So if I open enough R&D packs, I might get a T6 version of an iconic ship.
Something which a lot of the playerbase has wanted for years.
I don't see the problem here. People asked and Cryptic gave them what they wanted. Waitaminnit... I just figured it out.
Some people wanted Cryptic to give them a T6 version of an iconic ship for free. After all, Cryptic is supposed to be a charity which helps poor indigent Star Trek fans out of the goodness of their heart. Because in a society such as ours today anyone who does something while motivated purely by profit is the evilest of evils. Profit making people are far worse than drug dealers and paedophiles aren't they? Look at those unholy creatures known as Apple and Facebook for example.
Next time be more careful about what you wish for. and while you're at it act like you got some smarts.
I truly really hope the ships are Bind on Pickup. It will amuse me to no end to read the hundreds of threads about how 'unfair' such a condition would be. I intend to open enough R&D Packs to ensure I get one of each. One of the coolest things about a well paying job which I enjoy doing is the discretionary income part. So fear not, all of you who publicly claim you're not giving Cryptic any more money. I'll pick up your slack. I've done so for this long so it isn't something new.
This way you'll still have a game to play tomorrow and the next day and a forum to complain on as well. You're welcome.
Its all gonna be ok. Just play the game and have fun. Cryptic/PWE is a business, and the point of having a business it to make money. Why hate on them for doing it? Yeah, shady business practices. Ok, they spoil the ones that faceroll their Visas into the keyboard (not hating, if you got it like that gratz!). Who cares? Protip: That need for "instant gratification" is what drives their business model. Know how to beat it? Patience. Grind for ECs. Its not hard. You just gotta find a hustle. Dont get down because you dont have the newest and shiniest. Youre better than that. Instead, make what you have better and shinier. Stay awesome guys!
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Its all gonna be ok. Just play the game and have fun. Cryptic/PWE is a business, and the point of having a business it to make money. Why hate on them for doing it? Yeah, shady business practices. Ok, they spoil the ones that faceroll their Visas into the keyboard (not hating, if you got it like that gratz!). Who cares? Protip: That need for "instant gratification" is what drives their business model. Know how to beat it? Patience. Grind for ECs. Its not hard. You just gotta find a hustle. Dont get down because you dont have the newest and shiniest. Youre better than that. Instead, make what you have better and shinier. Stay awesome guys!
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
I dont agree with this, but I feel ya. I really do. I personally am not a fan of how they chose to do it, but meh. Its really whatever. Its not the end of my time with Star Trek Online, and I hope you choose to stay. Give it a month or two, and something bigger and better will come along. Patience will always beat this system.
Its all gonna be ok. Just play the game and have fun. Cryptic/PWE is a business, and the point of having a business it to make money. Why hate on them for doing it? Yeah, shady business practices. Ok, they spoil the ones that faceroll their Visas into the keyboard (not hating, if you got it like that gratz!). Who cares? Protip: That need for "instant gratification" is what drives their business model. Know how to beat it? Patience. Grind for ECs. Its not hard. You just gotta find a hustle. Dont get down because you dont have the newest and shiniest. Youre better than that. Instead, make what you have better and shinier. Stay awesome guys!
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
I dont agree with this, but I feel ya. I really do. I personally am not a fan of how they chose to do it, but meh. Its really whatever. Its not the end of my time with Star Trek Online, and I hope you choose to stay. Give it a month or two, and something bigger and better will come along. Patience will always beat this system.
Yet I feel the same with Crypt there. I'm picturing the CBS neckbeards laughing at the anger caused by this.
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
Broke their own rule how? By releasing a T6 Constitution Class? Would you be at all appalled if they released it to the C-Store?
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
Broke their own rule how? By releasing a T6 Constitution Class? Would you be at all appalled if they released it to the C-Store?
least most, if not all interested could get it, if it had been c store.
This is more like "throw the cheese into the maze, and see the mice race to get it"
I'm glad they added the TOS and JJ stuff to the game for the fans of both. However I'm not happy with how they did it. I will "Play" their game and give it a single pack shot. After that. I won't be playing their game anymore. Still I get some lobi so I could buy an item or 2 depending. Then I will restart my goal for the Geneva as planned.
I'm just disappointed on how they brought it out for the celebration. Like smokebailey said, they created a rat race.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
@ the OP
Nope. No hugs. Not needed. Old school about manly behavior in public. Which most definitely does not include me recieving a hug from another man. No problem with other men hugging each other. Not going to raise a ruckus and loudly disapprove of them doing so either. But it's not my bag, man.
moving on...These 'promotions' are what they are. Marketing techniques. Which I generally don't participate in. I want these ships and they look to be very nice. I already have a bunch of other really nice ships which I don't use after I farm the T6 Trait from them.
I don't craft except for the most basic items. RNGesus hates me far worse than he hates everyone else. "Well, they have Very Rare and Rare Items which you can sell on the Exchange for lots of EC!" Just like everyone else who opens a bunch of these and gets diddly squat.
I'm going to take one pass at them with about US $100.00 worth of Zen for each. Which works out to about 33 of the Single Boxes per ship. If they show, fine. If they don't I haven't really lost anything, have I?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
@ the OP
Nope. No hugs. Not needed. Old school about manly behavior in public. Which most definitely does not include me recieving a hug from another man. No problem with other men hugging each other. Not going to raise a ruckus and loudly disapprove of them doing so either. But it's not my bag, man.
moving on...These 'promotions' are what they are. Marketing techniques. Which I generally don't participate in. I want these ships and they look to be very nice. I already have a bunch of other really nice ships which I don't use after I farm the T6 Trait from them.
I don't craft except for the most basic items. RNGesus hates me far worse than he hates everyone else. "Well, they have Very Rare and Rare Items which you can sell on the Exchange for lots of EC!" Just like everyone else who opens a bunch of these and gets diddly squat.
I'm going to take one pass at them with about US $100.00 worth of Zen for each. Which works out to about 33 of the Single Boxes per ship. If they show, fine. If they don't I haven't really lost anything, have I?
@thunderfoot006, I dont care. I stopped reading your original post because of your crappy attitude, and selfish arrogance. Ill just go ahead and not read this one for the same reasons. Sorry, I dont feed trolls.
There are 2 ways a company gets your money.
1.) You happily give them money for something cause it feels like a good deal.
2.) You grudgingly give them money for something cause you want it and the only way to get it is to pay their 'outrageous' price.
Cryptic/PWE only cares about words 1, 3, 4, & 5 in either option.
Reading this random thought popped into my head, this game will close down at some point whether it's 3 years or 7, it doesn't matter but all that money spent on locked boxes or rnd packs will not translate into anything other than previous enjoyment, ultimately ending up with nothing to show for it. Either way the rnd lotto is choice simple as...
People just need to remember that for any mmo to survive they need to make money and they do it by either being a sub-only game or by going ftp with flashy goodies in boxes/cash shops that you have to buy if you want to. The latter method also allows for an awful lot of free content to people who don't want to pay a penny whilst the former does not, and as cash shops go STOs is pretty damn player-friendly at the end of the day.
People just need to remember that for any mmo to survive they need to make money and they do it by either being a sub-only game or by going ftp with flashy goodies in boxes/cash shops that you have to buy if you want to. The latter method also allows for an awful lot of free content to people who don't want to pay a penny whilst the former does not, and as cash shops go STOs is pretty damn player-friendly at the end of the day.
Completely agree with this. It also makes me wonder what people hope to accomplish with the whinging- as if PWE/C is just going to all of a sudden cave in and give them what they want. Yeah, not likely.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
They may have "access" to the new item, but the method of acquisition is what's being debated.
They're not satisfied that PWE/C released it in a lottery box- they want easy access (C-Store, Dil, etc.) but it's just not going to happen.
Personally I don't have a pony in this race, and could care less, as I really don't want the ship- if I get one I'd likely sell it at max price on the Exchange just to give myself a bit of EC buffer.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
These forums are always full of rage and butthurt. Thing is it's not just unique to STO forums, all forums are like it. We just gotta ignore the flamers and trolls.
"Helm Prepare Maneuver Circle Target Alpha, Tactical Prepare BFAW3 and mash Spacebar"
People just need to remember that for any mmo to survive they need to make money and they do it by either being a sub-only game or by going ftp with flashy goodies in boxes/cash shops that you have to buy if you want to. The latter method also allows for an awful lot of free content to people who don't want to pay a penny whilst the former does not, and as cash shops go STOs is pretty damn player-friendly at the end of the day.
Exactly ! ! ! Amazing that I received an Email from a game I used to play on the same day you posted this.
"Pre-purchase World of Warcraft®: Legion™ today to prepare for the invasion. On August 30, set out to your Order Hall and begin your quest. Artifact weapons of unimaginable power await you—which will you wield in the battle against the Legion?"
Some games not only make you pay a monthly sub just to be able to play, they also charge you even more money every time they add an "expansion" and then they also add new shinies to the game that you can only get if you pay cash for them.
STO lets you play totally free, adds expansions totally free and the greatest percentage of the shinies they add to the game can be acquired without ever spending a single penny of real long as you are willing to grind/wait to get them.
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
Broke their own rule how? By releasing a T6 Constitution Class? Would you be at all appalled if they released it to the C-Store?
Had they been on C-store I would have perfectly happy, even if it was three pack for each without any special looks like most 3-packs. At least then it would fit their rules on what goes into a promo or lockbox. Even if you say it is because their a temporal ships, we have a temporal faction.... It also is a tier 1 & 2 ship, updated to the current level. They are prime universe faction ships, not some alien vessel.
This also is a middle finger to the other factions, having no faction specific temporal ships that can be bought in the c-store.
People just need to remember that for any mmo to survive they need to make money and they do it by either being a sub-only game or by going ftp with flashy goodies in boxes/cash shops that you have to buy if you want to. The latter method also allows for an awful lot of free content to people who don't want to pay a penny whilst the former does not, and as cash shops go STOs is pretty damn player-friendly at the end of the day.
Exactly ! ! ! Amazing that I received an Email from a game I used to play on the same day you posted this.
"Pre-purchase World of Warcraft®: Legion™ today to prepare for the invasion. On August 30, set out to your Order Hall and begin your quest. Artifact weapons of unimaginable power await you—which will you wield in the battle against the Legion?"
Some games not only make you pay a monthly sub just to be able to play, they also charge you even more money every time they add an "expansion" and then they also add new shinies to the game that you can only get if you pay cash for them.
STO lets you play totally free, adds expansions totally free and the greatest percentage of the shinies they add to the game can be acquired without ever spending a single penny of real long as you are willing to grind/wait to get them.
Shhhh... didn't anyone tell you? Sense and logic aren't allowed here.
I'm in complete agreement- it baffles me as to how people can constantly complain about the content of this game, and/or how they choose to market the goods they offer, especially when said goods are "free". There's a difference between being a disgruntled customer who has a genuine complaint, and an entitled brat who thinks that everything should be made available for little or no cost- "because reasons".
A word comes to mind... ingrates.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Lol. You clearly need a hug.
Always something new to be mad about....and now I'm mad about the Negus again thanks! *grumble grumble*
I, literally, just posted this in a thread labled "Hey you! YES YOU!" .
Not this one they crossed a line and aren't getting any more of my money. Sorry if this hurts other whale feelings. But I'm done spending money on this game they crossed a rule they set up if they can't be trusted to follow their own rules I don't trust the business anymore. Period the end. I don't hate people who disagree with me but, but this is one business practice I don't wish to support. Slowly moves like this will leech trust and may not be this time or the time after. But I don't think I've ever been this appalled by a business move from cryptic. In the past several years i have supported them.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I dont agree with this, but I feel ya. I really do. I personally am not a fan of how they chose to do it, but meh. Its really whatever. Its not the end of my time with Star Trek Online, and I hope you choose to stay. Give it a month or two, and something bigger and better will come along. Patience will always beat this system.
Yet I feel the same with Crypt there. I'm picturing the CBS neckbeards laughing at the anger caused by this.
Broke their own rule how? By releasing a T6 Constitution Class? Would you be at all appalled if they released it to the C-Store?
least most, if not all interested could get it, if it had been c store.
This is more like "throw the cheese into the maze, and see the mice race to get it"
I'm just disappointed on how they brought it out for the celebration. Like smokebailey said, they created a rat race.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Nope. No hugs. Not needed. Old school about manly behavior in public. Which most definitely does not include me recieving a hug from another man. No problem with other men hugging each other. Not going to raise a ruckus and loudly disapprove of them doing so either. But it's not my bag, man.
moving on...These 'promotions' are what they are. Marketing techniques. Which I generally don't participate in. I want these ships and they look to be very nice. I already have a bunch of other really nice ships which I don't use after I farm the T6 Trait from them.
I don't craft except for the most basic items. RNGesus hates me far worse than he hates everyone else. "Well, they have Very Rare and Rare Items which you can sell on the Exchange for lots of EC!" Just like everyone else who opens a bunch of these and gets diddly squat.
I'm going to take one pass at them with about US $100.00 worth of Zen for each. Which works out to about 33 of the Single Boxes per ship. If they show, fine. If they don't I haven't really lost anything, have I?
@thunderfoot006, I dont care. I stopped reading your original post because of your crappy attitude, and selfish arrogance. Ill just go ahead and not read this one for the same reasons. Sorry, I dont feed trolls.
1.) You happily give them money for something cause it feels like a good deal.
2.) You grudgingly give them money for something cause you want it and the only way to get it is to pay their 'outrageous' price.
Cryptic/PWE only cares about words 1, 3, 4, & 5 in either option.
Yet you cared enough to quote me twice. Thank you.
Completely agree with this. It also makes me wonder what people hope to accomplish with the whinging- as if PWE/C is just going to all of a sudden cave in and give them what they want. Yeah, not likely.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Isnt that one of the ferengi rules of acquisition, or a variation of it?
They're not satisfied that PWE/C released it in a lottery box- they want easy access (C-Store, Dil, etc.) but it's just not going to happen.
Personally I don't have a pony in this race, and could care less, as I really don't want the ship- if I get one I'd likely sell it at max price on the Exchange just to give myself a bit of EC buffer.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
It could be, but I don't think it is.
Congratualtions, youve mastered the powers of basic observation! I even put in @thunderfoot006 ! Stay salty bro!
Exactly ! ! ! Amazing that I received an Email from a game I used to play on the same day you posted this.
"Pre-purchase World of Warcraft®: Legion™ today to prepare for the invasion. On August 30, set out to your Order Hall and begin your quest. Artifact weapons of unimaginable power await you—which will you wield in the battle against the Legion?"
Some games not only make you pay a monthly sub just to be able to play, they also charge you even more money every time they add an "expansion" and then they also add new shinies to the game that you can only get if you pay cash for them.
STO lets you play totally free, adds expansions totally free and the greatest percentage of the shinies they add to the game can be acquired without ever spending a single penny of real long as you are willing to grind/wait to get them.
Had they been on C-store I would have perfectly happy, even if it was three pack for each without any special looks like most 3-packs. At least then it would fit their rules on what goes into a promo or lockbox. Even if you say it is because their a temporal ships, we have a temporal faction.... It also is a tier 1 & 2 ship, updated to the current level. They are prime universe faction ships, not some alien vessel.
This also is a middle finger to the other factions, having no faction specific temporal ships that can be bought in the c-store.
Shhhh... didn't anyone tell you? Sense and logic aren't allowed here.
I'm in complete agreement- it baffles me as to how people can constantly complain about the content of this game, and/or how they choose to market the goods they offer, especially when said goods are "free". There's a difference between being a disgruntled customer who has a genuine complaint, and an entitled brat who thinks that everything should be made available for little or no cost- "because reasons".
A word comes to mind... ingrates.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.