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Will there ever be a Cardassian Faction?



  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    A Cardassian micro-faction can still exist. Cryptic just needs to release 25th Century versions of the Galor and Keldon. The vast majority of 24th Century Cardassian ships are stolen by the True Way so the current Cardassian Lockbox ships could have been ships acquired from the True Way. While the Cardassian Military has to create new ships for their captains. The possibility of a Dominion micro-faction is nonexistent due to the sheer saturation of Dominion Lockbox ships.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    All hail the Lockbox!!!
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • tilarium1979tilarium1979 Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    It could be possible for them to do something which incorporates a separate starting point similar to what AoY had for Feds and what the Roms go through with their "tutorial". Their starting ship could be the Hideki. They could have a starting point on Cardassia Prime, do a tutorial arc and maybe some additional missions unique to them, then at a certain level, select either Fed or KDF. This could be standalone or used as a sort of prelude to opening up the Gamma Quadrant.

    But the problem remains... The Galor and Keldon are in lockboxes. I doubt Cryptic is going to do anything that would jeopardize lockbox key sales.

    The only option I can see them doing now is allow them as an unlockable race for Fed and KDF purchased through the C-store.

    Again I don't see why it would effect. Of course, I'm a role player, meaning I make a character and play him as that character. I'd still want my Galor and Keldon on my Klingon-aligned Cardassian because his story is only playable as he is. I'd make a Cardassian character and would give them a whole different story to play. People forgot, this (and other MMORPGs) is a role playing game. So few people do that and even those that do (myself included) break it, alot. Heck, 90% of the time I talk to people in the hubs is generally out of character because that's all that's happening and I'd never interact with others if I didn't.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I just reread the lockbox announcement:
    Those fortunate enough to win the Grand Prize Ship from opening this Lock Box will presented with a bound crate which, when opened, offers a choice between two powerful starship options:
    •Cardassian Keldon Cruiser [T6]
    •Jem’Hadar Dreadnought Carrier [T6]

    So let me get this correct, not only do I have to get the prize ship once for my hypothetical Cardassian, I have to do it a second time for my hypothetical Jem'Hadar? :#

    And what does it mean bound?
    That if I get the prize, it's only for the character who opened it?
    Since my Romulan Engineer is the one who does all the lockboxing, does that mean I have to avoid opening the Lockboxes in order to prevent her acquiring a ship meant for another playable character?
    tousseau wrote: »
    Well, if Cryptic gave the Liberated Borg the same options as the alien generator, then it would be possible to get a Cardassian look.

    I tried that just now, out of curiosity to see if I could simulate a Liberated Borg Cardassian.
    Sadly, I cannot.

    But as I mentioned earlier, even a simulated Cardassian does not a faction make.
    The primary problem, as I experienced with my Romulan captains, is getting given a lot of "foreign" BOFFs.
    The Unique ones (like your Liberated Borg Engineering Officer) are always Starfleet.
    I specifically wanted some Cardassian BOFFs.
    From my point of view developing Cardassians would be a complete waste of developer time and effort. I enjoyed AoY, it was too brief. You hate it, now we flip it around, you want spoonheads, I think that would be a ridiculous waste of time and would likely hate it (since I hate the race and their ships).

    I guess it all depends on what we consider "Trek".
    I wasn't around when TOS came out.
    I somehow managed to miss most of TNG when it was on tv (probably because I was watching stuff like Transformers and other cartoons of that era).

    So my first real experience with Star Trek was Deep Space Nine and it kindof stuck with me.
    And most likely that is what influenced my choices for the next playable factions, I want to experience more of what is my favorites.

    And later on, Voyager presented us with some species that were outside the norm, so while it was not my favorite, I still wanted those species as standalone characters, even if they didn't get any ships (numbers 1-2 on my playable species wishlist).
    Hirogen (number 2) actually has the advantage if they should be made an playable species option, I have an Apex Battleship reward box in storage waiting for him to be created. So he will get his own species ship!

    Not that either of us is right or wrong, it's just personal preference.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    They might get a mini-faction that joins the Federation, like TOS captains.

    We're never getting more than mini-factions from now on. Even Romulan half-factions are too expensive and shared endgame content makes too much business sense.

    This is why Cryptic should just give up on the idea of new factions. TOS characters were a bit of an embarrassment, especially now that the event is over..

    How do you mean?

    I had great fun with my tos / temporal recruit thing and got a bunch of very useful unlocks from it.

    What I think he means is that now that the event is over, there really is no point to making a TOS character. It's a whole 10 levels that can be completed in a matter of an hour. After that there is no benefit or anything unique to making a TOS character. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    You're wrong. I and many others are still happily playing our TOS captains as our current main. TOS uniforms, TOS boffs, TOS weapons, TOS visual effects for scans and beam outs everywhere I go. A new "modern" fed gets none of that except with a bit of effort the weapons.

    Yes, more TOS episodes would have made creating a TOS character even better, but it's still fun as-is if you are fond of TOS.

  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    So let me get this correct, not only do I have to get the prize ship once for my hypothetical Cardassian, I have to do it a second time for my hypothetical Jem'Hadar? :#

    And what does it mean bound?
    That if I get the prize, it's only for the character who opened it?
    Since my Romulan Engineer is the one who does all the lockboxing, does that mean I have to avoid opening the Lockboxes in order to prevent her acquiring a ship meant for another playable character?

    1. Yes, you need to get one prize box to get a T6 Keldon, and then another prize box to get a T6 Carrier. No different than previous "choice" boxes like the T6 Bug or the Sheshar.

    2. No. It's similar to the 23rd Century Ship Temporal Box, in that you get an unbound box that contains either ship (your choice). You transfer that box to the character you want to open it, then open it and select the ship. The ship you select is bound to that toon.
  • lordrezeonlordrezeon Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    Eh, I think considering the cost-benefit ratio of developing a Cardassian faction it would probably never be created as its own thing. I think the best we could ever hope for would be if they were added as a zen store character race for one of the three existing factions.

    If I had to pick I would probably put them in with the Romulan Republic. From a gameplay and lore perspective I think that would be the best fit. The Federation already has a lot of content on it, the Klingons have several playable races already, but the Romulans are a bit lacking in that regard. There is also the storyline issue, the Cardassians have long standing feuds with the Federation and Klingons, whereas they have a past history of partnering with the Romulans prior to the Dominion War.

    As for putting the Cardassian ships in the Zen store, that would be as simple as what they already do with the Mirror Universe ships. Just swap up the console and boff slots and say that the lockbox ships are older True Way ships and that the zen ships are the current refit versions.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    tilarta wrote: »
    I guess it all depends on what we consider "Trek".
    I wasn't around when TOS came out.
    I somehow managed to miss most of TNG when it was on tv (probably because I was watching stuff like Transformers and other cartoons of that era).

    So my first real experience with Star Trek was Deep Space Nine and it kindof stuck with me.
    And most likely that is what influenced my choices for the next playable factions, I want to experience more of what is my favorites.

    And later on, Voyager presented us with some species that were outside the norm, so while it was not my favorite, I still wanted those species as standalone characters, even if they didn't get any ships (numbers 1-2 on my playable species wishlist).
    Hirogen (number 2) actually has the advantage if they should be made an playable species option, I have an Apex Battleship reward box in storage waiting for him to be created. So he will get his own species ship!

    Not that either of us is right or wrong, it's just personal preference.

    I consider everything but ENT to be Trek... ENT is just garbage Trek that makes JJTrek look good, but both are also Trek(and before someone jumps on me, YES Beyond did redeem that universe nicely). I was born the year before TMP came out, and Wrath of Khan is still bar none my favorite movie and era for Trek, but I love TOS as well. TNG and VOY was forgettable, tho I do love the Voth race. None of that, however, is the reason I despise the Cardassians :P And their ships are just some of the most fugly things in scifi.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • morbideccentric#9020 morbideccentric Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I REALLY want to see playable Cardassians with their own uniforms, ground weapons, ships and BOFF's, if not as their own faction (I would be happy even with a bare bones one), joining them with the Romulan faction makes the most sense (both in game terms and by Star Trek canon as they have cooperated and had a joint Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order fleet) and would leave me perfectly contented. I played STO for the first month it came out but then decided to wait until Cardassians became playable (as I like to use a single character with a game and would hate having to start over from the beginning). Still waiting... hurry up and give me Cardassians so I can spend all my money on them!
  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,314 Arc User
    SHORT version: YES


  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    They might get a mini-faction that joins the Federation, like TOS captains.

    We're never getting more than mini-factions from now on. Even Romulan half-factions are too expensive and shared endgame content makes too much business sense.

    This is why Cryptic should just give up on the idea of new factions. TOS characters were a bit of an embarrassment, especially now that the event is over..

    How do you mean?

    I had great fun with my tos / temporal recruit thing and got a bunch of very useful unlocks from it.

    What I think he means is that now that the event is over, there really is no point to making a TOS character. It's a whole 10 levels that can be completed in a matter of an hour. After that there is no benefit or anything unique to making a TOS character. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    That is exactly what I meant.

    No reason to make a TOS character after the event. Yes the little extras were nice, like the beam in and other effects, but it was a waste to make it a new faction.

    Now, had they incorporated it into a normal Fed character as a featured episode series, that would have been epic!

    Had it actually been as much of a faction as the Romulan's, with 1-30 levels of unique content, then yes, that would justify making it a new faction and then making new ships for it. As it stands right now, for me it was a waste of dev time to put in all the effort, for so little out of it..
    Post edited by sunfrancks on
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    As I understand it, neither the Tal'Shiar nor the Obsidian Order represent the true beliefs of the faction they belong to.
    And it seems like they were universally loathed by their "allies".
    Suffice it to say, when the Dominion obliterated them, there would have been a lot of cheering from Romulans and Cardassians.

    I don't remember precisely, but I think the game states the Cardassians are nominally aligned with the Federation now.
    Not part of it, but allies.
    None of that, however, is the reason I despise the Cardassians :P And their ships are just some of the most fugly things in scifi.

    So enlighten us please, why do you despise them?

    I always liked their ships.
    I think the design is roughly shaped like a fish, although I don't know what affinity Cardassians have for piscine lifeforms.
    Which could be why I like them, I have an interest in marine/acquatic lifeforms.
    They did mention in one episode that fish juice is a popular Cardassian breakfast beverage.

    I suppose as a side issue, this is more about options then anything else.
    A new playable species/faction=something new to experience.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • bjornborgiabjornborgia Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    A Cardassian faction would be amazing.
    Hab SoSlI' Quch!
  • morbideccentric#9020 morbideccentric Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    > @tilarta said:
    > I don't remember precisely, but I think the game states the Cardassians are nominally aligned with the Federation now.
    > Not part of it, but allies.

    You are right, I am afraid that I was thinking along the lines of where the Deep Space Nine series left off, not what STO has established since then. While a significant part of Cardassian society would be in favour of an alliance with the Federation (and that is also supported by Star Trek novels) there would also be a sizeable amount, especially amongst the former military, who would not be, and I think it would be quite plausible for that side to go looking to get friendly with the Romulan Star Empire for support, their cultures are certainly more similar to each other, and before becoming subjects of and being controlled by the Dominion, The Romulan Star Empire was the only other of the large major power in the quadrant that the Cardassians had never had a major conflict with.

    I think the True Way in STO should have had support from the Romulan Star Empire, not the Alpha Jem'Hadar and New Link. The Cardassians and Jem'Hadar hated each other even when they were allies under the Dominion, after the Jem'Hadar's attempt to exterminate the entire Cardassian species, leaving their planet in ruins, I cannot image any Cardassian, no matter how much they wish to return to old Cardassian militarism, not hating the Jem'Hadar on sight, and the Jem'Hadar themselves are genetically engineered to consider all other species that are not Changlings or Vorta to be inferior and their enemies. It makes no sense for them to be working together now.

    I imagine that Cryptic, if they do make a Cardassian faction, will only make the Federation allied Cardassians playable, which is perfectly fine with me actually, but I was extremely disappointed with what they did to the Romulan faction. I was looking forward to playing a Romulan Star Empire character, not a bunch of Vulcan wannabes. Also, why the hell did they decide to put Hirogen in Romulan space!? Now while I do think that the Romulan Star Empire/Romulan Republic split was fine and it has its starting point in canon, they should have made the Romulan faction playable with two paths, the Romulan Republic allied to the Federation in PVP and the Romulan Star Empire allied to the Klingon Empire in PVP. A Cardassian faction would pose more of a problem in the PVP divide, while a Federation allied Cardassian makes perfect sense (and as allies of the Romulans too), a Cardassian allied to the Klingon Empire is in no way plausible. Cardassians generally despise Klingons and it was the Klingon invasion of Cardassia with its destruction, loss of life, loss of territory, not to mention the attempt by the Klingons to wipe out the entire Cardassian government, that led to Cardassia joining the Dominion to protect itself and recover its losses in the first place.
    Post edited by morbideccentric#9020 on
  • I wish Cryptic would give a definite statement one way or anther about whether or not there will be a Cardassian faction in future. I keep holding out for it. Even as a small sub-faction of the Federation with just three ship designs would be enough for me. If they are not going to make a faction they should make the race a C-store purchase for the Fed side.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    tilarta wrote: »
    So enlighten us please, why do you despise them?

    I always liked their ships.
    I think the design is roughly shaped like a fish, although I don't know what affinity Cardassians have for piscine lifeforms.
    Which could be why I like them, I have an interest in marine/acquatic lifeforms.

    Never really liked Minbari ships either and those look like fish too :P

    As for why? Simple.... take everything Romulan, flesh it out, give it depth, put a spoon on their forehead and a neck ridge instead of elf ears and voila... Cardassians...
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • mas134gluck123mas134gluck123 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    taking in consideration that PC players didn't got chance to get keldon class starship i bealive that maybe next year we could get cardassians as faction, also there is lot of other ships which cardassians can use, at least by ships saw in star trek armada 2, and some of that ships i saw on borg side and never in movie, so i hope its possible to get their ships.

    Also maybe t6 galor, as lockbox, while currently to become a t5 and to get buybale from card faction, but time will show as it always do, but i keeping fingers that i become possible :)
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  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,618 Arc User
    Best thing any fan of the spoons can hope for is a playable Cardassian either in service with Starfleet or the KDF
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    If there is a takeaway from AoY, it's that any faction will (at best) be integrated with existing ones; I would guess that Cryptic's marketing logic is that players will be more likely to roll a new alt if they can get some return on all of the ships they've already bought. I could see a Cardassian "fraction" with a T1 ship, starter episodes that end with them being allied to Starfleet, and one or two T6 ships. In other words, AoY-lite (!). However, I doubt that the Cardies have the fanbase to compete with TOS or the Romulans...
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    staq16 wrote: »
    If there is a takeaway from AoY, it's that any faction will (at best) be integrated with existing ones; I would guess that Cryptic's marketing logic is that players will be more likely to roll a new alt if they can get some return on all of the ships they've already bought. I could see a Cardassian "fraction" with a T1 ship, starter episodes that end with them being allied to Starfleet, and one or two T6 ships. In other words, AoY-lite (!). However, I doubt that the Cardies have the fanbase to compete with TOS or the Romulans...

    You have a good point about players rolling new alts.

    The fact that they have been adding specializations means that if they were to do a larger faction like the Romulans, they'd have to have vessels to match the ones already existing (Intel ships, Pilot ships, Command ships, Temporal ships they might get away with using the cross faction one).

    The bigger problem is how do you integrate them into the story so that it makes sense for them to be doing the kind of stuff the other factions are doing? Do you have them make a cardassian version of the Dyson or do you make them fly the fed version? These are the kinds of questions they need to ask when they eventually get to doing another faction.

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