If you look on the top of the saucer on the Galaxy Class texture (Inc. Dreadnought as I'm assuming same texture file) one of the textures is scaled massively out of proportion ruining the ship. it is obvious to look at, and affects all of the different skins for the standard 'Galaxy' Saucer. it has been like this for a while now, and ruins the experience of 'Picard's Enterprise' PLEASE fix this. Coming from myself as i have the T5-U Galaxy AND the T5-U Dreadnought variant, this has become somewhat frustrating.
As I am on Xbox One , I am unable to post a screenshot, but if you know your textures and have a look at the top of the Galaxy saucer on the Xbox One, It will be painfully obvious. it's really bad. outside the raised 'bridge' sections that step down onto the main saucer - the oval shaped texture inside the main large saucer texture. you'd have to be blind to not see it.