The Kelvin Timeline Connie is better anyways. And it is a lot cheaper. Better off with that.
There's nothing wrong with having both. As much as you've posted this same sentiment in different threads, I'm getting the impression you're trying to convince yourself you're happy, but subconsciously you know you're not.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
Denial- "There's no way Cryptic would TRIBBLE us over and hide these oft-requested, highly desired, ironic ships behind a gambling scam." Anger- "Fraking Cryptic hiding these oft-requested, highly desired, ironic ships behind a gambling scam! >:-[" Bargaining- "Well maybe if I sell some of these promo R&D gambling cheese boxes on the exchange, I'll make enough money to buy one..?" Depression- "Over 900m EC... I'll be 92 by the time I grind out enough EC to get them. ;_;" Acceptance- "TRIBBLE it. My Klink'll stick with his T5 Vor'cha. I'll spend the money I make from what promo R&D gambling cheese boxes I do sell on sweet MkXII gear for it. I'm /facerolling this content anyway, a T6 ship is irrelevant. Besides, this ride looks better..."
100 bucks for a ship.....a virtual ship....a virtual ship you one day may be fed up with and can't sell even to get a bit of money...
If you spend $150 going to a concert or amusement park or other event, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 on a good bottle of Scotch, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 going out on the town to with some friends, was it a waste of money?
All leisure activity is technically a waste of money, it's up to everyone to decide for themselves what they want to waste it on at a given time, and believe it or not some people will spend that money differently than you will. Shocking huh?
I've replied afterwards trying to explain what I meant a little better.
Like I said, everyone does what they want with their money. The thing is (to me in this case) that you're paying 150 bucks for a bottle of scotch that is like the 30 bucks bottles, as having a similar scotch.
And no it's not shocking that people overpay for stuff. That's exactly why these things are made the way they are.
And btw all the examples you provided are indeed a waste of money for that price. The concert would be 60$, the bottle 10 to 30 and going out could be under 20.
But again, my issue is not with people who wish to spend that money. It's theirs and they spend it on whatever they want. No debate there.
100 bucks for a ship.....a virtual ship....a virtual ship you one day may be fed up with and can't sell even to get a bit of money...
If you spend $150 going to a concert or amusement park or other event, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 on a good bottle of Scotch, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 going out on the town to with some friends, was it a waste of money?
Its not spending $150 bucks on something and getting it, its spending $150 bucks on the chance to get something and being lucky it only cost $150 bucks, which most people usually see as a sign of gambling addiction and suggest the person doing it get help.
There is no gambling involved when you buys keys with real money, sell keys for game credits, then buy the ship off the exchange. You know, the whole point of this thread. I'm guessing you're no Rhodes Scholar.
Yes, lets spend about 4 times the cost of a T6 ship on this without complaint becuase its not really gambling, hey while we're at it why don't they just charge us $600 a day just to log in. Seriously the amount of defending what comes off as a naked cash grab is astounding.
100 bucks for a ship.....a virtual ship....a virtual ship you one day may be fed up with and can't sell even to get a bit of money...
That's certainly one very common way of looking at it.
But there are other perspectives. 100 bucks for entertainment. That provides you x-amount of entertainment in terms of time. So you're paying 100 bucks for x minutes/hours/whatever of entertainment from that purchase.
Is the T6 Connie worth, say, 5 trips to the movie theater?
One trip to an NFL game?
Two or three concerts?
I don't know. For some it might be. If that's the case, it's not a waste of money because you weren't paying for ownership of that item, just the experience.
I think the movies are a great comparison because you can skip seeing a film in the theater. And own a copy of it yourself. But, look at your DVD collection and consider how often you repeatedly use those DVDs? And consider how many digital versions of films have you purchases in the past couple of years? And then how many of those digital films have you watched repeatedly?
Yeah, you can definitely look at it as you're paying for pixels that have no value because you can't touch it, feel it, put it on a shelf and walk away from it and then come back and have it there on the shelf.
But there are other ways of considering how you spend your money. And entertainment is an experience that doesn't need to be a solid construct that you pay money to own.
Ok, lets ask them to put it in the C-store for $250. Put an end to the gambling complaints.
Right now Cryptic makes $200 for every "joeblow-at-jblow has been issued a 23rd century ship pack" you see racing across the screen. When the R&D pack sale ends, they'll be making $250. If you want to pay that direct, go for it (except of course you can buy them for less from other players...). But there's no reason for them to discount it lower than that given the rate they are FLYING off the shelves. It's a $200-$250 ship. Sorry if that exceeds your fun-money limit.
Some of us just aren't prone to go irrationally nutters at the words "naked cash grab". If people didn't think it was worth it at the moment they clicked "buy", we wouldn't be seeing reward announcement streaming across the screen. Takes some responsibility for your actions... and accept that other people might not agree with you about perceived value.
Ok, lets ask them to put it in the C-store for $250. Put an end to the gambling complaints.
They wouldn't sell becuase nobody is going to pay 8 times the cost of a T6 ship, especially one that had the least amount of effort put into making the damn thing.
Especially when for $120 less you can get 7 T6 ships, several ships of lower tiers, a few costumes, a Boff, some upgrade kits, and some tittles aka considerably more.
Ehh... I'm not even mad about it. I mean, I don't like the way they went about releasing the T6 TOS Connie either (in an R&D box), but... (shrug) as azrael605 said, it's industry standard MMO practices, so it is what it is til it's something different, I guess.
I bought 16 R&D boxes; that was my limit I was going to spend. I opened 8 and sold 8, and in addition to my EC I already had saved up in my bank, I ended up with enough to buy a ship that I really wanted (a Kelvin Timeline Connie). And I got some more lobi, which will come in handy later on. So I can't complain.
Ehh... I'm not even mad about it. I mean, I don't like the way they went about releasing the T6 TOS Connie either (in an R&D box), but... (shrug) as azrael605 said, it's industry standard MMO practices, so it is what it is til it's something different, I guess.
Yeah, well it also has to do with the whole saying they will never put factions ships in one of these things, and then putting faction ships in these things. It kind of makes you wonder what else they'll put in the things to make a quick buck.
@hartzilla: Agreed, and that's why I'm not exactly pleased about how they went about doing it. But I'm not complaining; I finally got a ship that I'd been wanting for a while, so I'm at least happy with that. My KT Connie (or "Katie," as I've been calling it) has exceeded my expectations as a ship and I'm happy with it. The only thing I wish they'd add to it is more rooms for the interior other than just the bridge. But I'm not inside the ship that often anyway so it's not too big a deal.
The KT connie is a lockbox ship, it is no more "permanent" than any other lockbox ship, nor any promo ship such as the Suliban Cell ship, which has been added to the infinity lockbox vua the romulan survivor doff pack.
But its more "permanent" than they one time promo box give away TOS Connie, becuase every time the infinity box pops up new ones show up.
Just bought 3 bundles (of 4 packs) at 800Z each (so 2,400Z total). Opened each bundle before buying the next. On the 11th pack (out of the 3rd bundle), got the ship box. So it essentially cost 2,200Z (about $22USD). It can be done.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Tried my hand at gambling for it, got my T6 Excalibur from my 6th pack
Just wish it had access to materials 7 and 8 (emphasis on 7) ... and 4 digit registry numbers would be nice too ... and I'm kinda hoping they do a T5-U version or something as an event so I can get something account-wide ...
The meme that floats around on things like this is the Shut Up and Take My Money image:
Since that's what a lot of posters said they'd do for this ship, and we have now entered a state of the game where that is the option, I see this as playing out the way it was meant to play out.
EDIT: Oh and I am now in the market for one. I have some R&D packs to sell first to get the ECs, but would be willing to just trade them straight up instead. If anyone's interested in helping an old TOS fan and forum curmudgeon out.
100 bucks for a ship.....a virtual ship....a virtual ship you one day may be fed up with and can't sell even to get a bit of money...
If you spend $150 going to a concert or amusement park or other event, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 on a good bottle of Scotch, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 going out on the town to with some friends, was it a waste of money?
All leisure activity is technically a waste of money, it's up to everyone to decide for themselves what they want to waste it on at a given time, and believe it or not some people will spend that money differently than you will. Shocking huh?
I've replied afterwards trying to explain what I meant a little better.
Like I said, everyone does what they want with their money. The thing is (to me in this case) that you're paying 150 bucks for a bottle of scotch that is like the 30 bucks bottles, as having a similar scotch.
And no it's not shocking that people overpay for stuff. That's exactly why these things are made the way they are.
And btw all the examples you provided are indeed a waste of money for that price. The concert would be 60$, the bottle 10 to 30 and going out could be under 20.
But again, my issue is not with people who wish to spend that money. It's theirs and they spend it on whatever they want. No debate there.
If you want the good stuff, you've got to pay for it. That's life. Some things are over-priced garbage, while some expensive things are worth every penny. It's up to you to be able to tell the difference when you have the cash, or make do with what you can afford when your means are more modest.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
100 bucks for a ship.....a virtual ship....a virtual ship you one day may be fed up with and can't sell even to get a bit of money...
If you spend $150 going to a concert or amusement park or other event, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 on a good bottle of Scotch, was it a waste of money? If you spend $150 going out on the town to with some friends, was it a waste of money?
Its not spending $150 bucks on something and getting it, its spending $150 bucks on the chance to get something and being lucky it only cost $150 bucks, which most people usually see as a sign of gambling addiction and suggest the person doing it get help.
There is no gambling involved when you buys keys with real money, sell keys for game credits, then buy the ship off the exchange. You know, the whole point of this thread. I'm guessing you're no Rhodes Scholar.
Yes, lets spend about 4 times the cost of a T6 ship on this without complaint becuase its not really gambling, hey while we're at it why don't they just charge us $600 a day just to log in. Seriously the amount of defending what comes off as a naked cash grab is astounding.
Illegal goal post move, penalty on offense.
No one's debating it's a cash grab, of course it is. This thread is about how to get it without gambling. The further point I was making is, if you want it and you can afford it, it's not a waste any more than any other impermanent thing you'd spend disposable income on.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
The hardest part about getting the T6 Connie was watching the horrid ESD chat until the seller showed up.
That and crappy Charter Cable dropping out in the middle of the auction.
Hardest part for me was the joy of seeing it in my inventory, followed by the annoying /tells "I'll give you 850M EC for that" "You selling or trading that?" etc
The meme that floats around on things like this is the Shut Up and Take My Money image:
Since that's what a lot of posters said they'd do for this ship, and we have now entered a state of the game where that is the option, I see this as playing out the way it was meant to play out.
EDIT: Oh and I am now in the market for one. I have some R&D packs to sell first to get the ECs, but would be willing to just trade them straight up instead. If anyone's interested in helping an old TOS fan and forum curmudgeon out.
You don't have it yet? Dang!
I'd love t help you out, except I want the ship for myself. Though I already have the Connie, I am considering also getting the D7 and the T'Liss. Though the space barbie options for the D7 might discourage me from picking it. If I get another box, I'll test it on Tribble.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Been my luck month....1 from 13 R&D boxes and 2 K-Connie from 73 Boxes, traded 1 for the Vengance. All iterations of my STO-FED self are satisfied
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
....And here I thought people were not going to be spending anymore money on STO after the whole Gold D'Kora incident.
Don't I feel sheepish.
Truthfully, I would've said the same, but I haven't spent a dime on STO since Christmas. But that's because I refuse to play starship trait pokemon (...anymore) lol.
There's nothing wrong with having both. As much as you've posted this same sentiment in different threads, I'm getting the impression you're trying to convince yourself you're happy, but subconsciously you know you're not.
Denial- "There's no way Cryptic would TRIBBLE us over and hide these oft-requested, highly desired, ironic ships behind a gambling scam."
Anger- "Fraking Cryptic hiding these oft-requested, highly desired, ironic ships behind a gambling scam! >:-["
Bargaining- "Well maybe if I sell some of these promo R&D gambling cheese boxes on the exchange, I'll make enough money to buy one..?"
Depression- "Over 900m EC... I'll be 92 by the time I grind out enough EC to get them. ;_;"
Acceptance- "TRIBBLE it. My Klink'll stick with his T5 Vor'cha. I'll spend the money I make from what promo R&D gambling cheese boxes I do sell on sweet MkXII gear for it. I'm /facerolling this content anyway, a T6 ship is irrelevant. Besides, this ride looks better..."
Thanks all.
I've replied afterwards trying to explain what I meant a little better.
Like I said, everyone does what they want with their money. The thing is (to me in this case) that you're paying 150 bucks for a bottle of scotch that is like the 30 bucks bottles, as having a similar scotch.
And no it's not shocking that people overpay for stuff. That's exactly why these things are made the way they are.
And btw all the examples you provided are indeed a waste of money for that price. The concert would be 60$, the bottle 10 to 30 and going out could be under 20.
But again, my issue is not with people who wish to spend that money. It's theirs and they spend it on whatever they want. No debate there.
Yes, lets spend about 4 times the cost of a T6 ship on this without complaint becuase its not really gambling, hey while we're at it why don't they just charge us $600 a day just to log in. Seriously the amount of defending what comes off as a naked cash grab is astounding.
Not necessarily stoned but Beautiful.
Right now Cryptic makes $200 for every "joeblow-at-jblow has been issued a 23rd century ship pack" you see racing across the screen. When the R&D pack sale ends, they'll be making $250. If you want to pay that direct, go for it (except of course you can buy them for less from other players...). But there's no reason for them to discount it lower than that given the rate they are FLYING off the shelves. It's a $200-$250 ship. Sorry if that exceeds your fun-money limit.
Some of us just aren't prone to go irrationally nutters at the words "naked cash grab". If people didn't think it was worth it at the moment they clicked "buy", we wouldn't be seeing reward announcement streaming across the screen. Takes some responsibility for your actions... and accept that other people might not agree with you about perceived value.
They wouldn't sell becuase nobody is going to pay 8 times the cost of a T6 ship, especially one that had the least amount of effort put into making the damn thing.
Especially when for $120 less you can get 7 T6 ships, several ships of lower tiers, a few costumes, a Boff, some upgrade kits, and some tittles aka considerably more.
Hence why it comes off as a naked cash grab.
I bought 16 R&D boxes; that was my limit I was going to spend. I opened 8 and sold 8, and in addition to my EC I already had saved up in my bank, I ended up with enough to buy a ship that I really wanted (a Kelvin Timeline Connie). And I got some more lobi, which will come in handy later on. So I can't complain.
Yeah, well it also has to do with the whole saying they will never put factions ships in one of these things, and then putting faction ships in these things. It kind of makes you wonder what else they'll put in the things to make a quick buck.
except my TOS Connie is sexy as hell
far sexier than the POS jjprise
100 boxes opened one Connie and one D-7 for my Klingon
Which doesn't chnage the fact that you can get a Kelvin Connie far cheaper whenever you want since its a permanent thing now.
But its more "permanent" than they one time promo box give away TOS Connie, becuase every time the infinity box pops up new ones show up.
Just wish it had access to materials 7 and 8 (emphasis on 7) ... and 4 digit registry numbers would be nice too ... and I'm kinda hoping they do a T5-U version or something as an event so I can get something account-wide ...
Ok cool, thanks
Since that's what a lot of posters said they'd do for this ship, and we have now entered a state of the game where that is the option, I see this as playing out the way it was meant to play out.
EDIT: Oh and I am now in the market for one. I have some R&D packs to sell first to get the ECs, but would be willing to just trade them straight up instead. If anyone's interested in helping an old TOS fan and forum curmudgeon out.
If you want the good stuff, you've got to pay for it. That's life. Some things are over-priced garbage, while some expensive things are worth every penny. It's up to you to be able to tell the difference when you have the cash, or make do with what you can afford when your means are more modest.
Illegal goal post move, penalty on offense.
No one's debating it's a cash grab, of course it is. This thread is about how to get it without gambling. The further point I was making is, if you want it and you can afford it, it's not a waste any more than any other impermanent thing you'd spend disposable income on.
That and crappy Charter Cable dropping out in the middle of the auction.
Hardest part for me was the joy of seeing it in my inventory, followed by the annoying /tells "I'll give you 850M EC for that" "You selling or trading that?" etc
You don't have it yet? Dang!
I'd love t help you out, except I want the ship for myself. Though I already have the Connie, I am considering also getting the D7 and the T'Liss. Though the space barbie options for the D7 might discourage me from picking it. If I get another box, I'll test it on Tribble.
Don't I feel sheepish.
Truthfully, I would've said the same, but I haven't spent a dime on STO since Christmas. But that's because I refuse to play starship trait pokemon (...anymore) lol.