After playing Star Trek Online on PC for a few years now, I figured I would try out the console version for the PS4. Right from the start, there is no account linking. Everything I earned on the PC version I have to earn all over again. Okay, fine.....They wanted to make everything fair for everyone, right? No. It's because the consoles won't get the updates as fast as PC does. So I played as a Romulan, since the Rommies are my favorite species in Star Trek. As I try to get adjusted to the controls, I want to make my target reticle move faster, so I check the options and crank that slider all the way. As I leave the options, the camera is now further away. I thought I messed up, so I go back and try and fix it. But nope. To make the reticle move faster, the camera zooms out. Bummer. That's a negative. I go ahead and grab my pistol from the locker and try shooting the vases. It seems the devs tried a hybrid of tab targeting with shooter mode. VERY FRUSTRATING. I continue to power through it. hoping it's just me getting used to the controller scheme. So I finally get to space combat.....something for me that'll either make or break this port. No way to zoom in or out. No option to adjust the power levels to MY favorite settings. (MAJOR NEGATIVE POINTS) The "power wheels" are just to convoluted to even use. I tried to use the cloaking for my T'Liss before I started a battle, but guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED. (Another negative) It also seems that the ships turn slower than Voth Citadel ships do on PC. I finally get to the republic fleet and guess what, I can't even change around what abilities I want into the spots I want. There is absolutely ZERO customization.
I will try again and see if I can even get to like this port. But so far, if your wanting to play STO, just save yourself the hassle and just play it on PC. There is so much more that opens up on PC that you can NOT do on consoles.
Now there are some positives, at least the players from the console version will convert to the PC version when they tire of STO lite.

Would be nice, but Sony and Microsoft want their cut. Which is probably the actual reason why we can't transfer our C-Store ships and other C-Store/Pack bonuses instead of the official reason of making everything fair.
If you want it for console, you'll have to pay again...
IF They even offer that option.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
It is confirmed, but it looks to contain all the benefits of the LTS without being a Lifetime Subscription. Apparently, there are no subscriptions for the console versions.
Not sure what the actual cost of the LTS is due to there being no Zen Stipend.
That has been known for months that accounts don't transfer. You can "link" the account to get the WOK Khan outfit.
Hold down the X button, that brings up the quick menu. Move the highlight down to the Camera Zoom and hit x to change the zoom level. It's a toggle.
That's right, I noticed that right away. No "equalized" or custom power levels, I hope they add those.
You CAN choose which skill goes into which color coded slot, when you bring up the ring menu look at the control legend at the bottom of it.
Not me, it runs better on the PS4 than under WINE on Linux on my PC.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Can you clarify what you mean by change the captain skills?
My number one complaint is that I can't invert the y axis on the controller in the game options, that actually pissed me off lol
Well, Cryptic also gets their cut, so they're dipping their hand on the cookie jar 3 times. Oh well, hopefully now they have enough money to maybe hire a couple of more people, fix most of this game's bugs, and maybe finally doing something about PvP.
Nope. Separate servers all together.
Well in the PC version you could put a number of points into Energy Weapons and how many points you put into determines how much of a benefit you get.
From what I've seen of the console version you can only put one point into it.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I may be utterly wrong here, if so, please forgive me, but have you checked your skills lately? The system changed on PC, too. (Although still 3 levels of energy weapons)
I have to agree - pushing up to aim down and vise versa is not something my feeble mind can get used to.. Having that option to change would really make the space flight and battles much more enjoyable.. Static camera follow would also be a + in my books but it seems to be grey'd out right now...
I actually gave up after trying to complete the first space portion over 30 mins because I could not get used to the aiming and viewing..
I'm not complaining. Just noting it would be nice to have the option.
In all fairness...i Hate shooter mode anyway..but I bet on PC you dont suddenly switch targets after taking a single shot at something.
I did see something about account linking when I finished the download but I think it was just to link my Xbox game to a PWE account. Maybe they re-thought that...but doubt it. I dont know either way because the linking wouldnt work.
There are more issues than what I mentioned that really screams for the devs to yank this port back and fix these MAJOR GLARING issues. I understand the devs want to make STO easy for console players to jump in, but this MMO takes more controls than what consoles can provide.
I can't even get ANY enjoyment from this hot mess. So much screwed up and yet no incentive to bring PC players over either. At least let us, the PC players, copy our account over just like Tribble server. Tribble and Holodeck are separate servers, so what makes them different from Holodeck and console servers?
Until these issues and MUCH MORE are fixed, I can safely say that I WILL NOT be playing STO on consoles.
lol.. Let us know what your 'atterny' has to say.
I'm sure he's really going to care about your dissatisfaction with a video game.