Since no mods in the German forums have any clue (wonder) and i did not find any information on reddit or here (did no one register?), I make a report here.
If there is the same reward in Admiralty for event and regular, you only get one of those.
Example: 700 dilithium regular + 500 dilithium for Event, you only get 700 dil
Here is the link to the German discussion: <- started June 19th
Is this intentional? Why is no one here complaining?
I had only one finished assignment to collect with any event rewards this morning. Problem: I am not sure what the rewards were supposed to be when I started it....just know what I received.
Reward from assignment was listed in the first box as: 500 Dilithium, 2592 Campaign XP, 16888 XP. Event added 500 Dilithium...but not sure if that is part of the total or extra on top of the assignment, didn't take notes.
Upon collection of the rewards...the fly-in listed: 500 Dilithium, 16888 XP (no Campaign XP since this character has completed them). There was no separate dilithium from the Event...but as I stated: I am not sure if that assignment had any other dilithium reward to begin with.
I will take better notes when I start Admiralty later on.
NOTE: Different mission, different character. TOS faction character does not have her Campaigns completed. She received only Campaign points....none of the XP points, not sure it that is the way that is supposed to work. Will go eyeball the Wiki.
Looking through the STO does not say if a Campaign is incomplete, my character would not receive rewards of experience point for an assignment. So, that could be another bug?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
thx in advance
Screenshots are available and can be uploaded on simple request. Thanks for confirmation from other players with the same issue.
as you can see, no extra rewards.
It doesn't matter if the Assignment Completition is a Success or a Critical Success. In each case we get only the common Reward.
If an Assignmet gives Energy Credits as common Reward and Dilithium as Event Reward or Dilithium as common Reward and Energy Credits as Event Reward, everything works fine.
How long has this been going on?
That would be very rare then....
I just finished going through 7 Characters worth of Admiralty assignments and there are only 3 occurrences where the "Common" reward match "Event" rewards.
1.) "Evacuate Refugees From Failing Colony" with "Industrial Replicator Request" event= 30,000 EC + 50,000 EC
2.) "Investigate Klingon Distress Signal" with "Refinement Surplus" event = 200 DL + 500 DL
3.) "Dismantle Mines Surrounding Neutral Zone" with "Pirate Raid Party" event = 40,000 EC + 50,000 EC
Every other assignment is mixed up. I guess, I have to wait and see what happens with those three in particular.
Is it not showing up in the bank either? Or is it just not showing up in the notification in the chat window?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
There is no notification in the chat window and also no plus of the amount of Dilithium or Energy Credits you should earn for those event rewards. Only the amount you'll get for the assignment as if there is no event for.
There really isn't any point in me, another player, going over and getting the same results.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
There is something ELSE that has to happen in order for this to be is not just "regular rewards matches event rewards". It is not doing it on ALL assignments. It is picking and choosing.
I saw it twice on Tour of Duty ones I had running before I started taking notes.....need more data. Sorry, Guys!
I just collected from :
1.) "Evacuate Refugees From Failing Colony" with "Industrial Replicator Request" event= 30,000 EC + 50,000 EC
Rewarded with 120,000 EC. Which is more than I was supposed to get.
2.) "Investigate Klingon Distress Signal" with "Refinement Surplus" event = 200 DL + 500 DL
Rewarded with 700 Dilithium. Which is correct amount.
3.) "Dismantle Mines Surrounding Neutral Zone" with "Pirate Raid Party" event = 40,000 EC + 50,000 EC
Rewarded with 135,000 EC. Which is more than I was supposed to get.
I have to go look up what the bonus EC was supposed to be for this week.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
First an admirality assignment with 500 Dili standard reward and 500 Dili as event reward. As you can see at my amount of unrefined ore, I have 0 ore before I take the rewards.
After taking the rewards you can see what it shows in chat, what pops up and that I only got the 500 Dili of the standard reward and not the event reward.
And the thing with EC. As you can see, my current amount of EC was 41.459.532 EC before I took the rewards. The standard reward should be 75.000 EC and 50.000 EC for the event.
As you can see efter picking the rewards, in chat and in the pop up, I only got 75.000 EC and not the full amount of 125.000 EC which I should get of both, the standard and the event reward. You can also see at the count of my EC that I just got the 70.000 EC standard reward.
4 example screenshots of just one toon of 14. And this toon has 2 more finished assignments with Dili as standard and event reward as well as EC as standard and event reward. Its a total of 4 assignments in which I don't get the event rewards. Counting that up for 14 toons, there are 56 assignments in which I don't get the event rewards. That is a loss of a huge amount of Dilithium ore and EC.
Thats working as intented, nothing to do with the problem described here...
Based on your numbers, I would guess that the Temporal Agent EC bonus is 50% this week. Unfortunately, the exact percentage is listed neither in-game nor on the web page.
If the language setting is not the problem, then perhaps it's the server to which the client is connected. That's just a guess though. I'm not really sure if Cryptic has different game servers for the EU and the US. I know that you can set the game to use an EU or US proxy in the launcher, but the proxies may just redirect traffic to a server in the US.
I also noticed that the Germans aren't getting the Temporal Agent EC bonus. Did you get the bonuses for the previous weeks?
You may not be able to reproduce the problem if it depends on language or location. You may have to recruit a bug hunter in the EU to help you.
In the final results, the event reward is added to the main reward list at the top. If there already was a reward of the same type, the numbers are added up instead of listing them separately.
No assignment I've ever seen gives 750 dilithium as a standard reward. A crit, maybe, I can't read German so I don't know if it was one, but that 750 was most likely a 250 + the 500 event reward. Same for the EC. Unless the assignment actually promised the higher number when you started it, before the event reward was added in, it's working just fine.
And the green R&D box couldn't possibly have been there before, because that's a Tour of Duty assignment, which never has anything but XP and campaign XP before the event reward is added.
I don´t use a proxy to connect, and yes i get the bonus from the Temporal Agent Event.
or ... i get too much (1-2k xp) at the first project then even if it say 1.7k the second project i colect will give me a fraction (eg. 150 xp)
I am NOT seeing this on the my (U.S.) version of this game. I am not missing any Dilithium or EC.
R&D Mats are a bit more difficult to figure out, and I did not look at them that closely.
Everything is totaled in the final rewards box listed in details of completed assignment....just as warpangel stated.
All I can say is: Take GOOD notes. BEFORE starting and BEFORE collecting....NOT from notifications. Write down exactly what you received in the bank.
Good Luck.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Too much/too little is a feature combined with a display bug:
Feature: Daily bonus. The first time you claim campaign XP for the day, you get a bonus (for each campaign). The bonus scales with the level of the campaign - by level 8-9, it's around 6k+ of free XP.
Bug: Before claiming the bonus, it lists all completed jobs with the bonus XP applied. After claiming the bonus, it doesn't refresh the values - it still displays as if the bonus applies. What you receive, however, is the actual campaign XP for the job. If I remember correctly, the only way to get it to refresh and draw the updated values is to change maps.
You can tell whether a bonus is pending because there will be a little ! overlayed on the campaign icon at the left. In your first image, you see the ! on Fed and Romulan, but not KDF. In the second, you see it on all three.
No XP: There's a 10k daily limit to campaign XP (per campaign), to keep people from leveling it too quickly. Once the 10k limit is reached, you stop collecting XP. This 10k limit is not displayed anywhere, as far as I know; likewise, I believe this was documented only in the patch notes when it was implemented.
Oh, and of course you also stop collecting campaign XP after reaching level 10 in a campaign, but I'm assuming that's not the concern here.
'twasn't. "Erfolg" is just "Success" (NB to the OP: I wonder, since you speak English well, why you chose to keep the German UI. I find many of the translations, ehm, debatable, and sometimes even missing completely, that's why I switched to English)
Haven't really looked for EC, but got 150 GPL from dabo mission (normally 100 for success with 300 on crit), which supports your theory.
No worries. Although I can see how the reward display can be misinterpreted, It's pity the event rewards aren't displayed separately from the standard rewards. But I guess it would involve more work for the Dev's.
To add to the confusion, the Temporal Agent weekly bonuses aren't displayed anywhere in-game. Of course, the progress bar is broken too.
Be careful what you are looking at with that Admiralty System.
Here is what got me the other day.
I thought I wasn't getting any regular Experience Points at all. But it turns out until I maxed the Skill point bar at the top of the screen to Level 60 (and started collecting Specialization Points) isn't listed in the notifications at all. It is a fly in notification in tiny red/pink lettering that flys up to the bar. But Specialization points ARE listed in notification.
So, can't really watch notifications all the time. At least, with Admiralty.
Better off doing the math on the bank, skill points etc.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
A character that is NOT completed with a campaign....the point accumulate in a reasonable fashion.
At assignment start list a reward of: 324 Campaign XP
At finish it would reward me: 356 Campaign XP
At assignment start list a reward of: 450 Campaign XP
At finish it would reward me: 495 Campaign XP
At assignment start list a reward of: 90 Campaign XP
At finish it would reward me: 99 Campaign XP
I say reasonable considering a change with crit rates.
BUT once a character had finished a campaign...the calculations went off the chart for Campaign skill points.
At assignment start list a reward of: 720 Campaign XP
At finish it would list the reward of: 6384 Campaign XP
At assignment start list a reward of: 522 Campaign XP
At finish it would list the reward of: 6182 Campaign XP
Not to say it matters, though, because this character no longer could collect those Campaign skill points at all. But still, the calculations just go nuts. LOL!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin