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Do you use your favorite ship?

Everyone here probably has a favorite ship. This could be a hero ship from the television series or movies or maybe it's one of Cryptic's in house designs. The reason I ask is because I personally barely ever use any of my favorite Star Trek ships in game. Most of my favorite ships have undesirable stats, bridge officer and/or console layouts so I end up using other ships that perform much better in game, but that I don't particularly like for one reason or another.

This leads to a couple questions-

1) Do you use a particular ship because you actually have an attachment to it (favorite hero ship, like the look of it ...etc), or do you base your ship choice on its performance in game?

2) Does it bother you when a ship you like has a poor stats (boff/console layout, shield modifier, turn rate...etc)?


  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Everyone here probably has a favorite ship. This could be a hero ship from the television series or movies or maybe it's one of Cryptic's in house designs. The reason I ask is because I personally barely ever use any of my favorite Star Trek ships in game. Most of my favorite ships have undesirable stats, bridge officer and/or console layouts so I end up using other ships that perform much better in game, but that I don't particularly like for one reason or another.

    This leads to a couple questions-

    1) Do you use a particular ship because you actually have an attachment to it (favorite hero ship, like the look of it ...etc), or do you base your ship choice on its performance in game?

    2) Does it bother you when a ship you like has a poor stats (boff/console layout, shield modifier, turn rate...etc)?

    To answer your inquiry

    1 : I use the KT Intel Dreadnaught "Vengeance class" not only do i like its apperance but i love its destructive capabilities

    2 : Yes i was going to get the T6 sovvy/ archon but the deal breaker was its boff seating arrangement especially the intel seat, if the ship looks cool but stats and boff seating is rotten i wont get it.
  • ash352ash352 Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    1) Do you use a particular ship because you actually have an attachment to it (favorite hero ship, like the look of it ...etc), or do you base your ship choice on its performance in game?
    Yes, I have several that I like the look and theme of that I base alts around. Performance is relative since you can pretty much run most content under geared with a little thought and planning. With proper gear there's really no ship that's too horrible to use if you really like it. It might do better BECAUSE you like it, are willing to invest in things to make it function better, and you're more willing to learn the ins and outs of the setup to maximize your ability to clear content with it.
    nikephorus wrote: »
    2) Does it bother you when a ship you like has a poor stats (boff/console layout, shield modifier, turn rate...etc)?
    No. First of all you can kit a ship out to help alleviate things like poor turn rate. Second, a differing BOFF layout than you're used to or like can lead to you trying out new setups that can lead to more interesting builds that you may not have considered before.

    There's almost no ship in the game that's "to bad to use" and even then most of the "bad" ones to players are perfectly fine but just not to their liking and they don't like the look/theme of it enough to make it work. Player perception of what the "best" stats and the current "meta" is what pushes that fallacy, not stats. Fly what you like the look and theme of, you'll have more fun doing that then worrying over "It doesn't have perfectly optimized BOFF seating! IT'S GARBAGE!"
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    1. As a kid growing up watching Trek, my favorite ships were the D'deridex warbird, Romulan Bird of Prety, and the Excelsior class (and I also became fond of the Mogai from Nemesis much later). My main Romulan character spends most of his days in his Retrofit D'deridex, though I also enjoy popping into my Valdore-type Mogai from time to time. I really want that BoP for him, too, but the T6 T'Lliss is pretty far outside of my budget. As for the Excelsior? I really fell in love with flying Science Vessels on my main Federation character and ultimately fell in love with the Nimbus-class DSSV. And when I use a Cruiser with him, I exclusively jump into my Voth Bulwark. I'm thinking I'll have to level an alt before I fly my own Excelsior.

    2. As long as a ship has a T5 or higher variant, I'm honestly pretty good. I think the first time I jumped into a D'deridex after spending so much time in a Valdore (bought the Valdore class as soon as I could, flew it until I could use the Mirror Mogai, finally started using the D'deridex after Black Friday) it was a bit of a shock, because those ships handle very, very differently. The Valdore is incredibly nimble and is a straight jouster with its cannons and/or double beams, while the D'deridex is an old school broadsider and has the turning rate of a bathtub.

    I think my only disappointing experience with a ship has been when I toyed with an Oslo-class and even the Nebula-class when i was leveling my main Federation character way back when STO was released. I'd been mostly using Science ships, but I really like the Oslo class and wanted to give one a whirl. Maybe I just never gave her a fair shake back then (since I've escort-esque warbirds since then with a great amount of fun!), but it just never clicked with me. As for the Nebula? Compared to all the other science vessels I've flown, she just felt so sluggish. But both of those ships were probably more down to me being very used to one particular play-style and not taking the time to sit down and learn em'. It's a mistake I've avoided since I've come back to STO, which is probably why there's now such a plethora of ships I enjoy flying.
  • danaleedanalee Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    1. Galaxy, Excelsior

    2. For me, the ships have T5 and T6 versions which aren't bad at all. I do wish for slightly different BOff layouts but its not a deal breaker for me as I prefer cruisers already. I have found the game to be rather easy overall, so the need to min/max every little detail is not absolutely required to be successful.

    For what it is worth, if a ship has terrific stats but isn't appealing aesthetically to me, I simply will not fly it even if you gave it to me for free. >.> I am one of those guys lmao.
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    danalee wrote: »
    1. Galaxy, Excelsior

    2. For me, the ships have T5 and T6 versions which aren't bad at all. I do wish for slightly different BOff layouts but its not a deal breaker for me as I prefer cruisers already. I have found the game to be rather easy overall, so the need to min/max every little detail is not absolutely required to be successful.

    For what it is worth, if a ship has terrific stats but isn't appealing aesthetically to me, I simply will not fly it even if you gave it to me for free. >.> I am one of those guys lmao.

    Yeah, I'm doing the Christmas stuff basically for the Admiralty card of the Breen ship.

    Just not a fan of Breen vessels. But for free? Well, Admiralty cards are always nice!
  • danaleedanalee Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    boachev wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm doing the Christmas stuff basically for the Admiralty card of the Breen ship.

    Just not a fan of Breen vessels. But for free? Well, Admiralty cards are always nice!

    Is literally the only reason I do that dang race every day. lol. I WANT THE CARD!
  • zerokillcf2011zerokillcf2011 Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    Always fly what I like the looks of. And I'm one of those guys that like the look of canon ships. So my Romulans are in DD's, Klingons in Negv's, and Feds fly Nebula, Defiant, or Gal-X (it was on screen for 15 seconds...but OMG as a kid seeing that!)

    I fly other "perfect" layout ships only long enough to pick up the traits.....otherwise they are admiralty cards only. And I usually just hop into new ship, fly SB24 2 or 3 times on solo to hit the tier 5 trait, and then go back to classic ship of choice.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I would use the Star Cruiser a lot more if there were a more Science-oriented version of it. Preferably something higher than a lieutenant sci station, the fleet version has 4 sci consoles which is sufficient.

    The only other special designs for me are the Xindi Narcine, Kumari and Vesta class starships. Those I do use frequently because all these ships have some potential and are easy to work with.
  • bwleon7bwleon7 Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    My favorite ship looks wise is the Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrior but the Wells fits my play style better. It has a bridge layout that works really well for me.
    Dr. Miranda Jones: I understand, Mr. Spock. The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
    Mr. Spock: And the ways our differences combine, to create meaning and beauty.

    -Star Trek: Is There in Truth No Beauty? (1968)
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    1/ Right now, I use the Kelvin Dreadnought because of both.
    Because it's pretty deadly already and because, had things gotten differently, I like to imagine it as a perfect ship for the Federation (albeit, after having a new paint job and getting its interior seriously upgraded to be more pleasant and welcoming): it's huge, it's fast, it's highly resilient, it can curbstomp a lot of things, it shows it can... and it just loves exploring, meeting new people, befriending them, helping them, and will only get angry if you're a bully. A gentle giant, basically.

    For the D4x, it's a raider that has a battle cloak, a pilot ship I don't find ugly and I can crew the way I want, it can equip good exclusive consoles with interesting set bonuses to make it more resilient, and its wings move, like in its movie! It looks mean and like it was built with a semi-post-apocalyptic design in mind. Perfect for a KDF engineer!

    While I usually choose my ships due to their appearance and actions in canon (still hoping to see the Jellyfish, the Kelvin and the Franklin, in STO one day), I also check their stats. I'm usually forgiving if they're not the best, but on rare occasions, they just make me want not to bother. Which leads to the second point.

    2/ Stats and default builds rarely bother me as I'm not seeking to be the best in DPS. For example, despite the lack of cloak, strange angle when flying and lack of good color patterns, I really love my Baltim even if the Vengeance replaced it. But when something really seems off I won't bother with the ship. For example:
    -not a single universal station, even if it's just an ensign one? Get it off of my face!
    -no Lt Commander sci station for my Gravity Well? You'd better have some good exclusive console or something to compensate!
    -no "Fly her Apart"-like ability for the T6 Excelsior? Get out of here!

  • vampeiyrevampeiyre Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Yes, now that both AOY (Constitution) and the Kelvin Lockbox (Konstitution) have made this possible.
    "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
  • angrybobhangrybobh Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    I pick my ships based a bit on liking the ship and a bit on performance. I was mildly upset with the t6 sov stats but I bought it and still use it because I can use the many different options to make a good looking ship. Besides, any t5/t6 ship in this game can be made to perform reasonably well in all content.
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    angrybobh wrote: »
    I pick my ships based a bit on liking the ship and a bit on performance. I was mildly upset with the t6 sov stats but I bought it and still use it because I can use the many different options to make a good looking ship. Besides, any t5/t6 ship in this game can be made to perform reasonably well in all content.

    Bolded for emphasis. The actual stat differences between a T5 and T6 ship is pretty negligible, and *most* T5 ships are capable of being T5-U, making the gap even smaller.

    I do wish they'd let me upgrade my Mirror Mogai to T5-U, but it's a minor thing.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    Use my Favorite Ship? Which one? I have at least two or three on each of my five characters.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    Some surprising answers. I'm actually a little surprised that people are not that upset that their favorite ships have subpar stats compared to others and that they are okay with using ships that are far from optimal.
  • wilusawilusa Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    back when you could fly around Fed territory i would use NX-01 to take out klingons but those areas are gone now so not much of that anymore.
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Some surprising answers. I'm actually a little surprised that people are not that upset that their favorite ships have subpar stats compared to others and that they are okay with using ships that are far from optimal.

    I think part of it is the nature of STO. "Optimization" is NOT a requirement. This isn't WoW where you need to have an absolutely perfect build to squeeze out that extra 2% DPS needed before anyone will let you raid with them.

    With STO, you can probably complete any content with nothing but T5 ships. The bar for viability is very low, and when that happens a lot of people are content to just do whatever is fun for them. This is probably amplified by the fact that the majority of the playerbase are longtime Trek fans by the opportunity to sorta live out the fantasy of being their own Star Trek captain with their own ship and crew, going off to explore the final frontier. I'm definitely in that camp, and for me being the "BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST, SIR," isn't why I play STO.

    As for people who do play for the min/max... more power to them, absolutely. There's a lot to enjoy in this game, and if you're the type who wants to see what combinations of gear and abilities and BOFFs and DOFFs will result in the absolute most impressive amounts of insane damage, go for it. The style of gameplay is an option in STO, but it's far from a requirement. It mostly means you'll be able to clear content at a faster speed and be able to thump your chest about what a beast your ship is. Which, again, nothing wrong with that. It irks me slightly when I enter a Red Alert and can't even touch a single Borg ship, but whatever, it's a pretty minor thing.

    It's something that Cryptic has been good at for, well... ever. I remember losing countless time of my life to City of Heroes/Villains, and I don't think I ever had an "optimal" build (I never made a Regen Scrapper). Make a cool character with abilities that also seem cool, proceed to have fun.
  • ash352ash352 Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Some surprising answers. I'm actually a little surprised that people are not that upset that their favorite ships have subpar stats compared to others and that they are okay with using ships that are far from optimal.

    Because you're a min/maxer apparently. That type of mindset is completely removed from the mindset a lot of other players have. To min/maxers a game isn't "fun" unless you're using the most optimized, "meta", loadout and theorycraft new stuff to see if it will give you a 1.113% DPS increase. People with that mindset will never fully get the "I'm playing what I find fun even if it takes me 15 more seconds to kill something."

    This game isn't hard, even for people flying around in non-optimal builds. You can make a viable ship using almost any combination of equipment and abilities. It won't be optimal, but if someone wants to run around doing PvE content in vanilla Tetryon or Phaser type beams, or make a ship with 3 Torps, or even doing some crazy build based around one console it'll still work. It won't be optimal but it'll still let them clear the content in a way they enjoy. Just because a ship isn't optimal doesn't mean it's garbage that no one should use. That might be YOUR opinion, and judging by how you very carefully worded your OP and reply it's obviously the case, but that doesn't make it true.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    ash352 wrote: »
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Some surprising answers. I'm actually a little surprised that people are not that upset that their favorite ships have subpar stats compared to others and that they are okay with using ships that are far from optimal.

    Because you're a min/maxer apparently. That type of mindset is completely removed from the mindset a lot of other players have. To min/maxers a game isn't "fun" unless you're using the most optimized, "meta", loadout and theorycraft new stuff to see if it will give you a 1.113% DPS increase. People with that mindset will never fully get the "I'm playing what I find fun even if it takes me 15 more seconds to kill something."

    This game isn't hard, even for people flying around in non-optimal builds. You can make a viable ship using almost any combination of equipment and abilities. It won't be optimal, but if someone wants to run around doing PvE content in vanilla Tetryon or Phaser type beams, or make a ship with 3 Torps, or even doing some crazy build based around one console it'll still work. It won't be optimal but it'll still let them clear the content in a way they enjoy. Just because a ship isn't optimal doesn't mean it's garbage that no one should use. That might be YOUR opinion, and judging by how you very carefully worded your OP and reply it's obviously the case, but that doesn't make it true.

    That's not entirely true...at least your analysis of me. While I do try to optimize my ships as much as possible. I wouldn't call myself a min/maxer. In that I don't build my ships around the so called "meta". I do like to be the best that I can be within my own build system, but I personally don't follow the meta. I still use an a2b build, which if you know anything about the current meta, isn't anywhere close to optimal.

    While I generally agree that the game isn't hard there are a few mission in game that do push people to their limits. Hive Space: Elite for instance. I wouldn't recommend for people using less then optimal builds/gear if they want to succeed at the mission and get the optional and max reward.
  • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    First, yes, I'm angry canon ships usually get TRIBBLE stats.

    I use them regardless. Vor'cha, B'rel, Negh'var, D'Deridex, Valdore and so on. Most Cryptic designed ships are ugly as sin. I may get them for the trait, but after that I'm dumping them.

    I really wish Cryptic would lose the Trek license or at least that ***** of lead designer would get replaced.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    aurigas7 wrote: »
    First, yes, I'm angry canon ships usually get **** stats.

    I use them regardless. Vor'cha, B'rel, Negh'var, D'Deridex, Valdore and so on. Most Cryptic designed ships are ugly as sin. I may get them for the trait, but after that I'm dumping them.

    I really wish Cryptic would lose the Trek license or at least that ***** of lead designer would get replaced.

    My beliefs kind of align with yours in some respects. I use the B'rel, and Vor'cha on my kdf character, and the D'Deridex on my RR character. I enjoy the canon designs and for the most part shun the majority of the Cryptic designs. In some cases they have some decent looking ships. I do like the Command Cruisers on the fed and romulan side for instance.

    As for losing the license I don't actively hope for that. I enjoy this game and play it and don't really want it to go away.
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    aurigas7 wrote: »
    First, yes, I'm angry canon ships usually get **** stats.

    I use them regardless. Vor'cha, B'rel, Negh'var, D'Deridex, Valdore and so on. Most Cryptic designed ships are ugly as sin. I may get them for the trait, but after that I'm dumping them.

    I really wish Cryptic would lose the Trek license or at least that ***** of lead designer would get replaced.

    Most, but not all.

    I, for one, love my Nimbus class. All the other DSSVs definitely fall into the "Oh gods, WHY?!" category for me, but the Nimbus pulls it off. Probably because it's less vertically oriented than the other DSSVs and it's secondary deflector array isn't quite as pronounced. That, and some of its aesthetics reminds me of Federation ships from the original films.

    I'm also a pretty big fan of the Valdore variant skin/class for the Mogai, and a lot of the Romulan Cryptic ships in general are pretty solid (not the Haakona and other bizarre four winged.... things Or the Ha'feh, it just doesn't click for me). Actually, thinking about it, it's really Federation Cryptic ships that tend to lose me. I really love the looks of the Gorn vessels, my Voth Bulwark may look vaguely like a sex toy but it's still a fun design... they definitely have some winners in there.

    Then you've got the "future" temporal federation ships, which all look like someone flew a regular Federation ship too close to a black hole with... and then flew it under a giant waffle iron.
  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    For me, there is no question.. Fleet T5U K't'inga.

    It is my favorite ship in Star Trek. Yes, stat-wise, it is easily eclipsed by T6 ships (and quite a few T5s as well), but i have loved the "look" of that ship since I first seen the D7 inthe ST episode Day if the Dove. I REALLY fell in love during the flyover of the K't'ingas during TMP as they were flying toward V'Ger. I still use the ship with 3 of my characters. Tried to get ahold of the recent T6, but luck wasn't on my side. Still, I am happy to at least be able to fly my favorite ship in Star Trek.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,434 Community Moderator
    I enjoy flying my Command Assault Cruiser in a Sovereign configuration. Always loved flying Sovy variants, and practically jumped at the T6 as soon as I was able to get one. And I used to run a pretty decent Tetryon build on one too.

    There are a few ships that I don't like, but for the most part I'll be able to make just about anything work.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    For me, there is no question.. Fleet T5U K't'inga.

    It is my favorite ship in Star Trek. Yes, stat-wise, it is easily eclipsed by T6 ships (and quite a few T5s as well), but i have loved the "look" of that ship since I first seen the D7 inthe ST episode Day if the Dove. I REALLY fell in love during the flyover of the K't'ingas during TMP as they were flying toward V'Ger. I still use the ship with 3 of my characters. Tried to get ahold of the recent T6, but luck wasn't on my side. Still, I am happy to at least be able to fly my favorite ship in Star Trek.

    I actually really enjoy that ship as well. So much so that I spent all the Feet Modules to get the Fleet version. It's really unfortunate that the T6 was part of the promo pack...put it out of my price range.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,430 Arc User
    Personally, I like the look of the Ranger-class 23c battlecruiser, and in fact my L60 AoY captain, Kevin Timeline, flies a Paladin-class with a Ranger skin.

    My main got that Odyssey-class prototype in the Anniversary event a few years back, and was flying that at T5 (I don't think it had a T5-U option) until I got a Zen gift card, whenupon I was able to upgrade to the very similar-looking T6 Yorktown-class. It needs a buttload of RCS modules because it handles like a cow on skates, but in my eyes it's a beautiful ship.​​
  • binebanebinebane Member Posts: 557 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Everyone here probably has a favorite ship. This could be a hero ship from the television series or movies or maybe it's one of Cryptic's in house designs. The reason I ask is because I personally barely ever use any of my favorite Star Trek ships in game. Most of my favorite ships have undesirable stats, bridge officer and/or console layouts so I end up using other ships that perform much better in game, but that I don't particularly like for one reason or another.

    This leads to a couple questions-

    1) Do you use a particular ship because you actually have an attachment to it (favorite hero ship, like the look of it ...etc), or do you base your ship choice on its performance in game?

    2) Does it bother you when a ship you like has a poor stats (boff/console layout, shield modifier, turn rate...etc)?
    i have to buy my new favorite ship... its that science nautilus or whats its name. but when i will buy it i will use it all the time. stats are stats but i prefer fun flying my favorite ships.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Atm I am kinda "blessed" in that my favorites are pretty solid ships for the most part. Morrigu, Laeosa, Kurak(with a mogh nose), Naj'sov, Varanus. That last one being the "weakest"

    As I dont even give a rats TRIBBLE about upgrading past blue/purple mkXII, I am fairly sure its safe to say that, no I dont give a rats TRIBBLE about sub-par stats. I've also seen "subpar" ships, with a good build and a player that knows how to use it right, utterly decimate the "optimal" ships in game.

    STO is so dead easy I can take a t4 ship, with green/blue mk IX gear into the "endgame" story content and win. Admittedly I will probably die a few times but the point is, "Optimized" and min/max and all that other TRIBBLE is just not needed. I can roll my fleet varanus into an advanced STF, do well, sometimes even rank 2nd/3rd, and move on. Not bad for a "subpar" ship half the community seems to despise.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,434 Community Moderator
    jonsills wrote: »
    Personally, I like the look of the Ranger-class 23c battlecruiser, and in fact my L60 AoY captain, Kevin Timeline, flies a Paladin-class with a Ranger skin.

    My main got that Odyssey-class prototype in the Anniversary event a few years back, and was flying that at T5 (I don't think it had a T5-U option) until I got a Zen gift card, whenupon I was able to upgrade to the very similar-looking T6 Yorktown-class. It needs a buttload of RCS modules because it handles like a cow on skates, but in my eyes it's a beautiful ship.​​

    Yea... all my temporal ships are using 23rd Century skins on my TOS as well.

    And I never could get used to how sluggish the old Ody was compared to my Sovy at the time.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    I see 23c skins most of the time... almost never see the pancake-prise skins
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
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