For the average players, advanced Ques are just to hard to do. Things have way to much health and hit like they are elite. Im output a steady 27k dps, and I can barely kill anything. Why are the advanced ques geared towards heavy DPS'ers? A team of 10k DPS players should be able to do advanced easily, thats how it should be, and honselty, most of my friends struggle to get to 10k. So why on earth do they make it a requirement that you have 30k plus? Elite is for the the hardcore DPS crowed. There I can understand it. But not advanced, its simply to hard for the average player.
Last few Advanced Queues I've done weren't that hard, granted it has been a while since I've semi burned out on the Mirror Event. I know for a fact that I don't hit 27k. The only times I've had problems in Advanced Queues was when the team I was on was bad. Even with a team of 10k DPS ships, Advanced should be doable with teamwork.
I don't cherrypick mods for weapons, I don't have all mk XIV gold gear...
I am honestly curious as to what happened. I'm not saying you're at fault OP. I've been quite vocal when it comes to standing against the "DPS or GTFO" mentality some people have.
As an average player myself... I should probably investigate as well.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
If you're pulling 27k you can face roll any advanced que. 20k and up is more then enough for any of them, if you're pushing 30k you should walk right through them.
If you're doing 27k and the Advanced ques are too hard for you then I can't possibly imagine what it is you're doing wrong, because you should be face rolling the content. Advanced ques are only a little harder then normal.
The 'Average' player probably does 10k or even less, you should be fine.
Most Advanced should be easily doable if those on the team are putting out 10K DPS.
If you're really at the 27K DPS level even Elites should be doable without too much hassle (agai assuming your Team Members ar at the same level.)
The above said, some queues have other options that you can't complete/beat by just spamming your spacebar. if you're having trouble you might want to read up to see if what you're playing also requires other things that are not merely blowing up anything orange that comes on your display.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I would gladly stay out of advanced, but Cryptic punishes those who want to play normal. Horrible rewards, and you cant get rep gear without elite marks. So they force you to play advanced.
I had an interesting PUG yesterday (or was it early today) where i was flying an experimental intel build of roughly 25-30k in ISA.
First impression i got was "neat, haven't seen a nebula in a while" but as it turned out the rest of the team was flying in mirror universe ships (the tier 4.5 ones) and Tier 5 warbirds. The bad part was that their gear was really sup par and i ended up having to work like a madman to disable spawns and get objectives.
Got the impression i just flew 2-3 years back in time to the point where STF required an effort..
Overall, advanced is not too difficult if you have two people on the team who know their stuff.
I do that all the time with Iconian stuff just because I don't care to futz around with the ground battle zone.
They are just not with any extras. Still the problem isn't the ship. It's that cheap ppl fly them a lot and don't have good setups.
As for "average people can't do advanced queues".... That's why they are called Advanced and not Average.
Hot sauce works similarly.
Read and obey and you won't have problems.
Once per day. So roughly a month to get a full space set, almost two months for ground set to. Normals should reward 1 elite mark.
The game has been and will be around for YEARS. Filling 1 slot with terminal gear in under a week of lowest tier play is almost ludicrously generous. Normals will and should do no such thing. Sorry, you don't need apex gear in a total of 45 minutes of ripping up trivial content.
And have others have mentioned the battlezones THROW elite marks at you... by the shovel-full.
I don't remember Voth BZ giving anything other than Dyson marks and the implants. Are you talking about the Kobali adventure zone?
It's not 'punishment'. if you're really casual, why do you care about Rep gear sets? If you're not all that Casual, maybe you should see it as an incentive to improve your gear/knowledge of STO game mechanics and encounters, and maybe find some others whom are liked-minded and want to be able to get the better rewards.
STO has to be one on the most casual MMOs I've played. rarely is there an MMO with new content that's easily beaten on the first day such new content is released. It really doesn't take that much comparative effort to be successful in the Advanced queues; but again, you also can't just go in - and expect to spam the spacebar and come out with a win every time. Most players had a few failures on Advanvced before they got it to the point that they can do it fairly easily.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Power creep has made Advanced Queues stupidly easy, but back in the day before the DPS race dominated everything teamwork and coordination was a requirement for completing the missions effectively, like the old 10% rule.
Honestly we need more content like that again that "forces" people to actually use their brains and punish them mercilessly for not doing so.
Adv STF's are rated for those 10k+ players. They are not hard at all. I have 10 alt toons that manage with MK XII's VR equipment without any hassle.
I will say this, if your DPS is 27k then I'd question the parser you used if you think Adv is hard.
Nah, you can get elite marks other ways. One way is you can take 100 of your regular rep marks and exchange them for 1 of the elite marks once every 20 hours. So you can do the same normal difficulty queues, just more times.
That's just time. What's the rush anyways?
That's unlikely. But you could always ask the devs. Still if that's the real topic you want to discuss you should probably have just come out and said that from the beginning.
Advanced is not all that difficult with the right build and tactics, my average DPS is 13k so I play it smart instead of DPS
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Now that's completely false.
Advanced Content was designed for people in the 10-20k range, except it was always intended to require teamwork to execute and complete.
50k and above are just simply capable of steamrolling the content in a way that negates the need for proper teamwork.
Most players that I could ever chat with would laugh at the idea that advanced is too difficult. The OP said that advanced is too difficult for the average player. And in my mind average equates to normal, not advanced. Advanced equates to, well, advanced.
Consider my confusion a sign of how thoroughly I've blotted that content from my mind
Its a price I accept - I don't play the right zone, I get to spend a little longer grinding out the gear via things like a daily Nakuhl Raiders run and up-convert the Iconian marks.
((fortunately, I prefer 2x Nukara, 2x Undine over 4x Iconian, but I'm still working towards it on some alts to give an absolutely fair comparison test at some point))
If you're trolling - good one! If you're not, then it is time to think about how you use the ships and gear you have. Are all your weapons the same type? Do you maneuver or just park at point blank range? Are you using your BOff Abilities in the correct order to get maximum performance from you weapons? Is your ship set up correctly? Or do you have a hodgepodge of weapons and gear which are all on the same cooldowns?
If you're just ranting, I understand. It is easy to make incorrect assumptions or get bad advice in this game. But if you genuinely want some help, post a build. Lot of good people around here who enjoy helping out and have a ton of good advice and experience which they are happy to share.
wait, what? You bought common weapons from the exchange for real??? Most people discard it right away. That is like going to the supermarket with a showel and a broom, picking up the crumbs and then paying for it. And no, you are not able to pull your weight with white gear in an advanced queue, you've been carried the whole time.
on topic: everybody doing 10k is a little low, still doable, but everybody needs to know what to do and no margin of error. Also, it is not really important what the individual does. There can be one guy doing 60k and the other 4 less than 10k and it would all the DPS numbers need to be seen in relation to the rest of the group. what I also observed was, that in STFs like ISA, duration of combat impacts DPS heavily...duh! No, what I mean is that you can inflate your dps heavily when playing with other high dps grp members.
With 27k you should be more than fine for all of the advanced queues, unless it's something your team is doing wrong.
Despite the common complaint about the game being a DPS race, there is some small strategic thought and teamwork involved in some queues. Sure, pretty much every queue can be beaten with uber DPS, but that's not how some queues are intended to be played.
ISA for example is easy for even low DPSers, as long as they know not to blow a node before everyone is ready.
100k+ DPS is only required if you're trying to be a DPS beast or need to make up for a bad team (like that lone idiot in ISA who blows up a nanite node on the otherside of the gate).
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
I've run ISA on alts using a mix of common and green weapons. Been the top DPS in the run (at just above 20k coincidentally enough), and it's been a successful run. It's happened a few times. The distribution has been like me at 22, another at 21, two in the 12 to 15 range and one person at around 8.
Ain't nobody carrying any of us. And we hit all the optional things.
So Coldnapalm's post isn't all that crazy.
What happens, and what likely happened to the OP, is when you get a PUG made up of lower DPS characters, the tactics need to change. Because the DPS overall isn't high enough to steamroll/bulldoze/mindlessly press the attack, the same way it is with the whole team able to put out over 50k DPS. So that same alt of mine has been in some really bad ISA's too. But that's the nature of PUGging.
But it's certainly possible to do enough damage with all white/common weapons to handle ISA. Saying he's been carried the whole time is just wrong and kind of mean. ISA's quite doable at less than 10K DPS, as years ago, me and my fleet at the time were very capable of completing it like that. And Coldnapalm's been around long enough to have also done it back in those days.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."