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PS4 bugs(?)

roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
edited September 2016 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
A few things I'm noticing are seeming buggy on the pS4. First off, the view distance toggle; When I first began playing today, I went to go with the close over-the-shoulder view; but after playing for a couple hours, the view distance started randomly switching to further away. This was annoying, but I could just go back and shift the view again to what I wanted. Then after a third hour, suddenly the close-up over-the-shoulder view stopped working properly - as in it changed into being close up and way over my character's head, not over the shoulder. I tried closing the game entirely and re-starting it, and then that closest view angle changed to having my character's head in the center of the reticle. WTF?

Next, there's no first person view. That has to be some kind of oversite.

I am also disappointed that there's no way to keep your character still while panning the camera around them; all I get to see of my character is the back of his head.

Fourth, I don't know why we can't have a close view of our starships in sector space; the shortest view distance makes my ship small and hard to distinguish, and the other views just pull away further.

And lastly (for the moment), where's the options for removing the HUD to let us get some stunning screenshots, like we can on the PC version? Tons of other games give the option to remove the HUD and take screenshots; it should be a standard default option in STO.

P.S.: Where the hell is the console forums, let alone the console support forums? Cryptic, are you guys even trying here? This is shaping up to be almost as slapped together as the original PC launch, which is sad considering I had assumed that you guys had learned from your own company history.

EDIT: Oh, and there's no option to hide our holstered weapons. This needs to be fixed too.
Post edited by roguepaladin on


  • wonder81#7976 wonder81 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Fourth, I don't know why we can't have a close view of our starships in sector space; the shortest view distance makes my ship small and hard to distinguish, and the other views just pull away further.

    Was going to make a thread about this, really annoying. My ship is like a speck of dust in the background. I can barely make it out. I have tried the change change but it's smallest view is just not enough.

    This game still needs a lot of work!
  • johnnyrot13johnnyrot13 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    changed my camera view unable change it back like im hung in small view
  • johnnyrot13johnnyrot13 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    update seems to be working after first mission
  • johnnyrot13johnnyrot13 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2016
  • ceissadesisteceissadesiste Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Adding my list of PS4 Issues here too, so as not to have various threads about our console!

    1. Taking equipment/items off of my BoFFS - I get a message stating my inventory is full and I have nothing in my inventory for it to be full.

    2. Patrol missions not showing up. - ( I played on PC and have the list of available Patrol missions. When I go to that system to try and do one, nothing pops up for me to start it. Out of my list I have only found 5 that worked correctly!)

    3. Right stick on controller randomly stops working during Tailor changes. (Several times I have gone to the tailor to change my BoFFs and the right stick will work for one character so I can rotate the view and then on the next character it stops working. I have to logout and log back in to get it to work again. I have tried 3 different controllers to make sure it wasn't that and it happens on all.)

    4. Ship targeting will randomly stay locked on to a defeated enemy and can not change my target off of it to the current enemy attacking.

    5. Inside of patrol missions, when you investigate an object as part of the mission, your BoFF will comment on what was found. The background behind them is blank and sometimes it shows another character who is not with you on the mission.

    6. Unable to pan camera around your character to take screenshots.

    7. View of your ship in sector space is awful! Ship is so tiny that its hard to see and blends in way to much with the backgrounds. (I thought we had an option on PC to have a better view of our ship in sector space, but I could be wrong since its been awhile since I played on PC)

    I will add more as I encounter them!
  • sparksmithsparksmith Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    +1 for the sector space view doing way to small.

    Also a decidated fourms for ps4 / Xbox would be nice.

    I seam to have an issue with the chat system (ps4) the only way I can type is to use the system keyboard. The game won't recognize any external keyboard I try.

    Can't untaget an enemy to target another till the current is dead... makes it impossible to take out mines and torpedos.

    Also just want to add I still think we should be able to link to pc accounts. I would like to be able to use some of the items I have spent over $700 in the past 5 years collecting. I could care less about transferring items just give my account unlock items.
  • celticwarriorjscelticwarriorjs Member Posts: 1 New User
    doesnt anyone know how to get into sector space on the mission?or is it bugged?
  • eternal1701deternal1701d Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    plus, i dont know if it is a bug, but i dont have the option on ps4 to create a starting character in the 23rd century like i do on pc.
    Still inside Atlas Park hospital waiting to leave
  • thuglife76thuglife76 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Many problems im seeing so far cant do duty misions or recruit duty officers, also cant recruit new bridge officers saying my shuttle is full which im trying to recruit for my ship i have 1 engineer spot empty and can not fill it there is way to many bugs also i would like to be able to use my charaters, ships and items purchased from zen store what was sense of linking are account if we cant even use are characters or ships and items purchased also having all same problems as previous posters the ps4 ver was rushed and obviously was not tested cause all these bugs are noticible right from start
  • dannyboy87#6706 dannyboy87 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hey guys,

    One problem I have is I've done the tutorial and I am level 5 but for some reason it still says that I am a cadet. So therefore I can't do the deep space battles, pvp and pve and can't do the patrol missions. Anyway I can fix this or did I miss something, or should I start again. Please help...... thanks Daniel
  • jericho447#8216 jericho447 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    i'm having a issue on x1 where the mini map is zoomed out and i can't see waypoints and i don't know how to zoom in the mini map
  • kari26kari26 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I'm actually finding that the level "Reliving The Past", I'm getting bounced around like a pinball and a lot of my shots with the phaser (TOS and rifle) aren't actually giving any damage to the enemies, they're hitting, yet the damn thing ain't giving any damage.

    The game was fine last night up until 4am this morning.
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    A few of the issues you mentioned, I haven't had yet. I'll keep my eye out for them. Thought I'd add my 2 cents on a few, though:
    2. Patrol missions not showing up. - ( I played on PC and have the list of available Patrol missions. When I go to that system to try and do one, nothing pops up for me to start it. Out of my list I have only found 5 that worked correctly!)
    Yes, this is a very good point, I'm not seeing them either; I've not been sure if they were even in this version of the game yet...
    4. Ship targeting will randomly stay locked on to a defeated enemy and can not change my target off of it to the current enemy attacking.
    I started having this issue this morning in one particular mission; it seems to happen where you need to disable the enemy but not completely destroy them.
    6. Unable to pan camera around your character to take screenshots.
    I've already got this one in my original post :P lol
    7. View of your ship in sector space is awful! Ship is so tiny that its hard to see and blends in way to much with the backgrounds.
    I already mentioned this one, too lol

    And I also want to add that texture loading is slow - stupidly slow. It's the freakin' PS4; it should be screaming fast at loading textures compared to my junk laptop, yet my laptop loads them faster. Plus the server lag is ridiculous; I haven't seen such bad whiplashing on STO in a long time. And finally, where's the anomalies? Did they completely remove crafting/gathering from the game? Why on earth would they do that?

    This is feeling like they launched an incomplete game yet again; I had thought they would have learned not to do that by now. I don't know who in charge over there insisted on pushing out the game in such a buggy, incomplete mess; Cryptic's EP, or some hotshot at PWI. My money's on PWI; this fits their track record.
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    i'm having a issue on x1 where the mini map is zoomed out and i can't see waypoints and i don't know how to zoom in the mini map

    Yes, this is yet another gripe I have as well; there's no way to zoom the minimap manually, it seems to adjust it on it's own whims and most of the time is so tiny that it's useless. The only hint of how to find the next objective has been using the tricorder scan.
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    plus, i dont know if it is a bug, but i dont have the option on ps4 to create a starting character in the 23rd century like i do on pc.
    This isn't a bug, I think they don't have that content in the console version of the game. The Console editions are so separate from the PC versions that they're practically a completely different game. That was a stupid decision on Cryptic's part, and the vast amount of missing content almost seems like they lied when they advertised how much content it had.

  • eternal1701deternal1701d Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    plus, i dont know if it is a bug, but i dont have the option on ps4 to create a starting character in the 23rd century like i do on pc.
    This isn't a bug, I think they don't have that content in the console version of the game. The Console editions are so separate from the PC versions that they're practically a completely different game. That was a stupid decision on Cryptic's part, and the vast amount of missing content almost seems like they lied when they advertised how much content it had.

    thanx for the info. i did not know that. i just figured it would be the latest game version that is on pc. lol
    thanx again. guess i will just have to wait. got plenty i can do till then.
    Still inside Atlas Park hospital waiting to leave
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    And now I've hit Lt. Commander but I can't recruit a new officer because for some f**ked up reason, I haven't gotten the extra BOff slot that I am supposed to receive. >:( Seriously, Cryptic/PWI; get your sh*t together.
  • kari26kari26 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    okay, so apparently all bugs/glitches are still there - getting thrown around like a pinball, getting stopped as if I was running into a invisible wall, phaser shots are no good etc.

    The heck is going on, they need to get their thing together!
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    And another glitch - I can't even enter the game half the time, pressing X at the title screen doesn't do jack squat most of the time. I hammer the button over and over and after several minutes of that, it finally lets me in to the character select screen.

    This is complete sh*t.
  • ginobaldelli823ginobaldelli823 Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    When I did the download it was a 16gb download - that is a lot of information. It is not surprising that they are releasing things in stages. they have already said the Duty officers, crafting, Agents of Yesterday and other things will be released later. Look at the Neverwinter release. It doesn't have all the same content you can access on the PC. If you cant hold your horses and take a chill pill then quit playing on the console and just stick to the PC. I have played on the PC since it became Free to Play and I have run out of things to do on there that interest me. So I have switched primarily to the console because everyone is reset to nothing. It makes the game fun again. You want to know what a bug is, it is the Sela mission crashing out on a PS4 making the mission unplayable. Everything I have read on this page so far can be categorized as an annoyance or a feature yet to be released.
  • sravynheartsravynheart Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    So, for anyone looking on here for REAL bugs, not simply things people don't like about the game(like the camera angles, which are a dev choice, not a bug), here are some actual issues I and my fleet have run into.

    -When running a ground mission with a team of other players, whether it's one other person, or a full team of 5, we have NEVER been able to beam back to the ship as one full team. I have always had to wait for the game to decide to teleport everyone else back to their ships, THEN I can choose "Beam back to ship".

    -Sometimes when my team and I go into a new section, whether we are in our ships or on the ground, one of us will get removed from the current mission, and thrown back into our ship, back into sector space outside the mission. We are given the option to "Continue (insert mission title)", and when that is hit, we are put into a completely different instance from the rest of the team.

    -More than once, myself and other fleet members have docks at Earth Spacedock, and teleported inside. When loading into the teleporter room, we have loaded in UNDER the transporter room, inside the model of the station. One person was able to walk under the ground to a bench, the 'sit on the park bench' to pull themselves out of the floor. Another tried that, didn't work. Then tried the "I am stuck" option, which just loaded him under the Transporter room floor again. He even tried going to his ships bridge, then coming back. He ultimately had to shut the game off and come back, before it fixed the issue.

    -Sometimes when a dialogue box pops up, especially if we have just teleported from our ship to our captain, the background will flash wildly as the game tries to load in all the models.

    -Along the same lines as the above, whenever I go to Earth Spacedock, full server or empty, all players will load in, standing in blank space. Then the interior models will load in. Then the textures will load in. Then the NPCs will load in. This is how Earth Spacedock loads in for me, every single time. I've learned to give this one a few seconds to finish, before trying to move around.

    -More than once, myself and many of my fleet members have gone into a mission where we attack other ships, and for no explainable reason, we can not fire our weapons. This has happened on my Starfleet and Romulan characters(I do not have a Kilngon character, so am not sure if it happens there, but suspect it does). I have been in the middle of battle, destroy the ship I'm targeting, then try to attack the next one that is firing on me, and nothing happens. No phasers. No torpedoes. Nothing. Once, I was able to fly far enough away from the battle that it 're-engaged' when I came back in range, and the bug fixed itself.

    Those are currently all the bugs I can think of that I've hit on the PS4. If I run into more, I'll edit this post and add them in. I do have to say, even with the above listed glitches, this game is GREAT!

    The mission "The Undying" from the Wasteland is glitched. When being sent into the arena, I defeat the first wave, and nothing happens. The game will not update, no matter what I do. Tried it four times. Had to give up and skip it for now.
    Post edited by sravynheart on
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    So, for anyone looking on here for REAL bugs, not simply things people don't like about the game(like the camera angles, which are a dev choice, not a bug)...
    Actually, my camera view distance functions are suffering from a bug. And I know for a fact that it is, because it worked fine for the first hour I played then glitched. I had it set to the "over-the-shoulder" view and after an hour of that working properly, it suddenly glitched and moved from being over the shoulder to 2 or 3 feet above my character's head. And only that camera view distance setting is glitched; the other two are working normally. Here's a youtube video I recorded of the glitch. I'm currently uninstalling and reinstalling the game to see if that fixes it or not.

    As for the rest of my gripes, yes I do consider them bugs; not design decisions, because these are no-brainer things that there is no excuse for having them missing at all; especially as a lot of these things are already in Neverwinter, which uses the same core engine.

  • kari26kari26 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I've noticed that after I played for a while that all glitches went away for some time. But, they've come back again so I might consider uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it to see IF the game stops with the bugs and glitches.
  • starraptor#5634 starraptor Member Posts: 1 New User
    I can't for the life of me figure out how to warp to Vega
  • kari26kari26 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @starraptor#5634 said:
    > I can't for the life of me figure out how to warp to Vega

    I do believe if you wanna warp to Vega, you would need to transwarp there and that requires 20,000 energy credits, or you can buy a transwarp drive part for your starship and it'll allow you to transwarp anywhere without requiring energy credits.
  • theotherdan#5173 theotherdan Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    If you don't mind, going to piggy back some XBox One stuff I have noticed because I can't make threads yet.

    In the Treasure Trading Station mission, once you disable the first cargo ship, it leaves you stuck in Red Alert, so you can't Impulse. If you find another ship, it won't let you attack it because it has you locked to the first ship, which is disabled, so you can't protect yourself. Only way out of this I have found is to log out and back in after defeating the first ship.

    Also trying to change the costume on one of my bridge officers, and when I select her, it changes her pants automatically. I don't know if this is some bizarre texture breakdown, but before I can even select anything she goes through a costume change on her own.

    In the Fed tutorial, there is one point where you have to break through a door. What's funny is the door just opened for me so I went in and defeated the Klingons, but then had to go and do the action to break through the already open door before the mission would continue.
  • ashtin1979ashtin1979 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    You just touched on most of what I've noticed almost immediately. I'd also like to add that there serms to be a graphical flicker every now and then. In the captain's quarters the starfield I noticed does not look like a starfield but a black blob with white dots. The water in the San Fran Bay looks worthy of graphics from the mid-90's as do the planets still. Is thst intentional? I know it can't be my PS4.

    One more thing or so. Anytime I try to sit in a chair the character goes into spasms before finally giving up and deciding to remain standing. The auto-target is missing from the options to go to the next target firing at you. Not trying to criticize but it seems like this console port was rushed. Otherwise I am enjoying it.null
  • caparzoukcaparzouk Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    The day to night cycle is not working on Risa... on PS4
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    I'm also noticing that the "Travel" option in the Captain's menu mission's sub-menu doesn't work and seems to be stuck grayed out.
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Hey guys, I just learned how to change targets in space combat!
    1. Aim your reticle at the new target.
    2. Click the right-hand joystick like a button. This will switch the view mode to cycle through new targets with the left-hand joystick.
    3. Press the fire button to start attacking the new target.
    4. Click the right-hand joystick again to switch back to normal viewing controls.

    I've tried it out a few times and it works. It's a bit annoying that there was never any tutorial on this, but at least it mostly works.
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