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"you can not complain about AOY because it is free"



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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Same and agreed 100%.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Im loving the expansion. Nithing to complain about. A few would likes tho eg, TOS weapon stores at ESD for space / ground
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Anyone can complain. Free players as well
    But in that case, it's kinda like a panhandler complaining you're not giving them enough of your spare change.

    We all have expectations of what should be. Whether you pay or not is irrelevant, anyone is allowed to share their concerns.
    Anyone can bring forth a good idea, and share it with the community.
    Now, if someone is just complaining and not offering any alternatives, then they should rethink their statement until they can come up with a reasonable solution to the problem.

    Complaining without providing any ideas about how to fix the problem, then their just adding to the white noise, and their complaint may end up being drowned out. By other well formed, helpful arguments.

    It's like in RL, no one wants to work with the guy/girl who complains about everything for the sake of complaining.

    It's way too easy to post a negative, non-helpful comment on the internet, behind the guise of anonymity. And it's no wonder those views are met with some hostility if they provide no constructive feedback whatsoever.

    So make a complaint, but don't tear people down who you know nothing about, don't insult people in the process, and try to be reasonable and see things from both sides of the issue before throwing a temper tantrum and posting a rant, rather then constructive criticism.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep.

    Since 'everything has flaws,' one of life's lessons is to not judge things on that basis alone, or you'll wind up having a very, very negative outlook on life... always. It makes for the difference between "I got 10 delightful retro episodes!" and "I am going to post, in anger, because it wasn't enough."
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    nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I'm trying to imagine how much impact this entire thread is going to have at the Cryptic offices. The vast list of changes it's going to inspire in their future actions.

    So far I'm going with 2.1 chuckles and none.

    I have to assume it's just the election season warping people's brains again with the idea that somehow this ship is captained by vox populi, and that for some reason Cryptic is incapable of seeking out feedback when they want it. And that every single thought that goes through some random poster's head has been pre-tempered with an in-house understanding of scheduling, goals, and resource limitations along with being bless by some unique insight into the mysterious nature of fun.

    Feel free to be disappointed, but they do what they can with what they've got towards goals that don't always put YOU on the highest little pedestal they can find.

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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    I think the lesson Cryptic can take from the AOY complains is something they probably already know - people want more. I suppose it's a nice confirmation for them.

    I don't hear much from people that say AOY shouldn't exist at all. What I hear is the KDF need more, the RR needs more, the Feds need more. More More More.

    I think that is overall a positive message for Cryptic. I don't know if they'll act on it. It might depend on how much this is reflected in numbers, for example. Is it doing as good as the Romulan Expansion or Delta Rising? Better?
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    macfellymacfelly Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    My biggest complaints are 6 new missions and re skinned delta recruit, also I didn't want to level a completely new character. All in all I'm disappointed. I'll play as I like but I'm not dropping a dime for anything at the moment. I've dumped a lot of money into this game I believe I've earned the right to complain about features I do not like.

    Apparently not loyal enough :|
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    postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Complaining about people complaining about people complaining....
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    The only time I complain is when a bug gets extremely annoying, like the sudden stops bug that happens when you use shooter mode. It's not game-breaking, but it's very annoying.

    All in all, I'm a lot like Snoggy. I haven't spent 130 on AoY, but I have spent money from time to time when I needed/wanted things from the c-store. And I have mostly good things to say about the game overall. Everything has flaws, to magnify them rather than focusing on what's good just leads to too much unhappiness when the flaws aren't very important (IMO).

    I've not found any game-breaking flaws to me. Only mostly minor annoyances. I don't have very much rubberbanding/lag/Disconnects. Most of the time the game plays adequately for me and entertains me. That is all I need it to do.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep. Even the things I like have defects. That is pure realism.

    When you get to be my age, even with all the time travelling, you start to realize that minor flaws and annoyances are a part of life. You find the happiness and joy when and where you can. You appreciate the good and try not to let the bad bog you down. Life, even life extended with temporal mechanics and kremlin time weapons, is still too brief and too short to sweat the small stuff. This lesson was hard for me to learn. It took Cryptic itself to teach me that. I can't even count how many times they had to slap me in the face to wake me up to the reality of online gaming. But it worked. It got me there. And now I can part with $130 bucks, a few quatloos, and a ton of dilithium, and come away from it all realizing that no matter what the flaws are, I am better off today, be it 2016, the 23rd century, the 25th century, or the 31st century, better than before! I'm also way better off than the sphere builders at the battle of procyon.

    And it's with a light heart, and a lung full of sweet freedom filled air, that I can breathe easy and look at AoY and think not only is the nostalgia of yesterday alive and well in my present day, but that I am a much better off Star Trek Online player for having experienced Agents of Yesterday.

    I'm sorry your mileage has varied. I truly wish I could share how special my unique path through the timeline has been. The loss you must feel knowing the divide between my euphoric experience from just 6 tiny missions can't be equalled by the previous 6 years of content is staggering. I feel like the Don Draper, yearning to buy the rest of you a Coke.

    In true spirit of AoY: I hope that the future brings more of the past to your present.

    Lol the thing is Snoggy, i "am" your age, or close enough, we both grew up watching TOS.

    Where i part with your ideology on this is when i spend money on the game, and i havent spent 10 bucks like whats his name said, more like around 2k since release.

    When i spend money on something i "expect" it to work, or i expect a refund, none of this eula were not responsible for anything anytime BS.

    When i get shafted over money spent it's far beyond a minor annoyance.

    Well sorry to bust your bubble, but when you go to install the game, you are asked to agree to the EULA/ToS. If you don't want to agree with the "we're not responsible for anything anytime" BS, then don't play the game. Because by playing the game, you are agreeing to be bound by that BS.

    And I'm also sorry to tell you that since this game went free to play, as in not requiring a subscription, any money you spent was for exactly what you spent it on: Cryptic Points for use in the cryptic store. That's what you paid for. That's what you got. And if you used them to buy something from the C-store, then you got what you paid for.

    And back before the game went Free to Play, your subscription went for just one thing: Access to the game, subject to what I call the NONE clause in the terms. You know... the part that says that the developer is Not Obligated to provide anything beyond access to the serves, as-is, and the end user is Not Entitled to anything beyond access. Not Obligated, Not Entitled. NONE.

    Don't like it? Too freaking bad.

    Now one thing that the terms do NOT say is that we forfeit the right to complain about something we don't like about the game. But Cryptic is not obligated to act on your complaints, my complaints, or anyone else's complaints. We have a choice. If we do not like this game, NOTHING obligates US to keep playing it. If we keep playing it in spite of our complaints, we are sending them the message that really, "It's the best game ever and we love it!"

    Don't like the game? Fine. You shouldn't have a problem with not playing it. But the thing is, even if every single one of us stopped playing the game, it will not prompt PWE to do anything to improve the game. It would prompt them to sunset it, and turn it into a tax write-off.

    This game is not what I want to spend money on, so I don't. I only play it when new stuff comes out, and Cryptic gets no money from me because they do not charge for playable content, and I have no interest in C-store or lockbox fluff that is strong enough to compel me to spend money. I would be happy to buy mission content. When they start charging for access to mission content, then I will gladly buy it. But that's just me.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, if you like settling for your own standards be my guest, your money isn't mine.

    I have heard this tired yarn way too many times, all youve done is wear life outa your KB.

    I am well aware of bs eula and tos agreements, well aware every time you log in you agree to them by defacto.

    That doesn't mean "i" agree with every thing they say.

    Waste someone else's time, not someone whos been playing games since the 80's and has heard all this BS before.

    Peddle your go with the flow ideologies to someone else.

    If you dont like what i have to post, you shouldn't have a problem ignoring it altogether, and not responding to it at all.

    It's not me setting up any standards. PWE has set the standards by establishing the EULA/TOS we agree to when we install and play the game. The point I am making is that PWE is obligated to do nothing and we are entitled to nothing. The only thing we spend real money on is Cryptic points. We can hoard them, Sell them for RD, or spend them on something in the C-Store. Real money spent on STO buys you C-points. It does not give Cryptic any more or less incentive to do anything. All the money goes to PWE, and PWE pays Cryptic according to the employee contracts. And I promise you that Cryptic employees are making way less than PWE corporate suits who don't write a single line of code or produce a single pixel of art for any of their games.

    At the end of the day, PWE signs Cryptic's paychecks. They are Da Boss! And what da Boss wants, da Boss gets. And right now, STO as it is is exactly what da Boss wants. We as the player either accept it and play, or we reject it and don't play.

    And hey... I've been playing games since the 80's too. I'm not some upstart kid who doesn't know anything. So cut the condescending BS, okay? And maybe you've either forgotten who I am around here, or maybe you never knew. You're talking to someone who once regularly ripped Cryptic a new one. The truth is, I don't care anymore. It's very liberating. I have accepted that STO is what it is, and Cryptic is only going to do what PWE wants them to do, even if it results in a product I consider to be mediocre at best and a steaming pile of **** at worst, when compared to what it could, and arguably SHOULD be. Once I accepted STO for what it is, and stopped expecting, and even hoping for it to be something more, I play it if I feel like it, and I don't spend any money on it. And I don't feel like playing it very often at all, really.

    I am NOT and never have BEEN a member of the Cryptic Defense Force. Cryptic does what they do because PWE has established the status quo they operate under. And PWE is just a corporation only interested in money. They don't care what you or I think of the end product. That others are content to throw money at it is all that matters. We have to do what our own hearts and minds tell us to do.

    I promise you that the moment you stop caring about what this game is or is not, or whether it works the way you think it should or not, and stop spending money on it if you feel that what it is is not worth the investment, then you'll be a lot happier and feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

    Cryptic works for PWE, not us.
    What we say does not, and never will go.
    The design direction of STO or any other game is not up to us.
    It gains us nothing to stress over it.

    These four statements are the absolute truth, should we choose to accept it. I chose to do so, and the truth set me free.

    oh your still here

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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    We are all customers, and all have the right to a complaint. Even if Cryptic and the Fantrolls don't think so. TiQ3RTF.png

    Lol believe it or not, i have actually stuck up for Cryptic in a couple threads lately.

    They probably took snapshots of it, then framed it in gold and nailed it to the wall. B)

    When I thanked them for the Gorn Risa shirts, they all came to my place and checked for alien mind devices.​​

    Lol i think that strange car parked outside every saturday night may be up to something.

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    trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Everyone has the right to complain.

    Everyone has the right to tell others to shut up.

    Everyone has the right to just ignore, or pay attention, to things like this and get on with your life.

    Now that I have exercised my right to pay marginal attention to this post, i.e. read the first two posts. I shall exercise my right to ignore that it even exists.
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    welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    vampeiyre wrote: »
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep. Even the things I like have defects. That is pure realism.

    So I see the hipsters have weighed in on the subject. So how's the weather in Williamsburg today?

    As much as your comment made me LOL, I don't think he was being a hipster by being critical or contrarian. But I can see how you might make that connection.
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    some people are saying that you cannot complain about
    AOY because it is free. this is false and here is why.

    anyone who has ever spent any money on this game is
    funding its contents. anyone who ever bought a ship or
    opened a lock box funded the content that was made after
    they spend that money. that includes AOY>

    so anyone who has ever spend money on thsi game has a
    right to complain about anything in the game because their
    money was used to make the things in teh game.

    personally i love AOY, but i hate people who try to silence other people.

    I'm not going to tell anyone they can't complain, but your logic here is flawed.

    If you previously spent money on something in STO, you got something for that money. At one point, you paid a subscription each month, and that money got you access to the game for that month. If you bought a ship, you paid money, and in return, you received a ship. That money doesn't entitle you to anything further than the thing it went to.

    You are free to complain about anything*, and everything, at any time (and people do), but having spent money on a product in the past, doesn't GRANT you the right to complain about some other product in the future.
    nccmark wrote: »
    "I have the right to complain about the 2017 Ford F-150 because I've previously bought a 1992 Ford Probe."

    Well said.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep.

    Since 'everything has flaws,' one of life's lessons is to not judge things on that basis alone, or you'll wind up having a very, very negative outlook on life... always. It makes for the difference between "I got 10 delightful retro episodes!" and "I am going to post, in anger, because it wasn't enough."

    As I've gotten older, it's become more and more clear that people's attitudes set the tone for how much they like/hate a thing. If you go into it with a good attitude, and choose to focus on the positive, you'll enjoy it. If you go in with a bad attitude, and a chip on your shoulder, you'll hate it.

    * (though we will censor you if you complain about other people in disparaging ways, etc.)
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    I think the lesson Cryptic can take from the AOY complains is something they probably already know - people want more. I suppose it's a nice confirmation for them.

    I don't hear much from people that say AOY shouldn't exist at all. What I hear is the KDF need more, the RR needs more, the Feds need more. More More More.

    I think that is overall a positive message for Cryptic. I don't know if they'll act on it. It might depend on how much this is reflected in numbers, for example. Is it doing as good as the Romulan Expansion or Delta Rising? Better?

    Meh. As much as I tend to agree with your posts, I'd have to qualitatively disagree on this one...I *personally* found AoY kinda boring, hackneyed. Perhaps if it was a different game engine. It just feels like a series of lost opportunities.
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    To whom it may concern, i spent $60 on two Dyson Science destroyers that were broken in January 2015.

    Those two ships never got fixed, but hey i bought two ships, and recieved two ships, thats what matters.


    They are admiralty ships now, which is all their good for as far as i know, i dont bother with them anymore, gave up.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    tacofangs wrote: »
    some people are saying that you cannot complain about
    AOY because it is free. this is false and here is why.

    anyone who has ever spent any money on this game is
    funding its contents. anyone who ever bought a ship or
    opened a lock box funded the content that was made after
    they spend that money. that includes AOY>

    so anyone who has ever spend money on thsi game has a
    right to complain about anything in the game because their
    money was used to make the things in teh game.

    personally i love AOY, but i hate people who try to silence other people.

    I'm not going to tell anyone they can't complain, but your logic here is flawed.

    If you previously spent money on something in STO, you got something for that money. At one point, you paid a subscription each month, and that money got you access to the game for that month. If you bought a ship, you paid money, and in return, you received a ship. That money doesn't entitle you to anything further than the thing it went to.

    You are free to complain about anything*, and everything, at any time (and people do), but having spent money on a product in the past, doesn't GRANT you the right to complain about some other product in the future.
    nccmark wrote: »
    "I have the right to complain about the 2017 Ford F-150 because I've previously bought a 1992 Ford Probe."

    Well said.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep.

    Since 'everything has flaws,' one of life's lessons is to not judge things on that basis alone, or you'll wind up having a very, very negative outlook on life... always. It makes for the difference between "I got 10 delightful retro episodes!" and "I am going to post, in anger, because it wasn't enough."

    As I've gotten older, it's become more and more clear that people's attitudes set the tone for how much they like/hate a thing. If you go into it with a good attitude, and choose to focus on the positive, you'll enjoy it. If you go in with a bad attitude, and a chip on your shoulder, you'll hate it.

    * (though we will censor you if you complain about other people in disparaging ways, etc.)

    \\\\\what about the people that spend 100$ on lock box keys and dont get anything
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    tacofangs wrote: »
    some people are saying that you cannot complain about
    AOY because it is free. this is false and here is why.

    anyone who has ever spent any money on this game is
    funding its contents. anyone who ever bought a ship or
    opened a lock box funded the content that was made after
    they spend that money. that includes AOY>

    so anyone who has ever spend money on thsi game has a
    right to complain about anything in the game because their
    money was used to make the things in teh game.

    personally i love AOY, but i hate people who try to silence other people.

    I'm not going to tell anyone they can't complain, but your logic here is flawed.

    If you previously spent money on something in STO, you got something for that money. At one point, you paid a subscription each month, and that money got you access to the game for that month. If you bought a ship, you paid money, and in return, you received a ship. That money doesn't entitle you to anything further than the thing it went to.

    You are free to complain about anything*, and everything, at any time (and people do), but having spent money on a product in the past, doesn't GRANT you the right to complain about some other product in the future.
    nccmark wrote: »
    "I have the right to complain about the 2017 Ford F-150 because I've previously bought a 1992 Ford Probe."

    Well said.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    > @snoggymack22 said:
    > I counter with: I spent $130 on AoY. And have nothing but good things to say about it!

    Anyone who has "nothing but good things to say" about a product is being unrealistic. Everything has flaws, and being unwilling to admit or even acknowledge them makes you a blind sheep.

    Since 'everything has flaws,' one of life's lessons is to not judge things on that basis alone, or you'll wind up having a very, very negative outlook on life... always. It makes for the difference between "I got 10 delightful retro episodes!" and "I am going to post, in anger, because it wasn't enough."

    As I've gotten older, it's become more and more clear that people's attitudes set the tone for how much they like/hate a thing. If you go into it with a good attitude, and choose to focus on the positive, you'll enjoy it. If you go in with a bad attitude, and a chip on your shoulder, you'll hate it.

    * (though we will censor you if you complain about other people in disparaging ways, etc.)

    \\\\\what about the people that spend 100$ on lock box keys and dont get anything

    you get what the box promises - lobi and a random prize, and that's all you're guaranteed; whether the random prize is actually anything good is not their responsibility​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    To paraphrase the saying, I could complain, but there ain't no one that wants to hear about it.
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    aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    some people are saying that you cannot complain about
    AOY because it is free. this is false and here is why.

    anyone who has ever spent any money on this game is
    funding its contents. anyone who ever bought a ship or
    opened a lock box funded the content that was made after
    they spend that money. that includes AOY>

    so anyone who has ever spend money on thsi game has a
    right to complain about anything in the game because their
    money was used to make the things in teh game.

    personally i love AOY, but i hate people who try to silence other people.

    Lets see. 90% of my in game time I've spend playing KDF. And I consider the new STF's horrible. Although I have to admit it's kinda ironic, how they managed to add even more repetitive grind to the already boring rep grind with battle of PV. Well played Cryptic.

    Oh, and I've spend my fair share on KDF ships, x-faction packs and upgrade thingies. Doesn't mean I feel entitled to get anything new. I love my Tor'kaht and every variant of the B'rel. I bought them to play already existing and pre-funded content, and had enough fun with them to say it has payed off to buy them.

    If Cryptic doesn't produce stuff I'm interested in, then I can spend my money on other things. This time they made TOS and JJ trek fans happy, maybe next time they will release something I'm willing to spend money on.

    If not: be aware of that Messerschmitt above you in Warthunder. >:)

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    sfdstuff#3558 sfdstuff Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    tacofangs wrote: »
    You are free to complain about anything*, and everything, at any time (and people do), but having spent money on a product in the past, doesn't GRANT you the right to complain about some other product in the future.


    true enough. But no one is talking about "some other product". we're talking about the SAME product, this game.

    so whether you spend the money a year ago or yesterday, we're still talking about the same product here. not "some other product in the future"
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    tacofangs wrote: »
    You are free to complain about anything*, and everything, at any time (and people do), but having spent money on a product in the past, doesn't GRANT you the right to complain about some other product in the future.


    true enough. But no one is talking about "some other product". we're talking about the SAME product, this game.

    so whether you spend the money a year ago or yesterday, we're still talking about the same product here. not "some other product in the future"

    What you are not getting is what is meant by product. Product, in this context is not Star Trek Online, the game. Product is what your money is directly spent on. In the pre-free to play case, you spent your money on access to the server, or on Cryptic Points to be used in the C-store.., In the post-free to play case, you spend your money ONLY on Zen. These are the products. STO the game itself once required a purchase at which point the product was the retail box and what it contained, as well as any bonus digital perk items included with the version of the game you bought. Now the game is a free@tacofangs

    Lifetime Subscription is another product. But that consists of all of the perks that go along with a subscription for as long as the game remains live.

    NONE of these things entitle you to anything. You are not somehow investing in the right to influence the development process, or purchasing the right to developer attention above that which they might give to anyone else in this community. You are entitlted to NOTHING@tacofangs

    Your peddling taco's line here, breaking the game into individual pieces of minutia to dance around some other point.

    Example: Buying and recieving a ship to play in content in the game only entitles you to said ship, nothing entitles you to actually play that ship in content it was designed for, park it at ESD and look at it.

    Makes a lot of sense huh.

    Gotta love the goofy interface to post on these forums, no idea why this boxed everything, meh.
This discussion has been closed.