I used to fly out of weapon range when the entity did it's explody thing. People just started sitting right through it and blasting away. Now I'm flying around the entity doing the same thing during the explosions because of the DPS race to get the top three rewards.
Removing the whole STF is wrong, it needs updated so players are forced to retreat when the entity does it's thing instead of burning it down while staying in the blast.
I used to fly out of weapon range when the entity did it's explody thing. People just started sitting right through it and blasting away. Now I'm flying around the entity doing the same thing during the explosions because of the DPS race to get the top three rewards.
Removing the whole STF is wrong, it needs updated so players are forced to retreat when the entity does it's thing instead of burning it down while staying in the blast.
like i mentioned in another post on this thrad make the shockwave an insta death thing either you retreat or die.
CC is a very active and well used map. Quick to jump into get Nukara or Fleet marks and out again. Removing something because its become to easy and stale is not a valid reason to remove something that is played. If its to easy for you or gone stale then find a different STF to play or lobby Cryptic to make an Elite version of this map.
Leave CC and CCA well alone.
If anything needs removing or revamping its the KDF Fleet STF'S Like Starbase Defense/Incursion ect. Those never pop in the public queues.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
I'd be careful about asking changes to the Advanced version of Crystalline Catastrophe. Only a handful of players really make it a "travesty". Most of the sub one-minute runs I am in have 1 or 2 players doing 90% (or even more) of all the damage to the entity. The other 8-9 players hardly make a contribution.
I'd rather have an Elite version brought out, one with a heavily buffed set of NPCs and only 5 players in the run.
This is true, which is a large problem in general. They will never be able to create a tactical queue that won't create a near impenetrable gap between hardcores and casual with the DPS situation. I have it dead by the time I check who all my teammates are and I've had fairly normal five minute runs.
Those same people are basically mandatory in other elite queues as most players don't approach the DPS needed to get objectives completed in the required time otherwise.
It could use an elite version to be honest. Where the Tholians are actually an objective and the entity doesn't just sit there getting ganked.
But why is it any opinion voiced on these forums is shouted down as whining. The OP does have a good point that the mission is way too easy and way too fast and also that rewards for the fleet events is shockingly bad. I mean it's plain daft that you could run through the whole nukara rep without actually killing or fighting a Tholian (because in CCA you can totally ignore them!). Plus it's ridiculous that people don't seem able to accept that a 30sec-1min vape run masquerading as end game content is pretty poor going for any game.
I like running the queues that are fast every now and then to fill some spare time, but I'm under no impression that this queue in particular is up to the standard of a lot of the newer ones.
I'd say add in elite version and aim to revamp it in the long run to bring f it's quality up to a better standard, like that set by Gravity Kills etc.
Same goes for the Borg runs as well. They are way behind the new stuff in terms of quality these days.
CCA is hardly end game content, it only grants Fleet Marks and marks for the what? third? reputation.
The reason these older queues are remaining as they are is because they represent the earlier reputations and thus when a player is less leveled. If you increase their difficulty then you'll be steepening the learning curve for a lot of newer players.
Maybe the developers could give the CE a swarm of Tholians who actually help it, by buffing it, healing, giving it (more) timed immunities and a feedback pulse ability, so that only very narrow time windows remain when the CE can be damaged - and only after the Tholians have been removed.
My issue with this is that the Tholians are a LOT harder to kill than the entity. We've still got that Delta Rising damage sponge TRIBBLE where Tholian cruisers have 600,000 HP, and Dreadnoughts are over a million. Having the Tholians be mandatory objectives drags the queue out needlessly.
In addition, the Entity is capable of healing itself if you play badly.
There should be memory of the whole history of this event. This queue was taken down because the way it was structured required absolutely perfect execution by every single player otherwise the entire run was impossible. It ended up being impossible to beat. The revamp is what we have now, but there was a detour at the beginning of Delta Rising where the Entity had way more HP when no one had the DPS to actually take it down and the Tholians kept warping in reinforcements. It was broken. And frequently completely unwinnable, like the Tzenkethi Battlefront is now.
The idea of an Elite version of the queue is perfectly salient and should be implemented, but at the same time the advanced queue should be left alone.
As for the other fleet queues, they should've been updated with improved rewards and advanced versions years ago. But they aren't end game content, they're general content, that have to be easy enough for newer players to complete. But they still need better rewards. The big twenty man Starbase Fleet Defense is the only one with actual good rewards and gameplay but the twenty man requirement means it's hard to get a group together without the 20 man channel's help.
I used to fly out of weapon range when the entity did it's explody thing. People just started sitting right through it and blasting away. Now I'm flying around the entity doing the same thing during the explosions because of the DPS race to get the top three rewards.
Removing the whole STF is wrong, it needs updated so players are forced to retreat when the entity does it's thing instead of burning it down while staying in the blast.
Also new abilities have made it so that the blast itself is a non-issue, Rock and Roll for instance. People still get wiped out by it every now and then which I find hilarious as of course the firing on it with energy weapons while its charging makes the blast powerful enough to destroy the hardiest tanks if there's no sci to debuff it.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
It is time for Crystalline Catastrophe to go. The mission should be removed from the standard queue list and only available during the CE Event. Reasons:
(CC = Crytalline Catastrophe. CE = Crytalline Entity)
1) It's become far to easy, given the advance of level capped players. The entity is generally shattered to shards within minute.
Translation: "omg the only way anything is fun if it has "challenge" this is too popular so hey get rid of it and make it so you have the game is more like how "i" want it to be not all these people who think this is popular...
2) The mission itself is a quick and easy way of getting Fleet Mark dailies, whereas the standard Fleet Mark Missions - Fed Fleet Alert, Starbase Blockade and Starbase Incursion - take longer to do and/or have lower payoffs for completion.
3) Nukara Mark Dailies are in the same boat. A player can advance smoothly through Nukara Reputation without doing a single Nukara mission, except for the final contact at rep completion ... Don't drop the Nukara award for CE, just remove it from the daily queue.
CC has become the most played path of least resistance for easy Fleet Mark dailies, Nukara Rep dailies and quick dilithium. We've all taken advantage of it. Let's limit access to it to the CE Event and at that time make both Advanced and Elite queues available with commensurate rewards. Get people back to playing Fleet Alerts - which require some teamwork and coordination - by making those missions better worth the time and effort.
traslation - this is a mmo and mmos means group and team work thing ---so lets ruin everything everyone is having fun with and make it harder because "teamwork &cooperation" that a what a "true mmo" is
Congrats you basically managed to say the same thing 3 different ways.
Also you managed to include the _ "omg time and effort" whine.
Just to clarify a FACT MMO does not means "team work and cooperation" mmo is simply an environment where multiple users connect to the same environment in real time.
You could have a mmo with no group content and it would still technically be classified as a mmo
You can have all the group content you want .. by forming your own groups.
If you didn't get the point yet i disagree with every point you made.
even if you removed it, you wouldnt solve points 2 and 3.... I can run a Borg RA about as fast as CCA and get marks, Tholian RA takes a bit more time but still nothing special.
and while 90% of the time the poor entity dies before its second blast anymore, I did enter a pug that tried very very hard to fail recently. So there still are players that arent in the 34256809528204609546 dps leagues, the mission as is, plays out for them well.
Now an upgraded Elite version would be a really good idea.
It could use an elite version to be honest. Where the Tholians are actually an objective and the entity doesn't just sit there getting ganked.
But why is it any opinion voiced on these forums is shouted down as whining. The OP does have a good point that the mission is way too easy and way too fast and also that rewards for the fleet events is shockingly bad. I mean it's plain daft that you could run through the whole nukara rep without actually killing or fighting a Tholian (because in CCA you can totally ignore them!). Plus it's ridiculous that people don't seem able to accept that a 30sec-1min vape run masquerading as end game content is pretty poor going for any game.
I like running the queues that are fast every now and then to fill some spare time, but I'm under no impression that this queue in particular is up to the standard of a lot of the newer ones.
I'd say add in elite version and aim to revamp it in the long run to bring f it's quality up to a better standard, like that set by Gravity Kills etc.
Same goes for the Borg runs as well. They are way behind the new stuff in terms of quality these days.
Agreed - particuarly where this attitude that anyone who thinks CCA is pointlessly quick is wrong to hold that opinion.
And I've argued this point before; it would be great if they introduced the ORIGINAL Crystaline mission as the Elite version of this. Keep the pointlessly easy so-called 'Advanced' version for those who only want to play the mission for 30 seconds and get rewarded for doing nothing. Re-introduce the original version for players who actually want to play something.
Wait.. because you find it stale others should be screwed over... /facepalm
While yes with power creep its very easy.. so is most the game..
So no they shouldn't remove it... they should at a later date fix it maybe.. but remove no.. there is no need to TRIBBLE over newer players because you are bored....
Though I don't think it being stale or boring is the issue here.. I bet you can't compete with the upper end meta players so you never get 1st...
I say the solution is simple: Put the real version back so we can play it instead of curbstomping easymode over and over.
I tried the original incarnation of the CE once. After over an hour of mashing buttons, a sore hand, with a net result of getting nowhere as other players let the entity heal over and over and over again I left and never went back. This revamped version is much more PUG friendly and nice way for someone to get in some quick gameplay on alternates. There wasn't anything wrong with the original version mind you, but I'd never again PUG it.
To the OP, all I can say is nothing is making you queue up for something you don't like. Personally, since I no longer need fleet marks myself and have more unrefined ore than I could get rid of in a year I only queue up CE for that quick starship combat play fix I need every once in a while. And believe it or not, more often than should happen there are PUGs that *do* fail the optionals.
The Crystalline Cataclysm Event is the only one all my 14 Characters can get through without me wanting to shoot myself.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Ummm this Crystaline event you's are talking about must be on pc cause the one for console already happened along time ago got the weapon for it which i like. But haven't seen it since the event. Now just waiting on this other stuff supposedly coming out to console on 14th.
I think a rebalance is needed, rather than a removal. Keep it the way that it is and give it 'normal' rewards, the current normal queue is pointless given how easy the so-called advanced queue is.
Personally, I'd like to see each queue with only one level of difficulty instead of three. While this has it's negative aspects, it would reduce the feeling of how empty the queues are without removing any mission content. If CCA was normal then the vault ensnared could be advanced (as it very much needs a rewards boost). I am of course dreaming, as that's not going to happen but still - I think the idea has some merit.
The Crystalline Cataclysm Event is the only one all my 14 Characters can get through without me wanting to shoot myself.
Its the only event after I will run these days. Mirror and Breech I just can't do on 1 toon let alone 21.
I have no objections to an Elite version of this map. But changing 1 of the only 2 queues that isn't the flavor Rep of the month that pops within 30 secs of queuing is a BAD idea.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
The suggestion from me was to make Crystalline Catastrophe more challenging and give us more incentive to play Fleet Alerts for a decent payoff. I still would like to see the Entity only come around for the occasional event.
Some of you seemed a bit offended, like I'd suggested taking away your government phone. Others get it; thanks for the comments. Good discussion.
Here's hoping that the devs do something to make CC more than just a snoozer drive-by.
The suggestion from me was to make Crystalline Catastrophe more challenging and give us more incentive to play Fleet Alerts for a decent payoff. I still would like to see the Entity only come around for the occasional event.
Some of you seemed a bit offended, like I'd suggested taking away your government phone. Others get it; thanks for the comments. Good discussion.
Here's hoping that the devs do something to make CC more than just a snoozer drive-by.
What you suggested was that content be removed from the game for everyone simply because it doesn't meet your personal standard. When you make such a selfish and short sided request, you should expect a generally unpleasant response.
The suggestion from me was to make Crystalline Catastrophe more challenging and give us more incentive to play Fleet Alerts for a decent payoff. I still would like to see the Entity only come around for the occasional event.
Some of you seemed a bit offended, like I'd suggested taking away your government phone. Others get it; thanks for the comments. Good discussion.
Here's hoping that the devs do something to make CC more than just a snoozer drive-by.
What you suggested was that content be removed from the game for everyone simply because it doesn't meet your personal standard. When you make such a selfish and short sided request, you should expect a generally unpleasant response.
Its the only event after I will run these days. Mirror and Breech I just can't do on 1 toon let alone 21.
AoY put my toon count to five and I'm not looking forward to the scheduled Breech event now that I have five. I can't imagine doing it with 21. With the precedent of the Pheonix event I'm thinking I may just wait to see if it pops up again sometime and grab the rewards from that instead. One rare phoenix box seems a mite easier to me than 14 days of 15 minute grinds per toon. At least CC is doable, with 21 toons even.
CC has become the most played path of least resistance for easy Fleet Mark dailies
There is an easier way out of it - just remove the Fleet Marks reward out of the queue: see its population instantly drop and enjoy the salty tears of all those Fleet Marks farmers, who pretend that they are here totally for Nukara marks.
With additional bonus of increased population on those shuttle queues.
Removing the whole STF is wrong, it needs updated so players are forced to retreat when the entity does it's thing instead of burning it down while staying in the blast.
like i mentioned in another post on this thrad make the shockwave an insta death thing either you retreat or die.
Say no to queue removals. On another note, wink wink, if someone from the accolades crowd sees this..... You know who you are and what I want.
Leave CC and CCA well alone.
If anything needs removing or revamping its the KDF Fleet STF'S Like Starbase Defense/Incursion ect. Those never pop in the public queues.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
This is true, which is a large problem in general. They will never be able to create a tactical queue that won't create a near impenetrable gap between hardcores and casual with the DPS situation. I have it dead by the time I check who all my teammates are and I've had fairly normal five minute runs.
Those same people are basically mandatory in other elite queues as most players don't approach the DPS needed to get objectives completed in the required time otherwise.
CCA is hardly end game content, it only grants Fleet Marks and marks for the what? third? reputation.
The reason these older queues are remaining as they are is because they represent the earlier reputations and thus when a player is less leveled. If you increase their difficulty then you'll be steepening the learning curve for a lot of newer players.
My issue with this is that the Tholians are a LOT harder to kill than the entity. We've still got that Delta Rising damage sponge TRIBBLE where Tholian cruisers have 600,000 HP, and Dreadnoughts are over a million. Having the Tholians be mandatory objectives drags the queue out needlessly.
In addition, the Entity is capable of healing itself if you play badly.
There should be memory of the whole history of this event. This queue was taken down because the way it was structured required absolutely perfect execution by every single player otherwise the entire run was impossible. It ended up being impossible to beat. The revamp is what we have now, but there was a detour at the beginning of Delta Rising where the Entity had way more HP when no one had the DPS to actually take it down and the Tholians kept warping in reinforcements. It was broken. And frequently completely unwinnable, like the Tzenkethi Battlefront is now.
The idea of an Elite version of the queue is perfectly salient and should be implemented, but at the same time the advanced queue should be left alone.
As for the other fleet queues, they should've been updated with improved rewards and advanced versions years ago. But they aren't end game content, they're general content, that have to be easy enough for newer players to complete. But they still need better rewards. The big twenty man Starbase Fleet Defense is the only one with actual good rewards and gameplay but the twenty man requirement means it's hard to get a group together without the 20 man channel's help.
Also new abilities have made it so that the blast itself is a non-issue, Rock and Roll for instance. People still get wiped out by it every now and then which I find hilarious as of course the firing on it with energy weapons while its charging makes the blast powerful enough to destroy the hardiest tanks if there's no sci to debuff it.
Yes, more content, not less. Let people play the way they want and don't get but hurt over things.
Make STO Great Again!
Translation: "omg the only way anything is fun if it has "challenge" this is too popular so hey get rid of it and make it so you have the game is more like how "i" want it to be not all these people who think this is popular...
Translation: - Also above comment,
Traslation: Above comment
traslation - this is a mmo and mmos means group and team work thing ---so lets ruin everything everyone is having fun with and make it harder because "teamwork &cooperation" that a what a "true mmo" is
Congrats you basically managed to say the same thing 3 different ways.
Also you managed to include the _ "omg time and effort" whine.
Just to clarify a FACT MMO does not means "team work and cooperation" mmo is simply an environment where multiple users connect to the same environment in real time.
You could have a mmo with no group content and it would still technically be classified as a mmo
You can have all the group content you want .. by forming your own groups.
If you didn't get the point yet i disagree with every point you made.
and while 90% of the time the poor entity dies before its second blast anymore, I did enter a pug that tried very very hard to fail recently. So there still are players that arent in the 34256809528204609546 dps leagues, the mission as is, plays out for them well.
Now an upgraded Elite version would be a really good idea.
I would like to give that one a try.
While yes with power creep its very easy.. so is most the game..
So no they shouldn't remove it... they should at a later date fix it maybe.. but remove no.. there is no need to TRIBBLE over newer players because you are bored....
Though I don't think it being stale or boring is the issue here.. I bet you can't compete with the upper end meta players so you never get 1st...
I tried the original incarnation of the CE once. After over an hour of mashing buttons, a sore hand, with a net result of getting nowhere as other players let the entity heal over and over and over again I left and never went back. This revamped version is much more PUG friendly and nice way for someone to get in some quick gameplay on alternates. There wasn't anything wrong with the original version mind you, but I'd never again PUG it.
To the OP, all I can say is nothing is making you queue up for something you don't like. Personally, since I no longer need fleet marks myself and have more unrefined ore than I could get rid of in a year I only queue up CE for that quick starship combat play fix I need every once in a while. And believe it or not, more often than should happen there are PUGs that *do* fail the optionals.
1. Keep the current CCA the way it is, rewards and all.
2. Make a CCE (Elite) with the proper rewards and difficulty.
NO! Get your mitts off my CCA!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Personally, I'd like to see each queue with only one level of difficulty instead of three. While this has it's negative aspects, it would reduce the feeling of how empty the queues are without removing any mission content. If CCA was normal then the vault ensnared could be advanced (as it very much needs a rewards boost). I am of course dreaming, as that's not going to happen but still - I think the idea has some merit.
Its the only event after I will run these days. Mirror and Breech I just can't do on 1 toon let alone 21.
I have no objections to an Elite version of this map. But changing 1 of the only 2 queues that isn't the flavor Rep of the month that pops within 30 secs of queuing is a BAD idea.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
Some of you seemed a bit offended, like I'd suggested taking away your government phone. Others get it; thanks for the comments. Good discussion.
Here's hoping that the devs do something to make CC more than just a snoozer drive-by.
What you suggested was that content be removed from the game for everyone simply because it doesn't meet your personal standard. When you make such a selfish and short sided request, you should expect a generally unpleasant response.
This is an example of a REAL idea. Leaves the current content for those that enjoy it, and also addresses the problem for those that don't.
You see the difference?
Where's that up-vote button when I need it?!
AoY put my toon count to five and I'm not looking forward to the scheduled Breech event now that I have five. I can't imagine doing it with 21. With the precedent of the Pheonix event I'm thinking I may just wait to see if it pops up again sometime and grab the rewards from that instead. One rare phoenix box seems a mite easier to me than 14 days of 15 minute grinds per toon. At least CC is doable, with 21 toons even.
There is an easier way out of it - just remove the Fleet Marks reward out of the queue: see its population instantly drop and enjoy the salty tears of all those Fleet Marks farmers, who pretend that they are here totally for Nukara marks.
With additional bonus of increased population on those shuttle queues.