Now that would actually sell in the dilithium store without much fuss. Even character bound. If Cryptic wants to add ridiculously priced dilithium stuff that sells, to the dilithium store as a sink, then get real with the items. Uniforms for 2 million - come on that is not a dilithium sink.
So list some items that you would pay 2 to 3 million dilithium for in the store.
1. Tos Connie for one - after getting the jjtrek stuff, nothing is impossible.
2. Some Borg ships? How about a Tac cube for 4 million dilithium?
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
A T6 ship for 3000 should be 5-10 million dil.
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But im horrible at dilithium. I dont grind for it anymore, no time, my only income is from events like crystaline event and likewise a and converting my monthly stipend. But i have a problem with converting $50-200 for a costume or ship, im smarter than that.
Alas, ridiculously priced trinkets in a dil store will be a pipe dream and a tease for me.
Would love a TAC cube - LOVE LOVE LOVE - 4 million - no problem - $100 will hurt when the wife finds out - so I would try to keep it secret for a bit
- Fleet Ship Module for dilithium
Prices to set.. dunno how much...
It bad enough that a lot of ships we currently have in game, in practice won't actually fit through the space dock doors in ESD, without bringing anything bigger in.
If they want me to part with some of my ever growing dilithium pile, then I want something that I can consider value for money so to speak. As I posted in another thread, I've got a steadily growing collection of ships on my main, I'd spend Dilithium if I could unlock the admiralty cards for these ships on a permanent basis for other toons on my account. It'd be a worth while investment in my eyes.
Actually even for single-character unlocks this is a really good suggestion for a new Dil sink. Lots of people would be willing to spend Dil on Admiralty cards alone.
I'd also suggest they update the list of ships you can purchase with Dil, however, with the introduction of Tier 5/6 ships it seems their intent is for players to ONLY purchase ships with Zen moving forward.
There hasn't be an update in the ships you can purchase with Dil since the introduction of Tier 5, after all.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
T6 Connie in dil store would be 30,000,000 dilithium. That's right, thirty million dilithium.
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This would be good I think, or maybe 300k just to make it a nice even number. They could even expand it by allowing us to pay the same price to unlock Lobi uniforms on additional characters (on a per character basis).
Now as I've said, once the next FE comes out I'll be buying the MACO uniform even if they don't change the price, but it really should be lower.
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Actually that would be an awesome way to soak up all that Dilithium floating around. I'm sure some fo... err I mean someone would be willing to buy it for that.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Too late, the "current Constitution Class representative" has already done just that - turned a sandbox game into a mockery for those who have been fans of Star Trek since the classic days and the original show that inspired this entire setup.
"Our" universe's 23rd Century technology isn't good enough for you. You need "someone else's universe's" 23rd Century (inspired by our 24th Century) technology to be "usable"... Pah. Give me classic 60's American Power, not this new-wave "stuffs"...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Askray edited the FCT list to say that T6 connie threads may continue now that we have the T6 JJ connie in game.
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We'll see what happens...
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5 million is still a lot - that would be more that $100 us for a character bound ship - more than most lockbox ships in the game - and it would suck a LOT of dilithium out of the system. If they made it 10 million then it should include both refined and unrefined - some people would really love that who have millions of unrefined that will never be used.
Your thinking like a Cryptic dev now
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