Tzenkethi Front Advanced, I have ran this mission four times and all four times the same bug has occured. The Tzenkethi bases are taken out, our base is 100%. The Dreadnought never arrives. We have between 2:40 and 3:00 minutes on the clock that just run down to FAIL. Then the mission is unresolved and we have to exit it manually. This has happened on Advanced. I have video, will upload to youtube and provide a link. Bug reports were filed by all players in each match.
What happened to those unique forum ranks I paid for?
After destroying the last base, the Dread didn't warp in anywhere. I was flying around to all the NPCs, no Dread to be found. We quickly dispatched all the remaining NPCs, still the Dread didn't arrive. We had to quit despite doing amazingly well.
One extra detail if it means anything was that I was the one that destroyed the last base. I did this a few seconds after the 4th was destroyed by someone else. Normally when the 2nd to last base is blown up, the Dread warps in at the last base. But I destroyed the last base so quickly after the fourth to last that it never came in.