When I completed that task, I expected everything I earned from the Reputation system to be Mk13 UR, but it doesn't seem to apply to the items in reward boxes from hourly projects. Am I the only one who thought it would work that way?
The D in IDIC doesn't stand for discrimination, and neither does this poster.
Thanks Cryptic!
P.S. However... I will admit to feeling a bit of buyer's remorse for the gear I have purchased on my previous characters over the years. Most of which is still VR. Ah well.
I get your point, it is a bit of a tease, but the reputation store gear isn't really that great anyway lol.
Basically the set piece items that normaly come at MK XII Very Rare.
So instead of a Mk XII purple Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo, it will be a Mk XIII Ultra Rare.
Now I don't know about you, but some piece of trash Terran beam with [Acc] [CrtH] [Dmg] modifiers is not special in my eyes. However, the Terran rep project beam that increases damage as your enemy's health decreases and is part of a set SCREAMS special to me.
Yeah. I know. 'Read the text'. Did afterwards. Felt stupid. -.-
If they had done that all the people who bought the Hirogen lobi armour expecting that to work as an environmental suit like it was claimed it did in voyager would scream about it.
Spock's flight boots would be nice, much prefer that to a jump-pack.
Frankly, they should. Seriously, STOs current way of handling EV suits makes no sense. They're mandatory for something like four or five story missions and not all of them involve combat, so what EV suit you have is completely irrelevant and it could simply be a click icon for non story maps like the mines. So for those few occasions you need to have a form of EV suit that replaces your expensive armour which, if it's a rep armour, is already a fully encased EV/space suit. All rep armours should function as EV suits, activating the "EV mode" would just require you to wear the helmet, i.e. an overlay with the helmet on would be displayed for the time being until you "disable" the suit and it would return the visuals to your customized one.
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Are you saying mk14 ur rep doesn't have proper visuals?
It was a little unclear at first. I thought it read similar to what the OP thought. Then I experienced it firsthand and saw it was what it was. I am quite happy with what it is, so I'm good. But the wording, I dunno, I thought the same thing for a bit.
Do you get the Wells era Cardassian contact as a boff at the end? As it's not a "francise tied" character giving the info like Leeta in the Terran rep, I've kind of been hoping its been working in a similar manner to the Dyson rep and that we get futuregirl on our crew.
I'm flogging all mine off because my AOY is a Kelvin themed character... but when i sponsor another character... I'll store up the best purple mk xii's saved along the way and sell the rest.
My character Tsin'xing
But sometimes i got really nice drops here, that i save
(purple double beams, other purple gear)...
Every now and then it is a nice welcome to receive an Elite Mark from the boxes.