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[PS4] Turn Rate Bug

I didn't see a thread created for this bug on the PS4, but it's definitely affecting it there, as well. Hopefully this game of whack'a'mole can end, soon :neutral:


  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I hope it is a bug and not an intentional nerf. My escort went from being fun to fly to extremely frustrating and not fun at all.
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    bug is on xb1 as well.
  • skardsen#4791 skardsen Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Hopefully it'll be considered high priority, since it's game breaking for those of us using those class of ships.
  • malfanmalfan Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Im dying here i cant even turn, i play on xb1 id like to know if this is a geniun bug or the new norm i.e nerf. I read all the patch notes and there was no mention of balancing escorts or nerfing the turn rate
  • skardsen#4791 skardsen Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    It's a bug. A Cryptic staff member confirmed this on another thread.
  • powerman#8907 powerman Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I wonder if a refund is possible since the ship I've paid for is now broken. It's been what, a week? "We are aware of the problem" well then fix it our at least update us on when you might get around to it
  • direwolf016#2451 direwolf016 Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    I got a reply today, from Thursday, but it basically said: "No one else has reported this" and "No fix is known yet" :neutral:
  • malfanmalfan Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Thats a lie i reported it!!
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    malfan wrote: »
    Thats a lie i reported it!!

    So have I, for the same bug on the Xbox One.

    But most of their responses are "copy and paste anyway".
  • powerman#8907 powerman Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Wow, we didn't know, as there are at least 4 topics here and several reports lol. Not to mention a response on one of these threads.
  • malfanmalfan Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Not to mention nothing has gotten done about it yet^ you forgot to add that part. Hence everyones frustration
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I'm getting tired of my escort being outmaneuvered by almost everything in the game. It would be nice to have an update from the Devs about this very big issue. I buy a T6 ship and a week later it is broken.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    I hope it is a bug and not an intentional nerf. My escort went from being fun to fly to extremely frustrating and not fun at all.

    It is possible that the bug was ships were turning too fast and so the bug was fixed by decreasing the turn rate.

    The turn rate of a ship represents how many degrees the ship can turn per second. That is modified by the captain skill Impulse Engine Performance and also by RCS consoles. It is also affected by engine power too. Not sure what escorts are available on the consoles since I play on the PC, but lets assume you have the T5 - Blockade Runner Retrofit which has a turn rate of 15 per second. That means without any bonuses and 50 points of power devoted to engines (which means 100% power when not going at full impulse) the turn rate is 15 and it will take 24 seconds to turn 360 degrees.


    If you have devoted any points to the Impulse Expertise player skill then that will give a bonus to the turn rate; 1 point = 20%, 2 points = 34% and 3 points = 40%. Therefore, if you devoted 3 points to that skill and you have no RCS console installed (or anything that give a turn rate bonus like an Impulse Engine), then you should have a turn rate of 21 (assuming it is a simple rather than complex calculation). That means the ship should be able to turn 360 degrees in a little over 17 seconds.

    Note bonuses to turn rate does not stack on top of each other to the best of my knowledge. A very rare RCS Accelerator MK XII increases the base turn rate by 40%. By adding it to your ship that means you should get a turn rate of about 27; 15 + 15*0.4+15*0.4 = 27. A turn rate of 27 means your ship should be able to make a complete 360 degree turn in 13.333 seconds... assuming you engine power is set to 50.

    I know subsystem power level is quite complex to calculate and it is something I never bothered to figure out nor do I intend on trying to figure out the formula it uses. But as I stated before 50 points of power is considered 100%. Anything below 50 points will negatively impact your turn rate while anything over will improve turn rate.

    As far as I am aware, console players cannot adjust subsystem power; you can only rely on presets. The only thing I can suggest is to select the preset where engine power is closest to 50 when you are in space and then look at the ship's stats to see what the turn rate when you are travel at your maximum speed; not full impulse speed. Full impulse speed drains subsystem power down to 5 and channel it to engines, this is not what you want to do because you will not be running on full impulse speed during combat.

    So assuming you have 3 points devoted to Impulse Expertise and a very rare RCS Accelerator Mk XII console and you are able to set engine power to 50, then your turn rate should be 27 and you should be able to do a complete 360 degree turn in 13.333 seconds. The turn rate formula could be a bit more complex than that though. Use a stopwatch app on your smartphone to determine approximately how long it takes you
    takes you to do a complete 360.

    Under this scenario, if the stated turn rate in the ship's state is grossly below 27 (because 27 assumes a simple formula by modified by engine power), then there could be a bug with the turn rate. If it takes a lot longer than 13.333 seconds to turn the ship, then again there could be a problem with the turn rate. If the time it takes to turn 360 degrees is pretty close to 13.333 seconds, then the turn rate of the ship is working properly now.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I've noticed the engine turn rate stats are broken. I dunno if this is a visual bug.

    but I'm sure a ships engine turn rate isn't susposed to be as low as 0.45
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    Yeah, if your ship is traveling at full speed, then a turn of of 0.45 is definitely wrong. I assume it is a display bug and not an actual bug.

    What ship are you flying? How many points do you have devoted to Impulse Expertise? And do you have any console / impulse engine that gives a bonus to turn rate; if yes, then what is the gear and the bonuses?
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    @jaguarskx - I have no idea what those numbers mean, but I am flying a T6 Valiant escort with skill points in Impulse Expertise and Improved Impulse Expertise. I also have the Thrill-seeker personal space trait, Advanced Engines space reputation trait, an epic RCS Accelerator console and an epic Polaric Modulator console. My ship can only make very wide turns during combat and is outmaneuvered by everything except battleships. Before the patch, my escort was able to turn on a dime and now can barely even turn to get the forward cannons to face moving targets now.

    There is also no perceivable increase in speed or turn rate when Evasive Maneuvers is activated. Escort flight is definitely broken after the patch.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User

    I've a epic console for turn rate. engine power is just the standard. I'm using the jem T6 heavy escort carrier.

    also have skills for turn rate.

    it's combat impulse engines very rare upgraded.

    the stats displayed just seem random in sector space sometimes. not in combat. no negative effects affecting me.

    I've notice it can sometimes jump up and down rapidly. like the stats are broken or its trying to display different stats.

    only sometimes it's effected.

    but if your turn rate for the engines is as low as 0.45 it would have a noticeable impact on performance on the ship. even with a epic turn rate console on.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User

    Assuming you have 50 points of power to engines I estimate your turn rate to be about 39 degrees per second which mean you should be able to out maneuver most ships in the game. I need to get home from work and load up STO to verify my estimate is reasonable.

    This is my current estimate breakdown:

    T6 Valiant Turn Rate = 17
    2 points in Impulse Expertise = 34% * 17 = 5.78
    Thrill Seeker = 0% effect on turn rate = 0
    Advanced Engines = 25% * 17 = 4.25
    Epic RCS Console Mk XIV = 50% * 17 = 8.5 (I assume it is Mk XIV)
    Epic Polaric Modulator Mk XIV = 20% * 17 = 3.4 (I assume Mk XIV and the bonus to be 20% since there is no info beyond very rare Mk XII)

    Total Estimated Turn Rate (assume 50 engine points) = 38.93

    So yeah, from my perspective, it does seem turn rate on the console is bugged. If you are not seeing a boost to flight speed when using evasive maneuvers, then flight speed also seems to be bugged.
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User

    In Sol system, the Epic Polaric Modulator Mk XIV is showing a flight turn rate of +25%

    The epic RCS Accelerator Mk XIV is +50%

    My impulse engine is a Dyson Combat engine Mk XII ( can't be upgraded with tech upgrades for some reason) and during full impulse with power to weapons, is showing +45.2 turn rate and the stat sheet for the ship shows a turn rate of 5,454.9 deg/sec while in Sol space dock sector.

    The problem becomes noticeable during combat. It is like everything slows down and the ship can no longer turn.

  • seattlekush#5502 seattlekush Member Posts: 6 Arc User
  • cheops197599cheops197599 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Who doesn't want a shuttle that turns like a cruiser though?
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User

    Sorry didn't have any time last night to log into the game. The 5,454.9 deg/sec is definitely incorrect information being displayed. That happens from time to time even though the gear may actually be performing normal; such as a case where someone in Reddit mentioned weapon damage of something like 5,000 DPS displayed in the stats, but combat logs (using 3rd party software on the PC) indicated the weapons were actually doing normal damage.

    Can you estimate how long it takes you to turn 360 degrees in earth's orbit with balanced energy distribution instead of to weapons? Probably the best thing to do is to fly towards Earth Space Dock (ESD) at full speed, use a stopwatch app on your smartphone (assuming you have one) to estimate how long it takes your ship to do a 360 degree turn. Start the stopwatch when you begin turning and end it when you are facing ESD again. Also, let me know the engine's power level.

    But based on all comments here there definitely seems to be a problem. Especially if the only ship you are out turning is a battleship.
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    In Earth space dock orbit, my ship takes about 13.89 seconds to complete a full turn. The engines are at full speed but not full power (sorry I am not sure what the proper terminology is.). My power distribution preset is still set to weapons because there is no balanced option on consoles. But the engine shows power level of 48/25 if I am interpreting the symbol for the engine properly and not confusing it with another system.

    Edit: correction... the engine power is 65/25.

    Edit 2: I was just watching a video clip I recorded from before the patch and my ship was able to make really tight turns and the pitching was very responsive. Now the turns are wide arcs and the pitching is slow and sluggish. The change really made a fast ship feel slow and lumbering. Wasn't a good change at all for escorts.

    Edit 3: Next time I have a chance to log in, I am going to remove all of my turn rate buffs and see how the ship handles. Maybe the turn rate consoles aren't working? I couldn't imagine it being any worse than what it is with them now.
    Post edited by tholian#5837 on
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Ok... I just removed my ship's epic RCS Accelerator Mk XIV and epic Polaric Modulator Mk XIV consoles and while the turn rate numbers being displayed went lower as expected, the ship still took the same amount of time to complete a full 360 degree turn as it did with them installed. They aren't working.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    wish they would update us. I mean how hard is it to type a update. wtf are we waiting for?
  • powerman#8907 powerman Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I don't think they care honestly. That or they aren't capable of fixing it and can't admit it lol. Either way, they get nothing more from me. My fleet leader is looking into a refund on his ship, I may do the same
  • tholian#5837 tholian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Will there be a patch that corrects the issue this week? I really hope the silence on this problem doesn't mean the slow flight turn rate for escorts is working as intended. An update would be nice.
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    They respond on Reddit more often than here, and yet..


    Yeah. The devs really don't care. But try posting on the Reddit page. Maybe if that gets flooded, they will.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User

    Sorry, I haven't had a chance to test thing out on the PC version of STO... In the middle of a family crisis. However, all things points to a definite problem with turn rate on the console.

    Hopefully the devs will fix it sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, it will not be today since the downtime is strictly for server maintenance rather than game patches.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I have the same problem, the turn rate do not adapt to throttle speed... i have done some tests an reported the results here :
    No matter the Starship class, the problem is general (on all ship classes).
    I also notified a problem with Starship Critical chance, with all Space Skills, and traits i should have 13.5% crit chance, and in the ship stats i see only 7.5% crit. chance
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
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