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Some bugs I've found-

Hi! Second time posting on the thread, been lurking for a week. I've been playing STO on Xbox One since it was released, and I've noticed a couple of bugs/issues that really mess me up when I'm playing.

First one is regarding the camera angle on ground incursions. Being an avid Gears of War player, I very much prefer the third person over the shoulder camera angle to see what I'm doing. I can set that camera angle, but once I get in a firefight and finish it...the camera flips back to an unnecessarily far distance. It's very irritating to have to constantly reset my camera angle after every fight. Is there a way to lock the camera to my preferred distance? I can understand the need to see all around you, but not everyone sees it that way.

The second one is kind of twofold, really. In ground incursions once again, my AI controlled allies have a very very horrible habit of just running in front of me when I'm trying to assault my enemy. I know that you can set squad AI using the RT and dpad, but it's not exactly the first thing on my mind. Is there a way to stop the AI from clogging up a player controlled field of fire?

And that leads to my last: When I'm sighted in on my enemy and firing, my AI allies' habit of playing bullet sponge automatically causes my targeting to lock onto them and stay locked no matter what they're doing. When this happens, I will invariably always find myself being spun around since the AI ends up running around me in a circle for some unknown reason. The targeting really seems to love the AI allies, but I cannot seem to stay targeted on my enemies for the life of me. Is there anything that can be done about that? I can't tell you how many times I've died because the AI runs in my field of fire, i target them and get killed because I get confused.

That said, I LOVE this game. I've paid at least 60-70 bucks on ships and keys happily and I'm nearly level 60!
"One thing led to another..and I just started shooting everyone!"


  • karastormchaser#8228 karastormchaser Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Edit: there is no xbox one forum. My bad. So yeah...this is a xbox one issue.
    "One thing led to another..and I just started shooting everyone!"
  • apollovi6apollovi6 Member Posts: 2 New User
    I just encountered a very frustrating bug on the mission "Cold Comfort" (in the Breen Invasion story). In the mission you have to talk to three Breen prisoners. Two of the three Breen interact with my character just fine, but the one in the cell closest to the door will not activate a dialogue box no matter how close I get to him or what angle I point the camera. Without talking to 3/3 prisoners, I can't advance the mission and I'm stuck.

    Interestingly, I was able to glitch past the 3/3 requirement by rebooting the game (logging off didn't work, but a full shutdown of the game from the Xbox menu did) and I was able to talk to Tran (the Breen on the left) a second time after the reboot. This advances the mission to the "interrogate Tran" phase, but now Tran is unresponsive just like the original Breen. A reboot here does not change anything unfortunately, and I am once again stuck.

    Restarting the mission from the beginning does not work either, so for now I am completely stuck in this storyline until something is done to fix this bug.
  • apollovi6apollovi6 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Update on my last post: I reset the level for the 3rd time, and I finally somehow got it to work. The Breen commander who wasn't talking before now talked and everything proceeded as normal.

    I think the bug might have something to do with the forced dialogue box by one of your bridge officers on interrogation techniques. I held down the A button as I was running into the room and that skipped the dialogue really quick. When I ran up to the Breen that wasn't talking before, he suddenly worked now. So it's still an issue that probably needs to be fixed for other players.
  • brown1006#2316 brown1006 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Seem to be stuck on Secrets of the Tal Shiar on the planet Nimbus III. I'm at the satellite and I've defeated the Romulan Defendor and then nothing. The sand worms respawn and it says "You have no primary mission." I've seen other players go to the door of the satellite and disappear so I'm assuming I'm at a bug. Any suggestions?
  • sgtfloydpepper#7911 sgtfloydpepper Member Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    Seem to be stuck on Secrets of the Tal Shiar on the planet Nimbus III. I'm at the satellite and I've defeated the Romulan Defendor and then nothing. The sand worms respawn and it says "You have no primary mission." I've seen other players go to the door of the satellite and disappear so I'm assuming I'm at a bug. Any suggestions?

    Might have to open the episode listing and manually activate the next mission which let's you enter the satellite.
  • chris0mega#6783 chris0mega Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I've had a really ugly bug with the Federation Tactical Command Battlecruiser for a while now, whenever it goes to warp the Nacelles on the left side swing out.

    My current physical configuration is as follows:

    Saucer - Concorde
    Upper Hull - Geneva
    Neck - Geneva
    Lower Hull - Concorde
    Primary Pylons - Geneva
    Secondary Pylons - Geneva
    Primary Nacelles - Geneva
    Secondary Nacelles - Geneva

    I'd had to part with this ship but this graphical bug is THAT off-putting and reporting this though normal means is not yielding success.
  • lockecole2814lockecole2814 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Has anyone else encountered issues with the PVE ques on the Xbox One? So far, everyone in my fleet seems to have problems joining pve ques as a team. Some times it will work, but most times it will just put the team lead in the que count and that person will be the only one who gets the prompt to ready up for the que or pass. Once the time comes to depart, the team lead will show as leaving the team while the rest of the group remains in their original locations.
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