I cant believe this, I just finished a mission and received 30k dilithium and bunch of credits and 750 marks. You guys must know the one. Romulan mission, underground ruins!!!!! And before I started it I already had 57k of refined and 30k of unrefined. Now all of a sudden all of my refined is gone, it went to zero somehow. And of course I am pissed off.
There might be a chance that someone abused your account, and if so, Cryptic can roll your character back to a previous point, however, this will lose all progress...
OP, was the refined Dil on your character, or on the exchange? Is your zen unchanged? Did you obtain any new gear or fleet marks (indicating accidental contributions of Dil perhaps with bugged keybinds)? Was this on a regular toon, delta recruit, or AoY? If you have other toons, have they been affected at all? Did you check the systems chat tab at the time that might have shown anything?
Just some thoughts, and thanks for letting us know. I'll be monitoring my refined Dil on characters more closely now.
Every time.
^ Do this! ^