Looks interesting (for console players), but I wouldn't mind _very_ unambiguous official wording that PC keyboard-and-mouse users won't be using that. From what I can see from the screenies, it looks like it would be pretty rough for me to learn.
So if I may observe, this is going to lead to a power disparity between PC Players and Console players. PC Players can use the binds and macros inherent to the game to set a series of actions on a single button, (Often refferred to as the Hilbert Method, or Row 7), this is often combined with the Spacebar fire mechanism to fast spam things like buffs and heals.
If a player on controller/console is limited to using the radial menus, with no access to the faster macros or binds, they will find themselves at a power disadvantage against things such as Aux 2 Batt builds, and other builds that work off fast firing BOFF abilities.
So if I may observe, this is going to lead to a power disparity between PC Players and Console players. PC Players can use the binds and macros inherent to the game to set a series of actions on a single button, (Often refferred to as the Hilbert Method, or Row 7), this is often combined with the Spacebar fire mechanism to fast spam things like buffs and heals.
If a player on controller/console is limited to using the radial menus, with no access to the faster macros or binds, they will find themselves at a power disadvantage against things such as Aux 2 Batt builds, and other builds that work off fast firing BOFF abilities.
IIRC, the PC and Console playerbase will be playing on separate servers, so I don't think it'll be an issue.
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
I really think that this UI is going to be a precursor to a mandatory UI change to PC as well. I really think throwing out STO to consoles is a mistake. Until it is PROVEN the UI change isn't as dumbed down as it looks, I'll just hope my Star Trek fix will no longer be destroyed.
So far it looks great, really looking forward to what looks like being able to free fire and aim weapons with a reticle in space like you currently can on ground. Im probably going to get yelled at by a lot of people but I was actually hoping the UI would be designed in a way that would change the gameplay a bit, but it still looks like you'll be able to spam about 12 abilities at once
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
Why do I feel that pc will be changed to something close to this too?
I'd quit the game immediately. Having to open radial menus in order to find and activate my abilities sounds less control and more hassle than keybinding. If it makes the game playable on consoles, great, but leave customizing my computer's HUD to me.
No thanks. Pretty sure there are going to be very few people that even play this game on console. It is not cross platform enabled, meaning pc users will not see a population increase and more people in the queues. Those that do make the decision to play this on console are going to have very few people to play with. Leave the console UI out of STO for PC. I am just worried that with half of the dev team working on this, STO is going to go dry for awhile, with less resources and personnel working on the main pc version, we are screwed.
Why are you guys spreading news about the console STO on the PC launcher? No one that plays on PC is going to go out and pick this game up for the console. This is not neverwinter and will most likely not have the success of NW on the console. Lets get some PC STO related news on our launcher please.
Everyone who demands cross platform gaming should be clear about one point, PC users would have to use this god awful UI too, just to keep PC and Console players equal.
And BTW. keeping one UI bug free is much less work then two.
The day when this god awful UI becomes mandatory for PC, i'm out.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
I say let the PC users have the option to use it or not. This way some with controllers can use it. And give the ones who don't want it the option to stay like they are.
I rather keep my set up the way I like it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
FRToaster and Bread and Circuses touched on this, but how will macros and key binds work on the Console version? If this was a slower game or a single player game radials would be fine, but this game is blistering fast in combat, and macros and automatic initiations are kind of a must. I can afford to personally activate my beam fire at will, but if I miss Emergency power to shields in the cycle I could be a dead man.
The UI itself looks gorgeous, loving the LCARS and kudos to the art team, they nailed it.
No they aren't. In fact I sometimes feel Keybinds and Macro's should be removed from the game entirely.
The game is not even remotely have blistering fast combat as NPC's do little more than shoot at you and throw the occasional ability. Macros and Binds on the other hand is pretty much what truly seperates normal players from the DPS chasers, as they allow you to "optimize" your ability usage beyond normal human ability.
Though I'm sure there are a few exceptionally gifted people that can can pull it all off to perfection without them.
Yes I use keybinds, and would gladly give them up if it meant leveling the playing field.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
my second concern...is how are accounts going to be handled? can we sign in and share progress between pc/console, or are we going to end up forced into starting from scratch, or worse, given the choice to migrate one way to console?
Murphy's laws:
1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
I'll echo the same as others, optional for PC, I quite like the way the UI is currently. I would be really annoyed if we're forced to change the way we've been playing for the last 6 years.
I have to echo the sentiment here that the console UI should be a feature that we as pc players should be able toggle it on or off if we want to play the pc version with a controller. I also want to add that Cryptic could attract a lot more players to the PC version itself if they made it more controller friendly (especially for people with sore hands from typing all day at work or for people who have difficulty managing a keyboard and mouse because of a disability).
Heck, Cryptic could even build on pc controller support by allowing guests to play as bridge officers on a friend's main account. Yes, I know it's doubtful that Cryptic would ever pour man hours into a splitscreen version of sto but it never hurts to suggest it .
FRToaster and Bread and Circuses touched on this, but how will macros and key binds work on the Console version? If this was a slower game or a single player game radials would be fine, but this game is blistering fast in combat, and macros and automatic initiations are kind of a must. I can afford to personally activate my beam fire at will, but if I miss Emergency power to shields in the cycle I could be a dead man.
The UI itself looks gorgeous, loving the LCARS and kudos to the art team, they nailed it.
No they aren't. In fact I sometimes feel Keybinds and Macro's should be removed from the game entirely.
The game is not even remotely have blistering fast combat as NPC's do little more than shoot at you and throw the occasional ability. Macros and Binds on the other hand is pretty much what truly seperates normal players from the DPS chasers, as they allow you to "optimize" your ability usage beyond normal human ability.
Though I'm sure there are a few exceptionally gifted people that can can pull it all off to perfection without them.
Yes I use keybinds, and would gladly give them up if it meant leveling the playing field.
If you would GLADLY give up your key binds then simply give them up. You do have that option. I'm definitely not a "DPS chaser" under any definition of the term. I play for fun, my loadouts are TRIBBLE and I don't have a single "functional" console. However, I love my keybinds. I also understand and respect the fact that for many PC gamers macros are a must. Most gaming keyboards come with macro functions for a reason. As for "leveling the playing field". Exactly what playing field do you want leveled? PvP? Cause I'm fairly certain that most PvPers typically employ similar tactics, macros included.
FRToaster and Bread and Circuses touched on this, but how will macros and key binds work on the Console version? If this was a slower game or a single player game radials would be fine, but this game is blistering fast in combat, and macros and automatic initiations are kind of a must. I can afford to personally activate my beam fire at will, but if I miss Emergency power to shields in the cycle I could be a dead man.
The UI itself looks gorgeous, loving the LCARS and kudos to the art team, they nailed it.
No they aren't. In fact I sometimes feel Keybinds and Macro's should be removed from the game entirely.
The game is not even remotely have blistering fast combat as NPC's do little more than shoot at you and throw the occasional ability. Macros and Binds on the other hand is pretty much what truly seperates normal players from the DPS chasers, as they allow you to "optimize" your ability usage beyond normal human ability.
Though I'm sure there are a few exceptionally gifted people that can can pull it all off to perfection without them.
Yes I use keybinds, and would gladly give them up if it meant leveling the playing field.
Stop using binds if you feel that way, don't suggest removing them from people who like them. I'm not interested in losing features so people with controllers are equal. Adding controller support doesn't improve QoL for all the players. Removing keybinds as a feature lowers QoL for a good group of people.
FRToaster and Bread and Circuses touched on this, but how will macros and key binds work on the Console version? If this was a slower game or a single player game radials would be fine, but this game is blistering fast in combat, and macros and automatic initiations are kind of a must. I can afford to personally activate my beam fire at will, but if I miss Emergency power to shields in the cycle I could be a dead man.
The UI itself looks gorgeous, loving the LCARS and kudos to the art team, they nailed it.
No they aren't. In fact I sometimes feel Keybinds and Macro's should be removed from the game entirely.
The game is not even remotely have blistering fast combat as NPC's do little more than shoot at you and throw the occasional ability. Macros and Binds on the other hand is pretty much what truly seperates normal players from the DPS chasers, as they allow you to "optimize" your ability usage beyond normal human ability.
Though I'm sure there are a few exceptionally gifted people that can can pull it all off to perfection without them.
Yes I use keybinds, and would gladly give them up if it meant leveling the playing field.
Stop using binds if you feel that way, don't suggest removing them from people who like them. I'm not interested in losing features so people with controllers are equal. Adding controller support doesn't improve QoL for all the players. Removing keybinds as a feature lowers QoL for a good group of people.
Agreed. A console-friendly UI shouldn't be forced upon the PC players.
Looks nice, but I hope we get the option to use the M/KB as well, I know the PS4 fully support these and some games like FFXIV let you use the one you like and in fact you can use all at once if you want. I know that FFXIV is ps4 only and not on XB1, but would still be a great option for console users.
Either way it should be interesting to see this in action.
Oh another thing, we should still be able to have a few set size options for the main game screen UI and text as some sit closer and/or prefer a less cluttered screen, maybe a small, standard and large text options or such, please.
There is a good reason I've played this "PC game" all these years--I can't stand console games (design, interface, button mashing, etc.). If you guys mutate this game into a glorified console game, dumb'ing it down, I'm outta here!
I agree the UI can make or brake a game. If it is easy to figure out, and not glitch like it will move to fast on the radial dial or so on. I think that will be the easy way to put it to console.
But I for one would LOVE to have the PC UI fixed. As of now the UI currently uses 20 fps(frames per second) that is way way way to much for a few windows on a game screen to use, what is it in 1080i HD or something? Geesh. I'm sure the high end new pcs have no issues with the UI using so much fps, however if you could save 20 fps would you? Of course you would that just might make the crystalline entity playable at other then 8-10 fps, as well as some other low fps maps. This issue of the UI dropping frame rate has been around for like 2 years? And yes I know it has other bugs like moving powers or taking powers out of the area you had placed them, that was fixed thank you! But why cant they figure out how to fix the fps issue? Is it a coding issue? Is it a graphics issue, Is it the font? What is it? I have seen a few players on here asking questions about the UI fps hog, with little to no address of the issue. If someone knows a link to what cryptic/perfect world has said about the graphic issue with the UI please link. better yet link a fix.......
And no its not my pc it is low on fps 30-40 but my pc is not the problem. See for yourself log into your game type in the command in chat /showfps 1 it will show your current fps now with it showing your current fps hit esc to open the main menu, or you can turn off the UI to take a screenshot with F12 key and look at the fps now. WOW, The only thing that has changed is all of the UI windows "the ship, the radar, the power buttons all those UI windows is gone and poof WOW your now in the green FPS range well done. to turn of the showfps type in /showfps 0. Sorry for my rant but cheese's UI is an fps hog.
I agree the UI can make or brake a game. If it is easy to figure out, and not glitch like it will move to fast on the radial dial or so on. I think that will be the easy way to put it to console.
But I for one would LOVE to have the PC UI fixed. As of now the UI currently uses 20 fps(frames per second) that is way way way to much for a few windows on a game screen to use, what is it in 1080i HD or something? Geesh. I'm sure the high end new pcs have no issues with the UI using so much fps, however if you could save 20 fps would you? Of course you would that just might make the crystalline entity playable at other then 8-10 fps, as well as some other low fps maps. This issue of the UI dropping frame rate has been around for like 2 years? And yes I know it has other bugs like moving powers or taking powers out of the area you had placed them, that was fixed thank you! But why cant they figure out how to fix the fps issue? Is it a coding issue? Is it a graphics issue, Is it the font? What is it? I have seen a few players on here asking questions about the UI fps hog, with little to no address of the issue. If someone knows a link to what cryptic/perfect world has said about the graphic issue with the UI please link. better yet link a fix.......
And no its not my pc it is low on fps 30-40 but my pc is not the problem. See for yourself log into your game type in the command in chat /showfps 1 it will show your current fps now with it showing your current fps hit esc to open the main menu, or you can turn off the UI to take a screenshot with F12 key and look at the fps now. WOW, The only thing that has changed is all of the UI windows "the ship, the radar, the power buttons all those UI windows is gone and poof WOW your now in the green FPS range well done. to turn of the showfps type in /showfps 0. Sorry for my rant but cheese's UI is an fps hog.
Wow, those are all excellent points I hadn't considered. The fps hit--I had no idea it was that bad! Thanks for the reveal on that showfps switch. I'm going to check that out right now!
I have to echo what others have said. I play PC because I am not interested in using a console or controller. The design looks interesting, but should be optional at most for PC users should it ever be ported over to the PC. Otherwise, let the XBox and PS people enjoy the UI.
I really like the style of a design of the console's UI it seems more free than the PC's one, Nice smooth design with a Perfect LCARS feeling, But i know some people might not like it, but i was thinking for PC make it a optional selection in the Settings menu maybe? I'm Totally down with this UI Design if you guys go with it.
Space is a endless frontier, Full of Endless land and Exploration, Brave Men and Women of the Federation will Boldly go to explore that Frontier.
Star Trek Online is a game that offers a deep and complex experience for its players, allowing them to not only explore strange new worlds on foot but also fly and fight through the spaces between them.
Yknow.. i hope you guys FIX that issue with powers miss firing.....
and good luck having an ordered menue of the like 30+ things people are gonna have to slot.
Perhaps you should finally do the rational thing, and allow all players to use a simople drag and drop to slot powers into macro packs that get all activated at once.
Never seen a good console menue with more than like 5-6 things. It get cramped and in the heat of battle, things get recket.
There more you have to fiddle around ,the more horrible it gets.
Macros. Inbuild, user friendly macros. Do it. Trust me on this. You UI problems will go poof never to be heard of again.
THe X box controller has 4 action buttons, and yo ucan assign the 2 shoulder and 2 triggers towards shifting through sets of those buttons. You easily get 4 sets of action buttons readily available for the palyer.
If a player on controller/console is limited to using the radial menus, with no access to the faster macros or binds, they will find themselves at a power disadvantage against things such as Aux 2 Batt builds, and other builds that work off fast firing BOFF abilities.
IIRC, the PC and Console playerbase will be playing on separate servers, so I don't think it'll be an issue.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
I'd quit the game immediately. Having to open radial menus in order to find and activate my abilities sounds less control and more hassle than keybinding. If it makes the game playable on consoles, great, but leave customizing my computer's HUD to me.
And BTW. keeping one UI bug free is much less work then two.
The day when this god awful UI becomes mandatory for PC, i'm out.
I rather keep my set up the way I like it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
No they aren't. In fact I sometimes feel Keybinds and Macro's should be removed from the game entirely.
The game is not even remotely have blistering fast combat as NPC's do little more than shoot at you and throw the occasional ability. Macros and Binds on the other hand is pretty much what truly seperates normal players from the DPS chasers, as they allow you to "optimize" your ability usage beyond normal human ability.
Though I'm sure there are a few exceptionally gifted people that can can pull it all off to perfection without them.
Yes I use keybinds, and would gladly give them up if it meant leveling the playing field.
1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
Heck, Cryptic could even build on pc controller support by allowing guests to play as bridge officers on a friend's main account. Yes, I know it's doubtful that Cryptic would ever pour man hours into a splitscreen version of sto but it never hurts to suggest it
If you would GLADLY give up your key binds then simply give them up. You do have that option. I'm definitely not a "DPS chaser" under any definition of the term. I play for fun, my loadouts are TRIBBLE and I don't have a single "functional" console. However, I love my keybinds. I also understand and respect the fact that for many PC gamers macros are a must. Most gaming keyboards come with macro functions for a reason. As for "leveling the playing field". Exactly what playing field do you want leveled? PvP? Cause I'm fairly certain that most PvPers typically employ similar tactics, macros included.
A very good question and one I'd like to know the answer to as well.
Minor correction, but still a rather good suggestion if I do say so myself.
Stop using binds if you feel that way, don't suggest removing them from people who like them. I'm not interested in losing features so people with controllers are equal. Adding controller support doesn't improve QoL for all the players. Removing keybinds as a feature lowers QoL for a good group of people.
Agreed. A console-friendly UI shouldn't be forced upon the PC players.
Either way it should be interesting to see this in action.
Oh another thing, we should still be able to have a few set size options for the main game screen UI and text as some sit closer and/or prefer a less cluttered screen, maybe a small, standard and large text options or such, please.
But I for one would LOVE to have the PC UI fixed. As of now the UI currently uses 20 fps(frames per second) that is way way way to much for a few windows on a game screen to use, what is it in 1080i HD or something? Geesh. I'm sure the high end new pcs have no issues with the UI using so much fps, however if you could save 20 fps would you? Of course you would that just might make the crystalline entity playable at other then 8-10 fps, as well as some other low fps maps. This issue of the UI dropping frame rate has been around for like 2 years? And yes I know it has other bugs like moving powers or taking powers out of the area you had placed them, that was fixed thank you! But why cant they figure out how to fix the fps issue? Is it a coding issue? Is it a graphics issue, Is it the font? What is it? I have seen a few players on here asking questions about the UI fps hog, with little to no address of the issue. If someone knows a link to what cryptic/perfect world has said about the graphic issue with the UI please link. better yet link a fix.......
And no its not my pc it is low on fps 30-40 but my pc is not the problem. See for yourself log into your game type in the command in chat /showfps 1 it will show your current fps now with it showing your current fps hit esc to open the main menu, or you can turn off the UI to take a screenshot with F12 key and look at the fps now. WOW, The only thing that has changed is all of the UI windows "the ship, the radar, the power buttons all those UI windows is gone and poof WOW your now in the green FPS range well done. to turn of the showfps type in /showfps 0. Sorry for my rant but cheese's UI is an fps hog.
Wow, those are all excellent points I hadn't considered. The fps hit--I had no idea it was that bad! Thanks for the reveal on that showfps switch. I'm going to check that out right now!
Yknow.. i hope you guys FIX that issue with powers miss firing.....
and good luck having an ordered menue of the like 30+ things people are gonna have to slot.
Perhaps you should finally do the rational thing, and allow all players to use a simople drag and drop to slot powers into macro packs that get all activated at once.
Never seen a good console menue with more than like 5-6 things. It get cramped and in the heat of battle, things get recket.
There more you have to fiddle around ,the more horrible it gets.
Macros. Inbuild, user friendly macros. Do it. Trust me on this. You UI problems will go poof never to be heard of again.
THe X box controller has 4 action buttons, and yo ucan assign the 2 shoulder and 2 triggers towards shifting through sets of those buttons. You easily get 4 sets of action buttons readily available for the palyer.
Radial menues sck.