Hi there, I just wanted to know IF; the Delphic Shockwave T6 ability given from the T6 Sphere Builder Denuos Dreadnought Carrier is considered exotic damage or not.. I am confused if radiation is considered that or not.
Soooo, the Delphic Shockwave (delphic expanse) raditation is then exotic based and should proc my exotic based things? Awesome to know, thank you
The Trait only works on Photonic shock wave..
If you have it, could you tell me if it removes the knock from Overwhelming Force's version of Photonic Shockwave and/or other related effects such as Photonic Aftershocks?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Soooo, the Delphic Shockwave (delphic expanse) raditation is then exotic based and should proc my exotic based things? Awesome to know, thank you
The Trait only works on Photonic shock wave..
If you have it, could you tell me if it removes the knock from Overwhelming Force's version of Photonic Shockwave and/or other related effects such as Photonic Aftershocks?
So..From other sci channel member: "The Denuos trait + Overwhelming Force (free photonic shockwaves when using THY) and concentrate firepower command power for spamming THY everywhere."
Soooo, the Delphic Shockwave (delphic expanse) raditation is then exotic based and should proc my exotic based things? Awesome to know, thank you
The Trait only works on Photonic shock wave..
If you have it, could you tell me if it removes the knock from Overwhelming Force's version of Photonic Shockwave and/or other related effects such as Photonic Aftershocks?
So..From other sci channel member: "The Denuos trait + Overwhelming Force (free photonic shockwaves when using THY) and concentrate firepower command power for spamming THY everywhere."
Has that changed with the recent patch as I couldn't get the free shockwaves to trigger the denous trait while testing out my new build idea today. Was just trying that along with Eject warp plasma and reverse tractor repulses basically an Exotic damage based cruiser with con firepower for hvy torps.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
If you have it, could you tell me if it removes the knock from Overwhelming Force's version of Photonic Shockwave and/or other related effects such as Photonic Aftershocks?
So..From other sci channel member: "The Denuos trait + Overwhelming Force (free photonic shockwaves when using THY) and concentrate firepower command power for spamming THY everywhere."
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.