Damn. Those are pretty, with cool stats (pilot ship I'd fly!), nice console upgrades, and HUGELY thematic new ship traits.
I want one.
Both, actually

Well done in keeping the goodies flowing. The next Infinity box promotion is gonna be a blowout!
(Now release the T6 Tal Shiar adapted ships already! So my pocketbook can implode like a poorly managed Romulan Singularity...)
Looking forward to the Tal Shiar ships.
Yeah. That one's fugly, and it's only getting more annoying as time goes on.
Those are going to pull so much cash out of my wallet. Mini-naradas. If they mirror what we see with the Elachi and the TSA Destroyer gets Pilot seating you're gonna be able to hear me squee from almost anywhere on this continent.
I'll grab a T6 Wells or Moebius with Pilot and Temporal Seatings without hesitation.
Yeah. While not my thing, it's still quite sexy and I'm VERY happy more dedicated fans of that series might finally get the pay off of the multi-year build-up. No idea how they'll make it available yet. Maybe single-faction lobi ship like the Vengeance?
So... in my experience the infinity sub-boxes update each time the whole box updates. Meaning if you're sitting on a T6 ship reward pack now and don't open it, the table of choices will get longer over time. I have a t5 runner-up box I'm sitting on because I think in a few months I'll be able to open it for the Sphere builder frigate.
basically I'm still opening infinity boxes on and off now, and if I do jackpot, I'll use it for an Elachi or Tal Shiar Adapted later when they're added to the list
So much to look forward to!
Same here, the Elachi ships look great.. but I would be more interested in a T6 version of the Tal Shiar adapted ships.
Just my opinion of course, if other like it, good for them and I hope you can get them if you want.
New T6 escort has a new skin, which I think is quite a bit more fast looking
I think the Romulan Temporal Science ship is one of the most elegant hulls in the game. Very much looking forward to any revamp it might receive.
I hope we can use the T5 skin on it though.
As I just looked at the stats again and that Mastery trait might be interesting for my tac who uses disruptors... also, two pilot seats. On an escort. Couldn't be more awesome
Too bad the devs didn't use the model for the Tempus in the TCW missions and forgot to adapt its bridge to Lighting 2.0, arguably making it the worst illuminated ship bridge of the game, looking like early N64 lighting:
Temporal Romulan ship bridge (1.0)
Temporal Romulan ship bridge (2.0)
Seriously, what is this accident?
My Gorn Sci has the Krenn, Korath, Rozenko, and lives in his Paradox, not 100% sure I would upgrade him.
Just got a sheshar and was thinking I've be fine picking up the T5s for set bonuses consoles but these new versions and their really sweet ship traits have me pausing before pulling that trigger.
Definitely want that Elachi S’ateth Escort! Please, make it so... today!
What's an [EACHI T6 REVAMP? New ship? NEVER heard of it OP
That happens on other ships too (like T6 Defiant, with right configuration). Another good reason to support the motion to be able to disable warp trails, btw.
While you're at it, my good man, can you please check whether they fixed the broken seating on the Elachi S'ateth yet?
I'd just put those images on the bug board and wait. They're clearly still going through and cleaning up by hand after the initial procedural pass. I was fortunate enough to get to talk to @tacofangs for a bit at the STLV meet-&-greet and he's very passionate about seeing this project through. As long as he knows there's a problem, I'm sure it'll be addressed in time
I would expect any revamp of the temporal science vessel to only include the Fed version, because it has been established in the storyline that the Klingons and Romulans are members of the Federation in the 29th century. To the point KDF NPCs fly Wells-class vessels in the time-travel episodes.