Given how bad it is right now with so many people logged on...
It seems like it wasn't really a good idea to have Omega, the Anniversary, AND a new season debut all at the same time. I realize it's all about the daily logons (for performance metrics for the game), but you gotta have a server that can handle this much traffic.
Any two of these would have put a huge amount of traffic, but all three, especially with the Omega which has people almost constantly logged in to get particles.
It's not game breaking though, just irksome.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Well, doing things because that's the way it's always been done without regard for any changes in the size or distribution of the player base, increased technology demands due to changes in the game, or other considerations is certainly something that all successful businesses do...
I reiterate my previous position that doing something just because it's the way it's always been done may not be the best way to operate, especially in light of a notable drop in game performance (albeit, anecdotal).
It somewhat defeats the purpose of setting up the parameters to get people to logon daily in order to increase operating stats (and revenue potential) if the experience is frustrating due to server lag, drops and such - thereby alienating players, rather than further engaging them, as this entire setup was clearly meant to do.
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Welcome to STO during major updates. Are you new to the game?
It's all too common for people to blame Cryptic before even considering any of the above variables. It's also widely known that a certain company that routes Cryptic's data isn't exactly delivering the service it should, on top of the fact that Cryptic may not be able to afford the highest quality bandwidth, unlike say Microsoft and Blizzard.
And finally, of course events like this bring in higher traffic, at the end of the day that is a good thing, however, with being a Sub, I've not seen if there is any queuing to log-in.
Cryptic present to you a total free to play game, of which you are not forced, nor obliged to pay for anything, and seeing that they are just a small team of about, I'd say 50 or so employees, I will say, as I've said before, get off their backs and give them credit for a great game, that's free to play, that has more way content than the vast majority of AAA games that cost upward of $70-80.
That is not to say it's Cryptics fault, exactly.. But it's something on their end - either their netcode (maybe not, since I didn't have that problem with City of Heroes, RIP), their ISP, or their servers.
EA, Turbine, Sony (er, whoever owns their games now), and a host of weird companies like Nexon and Valofe and others from SE Asia all work fine.
On Thursday I could see small lag spikes all day long, but not since then.
I would have been pretty unhappy if they did the Anniversary without the Omega Game. I look forward to this all year in STO, those upgrades are absolutely great. I usually get everything upgraded and bank quite a few epic items to go on the exchange.
I guess they could have spaced out the new Season until after the Anniversary, but the idea probably was that since not everyone farms the Omega event, those players would have found the anniversary event alone to be lacking in content.
It's a little laggy from time to time, but not enough that I think it warrants splitting up the content the way the OP has suggested. Personally, I like when they dump a ton of new stuff on us at once. It always takes me a while to go through it all, I still haven't even tried the new PVE ques, I'll do that tomorrow.
This event? I can't seem to get better than 600 consistently. The slider will be in position to "catch" the particles, but the pass right through. I've even had it miss the #3 particle in a solid row of 4, without moving the slider at all.
So, while it might be lag, I don't understand why I have no lag issues with QWW, but can't master this minigame at all.
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The Omega game is a pain, but easily remedied by afking it.
Get a bunch of lag.. See that instance is full.. Change to an instance with hardly anyone in it. Lag goes away. Sure.. Not the servers.. lol
There's a bunch of different types of lag. Internet, load and "coding" (i.e. TRIBBLE poor optimization etc). 2 of those are mostly Cryptic's "responsibility".
Had a lot of game crashes, which happens to me every time they update.
And they've updated nearly every day this week.
I'm sure that there is. But I don't experience lag. Many others here have stated they don't experience lag. Yet we're all playing on the same server that you are. Sure... MUST be the servers. LOL
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I get the impression the mini-game tends to be a bit laggy, but usually not as bad that it would lead to massive lag or even disconnects.
From the winter event through to the current anniversary event things have been pretty smooth for me though. Nothing much more than the occasional hiccup. If you are having issues with the game though you do have my sympathies as it sure can be frustrating. I have friends and fleet mates that do, so not saying they're not present.
I don't think it warrants splitting up the new content though. The featured episode is connected to the anniversary which is connected to the new queues...
It jumps. I've noticed this. Every time you complete one particle, there is a hesitation and it jumps the screen forward a tiny bit when the speed kicks up. I'd almost call it lag, except it's not. It's what causes me to miss that one stupid particle when I try to get them all.
However, there is definitely an excess of data at the moment, which could be causing some people problems. Less from the number of people online and more to the number of other things going on: mini-games, special effects, number of instances active at one time, etc. Some of these things have been proven to cause major disruptions to games. Usually, it's the player's comp that can't handle the rendering rather than any lag due to connection. Still, connections do happen, only they don't just happen to one or two people. When they happen, they tend to drop everyone in an area offline for a bit and they all have to warp back in. Otherwise, you're just rubberbanding and that got a different cause, not worth even mentioning, since it has nothing to do with Cryptic itself, but the route.
You do know how instanced "servers" work right? That the tracert ends at the server that's connected to the net but there can be a server farm behind that. We may not all play on the same exact same server even though it appears that way. Even if we were, an instance that's full runs much "slower" than an instance that isn't. Why else do you think they have hard limits on how many people can be in an instance at any one time. Do you think they did that just arbitrarily? No. It's because too many people causes lag for all in that instance.
I'll also remind you of all the lag people experienced awhile back when they brought out the kemocite stuff. Even then some people said "oh, I don't experience any lag, must be you" and yet a lot of people complained about it. What did Cryptic do? They made changes to how certain powers worked in order to reduce lag. So I know it's really easy to just say it's not their fault but a lot of the lag people experience is the game, and not the connection. If you have a great computer and graphics card, then you might not notice it, but head off to the delta quadrant and run the Ocampa mission. People always complain about that mission.
this had more to do with how the player's computers were unable to render the animations, than it did with anything else. Cryptic stated as much at the time. There were connection issues, but the thing you mention here wasn't that - or at least not just that. They reduced the data in order to help correct the problem with the powers TRIBBLE up player comps. And if you're pointing to a 'mission' as the problem, that's a data issue and not connection. could be their servers yes, but mostly it turns out that the people playing the game are using PCs and not Workstations, so don't have 10 terabyte graphic systems rendering all the 'little flashy bits', that caused such an issue in many of the PVEs. PVEs we no longer have specifically because of this issue.
Right. Which, is why one of the reasons for lag I stated was poorly coded "optimization". I vaguely remember something about them having some ungodly number of explosions going off at the same time, which not only would cause graphical lag, but also all those calculations on the server end would slow things down. I can't remember all the details now but I seem to remember there being multiple things going on as they changed more than one thing in order to resolve the problem. I do remember them taking a very long time to finally get around to it though cause hey, it's everyones connection and not their coding/servers right?
Yes, I do understand how it works. Look, man, I'm not saying that you or anyone else isn't having a problem. I'm just saying I don't agree with your conclusion. I've been in instances where people are complaining of lag, seen players' characters freeze and stutter due to the lag they're experiencing, and not experienced the same lag myself. Been to the DQ many times. Played the Ocampa mission. Never had reason to complain. I don't have the best of the best computer system, in fact, it's about 5 years old. And I'm not saying that I've NEVER experienced lag or a disconnect, but when I do, it's usually because I'm running too many things at once on my computer while playing STO, or an issue with my internet service. In other words, it's on me, not Cryptic.
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