if im counting right, this entire expansion only came with 10 missions and 2 queues.
the last 2 expansion came with over 20 missions each, and several queues.
i know this expansion also included ships and skills, but so did the last 2 expansions.
so why is this expansion so small compared to the others?
are expansions just going to keep getting smaller and smaller until they only add 1 mission?
You all need to get Trendy or someone to write a definitive glossary on what season, half-season, expansion, recruiting event, content update, patch, and system redesign are in terms of the free content they release really is so everyone can keep track of and properly score Cryptic at home.
It's pretty much this. You won't get an answer here about dev scheduling but, however you slice it, this is the reason AOY is called an expansion.
It is worth noting (to engage with some wild internet speculation) that we've been getting a lot of missions associated with normal season releases. Delta Rising was proceeded by just four missions (Dyson arc) spaced variously in seasons 8 and 9 while LoR had one (Temporal Ambassador) through seasons 6 and 7. In a comparable period (ie. the two seasons leading up to the expansion) AOY was preceded by twelve missions. Presumably cryptic mission designers were probably working on stuff through the droughts between LOR and DR but, presumably, the product of that work hit in large lumps. Lately we've been getting a steady stream.
It may fair to say AOY's relative length (counting patrols and recycled PVE's as missions) could be the result of some redistribution, which I don't see as being a significant thing to complain about. Current you has less to ogle, but past you and future you had/will have more. You can fight among yourself about who's most important, but in any case we're getting plenty of stuff to keep busy with.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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Agreed on that one. If they would have only kept the 23c social zone accessible and maybe skipped half of the Klingon war ark in favor of let’s say 4 more tos missions none of these discussions would have formed. At least they didn’t send us on patrol duty like they did when they felt the need to stretch the delta arc.
Other than that I really don’t think with a new primary spec, new rep and a dozen new ships in addition to the missions this expansion is necessarily small compared to what we got in the past.
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They also tied your future missions like Night of the Comet back into your character during the new TOS missions.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Probably not. That being said, the Klingon and Romulan playerbase is larger than the pool of players that liked the patrol missions.
I have been putting off doing the Delta arc on my AoY character because it's best described as "soul crushing", and I've replayed all the other arcs alot over the years do to various promotional events going on.
I fly my tiny tiny Daedalus around in this expansion and even though the map is just 23rd century Federation map (which is much much smaller as well) it all seems so BIG. So very very big in my tiny tiny ship! But you all in your Vengeance Class monstrosity's, your Herald whosie whatsits, your Krenim Star Destroyers and your Enterprise J B-Bakas shooting Tox Uthat beams at entire spheres? OF COURSE the expansion looks tiny!
It's time to pare down. And explore the galaxy like me, in a small little ball of adventure chugging your way through the galaxy with barely enough warp drive to get you to the next star!
According to one of the articles that I read PE/Cryptic was also looking at this "expansion" as potentially another game but that "they" decided to go this route instead. I'm not sure how true that is but it also leaves me wondering especially when you think that half of the stuff you got was already in game.
Now before you trolls tear into me, I LOVE STO and have had a blast with the new stuff. My complaint isn't that this was small but that it was so good it has me hungry for more. Nice Job PE/Cryptic!
I may even have to play Klink if/when they come out with the 23rd century Klingon version of AOY.
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Even for existing players, not padding out the run-time with arbitrary grinds can be a VERY good thing.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
We will see more about Admiral Leeta from the Terran Empire and her friends together with Na'khul and Vorgon.
We have Gamma quadrant left to explore and there will be a new story arc for that part.
There are plans I think to release a special episode for the 50th anniversary when the first Original Series episode launched for the first time in September.
We are going to get Enterprise J as an reward when you complete an episode and it will be like Temporal Ambassador. No lock box for Enterprise J and not either C-store.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
how do people maintain that level of optimism when confronted with cryptic's constant bashing of any ideas that might add more to Klinks and Roms?
naivety? or they are assuming the stated reasons are more of a factor then the unstated ones.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.