Dang! Who knew this ship would be another hard one to get. This is almost as bad as the T6 Connie. Ebay prices are well over $100, and a lot of the games stores I have contacted either didn't get a shipment, ran out, or were told there were only a few that were sent to the East Coast game stores. Not sure how many codes were granted, but definitely will be nearly impossible to get. Might as well put all the ships in a lockbox or code them out to some third party.
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I am hoping that the West Coast gets some more. I would love to get this ship, but I am not going on Ebay to shell out $100+ for it. It would be nice if Cryptic offered it for Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
The intel version still has the same universal/hybrid chair as the command version.
You mean outside of the 3rd part of console set and the trait? Both of which would be otherwise unobtainable from the fleet versions....
I want the command cruiser simply for its console... so I can have a battle cloaking Sovereign.
Not the command version.
Hmmm... if only I also had a build that I actually used seriously and one that I just have fun with... oh wait... I do.
No one is suggesting that the 3 piece set actually get used seriously... its a horrible set for anything serious, but amazing to just derp around with.
The closest store to me that even sells Attack Wing anything is over an hour away and they're already sold out. And the one store that I was able to find online that had it up for order emailed me this morning apologizing because their listing went up by mistake as their entire stock sold out as soon as it hit the shelves.
All I want the ship for is the skin and the console for when I'm doing story/foundry content.
Personally I'm pleased because I've wanted to try out Attack Wing for awhile. Maybe they'll do more promotions like this in the future.
If you want a ship that is almost identical to the free one in the game, and you absolutely insist that you want to flush money down the toilet, then at least spend just 30 instead in the C Store eh?
I've bought a few ships off the store too, and i've been playing since 2011, so I consider my few purchases a good investment for the time i've spent on STO (5 years and counting), but to spend HUNDREDS, or THOUSANDS? at those figures I would think of a car, a hobby, a holiday, a hooker, anything than spending it all on bits of system code.
Remember guys, you are buying a bit of electrical system code to buzz around a server, nothing more. If STO closed the game tomorrow, you can't take that bit of content with you, hence YOU NEVER OWN IT. so is it worth spending 3 digit figures on things that you never own? I'm all for capitalism and taking money off stupid people, so i'm really not here to discourage you, just to raise awareness.
But.. but! It's got a canon skin! That makes it sacred and adds at least 30 places to its ranking, right? RIGHT?!!?
I've spent thousands of dollars going to going to museums and have nothing more to show for it than a dozen file folders full of digital photos. Ok, and a couple museum catalogues to flip through and remember them by because good museum catalogues are awesome.
When STO closes - and it will one day - I'll still have my screenshot folders. I'll continue to enjoy them as fondly as I do reviewing the Chihuly glass expos I've been to.
People pay for experiences all the time. Cruise ships, movie theaters, concerts. Trying to dismiss something for being pixels is NOT all that enlightened, actually.
Ok, I'm not trying to say that paying for a bit of game content is NOT an investment (i've bought a few C store ships myself) but what I AM questioning, is peoples willingness to spend $100 (or even $250 for a lockbox ship) when you can get the same (or similar) for $30 from the C store? Even the completely FREE T6 ships that come as rewards are very respectable.
The absence of logic is frying my brain, I mean, there are people on this very post basically saying "hmmm, I don't think i'll spend $30 on this product, I feel like spending $100 instead..." Madness.
There's another wave planned and my pre-orders are still in place at the stores that came up short. An item being OFFERED for 100$ doesn't mean it'll sell for that. In fact, if you're seeing the offer, it's usually a sign you're looking at a deal that's NOT happening. The transactions that have actually closed are the important ones.
A $30 ship in a $15 packages is a deal I'll take - even if Cryptic's hoping to pop me for an extra $5-per-captaain for the fleet modules on the back end. If I'm slinging around $100 for STO amusement, I'm FAR more likely to buy zeni on sale, and then keys on sale, restock my Ec coffers and crack a bunch of infinity boxes for giggles and lobi. One grossly sub-par ship that's a near clone of the Archon I already own ain't teasing that kind of money out of me. And that's from a person who does buy pixels
I've seen people pay more for less useful stuff.
I guess judging people by what they're willing to buy for what amounts of money is not quite a good concept. Especially not when people pay fortunes for 'paintings' made by cats and stuff.
Well for me, I look at it as an investment, usually the most important factor is how much usage do I get out of it? For example i started STO in 2011. When I started, i was tempted to get the LTS straight away, but There was no security or reassurance from the game devs to how long the game will last. Becasue of this, i never bought the LTS, and instead, occasionally spent 30/50 quid to buy a Z ship.
Years ago, when the Dyson Sphere ground battlezone appeared, I used to use this to save up Dil, to exchange for zen to buy ships. Certianly not practical now, but back then the exchange price was so much lower than it is now. Couple that with a Bonus Dil weekend, and you can earn sh*t tons of Dil.
So far in 5 years, I've bought the Chronos, the Shamshir & the Jupiter. I have also a Faeht intel warbird, but this I got purely from exchanging dil for zen. A "premium" ship for each of my alts (as well as some lobi/lockbox goodies) is enough of an investment for me.
This Friday, I'll most likely get the Tactical command Battlecruiser for my Klink, and some lockbox keys for some goodies, but that'll be it. If the Z is a 20% bonus, then I'll defo spend a 50 on STO
It's worse because in this case you just need to hold off until they reprint the models and pick them up at the proper price. Seen this all to often with other gaming minis (you wouldn't believe how much I was offered for my X-Wing Miniatures Game Tie Advanced - Vader's fighter - when they went out of print, could have made back the cost of my entire collection if I was enough of a scumbag). Even if you were desperate to grab one, you could pick up the Intel variant for far less on the C-Store anyway.
So... a hybrid Uni/Intel is superior to a Uni/Command? O...k... don't see how that is so "superior".
Both variants can have the same non specialist builds on them. The only difference is being able to slot command or intel powers. That's it. A skilled Command user is just as deadly as a skilled Intel user.
I'd suggest asking one of your local stores to order or hold one for you then, and see if you can have them notify you when its in. Usually the tabletop game stores are pretty accomidating.
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