Over at the Trekbbs forums, there's an artist
who made a modification of the Vengeance. As he puts it, The brief behind the design is that Starfleet salvaged technology and parts from the wreckage of the USS Vengeance and used them to create this vessel. This ship has the size and capabilities of Vengeance (including it's advanced warp capabilities) but is outfitted for exploration rather than pure warfare, essentially making it the 'USS Excelsior' of this timeline.
I think it's absolutely gorgeous:
Please, guys. Get Paramount's approval and pay this man whatever he wants.
You'd prefer the latter what?
The latter being not to pay for a model which by itself is not remarkable and needs a lot of work to be integrated with the other ship designs.
It would be a waste of time and money in addition to being a crime against the aesthetics.
It's a work in progress. So that means you're one of those people who dumps on a work in progress for not being a finished product. Not to mention you're the self-styled final arbiter of good aesthetics. Thank you for making your comments irrelevant.
They'd just need to go to their artists, tell them "whip up a Kelvin-timeline model of the Excelsior" and they'd probably be able to come up with finished, working model, already compatible with their game engine and of a higher quality in a much shorter amount of time at a fraction of the cost than if they were to outscource design work to some random internet enthusiast.
I would buy one.
But if it did.. I would buy it.
Totally agree. It'll never happen, but I really wish it would. I'd much rather my Vengeance look like that.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Thank you for the time...
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Why yes, that worked SO well with the Enterprise-F contest.
I honestly don't think they want to try again any time soon. They may use some fan ships are a basic template and add/change stuff on them, but creating the whole ships by themselves will be faster, less complicated, both technically and juridically and cost less.
Maybe you should propose the mirror image of this idea.... get J.J. Abrams to talk to him and pay him whatever he wants to do ship designs in the KT.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic in some of this, but yes, the Enterprise-F was a successful run, and the sales seem to show that, along with the amount of use it gets.
It's also pleasing that the "Vengeance = KT Excelsior" idea occurred to someone else.
Would buy in Zeni store. Unlikely to pursue as a lock box or lobi ship.