I've played an agents of Yesterday character to level 20 and my mind is far from blow and because of that i'm feeling a little disappointed. I feel like cryptic just blew a huge opportunity.
To start with they screwed up the story. Instead of having an exciting jumping in and out of different timelines playing the exciting life of a temporal operative, your pretty much like yup I'm a LT of the T.O.S. era stuck in the 25th century with absolutely no ambition... Then you play through the same old boring story line which wasn't even re scripted for cool dialogue or effects or even... well... time-travel or anything to really set it apart from the other missions. I expected to be jumping between galaxies and seeing cool new stuff, not a replay of character who is the same as the last ten I've played. I really feel cryptic missed the mark and new to go back to the drawing board and fix their expansion.
I'll tell you why you can't and why they don't need to 'fix' it. The Mobius, Wells and Paradox are MIRROR ships from Lockboxes and Lobi. The new Temporal Ships are our own and in the C-Store. I have all of them, and believe me, I'm totally fine with it. It's not a slap in the face at all and NOTHING IS BROKEN TO FIX!
I am hoping to see more interesting stuff as I play the remainder of the story arc but I cant say I'm expecting anything different from this expansion.
I would not say I was particularly disappointed, just not that excited over this.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Agents of Yesterday
Today I'm probably just going to finish my replay of Resident Evil 3, and then decide if I want to go through code Veronica. Did 0-2 last week, C:V is the last classic style RE but also the only one I never finished.
From any game expansion I like to be able to take my existing characters and improve them further with new adventures, not go back and start over. I invested a lot of time and effort into those toons, they should be where the attention is aimed.
But a lot of the content feels a bit meh. The voiceovers are a bit rough sounding, the ships seem quite limited in customisation, and the pve missions feel a bit like a rush job.
Yeah, but the main goal is to get new people into the game similar to the Delta Recruit event last year. I still have not completed the DR event. The biggest roadblock for me is the Cardassian Struggle story arc. Specifically the missions "Of Bajor", "Operation Gamma", and "Boldly They Rode". For whatever reason, those missions simply seems to be a chore to do especially "Of Bajor" I my DR has finally started doing over the July 4th weekend. Still in the middle of doing the mission though...
For the next expansion (probably within 2 years), I just want missions in the current timeline. I am kinda getting both bored and irritated with missions / events revolving around time travel... probably the reason why lost interest in watching Enterprise. Just give players some good story missions and introduce the Tier 7 starships.
Everyone knows Tier 7 ships are coming once Cryptic is done turning out Tier 6 ships. Just don't TRIBBLE us over by introducing them shortly after the final T6 starship is made available in the C-Store. Wait at least 6 months (preferably 12 months) before introducing T7 ships after the last T6 ship(s) hits the C-Store. That way people will not feel like they got short changed if they just waited a little bit longer. Plus, it builds up anticipation for the new ships.
That's disappointing. They could have done so much more with the CIV IP. But I guess they took the easy way out? Devs across the board are nothing if not lazy and predictable.
I'm finding it more therapeutic to play a game where I frequently open a door only to then hear: "ROOOAAAR ... sssS.T.A.R.Ssss ..."
Although Nemesis is starting to show his age since I've played Alien: Isolation. He gives up far too easily when compared to the Xenomorph, who just will not leave you alone no matter what you do.
LOR....introduction of a half a$$ faction
AOY....introduction of a 1/3 of a half a$$ faction
Was marketed as an expansion, but a new season is a much more accurate description.
Here's hoping more missions are coming. It has been hinted that more 23c missions will be added, and if the initial phase of the expansion is a success, it is likely more missions will be added.
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
sarcasm just went over your head lol...
I feel the same way, that's why I will level my ToS character up to the time I get the Temporal Transponder which I believe you get at lv10 and then I will only play him when I feel like doing it.
it may take me a year or two to get the character to lv60 or I might never get there but the way I see it we have a free character slot anyway so its not costing me anything to have him there for whenever I feel like playing him, I just need to play through the new story line within the first 6 weeks while the event is active and I am sure I can just about manage that.
perhaps if they had held off releasing the expansion till closer to the actual date of the star trek anniversary say late august or early September they could have made an expansion worthy of the star trek 50th anniversary celebrations with perhaps some more ToS only missions and maybe some more free ToS ships for levelling up with.
I would rather had something that was on a par with LoR then the half baked effort we have now even with the inevitable single fed choice to join with, LoR missions just seemed far more substantial to me then all of this does.
from what I have heard what you see is all we will get, any further episodes based in the 23rd Century will be tagged onto the end of all the current story lines and playable by all factions so you will need to play through all the other old stuff first before you can do them, there will be nothing else that is only for ToS characters as far as I am aware.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I feel the same Please not again doing the same stuf all over on another toon (:
I'm very sorry that you feel disappointing, and I hope you get a greater sense of self worth soon.