I don't want this abomination in the game. AT ALL.
Pfft. We got the JJ Trek ships in the game. We got playable Species 8472 ships, Ancient Pre-Federation Era ships, Dominion Warships, etc.
As for how the Discovery and how it would be built up, I tend to side with a style that fits with what the ship, crew did in the show, movies. Since that's not possible yet I would go either Intel or Temporal Cruiser.
Umm... depending on where in the timeline it's actually placed... assuming it's pre-TOS or pre-TMP it is not more or less suitable than the already existing T6 Daedalus. I think anything is 'suitable' (IE possible) to be at T6-level at this point and state of the game.
I like how the Discovery is very close to some of the most radical departures from traditional Enterprise-designs (that actually made it on screen as background-models).
It looks like someone took the Starfleet logo, put a saucer on the top and attached 2 warp nacelles.
I don't know how, but they managed to make a ship uglier than the entire DS9/TNG Frankstein kitbash fleet. That's quite the accomplishment. Makes the KT Connie look like a supermodel!
My response to your claim still stands, you are using a T6 ships that ONLY looks like a 23c one
Your response is still wrong. I'm using a ship that has a 23 century exterior. And a 23 century interior. And a 23 century registry number. It is a 23 century ship. Inside and out.
Whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to justify how that happened in the game, is fine. But realize that I am in the game with a 23 century Daedalus that is a Daedalus class starship on the outside, on the inside and everywhere else. And the way that happened can be applied to any and every other ship in Star Trek history. Which means the argument that the ship is from X era so needs to be at Y tier is not relevant.
Again, the Discovery is a brand new ship for a brand new show. People who watch show and play this game are going to want to fly it and they are going to want to fly it at end-game. Cryptic has made that possible for a LOT of ships. Including now a Daedalus.
So let's move past the whiny "But it's too old" nonsense and get to the fun part of guessing what this thing will be at T6.
Cmdr. Eng
Lt. Cmdr. Sci
Lt. Cmdr Uni/Command
Lt. Uni
Ensign Eng
3/4/4 console layout
Console: Trifold Bussard Collectors - +Turn Rate, +Engine Power. While in motion (relatively low speed, reasonable for cruiser), grants +% buff to exotic damage and control expertise.
Trait: So Others May Live - +all damage and all damage resistance based on number of enemies targeting you, increases slightly while teamed based on number of teammates.
Thanks, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out too.
It's damn tricky trying to build a ship that's themed around exploration and discovery while giving it features that will help it appeal to the average player. Damage sells, so everything has to do something for damage, but that doesn't mean it can't be spun to sound like it's not strictly for damage. That's why it's a 3/4/4 and not a 2/5/4 like I'd really want, but it's gotta have the pewpewpew. I hope I've struck a middle ground.
I thought some of cryptic's designs were ugly. This thing is a complete abomination. I hope that they change their minds and come up with something different. The.discovery is the ugliest ship I've ever seen.
Im not overly fond of the design myself, but I do like that its an homage to the old concept art. Never been a fan of the "its too old waaaa" argument as we have too many ships from too many time periods for that to have ANY validity in STO.
Given its probably post ENT but pre TOS from the look and registry, I'd prolly go with a cruiser but fully balanced. Post Romulan-Federation war but before 5yr missions of exploration, this vessel is probably going to be a jack-of-all workhorse.
And we've heard Geko talk about Cryptic's desire to get the new show into the game, though that may take some time due to scheduling.
Thus we know that the potential to have this ship in the game is high!
How would you build it? Is it a cruiser? (Looks like one to me).
Is it a command cruiser? Would you put a different special jawn on it? Intelligence? Temporal? Something new entirely?
What kind of seating would you put in it?
I know this is likely premature, because we'd need to see more of the show to determine some stuff (like special console, cannon capabilities, hangar pets, etc).
But let's start dreaming up ways this new ship could work in STO! Then at least see who guesses right!
All things considered, I feel like if the ship class the Discovery is manages to get into the game, I could see it as fitting in the same family as the new TOS era temporal starships: it'd have a lower tier version, and a higher T6 one that not only uses the Discovery-style skin, but has a 26th century counterpart. I kinda feel the Discovery itself would look pretty neat if it was "futured up" using 26c ship parts.
I don't think it's suitable as a T6. I'd build it as a T1 or T2, probably as a Science ship with an extra Tac console (because it looks like it's built to take some serious punishment, and probably dish some out in return - if we're right about the era it takes place in, it could encompass the war with the Klingons, or at least some border skirmishes). Making it T6, however, makes about as much sense to me as a T6 NX.
T6 Kelvin connie makes just as little sense. we also have a T5U D'kyr... and T5U Andorian escorts both from BEFORE that time period in the prime universe.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
I really hope that the show crew arent really using that design and this was a prank. Maybe they have seen enough of a negative reaction that theymight remodel it.
Back on topic, I haven't seen enough to say what I would do with it. But I do hope it has Klingon cruiser parts explaining the rear end. It doesn't look very star fleet to me.
I feel like we're getting punk'd and its all just a terrible joke. Honestly it looks pretty terrible, theres plenty of fasa/rpg designs they couldve used over that one..
We haven't really seen what it can do, what kind of missions it is on.
If it's some kind of special joint project between Klingon Empire and Federation, Intel or Command might seem to fit. It doesn't look particularly agile, so it's probably not Pilot.
Oh, and if it it's a KDF/FED joint venture, it might be an Escort or a battlecruiser, heavy tactical focus.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
It needs this as a permanent non-removable console:
Target Dummy: receive 10x damage from all sources
Seems more appropriate for a T6 NX. However, the console would be called 'Azati Prime Intro'.
No, a T6 NX should have
Advanced Polarized Plating (Console): provides passive resistance to all damage types, increases bonuses provided by polarize hull plating, and gives access to polarize hull plating I without slotting it on a boff.
Faith of the Heart (Trait): when attacking a ship larger that yours, gain a damage buff that scales with the size of the enemy vessel in relation to your own.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I don't want this abomination in the game. AT ALL.
Pfft. We got the JJ Trek ships in the game. We got playable Species 8472 ships, Ancient Pre-Federation Era ships, Dominion Warships, etc.
As for how the Discovery and how it would be built up, I tend to side with a style that fits with what the ship, crew did in the show, movies. Since that's not possible yet I would go either Intel or Temporal Cruiser.
Least the JJ trek ships look something like federation ships. The discovery, looks like a kitbash from hell.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Pfft. We got the JJ Trek ships in the game. We got playable Species 8472 ships, Ancient Pre-Federation Era ships, Dominion Warships, etc.
As for how the Discovery and how it would be built up, I tend to side with a style that fits with what the ship, crew did in the show, movies. Since that's not possible yet I would go either Intel or Temporal Cruiser.
Umm... depending on where in the timeline it's actually placed... assuming it's pre-TOS or pre-TMP it is not more or less suitable than the already existing T6 Daedalus. I think anything is 'suitable' (IE possible) to be at T6-level at this point and state of the game.
I like how the Discovery is very close to some of the most radical departures from traditional Enterprise-designs (that actually made it on screen as background-models).
T6-Discovery seems more like a small ship, so I would either make it an escort or an SCV. With a NEW specialisation: Explorer.
I don't know how, but they managed to make a ship uglier than the entire DS9/TNG Frankstein kitbash fleet. That's quite the accomplishment. Makes the KT Connie look like a supermodel!
"Let them eat static!"
Target Dummy: receive 10x damage from all sources
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Seems more appropriate for a T6 NX. However, the console would be called 'Azati Prime Intro'.
Your response is still wrong. I'm using a ship that has a 23 century exterior. And a 23 century interior. And a 23 century registry number. It is a 23 century ship. Inside and out.
Whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to justify how that happened in the game, is fine. But realize that I am in the game with a 23 century Daedalus that is a Daedalus class starship on the outside, on the inside and everywhere else. And the way that happened can be applied to any and every other ship in Star Trek history. Which means the argument that the ship is from X era so needs to be at Y tier is not relevant.
Again, the Discovery is a brand new ship for a brand new show. People who watch show and play this game are going to want to fly it and they are going to want to fly it at end-game. Cryptic has made that possible for a LOT of ships. Including now a Daedalus.
So let's move past the whiny "But it's too old" nonsense and get to the fun part of guessing what this thing will be at T6.
4/4 weapons layout
Cmdr. Eng
Lt. Cmdr. Sci
Lt. Cmdr Uni/Command
Lt. Uni
Ensign Eng
3/4/4 console layout
Console: Trifold Bussard Collectors - +Turn Rate, +Engine Power. While in motion (relatively low speed, reasonable for cruiser), grants +% buff to exotic damage and control expertise.
Trait: So Others May Live - +all damage and all damage resistance based on number of enemies targeting you, increases slightly while teamed based on number of teammates.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
It's damn tricky trying to build a ship that's themed around exploration and discovery while giving it features that will help it appeal to the average player. Damage sells, so everything has to do something for damage, but that doesn't mean it can't be spun to sound like it's not strictly for damage. That's why it's a 3/4/4 and not a 2/5/4 like I'd really want, but it's gotta have the pewpewpew. I hope I've struck a middle ground.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Beyond that, I don't like the design enough to speculate because I'd never actually get it.
You are the last person on these forums that should be saying anything about haters.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Given its probably post ENT but pre TOS from the look and registry, I'd prolly go with a cruiser but fully balanced. Post Romulan-Federation war but before 5yr missions of exploration, this vessel is probably going to be a jack-of-all workhorse.
All things considered, I feel like if the ship class the Discovery is manages to get into the game, I could see it as fitting in the same family as the new TOS era temporal starships: it'd have a lower tier version, and a higher T6 one that not only uses the Discovery-style skin, but has a 26th century counterpart. I kinda feel the Discovery itself would look pretty neat if it was "futured up" using 26c ship parts.
T6 Kelvin connie makes just as little sense. we also have a T5U D'kyr... and T5U Andorian escorts both from BEFORE that time period in the prime universe.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Those do rank as the worst designs I've seen yet.
Back on topic, I haven't seen enough to say what I would do with it. But I do hope it has Klingon cruiser parts explaining the rear end. It doesn't look very star fleet to me.
If it's some kind of special joint project between Klingon Empire and Federation, Intel or Command might seem to fit. It doesn't look particularly agile, so it's probably not Pilot.
Oh, and if it it's a KDF/FED joint venture, it might be an Escort or a battlecruiser, heavy tactical focus.
No, a T6 NX should have
Advanced Polarized Plating (Console): provides passive resistance to all damage types, increases bonuses provided by polarize hull plating, and gives access to polarize hull plating I without slotting it on a boff.
Faith of the Heart (Trait): when attacking a ship larger that yours, gain a damage buff that scales with the size of the enemy vessel in relation to your own.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Least the JJ trek ships look something like federation ships. The discovery, looks like a kitbash from hell.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Rather it look something like this:
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!