Right, so I have just completed the big grind to earn the Lukari science vessel, and claimed it on the toon that earned the points. But when attempting to claim on other characters, I still get "You need to earn it on a character first!" and that sort of thing.
Resident TOS, G.I. Joe, Transformers and hair metal fangirl.
And knowing is half the battle!
21 'til I die!
And knowing is half the battle!
21 'til I die!
I think this is the day people who have been doing the daily Anniversary Mark grind are able to claim the ship. Maybe the system is overwhelmed?
I am thinking that is most likely the case. I logged for a couple hours or so on the first try, then came back, tried, and a-ok. Granted, I'm no admin or anything, so I don't have like an official type answer. ^^;; Having said that, "try again in an hour or two" just might be one's best bet.
And knowing is half the battle!
21 'til I die!
I suspect it's a similar case of "update".
switch map, switch char, relog (and sometimes just wait maybe even, or maybe try doing various "things") - all of those could potentially help I guess.
Adding this post since the rep issue delay really bothers me as sometimes it's a really long delay. And as I think it may be linked to the same issue possibly.
For completion and for making this post more useful and maybe a bit more on topic
I am not sure, but just in case, open the ship on 1st char you claim the box on (the one who finished project) and possibly even ready it just in case though readying is probably not needed.
When entitled for reclaim on other chars on same account, press, on those chars, U -> Reputations -> Events -> Store -> Account Reclaim. Scroll Down to the button.
Before claiming, make sure you have place for not only a ship but for 1 other item (if non Romulan) or 2 other items (if a Romulan) so better have a place for 3 items at lease before claiming, possibly better even 4.
The ship is claimable by any character (once you are entitled to an account wide reclaim) but will be use-able from level 40.
It's better to claim on your characters during the event as while you are SUPPOSED to be able to claim any time once the project was completed on one char of that account, some things tend to be bugged in this regard shortly after event ends and be fixed (again) later.
If I click on it I get 'you must complete the event mesasge'.
Thank you for posting this issue in this topic too - maybe the stuff will be able to help this way. And good luck in solving it eventually
In this particular case, you have to look for the system message "Lukari Ho'huun unlocked for this account" (or some such). On one account, I got it right after completing the project. On another, I had o switch maps before the message appeared.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!