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Quantum Phase Application set

satai07satai07 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
Hi all,

I'm looking for some general ideas in creating a budget built for my newish ROM Engineer.

I don't have enough reputation built up for any of the sets (except for Nukara Strikeforce) so I decided to get the Quantum Phase Application set along with the Quantum Phase Catalyst Set. I also picked up a couple of those Tactical Phaser relay consoles from the "of signs and portents" episode. I'm currently flying a Flambard Science Dradnaught Warbird, but I do have access to the tact and engineering versions of the ship. I have all three consoles from the set equipped.

I'm not a min/maxer. I just do PVE with a friend and the typical PUG queues.

Some general questions.

1) How should I spec out with my space points? Should I go full out tact (ultimate ability), full out science (ultimate ability), or balanced? I read that science is better than tact for general PVE play, but maybe that isn't true.

2) Which singularity core would be a good match? I have the Braydon core equipped at the moment.

3) As I mentioned. I have the Phase catalyst weapon set equipped. Unfortunately you can only have one of each weapon type equipped (Beam/Torp/Dual Heavy Cannon) so I've filled out the rest of my slots with a kinetic cutting bean and bio molecular phaser weapons.

4) which boff skills would work well with this setup?



  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    satai07 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I'm looking for some general ideas in creating a budget built for my newish ROM Engineer.

    I don't have enough reputation built up for any of the sets (except for Nukara Strikeforce) so I decided to get the Quantum Phase Application set along with the Quantum Phase Catalyst Set. I also picked up a couple of those Tactical Phaser relay consoles from the "of signs and portents" episode. I'm currently flying a Flambard Science Dradnaught Warbird, but I do have access to the tact and engineering versions of the ship. I have all three consoles from the set equipped.

    I'm not a min/maxer. I just do PVE with a friend and the typical PUG queues.

    Some general questions.

    1) How should I spec out with my space points? Should I go full out tact (ultimate ability), full out science (ultimate ability), or balanced? I read that science is better than tact for general PVE play, but maybe that isn't true.

    2) Which singularity core would be a good match? I have the Braydon core equipped at the moment.

    3) As I mentioned. I have the Phase catalyst weapon set equipped. Unfortunately you can only have one of each weapon type equipped (Beam/Torp/Dual Heavy Cannon) so I've filled out the rest of my slots with a kinetic cutting bean and bio molecular phaser weapons.

    4) which boff skills would work well with this setup?


    Heres the DPS leagues cheap build recommendation. (I recommend them just because its a fun jumping off point).

    Other DPS league recommendation

    They spec Heavily into the tac skill points. You..Could modify this to Phaser if your using the Qphase Applications set.

    2.) Braydon should be fine for the moment. I use the Temporal Warp core from the Temporal Rep..Higher Warp speed and trajector jump in PVE. Otherwise..Id go with the DPS League recommendations.

    3.) So..I like the 3 piece set..With lots of Drainx (Flow for the standard variety) consoles.But..Mixing Cannon,Beam and Torps is kinda hard to make all useful..But it does look fun..

    4.) See Dps Leauge recommendation.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    1) What is your long term plans for the character? Do you plan to use him / her on other type ships? If so, I'd lean toward balanced.

    Also looking at the stats on all 3 ship variants, there is no commander science seat so you can't run high level boff science abilities like Gravity Well 2 or 3 as they require a commander slot. For all three variants, commander spot is tactical.

    4) Myself, I'd focus on offensive tactical abilities for boffs with science abilities a mix of defense and secondary offensive ones. Science is secondary on all 3 ship variants.

    You need to sharpen your focus on energy weapons. Either beams and Omni beams or cannons and turrets. Don't mix them even though the default setup is mixed. Torpedoes fine with either. Then you can decide on you tactical abilities.
  • satai07satai07 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    1) What is your long term plans for the character? Do you plan to use him / her on other type ships? If so, I'd lean toward balanced.

    Also looking at the stats on all 3 ship variants, there is no commander science seat so you can't run high level boff science abilities like Gravity Well 2 or 3 as they require a commander slot. For all three variants, commander spot is tactical.

    4) Myself, I'd focus on offensive tactical abilities for boffs with science abilities a mix of defense and secondary offensive ones. Science is secondary on all 3 ship variants.

    You need to sharpen your focus on energy weapons. Either beams and Omni beams or cannons and turrets. Don't mix them even though the default setup is mixed. Torpedoes fine with either. Then you can decide on you tactical abilities.

    I have some other ships I can use with this character. I have the 31st Century cross faction set as well as an Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser and Faeht Intel Warbird.

    It's a little odd that they would create an item set, but not have the pieces work well together. My hope was to have a cheap functional drainy/leech ship.
  • tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    Oh, the item set works very well together. I have the Quantum set in both my Pathfinder Science ship and my Heavy Escort Carrier. Pathfinder use the torpedo, console and beam array along with two other Polaron weapon sets that have similarsetup for set bonuses. One of the Polaron sets uses an Omni beam so it allows me to keep to just a torpedo forward and rear. In my Escort, it is torpedo, console and heavy dual cannon for the Quantum set along with the same two other Polaron weapons sets except the beams are replaced using the dual heavy cannons from the set. Again I don't use the torpedo for one of the Polaron sets as I can use a turret for the rear instead another torpedo. Same Polaron set you find in one of the missions.

    Tac Boff abilities in the Pathfinder I use are Tac team I, Torpedo spread I, Fire at Will 2 and Beta Pattern I. Very happy with the Quantum set. The torpedo with torpedo spread is great for finishing off less enemy ships with Gravity Well 3 plus the 10 sec beam from the 3 pc bonus has been great in taking bosses down to size. That is ss long as everyone else is attacking the boss so it can't heal fast enough. In my Escort, the 3 heavy dual cannons make short work of the lesser enemy ships. Highly recommend the Quantum set with other console or ship sets that provide additional drain.

    Now for the highest dps, the recommendation would be to use all phasers if using the Quantum set but I do just with two energy types, even in Elite queues as the consoles I use provide between two to three mods that work with things on my ship.

    As for your captain, I'd take a balanced approach with the variety of ships that you have. The 100 points in EPG, Control Expertise and Drain will help with boff Science abilities for true Science ships (those that have a Commander boff seat) and of course first two levels in most of the tactical 'offensive' abilities for any ship. Also all three levels for long range targeting sensors in Science for either type of energy weapon. Then I fill out the rest of the skills with heals, hull/ shield capacity, power flow and science/tac cooldowns. I have pets on both the Pathfinder and Escort and neither do a lot to help out so I don't points in anything pet related.
  • satai07satai07 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Oh, the item set works very well together. I have the Quantum set in both my Pathfinder Science ship and my Heavy Escort Carrier. Pathfinder use the torpedo, console and beam array along with two other Polaron weapon sets that have similarsetup for set bonuses. One of the Polaron sets uses an Omni beam so it allows me to keep to just a torpedo forward and rear. In my Escort, it is torpedo, console and heavy dual cannon for the Quantum set along with the same two other Polaron weapons sets except the beams are replaced using the dual heavy cannons from the set. Again I don't use the torpedo for one of the Polaron sets as I can use a turret for the rear instead another torpedo. Same Polaron set you find in one of the missions.

    Tac Boff abilities in the Pathfinder I use are Tac team I, Torpedo spread I, Fire at Will 2 and Beta Pattern I. Very happy with the Quantum set. The torpedo with torpedo spread is great for finishing off less enemy ships with Gravity Well 3 plus the 10 sec beam from the 3 pc bonus has been great in taking bosses down to size. That is ss long as everyone else is attacking the boss so it can't heal fast enough. In my Escort, the 3 heavy dual cannons make short work of the lesser enemy ships. Highly recommend the Quantum set with other console or ship sets that provide additional drain.

    Now for the highest dps, the recommendation would be to use all phasers if using the Quantum set but I do just with two energy types, even in Elite queues as the consoles I use provide between two to three mods that work with things on my ship.

    As for your captain, I'd take a balanced approach with the variety of ships that you have. The 100 points in EPG, Control Expertise and Drain will help with boff Science abilities for true Science ships (those that have a Commander boff seat) and of course first two levels in most of the tactical 'offensive' abilities for any ship. Also all three levels for long range targeting sensors in Science for either type of energy weapon. Then I fill out the rest of the skills with heals, hull/ shield capacity, power flow and science/tac cooldowns. I have pets on both the Pathfinder and Escort and neither do a lot to help out so I don't points in anything pet related.

    Great information. Thank you very much.
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    Each time that I look at the DPS League recommendations, particularly for budget builds, it seems as if they include items that require lots of grinding. I feel as if they should suggest builds less dependent upon the reputation stuff or provide tips for achieving them.

    I'm more of an rpg player and really have not advanced terribly far into the reputations, admittedly this may be more of a failing, but the episode missions drop lots-o stuff and nothing that I've read bases starter builds around too much of these items?

  • tygerzztygerzz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    I don't think to many people would argue that you can get through most episodic content with mark 12 blue gear. On the flip side upgrading purple gear to level 14 will get you through that same content with significant time savings.
    Reputation gear is fairly easy to get on just one toon , it just takes a lot of rinse and repeat and some waiting.
    The quantum set is a sound set, one worth upgrading while you work on the rest of your gear. IMO.
  • satai07satai07 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Maybe someone can answer a noob question for me. My hull strength jumps around like crazy during battle with the quantum set equipped on my Flambard Science Dradnaught Warbird. It will jump around from green to white and drop from 100 down to 30 and back up in no time. Meanwhile my shields look like they are at almost 100%. It's quite disconcerting. Also, it doesn't seem like anything happens when I hit hazard emitters.

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Qphase applcations drains and heals your shields (if your using that)..

    Also..Shields have a% of bleed through (damage your gonna receive after sokething hits the shields)..There are also some Sheild ignoring abilities avaliable that damage only the hull.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    Each time that I look at the DPS League recommendations, particularly for budget builds, it seems as if they include items that require lots of grinding. I feel as if they should suggest builds less dependent upon the reputation stuff or provide tips for achieving them.

    I'm more of an rpg player and really have not advanced terribly far into the reputations, admittedly this may be more of a failing, but the episode missions drop lots-o stuff and nothing that I've read bases starter builds around too much of these items?

    Yes, they can require a lot of grinding but they are trying to show how to get the highest dps out of budget items. What you have to walk away with these builds is what mix of things drive dps and how are they setting up their ships.

    Between playing the game and reading their stuff, I have learned that you can do a lot with your ship from the basic stuff you get in queues, battlezones, adventure zones and story missions. Right now my PS4 rank 54 TOS Tac captain flies the T6 Pathfinder. The ship has from Mark IV to XII items, ranging from white to purple and I woundn't hesitate doing a normal or advance queue. Since it is a science vessel, I made sure I keep every EPG console and Control Expertise console I picked, replacing lower versions with new higher version and they are in all 5 science console slots. Not the recommended consoles you get from fleet stores for DPS but they work well. I also made sure my captain has 100 points in both those areas as well as drain. And I picked up a Tachyon Deflector Array XI purple that increase hull capacity, shield restore, plus EPG and Control Expertise. Has stealth also but doesn't help. Ship trait adds more EPG, Captain traits like Astrophysicist add a little more EPG and drain. Just need to keep track of what you put on your ship and make sure things synergize with things.

    Basic building ideas I picked up from the DPS League:

    1) One type of energy weapon group - either beams and omni beams or cannon and turrets.
    2) Torpedos are not recommended but I use one front and back to finish either finish off targets while I move on or to drain enemy shields. I use the Quantum weapon set for most of my Science captain ships. Torpedoes are fun for me.
    3) Use multipurpose consoles when you can. You can find a good number in missions as part of weapon or ship equipment sets. Example Tactical Counter Command Relay console from Delta? mission provides radiation, phaser, disruptor and torpedo damage.
    4) As my ships tend to have few tactical console slots, I use energy type consoles only, like phase or disruptor damage. Torpedo boosts come from weapon sets or their bonuses.
    5) If Science ship, I focus on EPG and Control Expertise consoles and weapons has secondary damage.
    6) Fight on the edge of a battle in queues so as not to have every enemy go after you and escape for healing if needed.
    7) Since I am on PS4 and don't use a keyboard, I auto set my boff abilities so trigger in phases. Polarize hull might be auto, Engineer team I set to manual trigger on my controller, Hazard emitters go off at 50% damage, etc
    8) Since I stick to one energy weapon group, I only need Tactic team, torpedo spread, Fire at Will or Cannon Barrage and either Beta Pattern or Omega Pattern to handle my offensive abilities for any ship with a universal ensign slot. Usually there is also a Tactical Lt Cmdr slot on the ship also for all four abilities. I can expand from there.
    9) For engineering: Engineer team, Emergency Power to weapons or Auxiliary as minimum abilities on my science ship. Expand from there.
    10) For science: Science team, Hazard Emitters, Polarize Hull and Feedback pulse as minimum abilities on my science ship. Expand from there.
    11) Solanae ship set from the Dyson missions with Obelisk warp core for science ships or Quantum Ship set from the Futureproof missions with said core for all others. Play the game and advance mission queues just fine with them.
    12) Crafting is mostly for upgrading plus traits you get at level 15.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    satai07 wrote: »
    Maybe someone can answer a noob question for me. My hull strength jumps around like crazy during battle with the quantum set equipped on my Flambard Science Dradnaught Warbird. It will jump around from green to white and drop from 100 down to 30 and back up in no time. Meanwhile my shields look like they are at almost 100%. It's quite disconcerting. Also, it doesn't seem like anything happens when I hit hazard emitters.

    your hull indicator going white means something somewhere is giving you temporary HP, which is a separate thing from actual hull and gets depleted before your actual hull, which is where the jumping from 100% to 30% and back to 100% is coming from​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


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