Marquis were wiped out during Dominion War, along with "Thomas Riker". many had died.
many hideouts were hit by Orbital Bombarments to make sure they have nothing left to rebuilt the ships, some survivors joined Bajora as they joined Federation.
all they had now was relief supply to revive the farms and some tech for doctors, they are still decades away to have thier own fleet.
Would make for an excellent cross faction Pilot ship.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
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Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Actually, it's most likely an older, retired Federation ship, maybe officially replaced by the Peregrine, like how the USS Franklin was replaced by the NX but still used afterwards, since the Maquis was born from Federation colonists.
its pretty obvious it was a fed ship at some point, based purely on the model. The engines are almost a copy of the Pergrine fighter, but on a bigger scale. It was probably a close range escort or frigate, perhaps only designed for short range system patrols or smaller journeys. Since been replaced by better starfleet vessels like the Rapier or other true escorts.
Come to think of it starfleet probably has a tonne of these sorts of ships we never see in the shows or films, not everything has to be a fully fledged starship. I'd bet there's loads of small short range patrol vessels or support craft that we've never seen because they are considered boring. And there'll be a wealth of civilian vessels as well from hundreds of planets or civilian manufacturing companies.
I think that is the thing. It became the peregrine fighter. So no need to include it. Or they are waiting to make the cardassians a minor faction and include the maquis as opponents and thus it would be a lock box ship like the Kazon raider.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I think that is the thing. It became the peregrine fighter. So no need to include it. Or they are waiting to make the cardassians a minor faction and include the maquis as opponents and thus it would be a lock box ship like the Kazon raider.
Peregrine fighters actually predated this ship in the show I think. But they were used side by side within maquis ranks.
"Thou shalt respect the weak and shalt constitute thyself defender of them."
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
In addition to not being a Starfleet ship (I never said not Federation) it's also not a single ship. There's two versions of the raider, one roughly runabout sized and one with a bridge modal instead of a window and so on.
Both versions are much larger than a Peregrine (which is apparently a courier retrofitted into a fighter) but still far too small for a frigate being much smaller than Starfleeet's shortest starship, The Raven.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
since we cant have larger ships for fed hangers like the klings get BOP they would make for good hanger pets IMO
Actually these Maquis Raiders are slightly larger than a Klingon Beards of Prey. If you look them up on Memory Alpha they have a crew of 24 compared to the BOP with 13.
"Thou shalt respect the weak and shalt constitute thyself defender of them."
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Marquis fighter? Marquis carrier? Sure, why not. Along side of the Marquis Cruiser and Marquis Escort all build at the traditional Marquis shipyards orbiting their ancient homeworld Marq...
Thats a Peregine with a different skin. Marquis where an militant anti Cardassia movement loosely based on the real french WW2 Marquis. They (ST Marquis) used what they get their hand on; that mostly stolen shuttles (not the real deal; they tried to steal the Ent-D afaik) & hand held weapons from their fallen enemies. Their last reason to exists ceased at the latest with the end of the dominion war.
edit: ok, than not a Peregine fighter but a kitbash based on it. In line with the Marquis lore we have we can still expect it to be something like a re-worked civilian yacht, trash-transporter or similar underwhelming and not something they developed and constructed by themselves.
edit2: By all means, that does not mean I'm against that ship itself in STO. Its a ship from ST canon so it has its place. But it should not be all of the sudden a Marquis 2.0 reawakened Super-BoP but rather some funboat.
Absolutely not. NO terrorist ships in STO, please.
Then, we should also remove at least Na'kuhl ships, Sphere Builder ships, Elachi ships, Breen ships and Tal Shiar Adapted ships, to be consistent.
After all, the only Na'kuhl and Sphere Builders who use those ships are temporal terrorists, the Elachi strike Romulan colonies with surprise terror attacks, the Breen enslave the Deferi and launched a suicide attack on Earth, and the Tal Shiar are experimenting with biotechnological viruses.
it should probably should be kept for if they decide to to a marauder/raiding spec since normally feds shouldn't have ships designed for that sort of thing but *insert plot* causing them to update old maquis ships, so they can keep the big stuff at home would be reasonable.
I personally would love to invade the mirrior universe.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
So really, we just need a Maquis Carrier to put them in
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Or allowing it to be used as frigate pets for carriers perhaps.
many hideouts were hit by Orbital Bombarments to make sure they have nothing left to rebuilt the ships, some survivors joined Bajora as they joined Federation.
all they had now was relief supply to revive the farms and some tech for doctors, they are still decades away to have thier own fleet.
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Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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It was probably a close range escort or frigate, perhaps only designed for short range system patrols or smaller journeys. Since been replaced by better starfleet vessels like the Rapier or other true escorts.
Come to think of it starfleet probably has a tonne of these sorts of ships we never see in the shows or films, not everything has to be a fully fledged starship. I'd bet there's loads of small short range patrol vessels or support craft that we've never seen because they are considered boring. And there'll be a wealth of civilian vessels as well from hundreds of planets or civilian manufacturing companies.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
There was a similar designed ship called a Maquis Fighter, which some confuse for the Peregrine since both Starfleet AND the Maquis actually used the Peregrine.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Looks a bit like a LEGO ship to me. :P Or, friendlier, a BSG Raptor... kinda.
Maquis used Peregrine fighters a lot. This one is something different.
Peregrine fighters actually predated this ship in the show I think. But they were used side by side within maquis ranks.
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Easy mistake to make because they do look similar but Maquis raiders were larger ships with over 20 crew.
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Both versions are much larger than a Peregrine (which is apparently a courier retrofitted into a fighter) but still far too small for a frigate being much smaller than Starfleeet's shortest starship, The Raven.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Actually these Maquis Raiders are slightly larger than a Klingon Beards of Prey. If you look them up on Memory Alpha they have a crew of 24 compared to the BOP with 13.
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Thats a Peregine with a different skin. Marquis where an militant anti Cardassia movement loosely based on the real french WW2 Marquis. They (ST Marquis) used what they get their hand on; that mostly stolen shuttles (not the real deal; they tried to steal the Ent-D afaik) & hand held weapons from their fallen enemies. Their last reason to exists ceased at the latest with the end of the dominion war.
edit: ok, than not a Peregine fighter but a kitbash based on it. In line with the Marquis lore we have we can still expect it to be something like a re-worked civilian yacht, trash-transporter or similar underwhelming and not something they developed and constructed by themselves.
edit2: By all means, that does not mean I'm against that ship itself in STO. Its a ship from ST canon so it has its place. But it should not be all of the sudden a Marquis 2.0 reawakened Super-BoP but rather some funboat.
After all, the only Na'kuhl and Sphere Builders who use those ships are temporal terrorists, the Elachi strike Romulan colonies with surprise terror attacks, the Breen enslave the Deferi and launched a suicide attack on Earth, and the Tal Shiar are experimenting with biotechnological viruses.
I personally would love to invade the mirrior universe.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.