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Need Help on the Console version(Post your problems, maybe we can solve them.)



  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    hmm. not showing up. thanks anyways

    on the rom toon when you get the capes. are you able to change the colour of the the cape? so far it doesn't seem to be working.
    Post edited by skullblits#4627 on
  • maladroid5maladroid5 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    On Xbox One I want to try the Odyssey excursion uniform, but only the standard duty officer version is listed. :/ Have all the Odyssey variants been eliminated on consoles, or is this a bug?

    edit: Never mind, I now understand these versions are walled behind Fleet membership.
    Post edited by maladroid5 on
  • camulos#6347 camulos Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    So I have been playing for a while now..actually hit 50 the other night. Funny thing is, I don't recall doing the tutorial. Is that possible? If so, how do I do it? I can't seem to find out how. Also..is there a forum for people looking for fleets? I am pretty sure I have been doing things wrong but surviving missions. I'd like to learn from a group to better my play.
  • christopher#6540 christopher Member Posts: 2 New User
    > @aliengamer79#3452 said:
    > shyguyontheweb wrote: »
    > aliengamer79 aliengamer79#3452
    > wrote: »
    > Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.
    > Sadly there is still a lot of things not yet brought over to the consoles. I've fought with this also, and with no way to target yourself as in the PC version. I don't think you can switch any other way.
    > Thanks. I bet we will eventually get most of what the PC version has. It makes since that we would get a minimum to start with so they can make sure it works well and fix what doesn't while adding things in later too keep it fresh. I just hope that they will add more big content to all of the systems it is on.

    > @aliengamer79#3452 said:
    > shyguyontheweb wrote: »
    > aliengamer79 aliengamer79#3452
    > wrote: »
    > Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.
    > Sadly there is still a lot of things not yet brought over to the consoles. I've fought with this also, and with no way to target yourself as in the PC version. I don't think you can switch any other way.
    > Thanks. I bet we will eventually get most of what the PC version has. It makes since that we would get a minimum to start with so they can make sure it works well and fix what doesn't while adding things in later too keep it fresh. I just hope that they will add more big content to all of the systems it is on.

    > @aliengamer79#3452 said:
    > shyguyontheweb wrote: »
    > aliengamer79 aliengamer79#3452
    > wrote: »
    > Does anyone know how we can quickly change from our Uniform to the Off Duty outfit without visiting the Tailor. I know on PC there is an easy way to do it but I can't figure it out on the PS4. Currently I have the WOK Khan outfit as my off duty but I don't want too wear it while out on missions.
    > Sadly there is still a lot of things not yet brought over to the consoles. I've fought with this also, and with no way to target yourself as in the PC version. I don't think you can switch any other way.
    > Thanks. I bet we will eventually get most of what the PC version has. It makes since that we would get a minimum to start with so they can make sure it works well and fix what doesn't while adding things in later too keep it fresh. I just hope that they will add more big content to all of the systems it is on.
  • christopher#6540 christopher Member Posts: 2 New User
    Is there any way to win reseach boost ?
  • maladroid5maladroid5 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    ..is there a forum for people looking for fleets? I am pretty sure I have been doing things wrong but surviving missions. I'd like to learn from a group to better my play.
    Often referred to, yet never linked to... :/
    I would never have guessed to look in the Feedback section, but look for the categories named after the faction bases (e.g. Earth Spacedock). They should be at top.

  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Number of things-
    1) Still trying to find out where on the console you get the specialization manuals for your bridge officers.
    2) I had a mission that awarded me a DOFF Cardasian pack, but there seems to be no actual use for these on the console - can anyone confirm?
    3) Reached level 60, and if I understand what the following I am finding everywhere says I should still see my EXP bar filling:
    Although you will no longer be able to spend Skill Points in existing skills once you have reached level 50, all captains will keep earning them even after the character has reached level 60, allowing players to continue feeling a sense of progression long after they have stopped leveling up. Each time you fill the Skill Point Bar, you will earn another Specialization Point, which can then be spent to gain access to exciting new abilities and effects.
    However, despite having continued playing for another coupke of days, my EXP bar is empty even though I see messages stating I am earning Specialization Experience. Am I missing something?
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Number of things-
    1) Still trying to find out where on the console you get the specialization manuals for your bridge officers.
    2) I had a mission that awarded me a DOFF Cardasian pack, but there seems to be no actual use for these on the console - can anyone confirm?
    3) Reached level 60, and if I understand what the following I am finding everywhere says I should still see my EXP bar filling:
    Although you will no longer be able to spend Skill Points in existing skills once you have reached level 50, all captains will keep earning them even after the character has reached level 60, allowing players to continue feeling a sense of progression long after they have stopped leveling up. Each time you fill the Skill Point Bar, you will earn another Specialization Point, which can then be spent to gain access to exciting new abilities and effects.
    However, despite having continued playing for another coupke of days, my EXP bar is empty even though I see messages stating I am earning Specialization Experience. Am I missing something?

    1.) Specialization manuals are a part of Crafting and not a part of the Console yet.
    2.) Duty officer system (doffs) not a part of the Console yet. But keep that around cuz you'll need those when Doffing is added.

    Both answered confirmed in this release from Cryptic. Also..the wiki for both doffing and Crafting have a notification at the top of the page indicating this is not available for console.


    3.) So..im not familiar with the exp bar on console..Its fairly easy to miss on the PC (I prefer numbers)..Have to put specialization points in Command Pilot or Intel? Thats where you can put those points. Takes FOOOOREVER to fill a complete specialization (Its a little easier with Doffing and the Admiralty system Not on Console .


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    3.) So..im not familiar with the exp bar on console..Its fairly easy to miss on the PC (I prefer numbers)..Have to put specialization points in Command Pilot or Intel? Thats where you can put those points. Takes FOOOOREVER to fill a complete specialization (Its a little easier with Doffing and the Admiralty system Not on Console .
    On the Xbox One it is a Circular ring that surrounds the mini-map in the Upper-Right corner of the screen (didn't know what it was when I started, but figured it out with a couple of level ups). Generally, as XP is gained, the ring would slowly fill and circle around the map until complete, and level. If I am reading the various articles correctly, this should still be happening after level 60, though no new levels will be gained, each fill should grant a specialization point to use on those specializations (Command, Pilot, Intel, etc...). However, since 60, the ring has remained empty. I should have gathered enough for at least 1 more point by now, if not more.

    I have also noticed e very time I log out and log back in it seems to be resetting my Active and Secondary specializations.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    do cannon boff skills effect the kelvin time line phaser emitter arrays?
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    do cannon boff skills effect the kelvin time line phaser emitter arrays?
    Emitter arrays (Beam Arrays) are affected by FAW..Since these arent cannons..But the do look like em..Same with Vaadwuar emitters (Cept they also have Cannons...


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    phew.. thanks
  • chummy#8398 chummy Member Posts: 1 New User
    Ok I have a million questions lol. I'm on the Xbox one and have a lifetime membership the 2 biggest questions are what is the point of a fleet? I see on the pc version you get a Starbase and need to put resources into it to make it better. I have started a fleet with a few friends and all we have is a fleet bank to share weapons and stuff. Also what is up with the pvp. I'm a level 60 with a t6 carrier and destroyer. And I last about 10 seconds on every engagement. What's the deal the deal?

    My gamer tag is Chummy Knuckles any and all help would be apreciate. If we all help each other it will make the sto on console more enjoyable for all!!!!!
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Ok I have a million questions lol. I'm on the Xbox one and have a lifetime membership the 2 biggest questions are what is the point of a fleet? I see on the pc version you get a Starbase and need to put resources into it to make it better. I have started a fleet with a few friends and all we have is a fleet bank to share weapons and stuff. Also what is up with the pvp. I'm a level 60 with a t6 carrier and destroyer. And I last about 10 seconds on every engagement. What's the deal the deal?

    My gamer tag is Chummy Knuckles any and all help would be apreciate. If we all help each other it will make the sto on console more enjoyable for all!!!!!

    FLeet stuff hasnt been added to console but its comin..Fleet gear is Niiiiiiiice...Especially the Consoles..

    PVP...10 seconds ...So...The learning curve for PVP is steep... You need to know how debuff works,debuff counters sci abilities and counters and engineering abilities and counters (Specialist stuff also requires some knowledge).... Most of the PC PVPers I play with recommend builds with all damage resistance (this does not cover Physical damage or Kenetic) of 40 (passive) and higher cycling certain abilities.

    Certain abilities...(if at low damage rez).. DO NOT SIT STILL FOR...Surgical strikes 3 combined with other abilities is enough to wipe out a player ship within its 10 second ability cycle.Same with TBR 3 from a science ship..

    Keep in mind you opponent has more firepower than an NPC and less health..PVP builds are geared towards High Resistance\Defence and healing with a handful of offensive abilities (At least..this is the case for sci ships in PC PVP). Timing attacks and heals is crucial in PVP (Consoles has less of the OP stuff compared to PC).


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    @kageryu#7927 specialisation manuals can be bought from the bridge officer training vendor or the exchange.
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    With Character Specialization points/Exp past level 60 It is working, just the XP bar does not seem to be filling up. That makes it much harder to track, hopefully it will be corrected in a coming patch.
    @kageryu#7927 specialisation manuals can be bought from the bridge officer training vendor or the exchange.
    @shadowwraith#9264 Those do not grant BOFF Specializations. I tried that before asking. Those seem to be for specific abilities once a specialization is assigned (I don't know, so much in the game is poorly explained/defined it seems). Also tried the qualification manuals and those weren't it either.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User

    do turn rate consoles stack?? thanks
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    With Character Specialization points/Exp past level 60 It is working, just the XP bar does not seem to be filling up. That makes it much harder to track, hopefully it will be corrected in a coming patch.
    @kageryu#7927 specialisation manuals can be bought from the bridge officer training vendor or the exchange.
    @shadowwraith#9264 Those do not grant BOFF Specializations. I tried that before asking. Those seem to be for specific abilities once a specialization is assigned (I don't know, so much in the game is poorly explained/defined it seems). Also tried the qualification manuals and those weren't it either.

    Yea..Qualification manuals are apart of the crafting system...

    do turn rate consoles stack?? thanks


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • cdrshepardcdrshepard Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    > @kageryu#7927 said:
    > With Character Specialization points/Exp past level 60 It is working, just the XP bar does not seem to be filling up. That makes it much harder to track, hopefully it will be corrected in a coming patch.
    > shadowwraith shadowwraith#9264
    > wrote: »
    > @kageryu#7927 specialisation manuals can be bought from the bridge officer training vendor or the exchange.
    > @shadowwraith#9264 Those do not grant BOFF Specializations. I tried that before asking. Those seem to be for specific abilities once a specialization is assigned (I don't know, so much in the game is poorly explained/defined it seems). Also tried the qualification manuals and those weren't it either.

    According to their patch notes the removal of the exp bar at level 60 is intended... so.... yeah.....
  • kageryu#7927 kageryu Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    cdrshepard wrote: »
    According to their patch notes the removal of the exp bar at level 60 is intended... so.... yeah.....
    Seriously? Never saw the patch notes. Why on Earth would they intentionally do that...

    do turn rate consoles stack?? thanks
    I believe most consoles will stack. I just tonight tried stacking 4 Plasma Infuser consoles on a ship with all Plasma weapons, and I did so in stages to compare the results each battle. It makes a huge difference with 4 of them. Still can't beat that stupid Borg Diamond though...

  • wattsvilleblueswattsvilleblues Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited October 2016
    I've got a question about Energy Credits. My balance is currently 1,054,961 Energy Credits. I'm at Admiral Level 58 and use a Sovereign Class vessel in my space missions. Most of my weapons, consoles, ship equipment etc. is at level 12 or 13.

    Am I able to spend these Energy Credits on tech upgrades for my weapons etc? I know I can buy weapons directly from starbases but they all seem to top off at Level 9. It seems a bit of a waste to have all this currency and nothing to spend it on.

    Thanks for any help! I'm on Xbox One if that's of any relevance.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    well you can buy upgrades. or you can sometimes pick up decent one from drops of enemys.

    if you buy them you will need a lot of refined dill. even for better ones you mite pick up.

    or you can try your luck by buying master keys and hoping you get prototype upgrades from boxes that require no refined dill
  • jargoljargol Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I have a bridge officer than I have given the Pilot specialization. I have promoted the bridge officer upto Commander and purchased several Pilot manuals form the vendor but the bridge officer cant learn them (says not unlockable for the slot). Any ideas what I am overlooking as I managed to learn specialization manuals for both Command and Intelliegence. This is for XB1.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I think you may need a specialist seat on your ship
  • jargoljargol Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I think you may need a specialist seat on your ship

    Thanks for that. I didn't realise that there were other specialist seats other than Tactical, etc. I shall have to find a ship with a Pilot seat then.
  • wattsvilleblueswattsvilleblues Member Posts: 2 New User
    > @skullblits#4627 said:
    > well you can buy upgrades. or you can sometimes pick up decent one from drops of enemys.
    > if you buy them you will need a lot of refined dill. even for better ones you mite pick up.
    > or you can try your luck by buying master keys and hoping you get prototype upgrades from boxes that require no refined dill

    Where can I buy upgrades? Ideally I want to upgrade my ship but I also want to buy manuals for the crew.
  • dolfanar#1514 dolfanar Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Hi there. PS4 player here. not sure if this is a bug or what, but since the latest patch I cannot seem to switch outfits on my Captain (I definitely could prior to patch). I can modify any of the slots, and I can modify my main uni but I can't get him to wear any of the other slots, even the fleet one. Bug or am I missing something?
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    it's a reported bug
  • dolfanar#1514 dolfanar Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Ok. Thx. At least I know it's not just me :P
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    does any other console users find that doing the event was very laggy/fps heavy?
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