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PS4 bugs(?)



  • beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    it seems the boff npcs where you go to buy the intel and so on boffs the cstore ones like the caitains and aenar do not tell you which is male and which is female like they do in the pc version....

  • cptjaneway2011cptjaneway2011 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    no way to access the turbolift system
    shuttles are extremely small even in actual battle view (non-sector space)
  • stonefist66#4384 stonefist66 Member Posts: 1 New User
    can some one help me cause this is happening way to much now,i have a 27 starfleet officer on the diplomacy mission and all i get is the crash even when i load my main guy up.What the hell? It's like Neverwinter all over again.On the ps4
  • t3fury#7017 t3fury Member Posts: 9 New User
    > @roguepaladin said:
    > Hey guys, I just learned how to change targets in space combat!
    > * Aim your reticle at the new target.
    > * Click the right-hand joystick like a button. This will switch the view mode to cycle through new targets with the left-hand joystick.
    > * Press the fire button to start attacking the new target.
    > * Click the right-hand joystick again to switch back to normal viewing controls.
    > I've tried it out a few times and it works. It's a bit annoying that there was never any tutorial on this, but at least it mostly works.

    This is sort of my main bug here, for some reason while i aim in the ship with clicking RS or on the ground with L2 I keep targeting my own officers or allies which is kind of annoying
  • maxxvestros42maxxvestros42 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    My biggest issue atm is the Empress Sela Mission bug in Agama where when you beam down your game crashes, i know that if you keep trying to log in it will put you in orbit again and you can skip the mission, but i dont want to lose out on experience, loot, and story. Sent them a ticket that i hope they respond to sometime before i age and die, so i can figure out weather they will fix it or i just have to skip it.

    Secondary would have been the lock on bug when in combat in space, had my ship locked on to a disabled ship and it wouldn't switch targets to other ships, found out how to manually switch targets which got be a work around and made is so i didn't have to log out and back in 15 times on the destroy the Comet mission lol
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    This is sort of my main bug here, for some reason while i aim in the ship with clicking RS or on the ground with L2 I keep targeting my own officers or allies which is kind of annoying
    Yeah, it doesn't seem to differentiate between allies and enemies for some reason. I don't know if that's a bug or just sh*tty design decision, but frankly I consider a sh*tty design decision to be no different than a bug.

  • stossr2stossr2 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    Several command specialization (Ltc rank) skills not showing up in radial menu for boffs. Specifically artillery call, rally point, suppressive barrage. Could be more.

    Pilot specialization attack pattern passive doesn't add temp hp (no graphical indicator at least)

    Got trapped inside a few suns on galaxy map.

    Graviton pulse console doesnt show in radial menu.

    Can't learn skills for commander level pilot boff (no ship with cmd rank pilot seat)

    Battle cloak on t6 escort gets stuck on randomly.

    Need targetable friendlies toggle for ground control scheme.

    Camera angle randomly centers above players head.

    Can't control hanger pets (dock, escort, attack, defend).
  • caparzoukcaparzouk Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    The Solanae Dyson Sphere has a glitch, the Unknown console near the entrance to the park sector is bugged, you can't scan it after the power has been activated, which is annoying as that won't allow me to complete the Lore trophy for this region...
  • ceissadesisteceissadesiste Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Alright found a few more annoying issues/bugs:

    1. Missions that require your shuttle - Shuttle is so small in space that you don't even see it. Then you get to the mission instance and the view is a little bigger, but still so small that it makes it hard to play the mission.

    2. Exchange doesn't work properly - You can't search Tribbles by quality, so you can't see all the listings as there is no option to change to the next page. Also, some items don't come up in the search query even if you type the name of the item exactly as how it's listed on the item itself. No option to switch pages if there are a bunch of listings for the same item, so you are limited on what listings you can see.

    3. Mission: Cutting the Cord - When you get to the part of the mission where you need to get the Access Chip from the Romulan Officer; Officer falls through the world or off the building and lands in the tree next to it. Unable to interact with him when this happens and have to abort the mission and start over to reset. Had this happen to me 3 times yesterday!

    4. Mission: The Undying - When you get ported into the arena, sometimes your BoFFs get locked out so you are stuck trying to complete all the waves by yourself or aborting mission to reset it.

    5. Ship getting stuck - Warped into a zone and was warped inside someone else's ship who went AFK or something in the warp in spot. Couldn't move away from this glitch, so I had to depart system and re-enter to fix.

    6. Mission: Cutting the Cord - Character died on the catwalk and game re-spawned me on the railing of the same catwalk. Was unable to move off the railing so character was stuck in the environment. Game kept respawning me in the same spot, so I had to die again several times until the game finally decided to respawn me to the ground below. (I'm stuck button doesn't work in this situation)

    7. Mission: Second Wave - This whole mission is bugged! Didn't get credit for giving the one Ambassador the alcohol he wanted for optional mission "Home away from Homesick" so he wouldn't join the fight even though the quest said it was completed. Can't complete the "Diplomatic Distractions" optional mission as the Captain in the shipyard never offers to buy the bolts causing you not to be able to get Defera to join the fight. When you are in the conference and you need to sway the parties to your side - doing this in a party bugs out the conversation so it is hard for someone to continue the conversation as there is no way of knowing which party member has the right to choose the answers. Also completed this mission and received the rewards, then went to replay another mission with a friend. After coming back to Alpha Quadrant the mission log showed that I never completed this quest and had to redo this whole horrific experience!

    8. Server not responding message - Got this several times when loading into an area to complete a mission, then thrown back to the main menu of the game.

    9. Various pieces of equipment bugged - I have several ship equipment items that won't let me equip them from my inventory. The equip button is grayed out, yet it is an item that I can use on my ship as the ship type is highlighted in the text. Also, I have a couple of pieces of character equipment that does the same thing. (Yes I am the correct rank for all of these equipment items, so that is not the issue) Not being able to equip the items from the inventory causes the player not to be able to compare with already equipped items.

    10. Item comparison needs to be fixed - Not being able to have a comparison pop-up is a pain trying to see what you should equip. If the items won't let you equip from the inventory than the player has no easy way of comparing two pieces of equipment.
    Post edited by ceissadesiste on
  • yukinokitsune2yukinokitsune2 Member Posts: 1 New User
    On my Klingon empire ships I can only access the ship bridge and turbo lift doesn't work, however my federation ships work magnificently I haven't played the romulan empire yet but not having a full ship is quite inconvenient when you want to marvel over the construction of it to give the creators credit, I hope this helps some players.
  • terriblevisionterriblevision Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Add this to the list even though it's not technically a bug: No way to switch to small craft unless you hold X, visit shuttle bridge, select ship -- what a convoluted mess! I'm all for immersion, but by choice, and sometimes you just need to get things done!

    I also have the camera resetting bug, submitted tickets for it, and posted on bug reports for it. FFS! Who QA'd this game?
  • johnnyrot13johnnyrot13 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    unable to decloak in some of the public encounters
  • threeve1threeve1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I have another bug report for the PS4. Here's a copy of the support ticket I sent to CS. They told me to report the bug here.

    Here's a copy of a post I made on the sto subreddit last week:

    So I was upgrading my items in the middle of a mission to create some space in my inventory. I created a new item, except I was not able to accept the item after creation. Instead the game froze on the following screen.


    I was unable to accept the item, exit out of the menu, anything. I closed the game and logged back on, everything worked fine. Except when I go back to the Item Upgrade menu, it shows the exact same image as if I had never left, and the game sticks on this menu.

    The game continues to run in the background, but I cannot exit the Item Upgrade menu without logging out entirely.
    Has anyone else experienced this, and if so how did you resolve it?

    Edit: And this seems to have completely disabled my personal shields in ground combat, even though I am specifically wearing personal shields on my character sheet. So this is kind of a game breaking bug if I can't resolve it.
  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    Anyone know if the spin the wheel mission is bugged?, it tells me to question Belan but there is no option to speak to him when i approach him.
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • sinclaire120sinclaire120 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    You cannot sit in the captain's chair or use the turbolifts to reach the lower decks in any of the bridge configurations except the origin default. Lame. And like PC, most of the NPC chars do not know how to sit in their chairs right.

    There's a camera bug on Earth Space Dock where it always seems to zoom to the furthest out view and stays stuck there. Why is that even a pre-set anyway? It's too far away and completely worthless.

    Also, the Khan outfit (you get for linking your account) doesn't work. When you open it, it says you can only have one opened and that you already have it. But it doesn't show up in the tailor.
  • lordzulu11lordzulu11 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Mission Fluidic Dynamic
    I am LvL 52 and now I am stuck as I just spent 40 mins shooting the Diamond and never got it below 98%
    Can not do the mission now as the ship is invincible

    I expected some bugs

    But to have this many just is not on
  • thedoct0r8181thedoct0r8181 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Anybody else have issues on Night of the Comet, Becoming the Future, where the ship's weapons dont work? Like i mean i spent 30 mins flying around getting shot at by the Klingons because my weapons wouldnt fire. Somehow i got to the point where there was only one Klingon ship left, but my weapons wouldn't fire at all, not at the comet fragments, nor at the enemy ship. Please help lol.
  • moominboy#9731 moominboy Member Posts: 1 New User
    +1 for the odd camera angles resetting themselves and the minimap doing it's own thing ie, zooming in close then as far back as it can.

    Found another which I can't get unstuck. Went to upgrade a Deflector dish and the window it opened to claim it had froze, though I can move the scroll bar,Can't escape that window.

    If I reload the game I can play again, but going to the upgrade screen causes the same issue.
  • jseiijseii Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The T 5 odyssey does not always reconnect with Aquarius and chevron when you want to redock it.
  • thedustdevil303#1500 thedustdevil303 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    PS4 - Coliseum - Communication Array Bug / Find Usable Ship Equipment : "There are salvageable bits of stuff scattered about the crash site. Locate a Communications Array, Navigation Beacon, and Subspace Distortion Invertor, and take the parts you need from them" Got everything but the Communications Array its like its stuck in the level it self and hard to see where it is and how to pick up. - Click around area and it worked :)
  • dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    FFS! Who QA'd this game?

    Uh...no one I think...

  • wickedreaper#0695 wickedreaper Member Posts: 1 New User
    Having issues doing the vega colony mission. Get 94% done and it wont let me speak to the woman, gate closed so i cant kill the remaining borg. Ive restarted 10 times and still nothing.
  • freak1280#0809 freak1280 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I can't access my turbolift on my klingon ship to leave the bridge. Just wondered if that is gonna get fixed as it makes ship customization pretty much pointless on the inside
  • smegmaz0rsmegmaz0r Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm also experiencing the camera distance bug on the PS4 version as well. The distance I choose always zooms out no matter what I try.
  • hobieonehobieone Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    found another one after the most recent patch. claimed my free ship after being promoted to captian. and it does show up and you cant activate it.
  • guest#6248 guest Member Posts: 1 New User
    1. Another BUG ... when trying to rename your ship AS Klingon the CAPITAL "T" shows "I" and the CAPITAL "E" shows "t". As the Federation it works fine (on PS4).

    2. Also when zoning out of a star system twice now it has put my ship INTO the star. So I could not escape, I was inside it flying into the walls ... I had to wait for my transwarp to come back to get out from inside the star (on PS4).

    3. When getting a new Officer and trying to customize it (as Klingon) the options would keep skipping back a tab or window giving me only 4 seconds or less to try to change something before I would have to scroll all the way back up and try to change it again in a 4 second or less window .... I gave up (on PS4).

    4. Research material when placed in your personal bank from the Research material inventory DOES NOT GO BACK INTO the "research inventory" it goes instead to your normal inventory and there is no way to put it back into the "research inventory".

    5. Not a bug (suggestion) PLEASE make a SHIP Inventory. Half the stuff you get or more is ship parts. Make the first inventory GROUND, and make a second one SHIP. Could care less about the research inventory but come on give us space for our space ship parts !!
  • dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    Note: for the inventory, they want you to buy more spaces. Greed thrumps customer service everytime: Welcome to Perfect Worlds F2P games!
  • dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    Looks like I'll be submitting a ticket for all the missing bridge officer spaces: Lvl 40 and only got one but have 3 cadets waiting to become BOffs? That didn't happen on the PC...
  • ceissadesisteceissadesiste Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Jem'Hadar Deflector Dish is part of the "Jem'Hadar Space Set" which is equippable in the vanity slots of your ship. I am able to equip the Jem'Hadar Combat Impulse Engine and the Jem'Hadar Resilient Shield in these slots, but I am unable to equip the Deflector Dish there. Not sure if this is made that way, but it seems odd that one piece of a set wouldn't be equippable with the rest of them.
  • jadeaejadeae Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I'm now stuck at th Cardassian mission "second wave". The previous mission has been completed. But the next mission won't start. There's not much else for me to do in the galaxy at this point as the exploration missions not working either.

    Might have to create new character and repeat all missions or stop playing til the bug is fixed.

    > @maxxvestros42 said:
    > My biggest issue atm is the Empress Sela Mission bug in Agama where when you beam down your game crashes, i know that if you keep trying to log in it will put you in orbit again and you can skip the mission, but i dont want to lose out on experience, loot, and story. Sent them a ticket that i hope they respond to sometime before i age and die, so i can figure out weather they will fix it or i just have to skip it.
    > Secondary would have been the lock on bug when in combat in space, had my ship locked on to a disabled ship and it wouldn't switch targets to other ships, found out how to manually switch targets which got be a work around and made is so i didn't have to log out and back in 15 times on the destroy the Comet mission lol
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