or traded with other players. Even the currencies are down to 3. Ducats, Platinum, and credits. Ducats are like Lobi, Platinum is the premium currency and credits are like energy credits. Plus Warframe's market is mostly cosmetic. Hell, even the devs themselves said you don't have to spend a single dime to get anything in the game. You can just grind everything out in game and get everything. And the only timegating is for crafting. You can run missions back to back to back without being forced to wait umpteen hours.

    After all that's being done to STO, and the major nerfs coming, I seriously doubt I''ll be here much longer.

    You can grind everything out in sto though except a few minor cosmetic things.

    Lifetime Subscription depends on if you are on the PC or console if you can grind it out. Most of the things that were originally unavailable through a grind are now in the Phoenix Pack. Only items like the Andorian Light Escort, Command Assault Cruiser, Party Poppers, and certain preorder items are not available to grind.

    The LTS exclusive stuff is really just cosmetic though. Talaxian/borg skins, the vet ships, the captain's table, fireworks.

    If you include the Talaxian/Borg skins and Veteran Ships as cosmetic, then almost everything in the game is cosmetic. Race and ships define how a person plays their character. Liberated Borg have a Slow/Stun with Neural Blast and Talaxians have Salvage Specialist which gives a 5% chance of getting R&D Materials. Then there is the racial traits that provide benefits to gameplay that are unique to that race. The Talaxian/Borg skins and Veteran ships change the game far more than the Captain's Table and Fireworks.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    STO has the most generous model I've seen for well, ever.
    Apart from a tiny amount of exclusive items you can earn everything you want for free just from playing the game and to be honest once you get into the swing of things it's not too hard to earn resources.
    And if you do ant a ship or whatever you have the ability to buy it direct in most cases from the c-store or off the exchange in game.

    Not many games are so generous as STO. Hell STO even has the VAST majority of cosmetic items available for free as well, something I doubt you'll see in many other games. You can start a fresh toon off and imediately have access to a massive list of outfit options for both the player and their ship. A lot of games you have to pay just to paint you hull a different colour.
    SWTOR or any SW game in so much the opposite of sto's f2p model that's it's ridiculous to include them under the same heading.
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    A lot of games are falsely advertized as "free to play" but really are just free to try.

    STO delivers what it promises. The veteran rewards not being sold for Zen on PC is the only red mark, and not really a big deal.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,510 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    The only game I've ever played that's anywhere near as generous as STO is its sister game, CO. And even that one hides a lot of your free options until you hit level 10 these days - and never tells you that. (I have to tell newbies at least once a week to go visit the tailor again now that they've gotten to Chief Surhoff at the prison, because they're upset about the "limited" costumes available for their superheroes. Fortunately, that only applies to your very first character...)
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    STO doesn't hide missions or the like, as long as some (enough) people pay you, individually, don't have to, I like those market forces.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
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  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    starkaos wrote: »
    starkaos wrote: »
    dragnridr wrote: »
    I voted none since Warframe has the Best free to play model. EVERYTHING in the market can be farmed for in game, or traded with other players. Even the currencies are down to 3. Ducats, Platinum, and credits. Ducats are like Lobi, Platinum is the premium currency and credits are like energy credits. Plus Warframe's market is mostly cosmetic. Hell, even the devs themselves said you don't have to spend a single dime to get anything in the game. You can just grind everything out in game and get everything. And the only timegating is for crafting. You can run missions back to back to back without being forced to wait umpteen hours.

    After all that's being done to STO, and the major nerfs coming, I seriously doubt I''ll be here much longer.

    You can grind everything out in sto though except a few minor cosmetic things.

    Lifetime Subscription depends on if you are on the PC or console if you can grind it out. Most of the things that were originally unavailable through a grind are now in the Phoenix Pack. Only items like the Andorian Light Escort, Command Assault Cruiser, Party Poppers, and certain preorder items are not available to grind.

    The LTS exclusive stuff is really just cosmetic though. Talaxian/borg skins, the vet ships, the captain's table, fireworks.

    If you include the Talaxian/Borg skins and Veteran Ships as cosmetic, then almost everything in the game is cosmetic. Race and ships define how a person plays their character. Liberated Borg have a Slow/Stun with Neural Blast and Talaxians have Salvage Specialist which gives a 5% chance of getting R&D Materials. Then there is the racial traits that provide benefits to gameplay that are unique to that race. The Talaxian/Borg skins and Veteran ships change the game far more than the Captain's Table and Fireworks.

    your toon's race is absolutely cosmetic it's just its appearance/skin.

    the ships are nothing special at all, use them if you like how they look, don't if you don't.

    Sure, racial traits are absolutely cosmetic. Some racial traits provide a unique ability that is not available to other races while others provide a buff to some skill. So for some players it gives more style to the game like Nerve Pinch, Neural Blast, Telekinetic, and Rapture and for others it all part of minmaxing. So race is more than just appearance/skin.

    As far as ships go, an Escort plays completely different from a Carrier or Science Vessel. Saying that ships are nothing special means that our characters are nothing special since ships are our character in space.
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,513 Arc User
    Star Trek Online
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    seriously play DCUO guys... youll love SWTOR afterwards

    You realize that is like saying seriously guys, try getting kicked in the nads 100 times...you'll love getting punched in the face afterwards.

    more like kicked in the nads 100 times and shat upon versus lightly pimp slapped once.... DCUO is that punitive to people that give it money but dont sub

    Since they released a secondary type of lockbox (which unlike the Promethion box can not opened by subbed members) and added skill-points to ultra rare drop items in it on top of requiring to buy replay marks to get all skill-points from time limited events, it became much much worse. So more like kicked in the nads 150 times and shat upon by two elephants versus gently wrist-slapped by your granny once.
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