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Mark Conversion between repuations

Here is my thought, if you have several marks in a reputation that you can't use because it's less than the fifteen required for an hourly project, it would be nice if you could convert those marks to another reputation. Or if you have a lot of marks in one reputation but are using another you could go to this Converter/Vendor (NPC or console) and it would spit out a reputation mark choice package. The ratio wouldn't be 1:1 maybe 1:3/4 so if you turn in 100 marks, you get a choice package with 75 or whatever 3/4 of the quantity you put in. This would also work with excess fleet marks. To prevent exploitation you can make it accessible every 20 hours or some kind of daily/weekly limit. Could use either a slider that uses all marks available or a check box type deal.

It would also be nice if you could convert elite marks like Borg Neural processors and Voth Cybernetic implants to regular marks that could be a daily as well, one elite mark for 100 or 75 or something standard marks. Thoughts?


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    if you have several marks in a reputation that you can't use because it's less than the fifteen required for an hourly project, it would be nice if you could convert those marks to another reputation.

    This use case doesn't seem worth the developer time. Got 6 marks, get 3 other marks. Woo!
    Or if you have a lot of marks in one reputation but are using another you could go to this Converter/Vendor

    This makes more sense, but is less needed now that red alerts give you your choice of marks. And Cryptic gets nothing from this except less player grinding (lower metrics) so it's anti-value for them.
    It would also be nice if you could convert elite marks like Borg Neural processors and Voth Cybernetic implants to regular marks that could be a daily as well,

    This will mostly benefit farmers and ISA junkies not "normal" players who don't have an excess of elite marks. The popular request (which Cryptic granted) was to go the other way and add a 100:1 regular for elite exchange.

    If the devs had nothing better to do these aren't bad ideas, I'd just put them at around number 457 on the to-do list if I was setting priorities.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    this has been asked for on several occasions and never happened, I don't think they want players converting marks somehow.
    you could always play something that offers a choice of marks and hope that eventually you can round you odd ones off to an even 50.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

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  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    this has been asked for on several occasions and never happened, I don't think they want players converting marks somehow.

    Probably they don't want this: Pile up battlezone marks: Do complete new rep without ever having to touch it.
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  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
    No. Not a good idea. And defeats the point of some of the queues.
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    this has been asked for on several occasions and never happened, I don't think they want players converting marks somehow.

    Probably they don't want this: Pile up battlezone marks: Do complete new rep without ever having to touch it.

    I'd have to agree. Why bother doing any associated content when you can just faceroll Infected Space? Even at a penalty, people would rather do what is the easiest. While Undine and Dyson Marks tend to be harder to get these days, I still don't think implementing an exchange system for one mark to another like that will help the queues. Only thing we'd see is an even bigger explosion of Infected runs.
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  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    rattler2 wrote: »
    this has been asked for on several occasions and never happened, I don't think they want players converting marks somehow.

    Probably they don't want this: Pile up battlezone marks: Do complete new rep without ever having to touch it.

    I'd have to agree. Why bother doing any associated content when you can just faceroll Infected Space? Even at a penalty, people would rather do what is the easiest. While Undine and Dyson Marks tend to be harder to get these days, I still don't think implementing an exchange system for one mark to another like that will help the queues. Only thing we'd see is an even bigger explosion of Infected runs.
    There would be only two queues if they went with a point conversion system:
    ISA and CCA.
    The rest would be pointless unless they got a HUGE boost of rewarded points.
    And the state of the rest of the queues, outside a couple of queue events, is already pretty sad. Bring the shuttle event back soon, devs!
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    Won't work as a 1 to 1 conversion because of the daily bonuses for each mark. Ppl will play a lot less but earn new reps more quickly by utilizing all others marks. Not to mention old mark stockpiles. I have 52,000 Omega marks on my main. I don't ever have to play any STFs in 2017 if we get even 10 new reputations.

    Maybe as a "5 old" to "1 new" (or worse), but not 1 to 1.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I really don't see what the problem is with getting marks, usually by the time they do a mini event new marks are added to the list of marks you can claim, I ran the last mirror event with 6 characters and went from zero to completely filled on the Temporal Defense Initiative reputation with the marks gained solely from that event.
    any excess marks you have can always be traded for dilithium in a 50 daily sum or be added to if you are doing an event when you have no other reputation to fill.
    also many of the other queued missions offer a choice of marks and its never very long before any new reputation is added to the list, no longer then it would be before they added them to the list of marks you can convert to if they had such a feature.
    I really don't see any problem with having marks below the 50 you can convert to dilithium, there will always be times when you can add marks to these during an event or just playing a queue mission so you can spread your marks across the list so you don't get too many in any one reputation category, during the last crystalline event I was spreading marks across all of the reputations.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

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  • zulisvelzulisvel Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    While mark conversion would be nice the devs want us to play a variety of content, not grind one for all our reputation needs. And if they did surprise me and allow conversion between reputation marks it would probably come at the cost of much, much longer cool down timers on the queues. Do we really want to see ISA go to a 20 hour cool down?
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Absolutely not. At most they could sell marks for refined dilithum.
    zulisvel wrote: »
    Do we really want to see ISA go to a 20 hour cool down?

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