Today i wanted to play with my brother sto. We had a long break. He is lvl 52 with the engineer spy ship and iam lvl 60 with the tactical spy ship (The modules in the ship are XII).
I wanted help him to level up to 60. So we decided to play the delta quadrant missions. But we are unable to play these missions.
Even on normal difficult and even if he creates the party (So that enemies are on his level) we are dying, dying, dying and dying O.o
Are these missions really that hard? We just wanted to play them for the story. Not on highest difficult for the most epic gear or challange. We just wanted to enjoy the story missions and leveling up to 60. Currently we have no real build, but that was never a problem before in one of these story misssions before.
Did we something terrible wrong or are these missions really that hard? If yes are there are any alternatives for leveling with story?
Thanks for your help.
In the upper left corner of the screen it says it is downranked from 60 to 52 and the enemies are on the same level that my brother is.
It could be that your ship gear setups are not good, like mixing energy types (phaser + disruptor + tetryon), not using tactical consoles, and so on. You might want to add a Neutronium console if you don't have one already.
It could be that you are not using your bridge officer powers very well. Do you both have at least one hull heal like Hazard Emitters, a shield heal like Science Team, a shield buff like Emergency Power to Shields? Are you using attack buffs like Attack Pattern Beta, Tactical Team (to keep shields balanced), and Beam Fire At Will or Cannon Rapid Fire / Scatter Volley?
The Vaadwaur artillery barrages can hit hard, but you can do things like activate a hull hardness (Hazard, Aux to Structural Integrity) to resist them. Also split up your ships so you both don't get hit with the same barrage.
Guardian's not a spy ship. The Eclipse is the Intel Cruiser. Guardian is just a standard with an Intel seat.
I also have to agree that it could be something in the build. The Delta Quadrant enemies can throw some nasty punches, especially when you work your way to the Vaadwaur and Hirarchy. Hirarchy are especially nasty because they will use Intel abilities against you and there aren't that many counters.
Also you will see a lot more Polaron and Tetryon in the Delta Quadrant than in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants, so your damage resists might be geared more towards protecting against Disruptor, Phaser, and Plasma.
Without seeing screenshots or getting any detailed info on your builds, we can only speculate right now.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Iam mixing Phasers, these laser cannons (from the defiant) and quantum torpedo's. I have 2 Tech, 1 science and the rest tac officers.
Tech have shieldheal, hullheal and weapons buff. science has magnifing shields (I hope the translation is correct, iam playing with german language) with tractor beam and the tacical officers have phaser rapidfire/spread, cannon rapidfire/spread and torpedo spread.
It is not that specific ship, it is enough if there are more then 4 ships. If they fire together we are dead in secounds
You will do more damage if you use only phaser cannons or only phaser beams. Right now each tactical power only helps beams OR cannons not BOTH. If you have all beams OR all cannons your power helps ALL weapons. So 2 x weapon power for ALL weapons not 1 weapon power for beam, 1 weapon power for cannon. Also, add Attack Pattern Beta.
Kill them first
Since you have Intel ships you might also want to try:
Electromagnetic Pulse Probe - stuns enemies - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Electromagnetic_Pulse_Probe
... and maybe try
Kinetic Magnet - makes torpedoes and mines attack them not you - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Kinetic_Magnet
I follow no real build, as i said, we just wanted to play the story so we used what we belived it could be usefull
Iam total noob to the sto skill system.
I would advise making a thread in the power and build section.
first thing pick ether beams or cannon, and fill out your traits even bad trait are better then none.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Beam arrays + Beam Fire At Will is the easy way to do good damage. Remove the Quad Cannon and buy Green (uncommon) or Blue (rare) Mark XII Phaser Beam Arrays from the Exchange. Change tactical officer Cannon power to Beam Fire At Will. Add Attack Pattern Beta.
This picture says that you're damaged. This alone could be the cause of your problems depending on how bad your ship is damaged. What you want to do is go to a shipyard, and talk to an engineer that will heal your ship.
Yes, there is a slight jump in difficulty between the delta quadrant missions and those that came before. That's why your mis-match build isn't doing so well as compared to earlier missions.
For a build, have two copies of tactical team 1, a copy of science team, a copy of hazard emitters, and a copy of engineering team, that is a good starting point for most builds. From there, choose whether you want to use pure beams, pure cannons, pure torpedoes, or want to make an intel ability ship (this will be most fun). Once you choose one of those, come back to use for more help.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
My usual suggestion is to stop at lvl50 and focus on reps. Rep gear and traits help tremendously. When you have that and started upgrading your weps and at least tac consoles, you can start slowly level to 60.
If it's an alt then doff and admiralty.
Btw something funny, you all know this "call for a support ship 3" skill, right? The skill that warp one battleship that support you. Me and my brother keep dying, but that beast is killing all the enemy's easy!
I feel i should stop buy my ships at ikea and beam my crew into empty space...
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Fill out your traits, and make the choices in your skills there at the bottom. There are a lot of space traits that increase damage or increase your resistances to damage, they will make your life a LOT easier.
Mixing cannons and beams makes things a little harder but still DR missions can be done that way.
Repair your ship as others have mentioned.
For engineering consoles I'd suggest neutronium instead of the ones you're using. For Science, I like Emitter Array and Emitter Amplifier but I don't know as they would change much for you.
As for fights themselves Vaadwaur are a bit weaker from behind, and seem to have fewer guns there.
Always avoid their AoE bombardment power, that will kill fast.
If you keep those cannons, try for strafing runs... go in with Rapid Fire from 7km or so, then when you are close, turn away and repeat.
Also learn your ship, what it can take, and what it cannot, often being unfamiliar with a ship can hurt your game and make things seem far more difficult than they are
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
In order from left to right below:
(Ensign) (Lieutenant) (Lt. Commander) (Commander)
Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Cannon Scatter Volley 1, Torpedo Spread 3, Attack Pattern Beta 3
Lt. Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Cannon Scatter Volley 1, Attack Pattern Beta 2
Lt. Commander Engineer: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field 1, Emergency Power to Weapons 3
Ensign Universal: Emergency Power to Engines 1
Lt. Science: Polarize Hull 1, Hazard Emitters 2
Fore weapons: 3x Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons, 1x Quantum(or better with an escort, PHOTON) torpedo launcher
Aft Weapons: 3x Phaser Turret OR 2x Phaser Turret and one torpedo launcher
Engineering Consoles: Generally for basic non special consoles... Neutronium Alloy
Science Consoles: Shield Capacity boosting consoles for basics
Tactical Consoles: Phaser Relay x5
Highly Recommend getting the 3 set from the mission Sunrise for a Phaser Cannon Build. It increases phaser damage by 20% with a console, includes a very nice quantum torpedo, and some great phaser cannons. When the torpedo and cannons deal damage they have a chance to drain enemy shields and heal your own. The 2 set increases the power of the drain and grants 15% bonus accuracy(makes your cannons hit all the time), and the 3 set gives you a really cool beam lance that does heavy damage over 10 seconds.
Make sure to use Tactical Team on cooldown along with Scatter Volley and Attack Pattern Beta. You should be able to use all 3 at the same time every 15 seconds. Tactical Team increases your damage output slightly, but more importantly it will redistribute your shields automatically to whichever facing is getting hit(with cannons that's likely your front facing). Tactical Team is probably the biggest ability you can use to boost your survivability. It's shield distribution happens MUCH faster than doing it manually by clicking a shield facing.
Hopefully you're able to understand all this.
I wish you good luck.
While I am a German player, I play the game only on English, so I don't know all the power translations. There is a German forum, though, maybe you should also ask there.
My basic advice for anyone that is struggling on Normal difficulty:
(Unless you're flying a Science Vessel and know what you're doing)