The stats before release clearly show Cloaking Device in the starship stats for both the C-Store and Fleet variants. Looking in the C-Store stats, it does not appear listed.
These ships were bought under the premise that the listed stats prior to release will reflect in-game stats. Yes, such stats are 'subject to change,' however, removing a feature that's quite standard on KDF faction ships such as cloak suddenly and unexpectedly is unprecedented, and so can only assume it to be an accidental omission or bug.
The cloak tray bar option doesn't exist anywhere in the 'available skills - drag to tray.'
Thank you for looking into this problem.
Bug report submitted:
[2:25] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,192,883.
Given that previous Klingon sci ships (well, the Dysons are the only really example...) had cloaks, and one was advertised, I'm assuming this is a bug.