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Featured Episode: Survivor



  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I really like Crosby, so I'm fine with that. I'm starting to wonder, though-in the Star Trek timeline, shouldn't she be like 60-65 years old now? I feel like that's a little old to be gallivanting around the galaxy being a fugitive.
    Although she's part Romulan, so maybe that's only middle age for her...?

    Remember romulans are basically vulcans who embraced emotion over logic, romulans have the same lifespan as vulcans so 60ish would be more like her early to mid 30s in rom/vulcan years.
  • trejgontrejgon Member Posts: 323 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I really like Crosby, so I'm fine with that. I'm starting to wonder, though-in the Star Trek timeline, shouldn't she be like 60-65 years old now? I feel like that's a little old to be gallivanting around the galaxy being a fugitive.
    Although she's part Romulan, so maybe that's only middle age for her...?

    Remember romulans are basically vulcans who embraced emotion over logic, romulans have the same lifespan as vulcans so 60ish would be more like her early to mid 30s in rom/vulcan years.

    I'd also like to add how long spock have lived and he was halfhuman too

    so considering how much younger sela is from spock, she may still meddle for quite a while.

    as for theory of FE being put into Yesteryear War - I rather doubt so - judging by chronological order of missions in the episode tab of our journal yesteryear war arc happens two arcs before iconian war.
    meanwhile blog clearly states that this FE is after iconian war, and implies few other things... so most likely this FE will be afterevent of iconian war, temporal war [because of daniels likely involvement] or both which would put the FE either at the end of Iconian War or future proof arcs - in similar way to how Dust to Dust is afterevent of delta quadrant arc and by thus is last episode of that arc.

    as for people speaking of "picards fault" or "our fault" for sending Ent-C back to it's own time I'd say that sending ship back was a good decision - the mistake was allowing Yar to go with them, which was based on assumption that all of them will end up dying and not taking into consideration a problem of "what will happen if she manage to survive" - so it's "picards fault" for sending yar back with ent-c, not for sending it back at all.

    and no fault on player's side here as a matter of fact because even if we discount player character's lack of knowledge on what is/was going on we were actually fixing our own timeline with this action - and also this time our brave temporal fleet have stepped in and made sure that no redundant personnel makes it into the past.

    [on a little bit of thought it is funny that no one of them showed up upon picards when he was sending ent-c back but then I guess when this episode was made - temporal fleet was not even a concept yet ;) ]

  • intraventianintraventian Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    They forgot to give her two further, more sobering titles: War Criminal, and Accessory to Genocide.

    Her story should have ended at Midnight. She can redeem herself all she likes, but she absolutely must answer for being the ultimate cause of every single hardship in the plot thus far. The only place she belongs at this point in the narrative is filling the empty cell left by the Female Changeling in Facility 4028. Only this time, she will never be released.
  • claudiusdkclaudiusdk Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    claudiusdk wrote: »
    Didn't Sela end up in jail after the war? or did she escape in one of the storyblogs?
    Kinda tired of her escaping all the time.
    No, she returned to earth with everyone else, and while everyone was busy celebrating, she just kinda walked away.

    Oh yeah I remember now. No one put a guard on her... or locked her up. Such a huge blunder to make with one of the most wanted people in the galaxy. XD

    Anyway, she is still an escaped convict.
    Hopefully this story ends with her being arrested AND staying locked up once and for all, until the end of her sentence.
    "Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons."
    Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
    Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    I hope her return heralds in the typhon pact
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    Sela of Romulus


    Everything is proceeding as planned. Good. Goood. AHHHHGOOOOOOD!! hahahahaha! *Cough* *COUGH* *Gaaaack* *spit-tooey*

    Closer! Come closer. Yes. Very good. Now. I need you to ignite your lightsaber...so I can fire up my blunt. ~~the only thing that stops my Reverse force-choke is to smoke another blunt eh darth heh hee! you want a hit? i can sense your desires too you know. here, take it! but don't hot box it or i'll reverse force choke YOU!~~

    Vader: {Does that mean he would force me to choke myself? Or is that code for something else? If so, what does it mean?}

    Later...on board the U.S.S. Enterprise:

    Dammit Mister Data! Alacrity is of The Essence. The Emperor has infected us with his Sexy Time Naked Now. Light My Fire Data!


    The rim of the star-light
    My love
    Is wand'ring in star-flight
    I know
    He'll find in star-clustered reaches
    Strange love a star woman teaches.
    I know
    His journey ends never
    His star trek
    Will go on forever.
    But tell him
    While he wanders his starry sea
    Remember, remember me.​​
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User

    Nice new outfit tho

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • edited April 2017
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  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    Space Hitlerella did nothing wrong!
    Join Date: January 2011
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    claudiusdk wrote: »
    Didn't Sela end up in jail after the war? or did she escape in one of the storyblogs?
    Kinda tired of her escaping all the time.

    Yeah. In one of the most preposterous scenarios imaginable. She just sneaked off, stole some clothing and left. But lets look at what's wrong with this scenario for one moment:

    - Firstly, she was initially dressed in the Attire of a very high-ranking Romulan Empire Officer (could actually be a uniform unique to the Empress but that isn't confirmed). She would have stuck out like a Galaxy class trying to hide behind an Oberth class!

    - with the above in mind, we are supposed to beleive that literally no-one of all the hundreds of people present noticed her sneak off. Sorry - this portrays our character as being inattentive and the Alliance in general as being insouciant

    - Okay, so lets say that literally everyone at the 'celebration' party was either drunk or stupid. There are also Cadets everywhere. Wouldn't one of them - perhaps someone with something to prove - wonder why a high ranking Romulan Empire officer, or someone dressed as one, is sneaking around a Federation facility?

    - No security cameras anywhere? Seriously - everyone was celebrating? Doesn't seem very sensible really, does it.

    - More importantly, I find it VERY difficult to beleive that none of the Romulans present would be so careless. In fact, I find it is difficult to beleive that she wasn't shot by a vengeful Repubic officer with every reason to hate her, or subjected to a lynch mob.

    Honestly, this really was a stupid scenario - if you must have her escape all the time at least make it beleivable!

    everyone in security was busy doing this

    hey all the brass was preoccupied so security got a chance to act stupid lol
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    claudiusdk wrote: »
    Didn't Sela end up in jail after the war? or did she escape in one of the storyblogs?
    Kinda tired of her escaping all the time.

    Yeah. In one of the most preposterous scenarios imaginable. She just sneaked off, stole some clothing and left. But lets look at what's wrong with this scenario for one moment:

    - Firstly, she was initially dressed in the Attire of a very high-ranking Romulan Empire Officer (could actually be a uniform unique to the Empress but that isn't confirmed). She would have stuck out like a Galaxy class trying to hide behind an Oberth class!

    - with the above in mind, we are supposed to beleive that literally no-one of all the hundreds of people present noticed her sneak off. Sorry - this portrays our character as being inattentive and the Alliance in general as being insouciant

    - Okay, so lets say that literally everyone at the 'celebration' party was either drunk or stupid. There are also Cadets everywhere. Wouldn't one of them - perhaps someone with something to prove - wonder why a high ranking Romulan Empire officer, or someone dressed as one, is sneaking around a Federation facility?

    - No security cameras anywhere? Seriously - everyone was celebrating? Doesn't seem very sensible really, does it.

    - More importantly, I find it VERY difficult to beleive that none of the Romulans present would be so careless. In fact, I find it is difficult to beleive that she wasn't shot by a vengeful Repubic officer with every reason to hate her, or subjected to a lynch mob.

    Honestly, this really was a stupid scenario - if you must have her escape all the time at least make it beleivable!
    Where does it say that she actually escaped? Maybe she was let go?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    blog needs to answer important questions... like can I FINALLY shoot her in the face with maximum prejudice?

    Sure you can.

    In a holodeck simulation. o:)
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I really like Crosby, so I'm fine with that. I'm starting to wonder, though-in the Star Trek timeline, shouldn't she be like 60-65 years old now? I feel like that's a little old to be gallivanting around the galaxy being a fugitive.
    Although she's part Romulan, so maybe that's only middle age for her...?

    If Vulcans can live to be 200 years ( give or take a decade ), why wouldn't a Romulan live at least as long? What is a normal age for a half Romulan? Are they more or less likely to be healthy and fit at age 65? To be honest we don't know that the average humans aren't living well past 100 with ease. Admiral Leonard McCoy was 137-year old at the time of Encounter at Farpoint. Is that normal or just good living?


    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • chelly#7549 chelly Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I really like Crosby, so I'm fine with that. I'm starting to wonder, though-in the Star Trek timeline, shouldn't she be like 60-65 years old now? I feel like that's a little old to be gallivanting around the galaxy being a fugitive.
    Although she's part Romulan, so maybe that's only middle age for her...?

    Captain PIcard and Captain kirk would like to have a chat with you. Along with a few other older captains and admirals etc. I just wish we could shoot her (sela not denise)

  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    I really hope they make killing Sela a light-sided decision...

    (Oops, wrong game...)

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
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  • dime407dime407 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    People say there is no way she could have escaped, and others come up with ways the situation could have allowed her to escape... but honestly you don't need the situation to justify her escape.

    She's Sela, escaping is what she does.

    I'm not surprised if all she needed to do was speak the words "Sela Epsilon Two" into any comstation and she'd be instantly teleported to a cloaked shuttle that has been in orbit around Neptune since before Romulus blew up. When section thirty one investigates how she managed to pull that off they'd probably discover that the code to do so has been apart of Star Fleet Academy infrastructure since it's founding, at least as far as any data analysis is concerned.

    Mind you, with that said, I am part of the crowd that is hoping we finally get to put a [damage type of choice] to her head and pull the trigger finally. It will need to be in a suitably epic battle, though... Sela for Borg Queen, 2416? It's not like the Borg aren't already heavily invested in her story arc.

    Just as long as we don't have another "I surrender" moment. It was epic and entirely appropriate when it happened, but you can only pull that sort of bravado off once. After that I'm sure even the most pacifistic Star Fleet Captain has a photo torpedo with Sela's name on it on standby at all times.
  • vorwodavorwoda Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    questerius wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Hmm - Sela.

    Good to see her and all, but her constant escape/disappear routines have become tiresome, and the completely ridiculous escape from under literally everyones noses at the end of the Iconian War really put me off her.

    For me personally it was the sound of her voice which put my off. Maybe we'll get lucky and that cat has run out of lives to spend.
    highlord83 wrote: »
    Sela again? Much as I like Denise Crosby, can this one please end with us shooting Sela in the knees and dragging her off to the Republic? Please?

    Been tried. Unfortunately, the Republic hasn't invented secure door locks, apparently.

    How about this? I offer this plot freely, and with no claim to recompense or credit, just please implement it! I call it by the Dickensianly light-hearted title:


    The episode opens with a cut-scene showing that Sela escaped from Starfleet Academy aboard the Player's own ship (if the PC is Romulan), or aboard a generic Romulan ship if not.

    Using grease to dye her hair as black as her heart, she thinks she has fooled everyone, when she is recognized by - DUN DUN DUNNNN - Tovan Khev!

    Quickly taking Khev hostage (because a beefy ex-farmer-turned-tactical-officer is obviously no match for a slender, aging half-human who is protected by plot-armor), she proceeds to the shuttle maintenance bay, and steals a shuttle, escaping with her hostage. Curiously, the Romulans make NO attempt to retrieve them, because:

    A ) they are celebrating the defeat of the Iconians like everyone else, apparently, or
    B ) they are celebrating because she took Tovan with her, and loosing Sela on an unsuspecting galaxy is a small enough price to pay for finally being rid of him, or
    C ) they are laughing because she stole a shuttle so badly damaged that they were in the process of scrapping it anyway.

    Whatever the reason, Sela and Tovan escape to a forgotten backwater of space, only to have a Technobabble Fuse blow in the EPS system, and leave them bereft of ALL power. Including power to life support. And gravity. And waste disposal.

    In the rapidly worsening conditions aboard the doomed shuttle, both "survivors" (at least to this point) realize that the 5-cent fuse that blew has no replacement on board, because it could easily be replicated. Except that there is no power to the replicator either.

    Sela's cunning mind realizes that oxygen lasts twice as long when breathed by half as many people, so without remorse she is "forced by circumstances beyond her control" to commit further crimes, and callously murders Tovan by strangling him.

    Unfortunately (for her. but not for us), as with all of Sela's plans, it has a fatal flaw - it only delays the inevitable. Wasting oxygen in vainglorious self-justifying speeches, Sela slowly suffocates to death in a powerless shuttle in the cold vacuum of space, alone save for the reproachful pop-eyed dead glare of her final victim.

    But surely this can't be the end of Sela?! As Velqua pointed out in response to kodachikuno:
    velqua wrote: »
    blog needs to answer important questions... like can I FINALLY shoot her in the face with maximum prejudice?

    Doubtful. Series characters can't be killed off without CBS approval, and Sela is a big character. Of course, the exception to the rule was Worf's son Alexander. Who knows? Maybe you can get some target practice, but again, highly doubtful.

    Well, permanently killed off, perhaps. What to do?
    velqua wrote: »
    [SNIP] Plus, we need to revisit Keten and Jhet'leya. I hope we can get some of these stories into the game.

    Aha! Problem solved!

    Keten and Jhet'leya, those two wacky, mixed-up Kobali space-zombies, just happen by on their way to their not-at-all disturbingly necrophiliac honeymoon. Picture their innocent Kobali joy as they discover two lovely (well...) fresh corpses! This is the best day ever! With ghoulish glee, they snag the stiffs, and continue on to their honeymoon getaway, an obscure little asteroid in the far-off reaches of the Delta Quadrant.

    There, the two bald, purple, existentially-challenged lovebirds grant Sela and Tovan glorious Kobali rebirth (which is proof of their truly undying love)!

    Tovan philosophically accepts that at least he'll finally be able to forget his ungrateful sister, who never even said thank you for her rescue. Or goodbye. Or sent a Republic Day card.

    Sela, however, is horrified at the prospect of becoming half-human, half-Romulan, half-dead, half-alive and all-Kobali, and attempts (as always) to escape!

    Unfortunately (again, for her. but not for us), a passing Voth vessel arrives on a mission to use this asteroid as ground zero for the test of a weaponized Omega molecule. Firing the Omega torpedo at the asteroid, the ship itself is destroyed, but the asteroid survives, now locked off in the middle of a 500-lightyear diameter area of Warp-proof space, sealing the foursome off from the rest of the galaxy forever in a sort of Kafka-meets-Twilight-Zone-meets-Gilligan's-Island hell forever. But Sela's alive. technically. Everybody wins!

    OK, maybe not everybody. Of course, over the centuries (or however long the undead Kobali exist), there is nothing to stop an increasingly bored and jaded Keten and Jhet'leya from taking advantage of the increasingly mentally helpless ex-Sela and ex-Tovan, and reducing them to Kobali Love Slaves!

    Post edited by vorwoda on
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    As has been explained to me:
    Her son plays the game.
    They're not gonna kill "mom" on screen.
    The rest of us just have to deal with one of the worst cases of Joker Immunity since, well, you know.
    Join Date: January 2011
  • vorwodavorwoda Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    hfmudd wrote: »
    As has been explained to me:
    Her son plays the game.
    They're not gonna kill "mom" on screen.
    The rest of us just have to deal with one of the worst cases of Joker Immunity since, well, you know.

    Thank you, Harry. That explains a LOT.

    Maybe he reads the Forum, and could ask his mom not to be so whiny in her readings. That would help immensely.

    Seriously, I liked Denise Crosby as Yar on TNG (much less so in "Temporal Ambassador" in STO), found her the only watchable part of the movie "Pet Semetary", and quite enjoyed her company when I had lunch with her one day in the late '80's. She's a great lady. But the character as written and portrayed here is not villainous, just obnoxious. If they can't kill her, at least stop bringing her back. Her story should have been over three times by now.

    I'm a die-hard Romulan fan, but enough is enough!
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I really like Crosby, so I'm fine with that. I'm starting to wonder, though-in the Star Trek timeline, shouldn't she be like 60-65 years old now? I feel like that's a little old to be gallivanting around the galaxy being a fugitive.
    Although she's part Romulan, so maybe that's only middle age for her...?

    Remember romulans are basically vulcans who embraced emotion over logic, romulans have the same lifespan as vulcans so 60ish would be more like her early to mid 30s in rom/vulcan years.

    200 Earth years = 360 Vulcan years
    From Memory Alpha, I found that Vulcans have a life span of about 200 years. (ENT: "Broken Bow"; TNG: "Sarek").
    I begin with the assertion that the length of one Vulcan year is 203 days. Having looked around, I believe this number comes from the habitable zone where a planet could hypothetically survive around the star 40 Eridani A, or the real-life Vulcan. Other numbers are given in other places, but I will stick to 203 days.​​
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    I'd rather deal with Sela for the thousandth time than mirror Leeta.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    hfmudd wrote: »
    As has been explained to me:
    Her son plays the game.
    They're not gonna kill "mom" on screen.
    The rest of us just have to deal with one of the worst cases of Joker Immunity since, well, you know.

    I'm not sure where do you get that info from, but if this is the truth - then Monty Python has nothing on Cryptic.
    They've basically become a parody of themselves.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    @hfmudd: And that is quite possibly the stupidest explanation for Joker Immunity I have ever heard in my life. IT SAYS T FOR TEEN/PEGI 12 ON THE DAMN BOX. If her son is too young to tell the difference between his mom and a fictional character played by his mom, he's too young to be playing the game in the first place.

    Throw her out the damn airlock and be done with Her Royal Pain in the TRIBBLE already.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • chelly#7549 chelly Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    crm14916 wrote: »
    I really hope they make killing Sela a light-sided decision...

    (Oops, wrong game...)


    Neutral ;)
  • blattanblattan Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    dime407 wrote: »
    People say there is no way she could have escaped, and others come up with ways the situation could have allowed her to escape... but honestly you don't need the situation to justify her escape.

    The problem, for me alone, is: the first character I finished the Iconian War arc with was my KDF Aligned - Romulan - Pirate, er Privateer - true loyalist. She would have shot Sela in the face with her Compression Plasma Pistol without thinking twice after the Iconians stepped through the gate. No escaping that. The arc end was so distasteful for me at that moment I had to take a 6+ month break from STO. Yes, it turned me off that bad. And yes, it is a credit to the writers.

    I have zero interest in her returning (I don't mind Crosby being involved, somehow... But not Sela.)

    This just might make me walk away from the game again. Who knows how long this time will be. And since I am not a special snowflake, I wonder how many others feel like I do?
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    ^Hell, I stopped playing regularly after Emperor Darwin Award in "House Pratfall". "Midnight" and everything surrounding it just drove more nails into the coffin.
    Post edited by starswordc on
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • claudiusdkclaudiusdk Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Just hope we get to arrest Sela and finally lock her up after this.
    She still needs to stand justice infront of the 3 player factions for a LONG list of crimes.
    And no option to try and stop her again after this? Would be a slap to the face.
    "Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons."
    Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
    Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    Wouldn't you know... Sela has learned absolutely NOTHING from what happened after all those past events!
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