this was suppose to come out with the launch of the season. I know it will eventually be fixed but by chance could we have beam compression pistols of ALL the ground type weapons? I love pistols and I love high density rifles, this is the perfect go-between. I'd love to see it even with all the lock box type weaponry as well because nearly all of them have pistols, From Phase Tetryon to Assault Phaser.
I know there is such thing as over-hyping but I really like this idea and can't wait to spend 50 lobi to get this on my main character.
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Yup yup my main has been blasting bugs with it for a few hours now. too bad I used my Super Upgrade thing on my Spherebuilder Kara kesh thing
guess I'll have wait until the Omega Upgrades are done to upgrade it
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Umm.. read above
its in the Lobi store now
Yes it does, I just picked one up this morning.
Has a great sound too ... unlike the phaser arrays I'm using on my NX ... I'm actually tempted to start submitting bug reports about the pulse phaser sounds not being accurate ...
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so not as disappointing as the assault pistols?
I'm actually far more pleased with the current sounds of the pulse phasers, as they are not as intensely grating as they would be if they mimicked the sound from TWoK, but sped up.
I realize I am probably in the minority on that, but that's just how I feel about it. The multiple TOS era phaser beam sounds stacked on top of each other is bad enough, and I kinda wanna avoid a repeat of that?
I agree, as disappointing as I first cosnidered the pulse phaser sounds. But the way STO handles "directed energy weapons" in general, it's nothing like the shows or movies but more of a goofy onslaught of single shots when canonically, most a ship ever fired was one salvo. There were no "eight beam arrays" in continuous firing mode. And when you translate canon sounds that are used to give "oomph" to a single shot like this, it gets really annoying.
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Well, no, of course the shows didn't really do that, even though technically some of the starships have been capable of that the entire time.
This was mostly a budget constraint, mind you. You did occasionally see the Enterprise-D pull it off, though, but not often.
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I am using my TWoK phaser on holodeck and the four beams dont bleed over each other as they seem to do that old 2D duke nukem sprite *looks the same at every angle* trick... I wonder if that was intentional as devs wanted us to see the 4 beams at every angle. Either way, I am very impressed. The sound and look of the four beams even the blue flash at the emitter array are accurate!
The only thing thats not accurate (and Im sure the dev knows this) is that the beam that vapourizes should pulse like the ship phasers do. My guess is its difficult to code in as the pistol is *technically* a beam weapon. They get away with this non canon move quite nicely by making the beam two larger beams instead of four.. I use my trek licensed imagination and simply tell myself these were the Motion Picture version and hadnt been beefed up by starfleet yet, and so they didnt pulse. (and yes this phaser pistol was first in The Motion Picture, and was officially designed as a phase 2 prop.)
Im VERY satisfied. Thank you cryptic.
As for the ship phasers, i too agree the sound makes sense. Sto has always approximated the effects from the show. Although if they used a modified version of the sound being used for the type 2 compression beam pistol, i dont think itd be too jarring to hear... Just listen to the antiproton beams, they sound like a snow plow dragging on concrete. I would be fine if they didnt change a thing though.
Just use your trek-magination & think those were the refitted pulses from closer to when the enterprise B launched.
Our writers do a great job giving us plot devices to get around this JUST AS TREK HAS ALWAYS DONE. for example, all this late 23rd century equipment was refitted by the ferengi lobi consortium to be up to modern standards. That had to require some technical changes....
Im not sure youre explaining your idea very well here. You realize this phaser is a special item from the movie era right? It sounds like you want the weapon stats for modern trek equipment? If the devs gave the same function/stats to all variants of pistol then why did I have to spend real money on this lobi store item?
Forgive me in advance for any tone i might be conveying here; if you love this weapon and its stats then just use it! It seems to me your request is more about aesthetics. You want the same kind of stats but prefer using it on 24th century equipment.
Having said that i may be misunderstanding you. Please clarify...
If it was possible to mod in a more accurate sound I'd be a little happier, but since that's not an option I'm going to continue being very disappointed in this long awaited weapon. While it's true that many other sounds have been off, this is the only one that really bothers me, probably because I've been waiting 7 years for it and it's much, MUCH more inaccurate than any other sound I can think of.
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Ive been waiting for it for 7 years too... The ground version has accurate sound. Strangely the assault phaser rifle has an accurate sound but the assault pistol does not...
Maybe the devs will fix the sound for the assault pistol and ship pulse phasers. Its odd that these long awaited weapons are only half accurate...
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Probably because, like the TOS phasers, the original sounds of the pulse phasers probably ran the risk of being INCREDIBLY GRATING when layered over itself multiple times due to several of them firing at once.
They didn't "fail" in replicating the sounds, the devs seemed to make a conscious decision to implement a totally less annoying sound.
Which, personally, I am completely fine with.
if I can suffer through 3 or 4 ap beam boat crit TRIBBLE hyper DPSing things you can deal with my appropriate TWoK pulse phasers
As I said in another thread, once upon a time I had a heavily modified instalation of Star Trek: Legacy with TMP phaser sounds ripped directly from the film, and ships modified to fire as many, if not more, weapons at a time as STO. The sounds were perfectly fine, and no where close to the annoyance level of the TOS phasers (which were just as annoying as they are in STO).
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