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Star Trek Online Winter Sales!



  • jrdobbsjr#3264 jrdobbsjr Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    If it was still in cert they would say so
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    To those sayig it's Microsoft 's fault, answer these questions:

    Why would they delay a sale, for this game, during what has to be two huge digital sale periods. Black Friday and Christmas.

    For greed? Why then are so many games reduced right now? Nobody else seems to have a problem having a sale on time.

    Why would they cause bad press for their platform of a multiplat game?

    If it was an unexpected quirk of timing with MS, that could explain the delay on Black Friday. But would they not anticipate it in advance this time? Why has this not hindered any other sales STO has had? Likely it's an issue with the Zen discount, but again, other games discount DLC all the time.

    If you actually look at the situation, it's simply illogical that Microsoft would single out and hinder this one games' sales deliberately. And it's also illogical for it to have been an error on Microsoft 's part.
  • ayragaz#1421 ayragaz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Y'know, this really is too bad... I, like many others obviously have or wanted to put money on this game, and now, simply won't because of this. I really hope Cryptic plans on making this up somehow... 1000zen and wrath of Khan uniform would be nice... just throwing that out there.
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Not even money. I'd love to see a special prize box that looks like a gift that lets you pick any one currently released lockbox ship for free.
  • ayragaz#1421 ayragaz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Ok... that'd be pretty sweet too! But personally I've been searching for that Wrath of Khan uniform like kids search for presents; feverishly, yet to no avail 8p
  • And since communication is virtually non existent I spent my coin on other stuff. If this upsets you cryptic then get on the ball about communicating with the community.
  • baldemort41baldemort41 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    To add insult to injury, now, not only do we know nothing, but there's constant server disconnects. Happy Holidays player base!
    Baldemort, K'Bald E Mort, D'Baldemort
    Twelve toons, one mission...enjoy STO
    House of DILLIGAF (KDF)
  • habs124habs124 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Y'know, this really is too bad... I, like many others obviously have or wanted to put money on this game, and now, simply won't because of this. I really hope Cryptic plans on making this up somehow... 1000zen and wrath of Khan uniform would be nice... just throwing that out there.
    \ at this point although it would be nice if they gave us something for their error ...I highly doubt they will do anything.this company that is selling us these virtual goods have ruined my immersion for this game. the only real way I can get that immersion back is if I get something that the pc or playstation folks didn't get. I don't think theyre gonna do anything like that. from my observations of arc/cryptiv they shut up like a clam when something goes wrong.then don't talk about it until it goes away. I guess they feel that this is a free to play game and anybody that wants to save a bit of money at Christmas is cheap.and they don't care if were angry and have to spend our money elsewhere.
    unfortunately this doesn't seem to be a progressive company that treats its customers properly.at least not one that lets its customers feel like theyre in the loop,so to speak. imagine my annoyance and embarrassment. of buying 75$ worth of m$ points in anticipatation of a sale that I saw advertised by cryptic on the 20th only to be told oops sorry you don't get to save .you have to pay full price for your Christmas stuff.then I'm left hanging for a few days until its too late to get what I wanted for the prices everybody else but people on my chosen platform get....ya I could play on pc.my pc costs more than my xbox.ya I could play on playstation but they keep giving out my passwrods and losing toons I had years with.
    unfortunately cryptic has broken my immersion.that is something very very difficult to get back.unless they come up with a something that blows my mind.i expect I will be taking my wallet somewhere else,looking for a company that doesn't act like the Grinch at Christmas. and make me feel stupid playing their game.

    to them we are a pile o money.a sheep to be shorn.a bunch of whiners that expect things for free. I dunno,im used to putting in a ticket and having a gm appear in frount of me .perhaps not being able to help,but there.here if somethings wrong I reset.somethings glitchey its free don't complain.promised a sale for Christmas everybody on every other platform gets....nope yu get to swing in the wind on Christmas.regretting your choices.those are emotions I don't want tied to my game of choice.regret,anger,embarassment.

    I should be excited about the herald quas i worked for 3 weeks to get ahead of Christmas.i should be gearing it up.i should be selling the items I grinded weeks crafting,to customers on the auction house.i should be gearing up and maxing out the breen ships I grinded out for my alts.i am doing none of this because now with my immersion being ruined I'm looking elsewhere.not sure if I will wait any further.cut my losses and move on to a place where they embrace me and my wallet with open arms.

    personally I would be embarrassed if I were them. this is not a new game.they are not a new company. this is not a road that they have not travled before.acting surprised that there is an obstacle in their path.is unacceptable,because they left no window of failure in their plans.

    now I'm in a tough position.should I stay or should I go?its a shame.

  • bubbybearbubbybear Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Xbox One players- we're sorry we don't have more info for you. Timing has changed, but you haven't been forgotten. That's all we can say.

    So the way I'm understanding this (and maybe I'm being too optimistic) is that the sale has been pushed back to a later date and they can't explain why because their contract forces them to take the blame no matter who's at fault. But some form of real communication would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to say they intend on having the sale a.s.a.p. I don't expect some form of freebie to compensate as nice as that would be, no company on earth is going to risk giving free product to people who likely were never going to buy anything to begin with. At this point I just want the sale that was advertised, an explanation would be a bonus though.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,709 Bug Hunter
    Well the sale was on all platform's although the charge bonus was different for some. Still it's a sale that's consistent platform wide, and it was supposed to end this morning at 10am which I was thinking yesterday was unfair with today being boxing day.

    Thankfully my friends at Cryptic found it in their heart to extend this one day. Something to be thankful for. :)
  • selmak1986#5127 selmak1986 Member Posts: 1 New User
    There was no sale on XBox. Or all of us have to be blind.
  • habs124habs124 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    bubbybear wrote: »
    Xbox One players- we're sorry we don't have more info for you. Timing has changed, but you haven't been forgotten. That's all we can say.

    So the way I'm understanding this (and maybe I'm being too optimistic) is that the sale has been pushed back to a later date and they can't explain why because their contract forces them to take the blame no matter who's at fault. But some form of real communication would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to say they intend on having the sale a.s.a.p. I don't expect some form of freebie to compensate as nice as that would be, no company on earth is going to risk giving free product to people who likely were never going to buy anything to begin with. At this point I just want the sale that was advertised, an explanation would be a bonus though.

    I remember a time I lost xbox live for a day,and everybody was givin a free game from xbox arcade as compensation. ive been subsucribed to a mmo where they botched an update and was givin free monthly gametime as compensation. these are virtual goods were talking about.pixels we pay for.

    I cant help but notice that they've removed the "sale" from twitter. and most likely it is a conflict with m$.because they have a sale going on at the moment and it most likley conflicts with the sale that cryptic was going to give.BUT: I played neverwinter on the xbox...so that means that cryptic has delt with m$ for awile,understands their rules and practices. this shouldn't be new to them,unless theyre being run by interns and janitors?

    i know its Christmas and all but heads gotta roll.

    this is epic in is failness.the only reason everybody on the xbox isn't up in arms on risa with pitchforks in hand is that 99% of the people playing on xbox don't know that they got the shaft. does the 1% matter? do they carry the 99%?would it be worth it to placate the 1% that pays giving the 99% something else for free?worth it???? I dunno u tell me

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,754 Arc User
    Insults aren't going to get this working for X1 any faster. Cryptic staff do not lie awake at night thinking up ways to make your life a living hell of full-priced merchandise.
  • habs124habs124 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    they should.it might explain why this game died as a sub model,and has dropped off the main page of ftp games on xb1.i would lie awake at night wondering where all my customers have gone.and worry for my job.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,754 Arc User
    DOOOOOM! Yep, customer fleeing since it went f2p ... 5 years ago. Dying any day now ... any day. Maybe tomorrow?

    (Hint: That was sarcasm.)
  • habs124habs124 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    . lets see its been 8 days since the sale was advertised. 4 days since the sale was to start,1 day since the sale ended. yet we have no information as to why we didn't get what was advertised.

    but we do get apologists kissing the butinsky. .people like you. a person new to mmo's ,one that doesn't understand the relationship between a consumer and a provider of items to consume.

  • alhanaescheralhanaescher Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    So, week 2 of Microsoft's Countdown sale has started today, and what do they have on sale? varrious F2P premium currency packs.... including Zen for STO.

    Current deals...

    500 Zen - 15% off
    1000 Zen - 15% off
    2000 Zen - 20% off
    5300 Zen - 20% off
    11000 Zen - 25% off
    23000 Zen - 25% off

    I guess that's all we'll be getting. no ingame sale, and no notifications crom Arc/Cryptic that it's happening, and totally sucks for anyone whe bought Zen in anticipation of an in-game sale. Really does feel like Xbox was forgotton and Microsoft threw us a bone instead.
  • togadropper#5643 togadropper Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Unfortunately and fortunately I have spent all I will be spending now. I had saved a few hundred for the lifetime subscription and was looking forward to the future of this game. BUT.....no news is not good news in this matter. I see that zen is discounted, but that is not enough compared to other platforms features. Please Cryptic, fold and insert your discount into your TRIBBLE and nest it. I do not have many complaints since this is a free world to kick rocks in and I have options. I am just disappointed in the whole game/Microsoft/Cryptic deal or whatever it is. When even video games have a form of discrimination I just do not want a part of it. We play games to escape the taedium vitae but come to the game to find the same stuff. I do not care if you do not care. Players like myself who do spend a little help support the non spenders, we help make paychecks for the devs, we also finance new game development. YOUR customers are the wheels of this and you segregated us. My time and efforts will be spent educating new players to the game to NOT spend money, but to grind on the dilithium, the EC and other goodies. I will keep playing, but this debacle has taken away half of the fun of the game for me. Agree or disagree, I stand on what I say and hope you have fun figuring out how to make us all insignificant again.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    buy your zen. wait for the sale. jeez
  • bubbybearbubbybear Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    the sale is up, at last!
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Disregard rage, jumped gun.
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    All I managed to buy this time was the Multi-Vector Advanced Escort for its console.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • baldemort41baldemort41 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    So what happened to the sale lasting until 9 January as the email banner clearly states? It's the 3rd, and your routine maintenance deleted the sales.
    Baldemort, K'Bald E Mort, D'Baldemort
    Twelve toons, one mission...enjoy STO
    House of DILLIGAF (KDF)
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