Is it a crash to desktop with an error message and a Cryptic Error symbol near your Windows clock on the bottom right edge of the screen?
OR (and that's what I'm very interested in)
Is it a freeze during the loading and then you have to click the mouse, Windows goes white and asks you to shut down the application or wait for a reaction?
~ Eris The Vorta
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Tonight is the first time that the game crashed 3 times in a row, I was trying to load the Veela system map to continue with the House on Fire mission (Klingon side), getting DC'd a couple times an hour has gotten to be normal when loading new maps or trying to play a foundry mission, but tonight it has been both. The game crashes to desktop and then I get a ARC error message dialogue type box that asks me to explain what I was doing when the game crashed. I have only been playing for a couple months but things like this seem to be the norm with this game, there are countless graphics glitches and audio glitches, my away team doesn't always follow me or draw their weapons, I don't think this game is still in BETA but it sure acts like it.
I been getting the crashes too.. Trying to Beam onto the Iconian Flagship. I don't know if it will do this with the other characters but for now everytime I try gettng back into the mission at the beamup point it crashes to desktop
OR (and that's what I'm very interested in)
Is it a freeze during the loading and then you have to click the mouse, Windows goes white and asks you to shut down the application or wait for a reaction?
~ Eris The Vorta
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010