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STO "boredom" season yet AGAIN?

storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,317 Arc User
I know this will go against lots of white knights and mighty defenders of Cryptic. But haven't you noticed another low phase for STO these days. As predicted by most, AOY was way too short and had more hype than real "beef". It did not measure up to standards with the half faction of what was LoR or even last DR expansion. At most probably should have been called just a "recruiting" event instead of an expansion.

Oh well...lots of fleets enjoyed the sudden surge of players who where just "looking" but did not stick around. Most that I talked to say the incentives were not "strong" enough and content was lacking. Coupled with the slap in the face of give aways to certain random people...some got pissed and only walked away again.

What would it take for Cryptic to realize that half a$$ expansions don't pay up much and should invest more time in content and really player retention. The recruiting event was good but very short lived. Lots of fleets who enjoyed the surge now are getting inactives and so are the queues. Boredom seems to be settling down again and year after year with no change in sight. Very soon the metrics will take over again and all of a sudden Mr EP will panic and create another bandage to stop the bleeding.

Consoles will help in the short term but nothing beats like incentivizing playerbase with robust content and more ways to enjoy "end" game. Grinding is a model and at times could be boring. Other MMOs make it "fun" to grind and STO needs to find that soon. I'm sure they will throw us a bone or two soon with a CE or MU event before winter event happens. I could care less about consoles but is there anything ELSE planned for the rest of the playerbase before winter 2016? It will be a long...boring fall yet another time again.​​


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,799 Arc User
    Disagrees with your subjective idea of fun = white knight. Got it.

    Can I has ur stuffs?
  • ezicstar#2795 ezicstar Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    I imagine they are/have been pretty busy with the whole console launch thing. More new content will probably start coming soon after that.
  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    Remember that Sept. 8 is still a few weeks away...
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • ktonof1aqktonof1aq Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    Have faith. I anticipate that the September 8th date will yield delicious surprises.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I started another AoY toon and I saw many players in the 23rd century.

    And look at the prices for the lockbox weapons. It seems the expansion is very popular.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Disagrees with your subjective idea of fun = white knight. Got it.

    Can I has ur stuffs?

    IMO, any post which contains the words 'troll', 'white knight' and what more to describe anyone who might disagree with your point of view, should be considered as inflammatory.

    Especially if they're in the first sentence of an opening post.

    Edit: you should be able to create a thread without resorting to name calling and attacking everyone who might disagree with your POV beforehand in the first sentence OP. I encourage you to do so.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    I see a few AOY running around. Even today during my limited amount of playing. Would I like to see more original missions like they did with LOR. But for what it was I liked it. I went from not wanting to play with mine much after Lv10, and now she is Lv30.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I actually invested more ec into my AOY character then I have into any of my characters, other then my main, in a very long time. I really enjoyed all the retro stuff (missions and ships). I will say that I do agree with you that it was a little short. I wish there had been a little more content for AOY characters, but considering the content we did get was free I'm not going to complain.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Given that our characters end up being similar to the standard Federation faction, I think it's kinda logical that we didn't get many separate episodes like during LOR.

    There's not much point in creating mulitple faction-unique episodes arc if their background won't make much difference in the end.

    Personally, I hope they do away with the faction thing entirely. Just remove the restrictions, and have all the current species as playable species of the same faction. We're supposed to form an alliance after all so there's really no reason to keep separate factions. Instead, turn them all into one big faction with different species. Some species like the Klingons would then have access to different stories but ultimately there would be no big difference.

    This would also make it possible to create new playable species without a need to create an entirely different faction. Just a few special episodes to explain the background of the character and how they ended up serving the Alliance. We could have more different species then, even some exotic ones like the Undine, Voth and Heralds and they could focus entirely on creating different experiences at the species, rather than the faction level.

    Of course the species would have to be really different, and not just 23rd century versions of already playable ones. I hope that AoY sets the stage for future additions: a handful of episodes to explain why you are in the Alliance, and then you get access to the cross-faction content (which would have to be lowered in level of course, but this is another advantage as the latest episode arcs are generally more worth it to play than some of the earliest ones).
  • cuchulainn74cuchulainn74 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    Who says AoY is done? I do think we're in a bit of a lull, yeah. I'm assuming/hoping it's due to convention distractions and console work. But I expect we'll see several more FEs for AoY before it's "done".
    Fleet Admiral CuChulainn - U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    Who says AoY is done? I do think we're in a bit of a lull, yeah. I'm assuming/hoping it's due to convention distractions and console work. But I expect we'll see several more FEs for AoY before it's "done".

    As a few people in this thread has already stated, there is always September 8. It will be really depressing if Cryptic doesn't produce anything special for the 50th Anniversary of the first episode of Star Trek. We got a mission and a Sash for the 25th Anniversary for TNG and the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek is a far more monumental event than the 25th Anniversary of TNG.
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    I, also, agree with the folks who are in the: "Devs busy as heck with the console" camp. And hope they get "back on the ball" after "all the dust settles down" with consoles.

    I wish they didn't attempt to do consoles AT THE SAME TIME as the 50th Anniversary so the expansion could have been more expansive. 50th Anniversaries are rare.

    Horrible timing. It could have been better thought out.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    AoY seemed minimal in content but it was really good for what little there was.
  • dmensionhatrossdmensionhatross Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    I really enjoyed the 23c content, but it was over so fast, and then you're effectively just playing any old toon, albeit with tasty bonuses.

    At this point it's tough to imagine we'll ever see meaningful endgame content, but at least the journey up to that point is still good fun :)

  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    Enjoyed the Kelvin Timeline stuff way more than the 23c stuff. I'm alright with having an expansion I don't care very much about in STO, because eventually they'll get around to having an expansion I will care about.​​
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  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Since I had limited expectations for AoY, and since I refused to play the wild speculation game so many others did, I enjoyed it. Like most, I wish there was more of it. But what there is of it is okay.

    The Kelvin ships are very fun to fly and I have used them exclusively since I acquired them.

    Some days, this place is living proof of a joke I tell my driver trainees:
    Q: How many truckers does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: None. They'd rather waste time cussing about how dark it is in here.

    I'm okay with someone thinking I am a white knight. Because it means I stand for something.
    As long as you're calling me names on the forums. you're leaving the decent people alone.
    Besides, every minute you waste on me here is one less minute you are playing STO.
    Not only am I cramping your style here, I get to suck up your game time as well. Win-win for me! Ta-Da!
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    There have been a lot of seasons where we wished that there was AoY's level of content. However for expansions, there seems to be a lot less content for being an expansion.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    6 missions for a new 'faction' does not an expansion make. Really just a new season, imo.
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    storules wrote: »
    Consoles will help in the short term but nothing beats like incentivizing playerbase with robust content and more ways to enjoy "end" game.​​

    Actually consoles aren't going to help us any even in the short term, it's already been stated that there won't be any cross platform play. PS4 and XB1 will have their own servers and we won't see any of them in our dead queues.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    I really enjoyed AOY. I just wish there was so much more. A handfull of missions and a large ship pack and a faction that cannot honestly be called faction, because apart from the special tutorial and background story, they are just Fed toons.

    Please add more of it. Give us a faction holding or a way to return to our time. Give us a complete set of 23rd century boff abilities purchaseable at that holding. Make members of this 'faction' feel a little more special.
  • misterlozmisterloz Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    The thing is, we've all spent the last five-ish weeks feverishly levelling, building, playing, speccing and grinding new toons. Not sure about anyone else but I'm feeling a good deal of fatigue at the moment, so I'm taking a few days off to recharge.
  • fraghul3000fraghul3000 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    farmallm wrote: »
    I see a few AOY running around. Even today during my limited amount of playing. Would I like to see more original missions like they did with LOR. But for what it was I liked it. I went from not wanting to play with mine much after Lv10, and now she is Lv30.

    If I had to guess, and if the Delta recruitment as well as my own behaviour and that of a lot of my fleet and channel mates are indicators, a lot of those AOY characters are going to be disappearing when the ultimate account unlocks have been reached. Commendation, Reputation, Specialization and Admiralty, which do have good rewards, take a bit more time to unlock compared to what we had last time, so we'll probably see AOY recruits for a longer period of time than Deltas until they're retired.

    What seemed a bit strange to me was the decision to add temporal marks and tokens to the "old" mirror space battlezone. It was the first time I can remember that any old and existing content made newly released queued events completely redundant right from the start.

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  • ddplattddplatt Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    I've liked making a new character, but there's been lots of times I've groaned from having to repeat some of those missions, in all have to agree way to short, lackluster.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I think a few people around here know that I've been quite the grumpy Targ in regards to STO and that there's a lot that somehow make me a sour sow or unhappy hog. I am boar'd sometimes myself and there are things that go on for years that make me want to squeal in frustration. But these threads really are annoying. If in your experience STO is a huge wasteland of boredom then simply stop playing. The game is far from "perfect", it has weaknesses and all that, but the constant bickering about lack of "content", when nobody even knows what content is supposed to be, is really tiring. How often do people want to point out that AoY wasn't a "real" expansion? That for certain STO is going to die within the next 72 hours? The amount of stuff to do in STO has kept a lot of people year over the last years and will probably continue to do so.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I think a few people around here know that I've been quite the grumpy Targ in regards to STO and that there's a lot that somehow make me a sour sow or unhappy hog. I am boar'd sometimes myself and there are things that go on for years that make me want to squeal in frustration. But these threads really are annoying. If in your experience STO is a huge wasteland of boredom then simply stop playing. The game is far from "perfect", it has weaknesses and all that, but the constant bickering about lack of "content", when nobody even knows what content is supposed to be, is really tiring. How often do people want to point out that AoY wasn't a "real" expansion? That for certain STO is going to die within the next 72 hours? The amount of stuff to do in STO has kept a lot of people year over the last years and will probably continue to do so.​​

    But but .. what about the forum PVP. Think of the children man (err targ)!!!
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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