Who in the world came up with this terribad idea? Listen, I'm all about charities and even worked for one for years. But these rewards have got to be some kind of joke. There's no reason in the world to spend more than the $15 on the EMH boff (is it the Photonic Science Boff) if you didn't have it already.
The upper tiers are just poorly conceived. There's no way in the world some R&D packs and a title (Oh My God guys) are worth $10 when these are pretty much regular store prices from there. Oh look for $100 you're putting in the T6 Mega Flagship Bundle...which is $120 anyway and you would have gotten a 20% discount at the next ship sale.
Yes, I get that "technically" Cryptic is donating but from a player perspective, we're pretty much paying the same amount we would have for the stuff, just changing who we're paying from Cryptic to the Extra Life Foundation.
Here's a hint: if you want to drive serious donations, you're going to have to do a lot better than a weaksauce dev blog post and barely watered down prices for non-exclusive junk. The Anti-Bullying one was actually a good version of this, so what on New Romulus were you guys thinking with this round?
Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard?

My character Tsin'xing
The real reward is knowing that you're doing something good for kids that are dying...
Exactly. I run a donation drive for Child's Play on another site every year. Do you want to know what "laughably bad" rewards we give out to people who choose to donate? Here you go:
That's right, people buy toys for sick kids stuck in children's hospitals even though they know they will get nothing in return except knowing that they made some kid's life a little better.
btw I always enjoyed public tv's fundraising drives... especially since our local channel had a sci-fi night... we had Blakes 7, Prisoner, Doc Who & even anime. Ah the good old days.
Don't know actually as I've never heard of them, being from the UK doesn't help. However, when it comes to helping sick kids, I have no problem.
As for the OP....how very callous of you! Cryptic ISN'T donating. YOU are donating to the charity DIRECTLY! I've already donated to it.
Ouch !
I would say the same, but in OP's defense, he may be (wrongly) comparing this with the last charity event for the Mirror Guardian + bunch of shuttles + Mirror Leeta Boff etc.
If I remember correctly, it was minimum 10$ for the Guardian and a bunch of shuttles + the Mirror Leeta Boff (for the first couple thousand people who donated). Which WAS a much better deal in comparison.
But yeah, you can't really compare 2 different charity campaigns.
It's Apples and Oranges.
I got the Guardian package, and can't say I was disappointed even though I never really flew the Guardian much. And I'm getting a lot of use out of the Leeta Boff, she's great on ground missions, casting a photonic copy of herself in combat. Handy little ability.
But yeah, not right to compare, and expect the same or better out of completely different charity drives.
Oh, by all means your point is valid, and I'm not arguing that, however if PWE (not Cryptic) had teamed up with a Charity that wasn't as 'giving' then it's bad PR for PWE, and it hits them harder. I also rarely do actually give to charities, as I don't trust most of them anyway. I'm just sorry I didn't give you a complete breakdown of the Charities activities (No offence intended) to justify why I did.
Please stuff your false moral outrage.
Fair point. I give to Child's Play since I can pick a hospital and go to their Amazon gift registry. I buy toys and games, they go directly to the hospital.
Here is the FAQ page for Extra Life, the money apparently goes directly to a network of hospitals to use as they see fit:
http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1103#Where does the money go?
Indeed. The last one did 'award' you with considerably more, but it's a completely different Charity. I just want the EMH to complete my collection
It's interesting how you seem to consider donating (giving) to be the same as buying or paying (spending) for something from them. What charity did you work for, exactly?
I would think you'd be SOL and have to sell/trade the code to someone else.
Extra Life story at the top of the NEWS page.
I hate to break it to you but charities are big business... folks can make buku bucks. There are folks who "work" and make a very nice living only doing charity.
personally I see any type of monetary transaction as business. donating time however is charity... ie working on homes, soup kitchen or cleaning up sites/beaches. but to each their own.
You've got a particularly cynical perspective on charities, friend.
If you mean that there are charities out there which keep money back to earn themselves a nice profit, or their CEOs, you may be right. However, to count as a charity (with also the benefits it brings), in most countries you have to meet certain thresholds which are regularily checked. About those running them: yes, large charities are a lot like large businesses with the work they generate. If you think an organization chunneling money from (a) the donor to (b) those in need of it should comprise of volunteers only to qualify as a charity, you'd probably be left with a few neighbourhood help clubs.
Taxes are not charity. While some of them may go to charitable purposes, they are mostly to pay for common needs a society has (or thinks it has), many of which you are using yourself. It is more of a subscription fee for services like roads, police, yes also health care. But taxes spent on the poor (or those displaced by disaster or similar) are not out of charity itself, but because society thinks that those people still deserve a certain standard of living, like food or no toothaches. Charity is when you think you personally could spare some.
Money can ruin friendships and even split family... never underestimate what money can do to people. Should keep things separate from money.
Besides recent news about the activities of a certain major charity isnt helping. I dont doubt the "good works" they do... they just help enrich the lives of a few select few along the way...