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New Rom Missions

captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
edited October 2016 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Unable to do the first 5 missions due to the tab's being grayed out. 1st mission after the chit chat unable to talk to the forman ?, anyone got any idea's of a work around. Rem toom. Rom rep completed.

Best Answers

  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,666 Bug Hunter
    Answer ✓
    NO BUG PRESENT just misunderstanding on this one.

    FED & ROMf require to visiting Earth Space Dock and seeing the Romulan Ambassador standing next to Admiral Quinn to accept the mission "New Romulus Aid" & once this mission is accepted you may then proceed to NEW ROMULUS and then begin the second mission Staging Area, then on to Warehouse, and so on & so forth.

    KDF & ROMk require visiting Q'uonos and going to the Great Hall beside the Klingon Security Officer there is also a Romulan Ambassador who you can accept the mission "New Romulus Aid".

    NOTE: New Romulus Aid can also be accepted by all Factions at DS9 from the Romulan Ambassador.

    Hope that helps resolve this for those of you who were not aware of this.
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Thanx :):)
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2016 Answer ✓
    Thank you strathkin - good answer, it will also help my first KDF char in the future :) (level 33 currently, almost without any knowledge on KDF/RoM)

    Tried to directly reply to strathkin's post here, but somehow couldn't


  • arliekkosarliekkos Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Hit J go to missions. They should be there now under New Romulus.
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    They are but are grayed out. :( cant skip or hail,,,,,,,,,,
    Just noticed 1st mission on my Rom is the same but my KDF is ok.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I have no idea what's happened, don't have the issue on any of my level 50+ characters, I think, (I spent time on Kobali and NR on all of those before,) so just generally asking just in case it could possibly help; did you skip or complete all the quests in the lines CURRENTLY above it? (Pay attention also to last quests in lines, such as in the romulan related lines. Sometimes those are non skipable and easily missed.) All quests currently above it, if any? did you speak to quest giver (regarding upper quests or area "initiating") if any? Is it still gray?

    One said his romulan char had "neutral no more" done yet marked as undone, I wonder what's happened and thinking it could be related.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    Another option I forgot but worth checking, beside off course what arliekkos said:
    It could be those (or some of those) are in progress already. Check your in-progress tab. Note that there is no auto hail there while complete, you have to hail once quest is marked as completed to get reward.
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    thanx going to do the last borg mission see if that helps,,???? others are having the same problem but only on rom,s & rem's
    prob a BUG,,,,

    Well that dident help.
    Post edited by captainpugwash1 on
  • bane1987bane1987 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Unable to do the first 5 missions due to the tab's being grayed out.

    Rom-KDF. Similar issue, New Romulus Aid, Staging Area and Vastam Peaks all grayed out, Whilst The Atlai, Hwael Ruins and Paehhos Crater are all fine.

    (Character - Ra'khoi@bane1987)
    – Akh i-Ra’tleihfi tr’Illialhlae – R.R.W. Khallianen – IDIC Rihannsu
    – Stivan – V.S.S. Dutarik – IDIC Rihannsu
    – Ra’khoi – I.R.W. Taortuu’en – KDF Rihannsu
    – Jonathan Masters – U.S.S. Timot Danlen – IDIC Rihannsu
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Sorry, no idea then.

    Do you have lingering non done Yesterday War's line quests etc in the middle? Neutral no more? Obisek's? Any other last line quest or non skipped/done quest otherwise?

    I have some old fed reman/romulan chars doing (or done) NR line now and an old non rom fed faction char which had done this, newer AoYs which did that too, though they all skipped or arrived to the line place before the patch and were visiting NR before the patch, doing some or all the missions before and at least one rep tier. (In fact completing this line even fix Lending a Hand quest in NR or possibly even a new NR accolade for me, so I thought it was a good thing too.)

    What I did was accepting the quests by J -> Episode -> New Romulan, as arliekkos said.
    Those char have been to NR before though, so some things may differ. Are you sure those quests are not in progress?

    Rom advance may be slow or problematic in general I suppose mostly KDF RoM. So,
    Did you talk to Obisek (probably you did otherwise you weren't able to do Spectre line, but just in case), or did all other non skippable quests? (especially those up to and including level 30, and especially any last in line at any level) Did you hailed and skipped things?

    You might have now to check even old quests such as neutral no more, to skip or do etc. All from the 1st line and up until NR.

    Did you read arliekkos 's post? It's very important.

    Anyway when you arrive to NR line, ACCEPT and skip any mission in NR line by j -> episode -> NR like arliekkos said. Check in progress tab for in progress or completed missions, you (probably) can't get those missions by the NPC.

    You have tier 5 romulan rep (that is, above t1), so if you hadn't yet, do you have an open quest to find an encrypted message on a console on staging area? What happens when you go to that console and watch?
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    bane1987 wrote: »
    Unable to do the first 5 missions due to the tab's being grayed out.

    Rom-KDF. Similar issue, New Romulus Aid, Staging Area and Vastam Peaks all grayed out, Whilst The Atlai, Hwael Ruins and Paehhos Crater are all fine.

    (Character - Ra'khoi@bane1987)
    I am UNSURE, and didn't have any KDF at that stage yet, but:
    I really think you should 1st just in case check if those quests are in progress (any of: accepted/partial/ready to deliver) for you.
    Cool down is something I didn't check though.

    Note that you can't accept them from NPC. Skip and accept all you can on that line.

    There is also no auto hail on completion so you manually hail those once finished. My quests are gray out while "in progress" (accepted/in progress/ready to deliver) hence the suggestion.

    New Romulus Aid is NON REPLAYABLE I think. if surely not done it, though, talk just in case to people who send you to NR and then to people on staging areas.

    If possible, please remove the "Answered" tag here, as this issue was not answered successfully.

    Check CD/Check in progress/Talk to people who send you to NR or start a cut scene, interact with console on staging if possible and if t1+, skip/do all missions before, (especially those starting from: from the ashes up to 27 for KDF or up to 30 for fed, including, and any last on line) especially the last obscure on each line, skip AND accept all missions on this NR line on J->episodes, is all I could suggest.

    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Had that yesterday on my AoY Character. You need to do that first, non-repeatable Mission. I had already done some already but a few not. Those were in that Mission Arc AS WELL AS in the Available Mission tab. You need to accept and skip a Mission in the Romulan Arc to get to the next. I picked up The Warehouse, Crater, Ruins, and the Peaks. I did them and at the end got the 'New Romulus' Accolade.
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    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    This turned out to be very useful, Thanks. :smile:
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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