so I just discovered that the turn rate problem is related to the impulse engines. mine are plus 1 but they should be plus 32.
just posting this so everyone knows.
I've noticed as well that it works correctly when your doing the event. and at Dyson sphere.
but it seems wonky in normal systems.
OK it seems random. tested it a bit more. they effected my battle cruiser. sometimes they work. but often they dont
but it seems random. flying in Dyson sphere. the numbers where the turn rate is was going crazy. jumping up and down.
And the other ships in the Dyson sphere always spawn on my rear flanks so I have to run away, turn around to face them and come back slowly and hope I destroy them before they pass me. It's nuts.
i testet everything every set, new claimed ship, traits on\off one by one... the stats r goin crazy up n down but no effect...
in every battle map its like u r in fluicid space... i think there is the source of the problem. in sector space all normal. but any other map its bugged.. no fix till yet. but i know one get ur new 3k cruiser and fun, and arc will smile too.
Do NOT check your gear stats for SPACE when your on the GROUND. They are much lower because none of your skills/points/other factors are added in when your on the ground.
Dyson Space battle zone (and some others) are Capped at LVL 50 and also requires you buy "Atmospheric Flight Training" (Spire) to help reduce the Atmospheric Friction found in the Dyson Sphere’s Space (which is lowering your turn and stuff)...
Also Pilot specialization added to your resting Speed and turn rate stats when active.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
> So..your "True" Turn rate is going to be displayed outside when your in your ship Parked outside Earth Space Dock, New Romulus or (KDF) Chronos and in any LVL 60 Space Battlezone.
> Do NOT check your gear stats for SPACE when your on the GROUND. They are much lower because none of your skills/points/other factors are added in when your on the ground.
> Dyson Space battle zone (and some others) are Capped at LVL 50 and also requires you buy "Atmospheric Flight Training" (Spire) to help reduce the Atmospheric Friction found in the Dyson Sphere’s Space (which is lowering your turn and stuff)...
> Also Pilot specialization added to your resting Speed and turn rate stats when active.
That is not the problem here. At all
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Aye. I don't mind bugs--I only mind the lack of communication about said bugs. It's a huge, new game on the console, so bugs are expected; just hoping for expedient fixes.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Because a roll-back could potentially be as messy as a new patch.
Hmm, I guess I could see that yeah. I wish they could at least give us some communication as to whether they actually care