Tribble has been updated to: ST.75.20170306c.5
- Isokinetic Cannon can no longer be fired while Cloaked or Phase Shifted.
- Resolved an issue where being cloaked would give you an incorrect amount of Shield Regeneration if you had the Singularity Distributor Unit console equipped.
- The "Haywire" set bonus proc can no longer crit or be reflected.
- Updated the description of the Tactical Advantage Reputation Trait.
- Resolved an issue where Counter-Offensive ranks 2 and 3 only activated from Phaser Damage instead of any Energy Weapon.
- Resolved an issue where the Vent Theta Radiation console was not scaling with its caster's Drain Expertise
- Resolved an issue where Needs of the Many could be used while your shields were offline.
- Resolved an issue where Needs of the Many would display a negative amount of Temporary Hitpoints given to your team if you had no shields equipped.
- Attack Pattern Omega's Description has been updated
- The Tholian Thermionic Torpedo Launcher now scales up the amount of power drained under all firing modes, and no longer scales up the duration of the power drain under any firing modes.
- The Tholian Thermionic Torpedo Launcher now has a more accurate description of its Torpedo Spread and High Yield.
- Resolved an issue where Electrostatic Field would reflect some non-Energy damage.
- Resolved an issue that caused Temporal Fracture to not be treated as Exotic Damage.
- The following consoles have had their power bonus doubled and this affects existing copies of these items:
- Console - Engineering - Booster Modulator
- Console - Engineering - Injector Assembly
- Console - Engineering - Field Emitter
- Console - Engineering - Plasma Distribution Manifold
- Resolved an issue which caused the Enhanced Shield Penetration Reputation Trait to have 10% Energy Weapon Shield Penetration instead of 5%
- Resolved an issue where Subnucleonic Beam training manuals were incorrectly named. Powers: Subnucleonic Beam can no longer be cast through Enhanced Battle Cloak.
- Prototype Ablative Jevonite Hardpoints:
- No longer goes away when you die
- Can no longer be activated while you already have a buff from one on you
- Can now be activated while held or disabled
- Resolved an issue where Reverse Shield Polarity did not show the percentage it healed you in the tooltip.
- Resolved an issue which caused Intelligence Fleet to display an incorrect amount of Shield Penetration.
- Resolved an issue which caused Feedback Pulse 3 to reflect more damage than intended.
- EPS Corruption:
- Resolved an issue where the FX would play on the caster instead of the target in some cases
- Resolved some issues that caused damage buffs to not properly interact with EPS Corruption
- Resolved an issue where it could be cast while Phase Shifted
- Increased the damage slightly
- Resolved an issue that was causing some powers such as Charged Particle Burst to not apply Drain Infection to the target.
- Override Subsystem Safeties:
- Resolved an issue where the debuff could still be cleansed
- Resolved an issue where the offline subsystem was always weapons
- The Threat Analysis Matrix console now additionally gives Physical Damage Resistance Rating.
He listened to the feedback of these being junk and improved them even if I was proving a point on plasmonic leech. I'll give him that.
Deflector overcharge still needs to improve.
The teryon proc also need to be improved.
I had already intended to make that change, and it did not make it into the initial patch. This patch was intended to be almost entirely bug fixes so that more feedback to the initial state of changes is based on abilities functioning properly. I will be making more changes in the future based on the feedback, but this is going to be on Tribble for a long enough time that I would rather not rush into a second set of balance changes immediately after such a large first set.
Gotta say I wasn't expecting those consoles to see a boost but I'm not going to complain. I will have to do some experimenting with them now on some of my toons. Also wasn't expecting Jevonite Hardpoints to stick around after you died. Very glad to see that for my fleetmates that use them. Liking what I see so far from Tribble. Great changes so far sir Spartan.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
On the topic of override subsystem safeties; I noticed the starship trait Emitter Synergies will trigger twice from OSS. Once when activated and again when the disable triggers. Very minor bug. Do not know if it has been fixed already.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
Oh noes! I feel as if my questions about this ability have attracted the Eye of Sauronicus and gotten my precious Sheshar that I paid so much* for nerfed! This is an outrage. You owe me a REFU-
No... cant' do it. Can't keep a straight face
* "so much" = absolutely nothing. I got some zeni from Arc quests and used them to buy 4 infinity promo! R&D packs. It was in the second one
Neither the tool tip nor item information text mention firing modes or their benefits. This appears to contradict the patch note.
Torpedo Spread I and II changed the drain duration from 8 second to 12 seconds. This appears to contradict the patch note.
And for the record, OMYGERD!! Torp: High Yield I and High Yield II both bumped the weapon/engine drain from 20.4 to 68.1!
Thank you for the detailed information.
Jevonite is a QoL change I have been meaning to make for some time.
I can confirm that the intent is not to decrease the dps. I cannot comment at Surgical Strikes at this time. If I knew exactly where every power should end up and could tell you what it is there would be no point asking for feedback.
The [Over] description is now "2.5% chance: Your next Beam Attack is an Overload that deals 470% times its normal damage"
Before I made any changes to how its drain works, when fired as a High Yield or Transport Warhead, the duration of the drain increased but not the amount; when fired as a Spread or normally, the amount changed and not the duration. After this patch, the amount always changes and the duration never does.
This was in reference to what is displayed on the Torpedo while you have Torpedo Spread or Torpedo High Yield available to fire, or when looking at the descriptions of the various firing modes in the powers menu.
I was just on Tribble 5 minutes ago testing this. Spread was increasing drain duration from 8 seconds to 12 seconds without changing the amount of drain. Evidently something flipped
I'll check that captain (I'm still having trouble transfering character to Tribble) and see if they have an intel ship that I can test transport warhead with.
Ah! Then that appears to work, though adding a sentence to the item description text would be very welcome
A single mod is giving a +9.25% average damage bonus? On what altar to I need to sacrifice half a pack of Targs to get that mod on some of the lockbox weapons!!?!
So functionally it's still the same, occasional spike shots but now we know exactly how much. I'm curious, what was the original damage value, I don't think it was ever in the description. I don't care too much either way, I was using [Over] Phasers because I liked the visual and audio effect of the occasional Overload shots, never been much of a DPS chaser.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
The problem with [Over] mod is it causes the majority of your beam to miss a firing cycle when it procs. That's a potential loss in DPS from your beams. But everyone seems to want [over] mod, but I think players don't realise the screwed up firing cycles.
Let me add clarifying information to my previous statements.
I did not make changes to the relative impact of firing modes on the power drained. I did make changes to what part of the drain would be scaled by Drain Expertise.
What are you comparing them, too, now? Plasmonic Leech is not what it used to be, so you have to reevaluate your expectations for what type of power bonuses exist and how you can get them.
Though be careful what you mention, because maybe it's just those items that needs nerfing, too.
But if they need more, I would try to add another type of benefit. Say,
- Fast Restart: Reduces the time needed to restore the affected subsystem power (maybe this should also help with OSS)
- Efficiency: Increased bonus at lower power levels
- Battery Life Extension: up to 25 % extra duration of linked battery powers
- Synergy: Percentage of linked power level setting is applied to other power levels (or all other power levels)
- Resistance: Additional resistance against drain for the linked power level
Maybe all standard consoles should also have mods for Ultrare and Epic to make them a bit more interesting then just having a straight bonus. Then +10 could be the bonus for Mark XIV Very Rares, and Ultrare and Epic grants each one of the previous two benefits as mod ability.SNB was a core mechanic unique to Sci players ever since we can remember. If you decide to make it a BOFF skill, then please at least replace it with something that is not a simple variation of Attack Pattern Alpha for exotic dmg and healing purposes. Make it boost all Sci playstyles equally - heal, control, damage.
You see now you bring PvP Scis into a situation, where if they want to do EPG focus, they will fly Tac toons in Sci ships because APA bonus overall is still better, and if they want to do utility/heal builds, they might as well fly Eng toons in Sci ships (refer to the changes made to Eng captain abilities to see why).
In my opinion, it is not a good choice - trying to appeal to PvE Sci players by making Deflector overcharge a Sci captain's Alpha. There should be some sort of trinity (at least a vague sign of it) in a MMO game, no? And players should understand that not all classes can have equal potential for DPS. Of course, you can hardly blame them if they don't agree - making all PvE queues so focused on damage output is not their fault after all.
I have to test that torp and another one. I know Borticus had put some of those extra drain procs on the chopping block a long time ago saying it wasn't working as expected. Seems you finally got down to chopping.
Looking forward to gathering more data once I can get back in to Tribble. I admit the 'further clarification' left me more confused vs. what I'm seeing on tribble
The reason armor or damage resistance suffers from diminishing returns is because damage reduction doesn't actually work linearly in practical gameplay. 50 % damage reduction means enemies need twice as long to kill you, but 100 % damage reduction doesn't mean that they need four times as much - it emans they can't kill you at all. That is why pretty much every game does something to diminish these values, so you never get too close (or to) the 100 %.
Now mind you , that might just mean that the average value of the consoles is higher than what you suggest.
However, the value of shield energy might also be higher than you expect, since regeneration and damage reduction also tend to multiply in effect, and might not be the only benefit that applies to having a high power level - increased shield power might also allows you to trigger [AMP], for example. And the different power levels have different effects. Maybe with the new weapon power formula we get closer there, though, I don't know.
According to tooltips:
Base mode is 8 seconds duration, 20.6 magnitude.
High Yield gives 12 seconds duration, 68.7 magnitude.
Spread gives 12 seconds duration, 20.6 magnitude.
Transport causes torpedo to entirely lose is drain.
On Holodeck (with 118 DrainX) the base mode drains for 12.7 seconds. High yield duration says 12 seconds (rounded off perhaps?). The spread tool tip does not give duration information.
Is transporting warheads supposed to strip off the drain effect entirely? That seems... bad.
I've always used it because I was flying a Tholian Tarantula and it seemed thematically cool. At first glance these changes are taking a questionably mediocre weapon and doing it no favors. But I may be misunderstanding the intent of these adjustments.
Edit: Ok, after reading the patch notes and clarification a couple more times I think I get it now. The modes have different drain durations, but no mode has that drain duration further scaled by DrainX.
Doubling the effect of the Power consoles is maybe not the most benefit they could/should recieve, but ultimately they're still trash drops and probably not intended to compare well with Reputation gear. Again I'll point out the Chroniton Drive Actuator as probably the real measure of a good +power console. On the other hand, its the fulfillment of the worst sorts of prophecy about this balance pass if a more than 100% buff to something previously uninteresting creates a new meta where the best damage dealing ships in the game are suddenly those with 5 engineering console slots stacking either five +Weapon Power consoles, or five +Aux Power consoles.
Do we really want to be looking at the boards in a month with people complaining "the Vengeance is the best exotic damage ship in the game", obsoleting all science ships in what should be their forte? Me? I'd rather not.